
by Hermann Oldenberg | 1886 | 14,135 words

The Khadira-Grihya has evidently been composed with the intention of abridging Gobhila’s very detailed and somewhat lengthy treatise on the domestic rites The Grihya-sutra ascribed to Khadiracarya belongs to the Drahyayana school of the Sama-veda, which prevails in the south of the Indian peninsula, and it is based on the Gobhiliya-sutra. Alterna...

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Adhyāya III, Khaṇḍa 5

1[1]. On the ninth or tenth (of the dark fortnight) the Anvaṣṭakya (ceremony is performed).

2. To the south-east (of the house) they partition off (a place with mats or the like), and to the northern part of that (place) he should carry a fire which has been kindled by attrition.

3. Let him take one portion of rice, let him remove the husks once, and let him cook it, stirring it up from right to left.

5, 1. navamīṃ daśamīṃ vānvaṣṭakyaṃ. 2. dakṣiṇapūrvabhāge parivārya tatrottarārdhe mathitvāgniṃ praṇayet. 3. sakṛdgṛhītān vrīhīn sakṛtphalīkṛtān prasavyam udāyuvañ śrapayed.

4. And some flesh of that thigh (see above, chap. 4, 16).

5. He should take it from the fire in a southern direction, and should omit the second sprinkling (of Ājya) on it.

6. To the west of the fire he should dig, in the southern part (of the place mentioned in Sūtra 2) three pits, four inches in depth and breadth.

7. He should carry the fire to the east of them.

8. He should strew (Darbha-grass round the fire),

9. And (into) the pits.

10. Having spread out to the west of the fire a layer of southward-pointed grass so that it is inclined towards the south, he should put (a mat) on it.

11. On that (grass) he should place the sacrificial implements, one by one.

12. Cutting off (the prescribed portions of the sacrificial food, and putting those portions) into the brazen vessel he should sacrifice, picking out (portions of the Havis) with the pot-ladle, with (the formulas), 'Svāhā to Soma Pitṛmat! Svāhā to Agni Kavyavāhana!' (MB. II. 3, 1, 2.)

13[2]. With his left hand he should lay down a firebrand on the southern side of the pits (Sūtra 6), with

4. amushmāc ca sakthno māṃsam iti. 5. dakṣiṇodvāsya na pratyabhighārayet. 6. paścād agner dakṣiṇās tisraḥ karṣūḥ khanyāc caturaṅgulam adhas tiryak ca. 7. tāsāṃ purastād agniṃ praṇayet. 8. stṛṇuyāt. 9. karṣūś ca. 10. paścād agne svastaraṃ dakṣiṇāgrais tṛṇair dakṣiṇāpravaṇam āstīrya bṛsīm upari nidadhyāt. 11. tasminn ekaikam āharet. 12. kaṃse samavadāya mekṣaṇenopaghātaṃ juhuyāt svāhā Somāya pitṛmate svāhāgnaye kavyavāhanāyeti. 13. savyenolmukaṃ dakṣiṇataḥ karṣūr nidadhyād apahatā iti.

(the formula), '(The Asuras have been) driven away (MB. II, 3, 3).

14. (He should perform the different rites) in the eastern pit for his father,

15. In the middle for his grandfather,

16. In the last for his great-grandfather.

17. Let him pour out vessels of water. from right to left, into the pits, pronouncing the name of each one (of his ancestors), with (the formula), 'N.N.! Wash thyself, and they who follow thee here, and they whom thou followest. To thee Svadhā!'

18. In the same way he should put down the Piṇḍas for them and should murmur, 'Here, O Fathers, enjoy yourselves; show your manly vigour each for his part' (MB. II, 3, 6).

19. After he has spoken thus, he should turn to the north, doubling his left arm, turning round from right to left.

20. Holding his breath and fixing his thoughts on something good he should, while turning back (in the same way), murmur: 'The Fathers have enjoyed themselves; they have shown their manly vigour each for his part' (MB. II, 3, 7).

21. He should sprinkle collyrium on three Darbha—

14. pūrvasyāṃ karṣvāṃ pitur. 15. madhyamāyāṃ pitāmahasyo. 16. ttamāyāṃ prapitāmahasyo. 17. dapātrāṇy apasalavi karṣūṣu ninayed ekaikasya nāmoktvāsāv avanenikṣva ye cātra tvānu yāṃś ca tram anu tasmai te svāheti (correct, svadheti). 18. tathaiva piṇḍān nidhāya japed atra pitaro mādayadhvaṃ yathābhāgam āvṛṣāyadhvam ity. 19. uktvodaṅṅ āvarteta savyaṃ bāhum upasaṃhṛtya prasavyam āvṛtyo. 20. patāmya kalyāṇaṃ dhyāyann abhiparyāvartamāno japed ainīmadanta pitaro yathābhāgam āvṛṣāyiṣateti. 21. tisro darbhapiñjūlīr añjanena nighṛṣya karṣūṣu nidadhyād yathāpiṇḍaṃ.

blades, and should put them down into the pits in the same way as the Piṇḍas,

22. And sesamum oil and perfumes.

23. For the Piṇḍas and the following offerings he should alter the formula (Sūtra 17) accordingly.

24. Now (follows) the deprecation.

25. On the eastern pit he lays his hands, turning the inside of the right hand upwards, with (the formula), 'Adoration to you, O Fathers, for the sake of life! Adoration to you, O Fathers, for the sake of vital breath!' (MB. II, 3, 8.)

26. On the middle, turning the inside of the left hand upwards, with (the formula), 'Adoration to you, O Fathers, for the sake of terror! Adoration to you, O Fathers, for the sake of sap!' (MB. l.l.)

27. On the western, turning the inside of the right hand upwards, with (the formula), 'Adoration to you, O Fathers, for the sake of comfort (svadhā)! Adoration to you, O Fathers, for the sake of wrath!' (MB. II, 3, 9.)

28. Joining his hands—

29. (He should murmur the formula), 'Adoration to you' (MB. II, 3, 9).

30. He should lay down threads into the pits in the same way as the Piṇḍas, with (the formula), 'This (garment) to you.'

22. tailaṃ surabhi ca. 23. piṇḍaprabhṛti yathārtham ūhed. 24. atha nihnavanaṃ. 25. pūrvasyāṃ karṣvāṃ dakṣiṇottānau pāṇī kṛtvā namo vaḥ pitaro jīvāya namo vaḥ pitaraś śūṣāyeti. 26. savyottānau madhyamāyāṃ namo vaḥ pitaro ghorāya namo vaḥ pitaro rasāyeti. 27. dakṣiṇottānau paścimāyāṃ namo vaḥ pitara svadhāyai namo vaḥ pitaro manyava ity. 28. añjaliṃ kṛtvā 29. namo va iti. 30. sūtratantūn karṣūṣu nidadhyād yathāpiṇḍam etad va ity.

31. He should recite over the pits (the verse), 'Bringing strength' (MB. II, 3, 13).

32. The middle Piṇḍa he should give to his wife to eat, if she is desirous of a son, with (the verse), 'Give fruit.'

33. With (the verse), '(Jātavedas) has been our messenger' (MB. II, 3, 15), he should throw the firebrand into the fire.

34. They should take the sacrificial vessels back two by two.

35[3]. The same is the rite of the Piṇḍapitṛyajña.

36. Let him cook the Havis in the (sacred) domestic fire.

37. From that fire (let him take the fire which) he carries forward (see above, Sūtra 2).

38. (Here is only) one pit.

39. No layer of grass (Sūtra 10).

40[4]. Of the mess of cooked food sacred to Indrāṇī he should sacrifice with (the verse), 'The Ekāṣṭakā' (MB. II, 3, 19). He should sacrifice with (the verse), The Ekāṣṭakā.'

End of the Third Paṭala.

31. ūrjaṃ vahantīr iti karṣūr anumantrayeta. 32. madhyamaṃ piṇḍaṃ putrakāmāṃ prāśayed ādhattety. 33. abhūn no dūta ity ulmukam agnau prakṣiped. 34. dvandvaṃ pātrāṇy atihareyur. 35. eṣa eva piṇḍapitṛyajñakalpo. 36. gṛhyegnau haviś śrapayet. 37. tata evātipraṇayed. 38. ekā karṣūr. 39. na svastara. 40. Indrāṇyā sthālīpākasyaikāṣṭaketi juhuyād ekāṣṭaketi juhuyāt. tṛtīyapaṭalaḥ.

Footnotes and references:

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5, 1-12 = Gobhila IV, 2.


13-31 = IV, 3 (23 deest).


35-39 = IV, 4, 1 seqq.


40 = IV, 4, 32. 33.

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