
by Hermann Oldenberg | 1886 | 14,135 words

The Khadira-Grihya has evidently been composed with the intention of abridging Gobhila’s very detailed and somewhat lengthy treatise on the domestic rites The Grihya-sutra ascribed to Khadiracarya belongs to the Drahyayana school of the Sama-veda, which prevails in the south of the Indian peninsula, and it is based on the Gobhiliya-sutra. Alterna...

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Adhyāya III, Khaṇḍa 4

1[1]. On the middle (Aṣṭakā) a cow (is sacrificed).

4, 1. madhyamāyāṃ gaus.

2. He should place that (cow) to the east of the fire, facing the west, and should sacrifice (Ājya) with (the verse), 'What, O beasts' (MB. II, 2, 5).

3. After having made that oblation he should recite over (the cow the verse), 'May to thee' (l.l. 6).

4. Let him sprinkle it with water in which barley is, with (the formula), 'Agreeable to the Aṣṭakā I sprinkle thee!'

5. Having sprinkled it and carried a fire-brand round it, he should give the Prokṣaṇī water (to the cow) to drink.

6. Going in a northern direction (from the fire) he should kill (the cow), the head of which is turned to the west, the feet to the north.

7. After it has been killed, he should sacrifice (Ājya) with (the verse), 'If the beast' (l.l. 8).

8. His wife should wash the apertures of its body.

9. After (the cow's body) has been opened, so that two purifiers (i.e. grass-blades) have been put under (the knife), he should have the omentum drawn out.

10. Seizing it with one branch and with another forked branch of a sacrificially pure tree he should roast it.

11. When it has ceased to drop, he should hew (the cow) to pieces.

2. taṃ purastād agneḥ pratyaṅmukhīm avasthāpya juhuyād yat paśava iti. 3. hutvā cānumantrayetānu tveti. 4. yavamatībhir adbhiḥ prokṣed aṣṭakāyai tvā juṣṭaṃ (correct, juṣṭāṃ) prokṣāmīti. 5. prokṣyolmukena parihṛtya prokṣaṇīḥ pāyayed. 6. udaṅṅ utsṛpya pratyakśirasam (°sim, °sīm the MSS.) udakpadīṃ saṃjñapayet. 7. saṃjñaptāyāṃ juhuyād yat paśur iti. 8. tasyāḥ patnī srotāṃsi prakṣālayet. 9. pavitre antardhāyotkṛtya vapām uddhārayed. 10. yajñiyasya vṛkṣasya viśākhāśākhābhyāṃ parigṛhyāgnau śrapayet. 11. prasṛtāyāṃ viśased.

12. The 'spreading under' and sprinkling (Ājya) on (the omentum) has been described. (It is clone) as at the Sviṣṭakṛt oblation (see II, 1, 24).

13. He should sacrifice with (the formula), 'To the Aṣṭakā Svāhā!'

14[2]. The Avadānas (or portions which have to be cut off) he should have taken from all its limbs.

15. Not from the left thigh and the lungs.

16. The left thigh he keeps (for the Anvaṣṭakya).

17. He should cook the Avadānas and a mess of sacrificial food, (stirring up the ones and the other) with two different pot-ladles.

18. The juice he lets drop into a brazen vessel.

19. The Avadānas he puts on branches of the Plakṣa tree.

20. From each (Avadāna) he should cut off (the prescribed portions, and should put them) into a brazen vessel;

21. And from the mess of cooked food.

22. Let him take four portions or eight portions of Ājya (?) and let him sacrifice it with (the verses), 'Into Agni' (MB. II, 2, 9 seqq.).

23. Let him make oblations out of the brazen vessel, each oblation with two of the following (verses).

12. uktam upastaraṇābhighāraṇaṃ yathā sviṣṭakṛto. 13. ṣṭakāyai svāheti juhuyāt. 14. sarvāṅgebhyovadānāny uddhārayen. 15. na savyāt sakthno na klomnaḥ. 16. savyaṃ sakthi nidhāya. 17. pṛthaṅ mekṣaṇābhyām avadānāni sthālīpākañ ca śrapayitvā. 18. kaṃse rasaṃ prasrāvya. 19. plakṣaśākhāsv avadānāni kṛtvai. 20. kaikasmāt kaṃsevadyet. 21. sthālīpākāc ca. 22. caturgṛhītam aṣṭagṛhītaṃ vātra (vājyaṃ? vātraṃ, vātra the MSS.) juhuyād Agnāv iti. 23. kaṃsāt parābhir dvābhyāṃ dvābhyām ekaikām āhutiṃ.

24. The oblation to (Agni) Sviṣṭakṛt with the eighth (verse).

25[3]. At a sacrifice to the Fathers the omentum is sacrificed with (the verse), 'Carry the omentum' (MB. II, 3, 16).

26. At one to the gods with (the verse), 'Jātavedas!' (l.l. 17.)

27. If (the deity is) unknown, (in the formula for) assigning (the oblation, instead of the name of a deity the name of) that (ceremony is put)—

28. As (for instance), 'To the Aṣṭakā.'

29. An animal is the sacrificial fee at (the sacrifice of) an animal;

30[4]. A full vessel at (that of) a mess of cooked food.

24. sauviṣṭakṛtam aṣṭamyā. 25. vaha vapām iti pitrye vapāhomo. 26. Jātaveda iti daivatye. 27. tadādeśam anājñāte. 28. yathāṣṭakāyā iti. 29. paśur eva paśor dakṣiṇā. 30. sthālīpākasya pūrṇapātram.

Footnotes and references:

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4, 1-13 = Gobhila III, 10, 18 seqq.


14-24 = IV, I, 3-17.


25-28 = IV, 4, 22-24 (29 deest).


30 = 1, 9, 6. 10.

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