by Hermann Oldenberg | 1886 | 14,135 words
The Khadira-Grihya has evidently been composed with the intention of abridging Gobhila’s very detailed and somewhat lengthy treatise on the domestic rites The Grihya-sutra ascribed to Khadiracarya belongs to the Drahyayana school of the Sama-veda, which prevails in the south of the Indian peninsula, and it is based on the Gobhiliya-sutra. Alterna...
Adhyāya III, Khaṇḍa 3
1[1]. On the full-moon day of Āśvayuja milk-rice sacred to Rudra (is prepared).
2. He should offer it with (the Mantra), 'Not to our children.'
3. Let him pour Ājya into milk; this is called a Pṛṣātaka.
4. Therewith he should besprinkle the cows when they have come home, with (the Mantra), 'May Mitra and Varuṇa' (Sāma-veda I, 220).
5. That night he should let the calves join their mothers.
6. At the sacrifice of the first-fruits, milk-rice sacred to Indra and Agni (is prepared).
7. Let him sacrifice Ājya with the four (verses), 'To the bearer of the hundred weapons' (MB. II, 1, 9 seqq.),
8. And afterwards with (the verse), 'May Agni eat' (l.l. 15).
9. All of them who have received the initiation, should eat the remainder of that (sacrificial food).
10. Having 'spread under' water, he should cut off two portions of the new fruits.
3, 1. āśvayujīṃ Rudrāya pāyaso. 2. mā nas toka iti juhuyāt. 3. payasy avanayed ājyaṃ tat pṛṣātakaṃ. 4. tenābhyāgatā gā ukṣed ā no Mitrāvaruṇeti. 5. vatsāṃś ca mātṛbhis saha vāsayet taṃ rātrīṃ. 6. navayajñe pāyasa aindrāgnaḥ. 7. śatāyudhāyeti catasṛbhir ājyaṃ juhuyād. 8. upaṛṣṭād Agniḥ prāśnātv iti ca. 9. tasya śeṣaṃ prāśnīyur yāvanta upetā. 10. upastīryāpo dvir navasyāvadyet.
11. Three (portions are cut off) by descendants of Bhṛgu.
12. Over (these portions) water (is poured).
13. He should swallow (some part of that food) three times without chewing it, with (the Mantra), 'From the good' (l.l. 13);
14. Or at (the partaking of) barley with (the Mantra), 'This barley' (l.l. 16).
15. With (the Mantra), This art thou' (l.l. 14), let him touch the different sense-organs at his head.
16[2]. The Āgrahāyaṇa ceremony has been explained by the Śrāvaṇa (ceremony).
17. Let him (not?) murmur (the Mantra), 'Adoration to the Earth' (see chap. 2, 6).
18. In the evening let him make an oblation of milk-rice with (the verse), 'As the first' (MB. II, 2, 1).
19. Turning downwards his two hands (so as to touch the sacrificial grass) he should murmur (the Mantra), 'In worldly strength' (l.l. 2, 3).
20. Having spread out to the west of the fire a layer of northward-pointed grass, so that it is inclined towards the north, the householder sits down on that layer,
21. (And) the other persons in due order.
22. Then, without an interval, their wives,
11. trir Bhṛgūṇām. 12. apāñ copaṛṣṭād. 13. bhadrān na ity asaṃkhādya pragiret tris trir. 14. etam u tyam iti vā yavānām. 15. amoऽsīti mukhyān prāṇān abhimṛśed. 16. āgrahāyaṇaṃ karma śrāvaṇenaiva vyākhyātaṃ. 17. namaḥ Pṛthivyā iti japet (read, iti na japet?). 18. pradoshe pāyasasya juhuyāt prathameti. 19. nyañcau pāṇī kṛtvā prati kṣatra iti japet. 20. paścād agne svastaram udagagrais tṛṇair udakpravaṇam āstīrya tasminn āstaraṇe gṛhapatir āste. 21. ऽnupūrvam itare. 22. ऽnantarā bhāryāḥ.
24. The householder, turning his hands downwards (so as to touch the layer of grass), should murmur (the Mantra), 'Be soft' (l.l. 4).
25. When he has finished that (verse), they should lie down on their right sides. They should turn round three times, turning themselves towards themselves (i.e. turning round forwards, not backwards, and thus returning to their former position?).
26. Let them repeat the auspicious hymns.
27. Then let them do what they like.
28. The eighth days of the three dark fortnights after the Āgrahāyaṇī are called the Aṣṭakās.
29. On (each of) these a mess of cooked food (is sacrificed),
30. And eight cakes on the first.
31. These he should bake in a dish without turning them round.
32[3]. On the last (Aṣṭakā) vegetables (are offered). (So also) at the Anvāhārya (Śrāddha).
33. Let him sacrifice with (the formula), 'To the Aṣṭakā Svāhā!'
23. putrāś ca. 24. nyañcau pāṇī kṛtvā syoneti gṛhapatir japet. 25. samāptāyāṃ dakṣiṇaiḥ pārśvaiḥ saṃviśeyus tris trir abhyātmam āvṛtya. 26. svastyayanāni kuryus. 27. tato yathārthaṃ syād. 28. ūrdhvam āgrahāyaṇyās tisras tāmisrāṣṭamyo ऽṣṭakā ity ācakṣate. 29. tāsu sthālīpākā. 30. aṣṭau cāpūpāḥ prathamāyāṃ. 31. tān aparivartayan kapāle śrapayed. 32. uttamāyāṃ śākam anvāhārye. 33. ऽṣṭakāyai svāheti juhuyāt.
Footnotes and references:
3, 1-15 = Gobhila III, 8 (3 deest).
16-31 = III, 9 and 10, 1-17 (29 deest).
32, 33 = IV, 4, 17. 21.