by Hermann Oldenberg | 1886 | 14,135 words
The Khadira-Grihya has evidently been composed with the intention of abridging Gobhila’s very detailed and somewhat lengthy treatise on the domestic rites The Grihya-sutra ascribed to Khadiracarya belongs to the Drahyayana school of the Sama-veda, which prevails in the south of the Indian peninsula, and it is based on the Gobhiliya-sutra. Alterna...
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Adhyāya II, Khaṇḍa 3
1[1]. On the third (Tithi) of the third bright fortnight after his birth, the father should have the child bathed in the morning, and after sunset he should, holding up his joined hands, towards the auspicious directions (of the horizon), worship the moon.
2. The mother, having dressed (the son) in a clean (garment), should hand him, with his face turned to the north, to the father.
3. She then should pass behind (her husband's) back, and should station herself towards the north.
4. After he has performed worship (to the moon) with the three (verses), 'Thy heart, O thou with the well-parted hair' (MB. I, 5, 10 seqq.), and has handed over the son, turning him towards the north, to his mother, he should pour water out of his joined hands with (the verse), 'What in the moon' (l.l. 13).
5. (He should do the same) twice silently.
6[2]. After a period of ten nights, or of a hundred nights, or of one year after (the child's birth) he should give him a name.
7. He who is going to perform (that ceremony-the father or a representative of the father), after he
3, 1. jananāj jyautsne tṛtīye tṛtīyāyāṃ prāta snāpya kumāram astam ite śāntāsu dikṣu pitā candramasam upatiṣṭhet prāñjaliḥ. 2. śucināchādya mātā prayached udakśirasam. 3. anupṛṣṭhaṃ gatvottaratas tiṣṭhed. 4. yat te susīma iti tisṛbhir upasthāyodañcaṃ mātre pradāya yad ada ity apām añjalim avasiñced. 5. dvis tūṣṇīṃ. 6. jananād ūrdhvaṃ daśarātrāc chatarātrāt saṃvatsarād vā nāma kuryāt. 7. snāpya kumāraṃ kariṣyata upaviṣṭasya śucināchādya mātā prayached udakśirasam.
has had the boy bathed, should sit down, and the mother, having dressed him in a clean (garment), should hand him, with his face turned to the north, to the performer (of the ceremony).
8. She then should walk around behind (his) back and should sit down towards the north.
9. He should sacrifice and should touch the sense-organs at (the boy's) head with the (Mantra), 'Who art thou?' (MB. I, 5, 14, 15.)
10. 'N.N.!'(at the place thus indicated in the Mantra) he should give him a name.
11. The same (he should pronounce) at the end of the Mantra.
12. He should tell it to the mother first.
13[3]. (The father) when returning from a journey, should grasp (with his two hands) his son round the head, with (the verses), 'From limb by limb' (MB. I, 5, 16-18).
14. With (the formula), 'With the cattle's' (l.l. 19), he should kiss him.
15. Silently (he should do the same) with a daughter.
16[4]. In the third year the tonsure (of the child's head is performed).
17. There the barber, warm water, a mirror, or a
8. anupṛṣṭhaṃ gatvottarata upaviśed. 9. dhutvā koऽsīti tasya mukhyān prāṇān abhimṛśed. 10. asāv iti nāma kuryāt. 11. tad eva mantrānte. 12. mātre prathamam ākhyāya. 13. viproshyāṅgād aṅgād iti putrasya mūrdhānaṃ parigṛhṇīyāt. 14. paśūnāṃ tvety abhijighret. 15. tūṣṇīṃ striyas. 16. tṛtīye varṣe caulan. 17. tatra nāpita uṣṇodakam ādarśaḥ kṣuro vaudumbaraḥ piñjūlya iti dakṣiṇata.
razor of Udumbara-wood, and (Darbha)-blades (ate placed) towards the south.
18. A bull's dung and a mess of boiled rice with sesamum seeds which may be more or less cooked, to the north;
19. And the mother with the son in her lap.
20. (The performer of the ceremony), after having sacrificed, should look, with (the Mantra), 'Hither has come' (MB. I, 6, 1), at the barber, fixing his thoughts on (the god) Savitṛ.
21. With (the Mantra), 'With warm water' (l.l. 2), he should look at the warm water, fixing his thoughts on Vāyu.
22. With (the Mantra), 'May the waters' (l.l. 3), he moistens (the boy's hair).
23. With (the Mantra), 'Viṣṇu's (l.l. 4), he should look at the mirror or at the razor of Udumbara-wood.
24. With (the Mantra), 'Herb!' (l.l. 5) he puts seven Darbha-blades, with their points upwards (i.e. towards the boy's head?), into (his hair).
25. With (the formula), 'Axe!' (l.l. 6) (he presses them down) with the mirror or with the razor of Udumbara-wood.
26. With (the Mantra), 'With which Pūṣan' (l.l. 7), he should move forward (the razor) three
18. ānaḍuho gomayaḥ kṛsarasthālīpāko vṛthāpakva ity uttarato. 19. mātā ca kumāram ādāya. 20. hutvāyam agād iti nāpitaṃ prekṣet Savitāraṃ dhyāyann. 21. uṣṇenety uṣṇodakaṃ prekṣed Vāyuṃ dhyāyann. 22. āpa ity untte (aṅte, uṃde, uṅṃte, uṅte the MSS.). 23. Viṣṇor ity ādarśaṃ prekṣetaudumbaraṃ vau. 24. ऽshadha iti darbhapiñjūlīs saptordhvāgrā abhinidhāya. 25. svadhita ity ādarśena kṣureṇaudumbareṇa vā. 26. yena Pūṣeti dakṣiṇatas triḥ prāñcaṃ prohet.
times towards the east on the right side (of the boy's hair).
27. Cutting (the hair) once with a razor of metal he should throw the hair on the bull's dung.
28. The same rites, beginning from the moistening (of the hair, are repeated) on the left side and on the back side (of the child's head).
29. Grasping (with his two hands) the boy round his head he should murmur (the verse), 'The threefold age' (l.l. 8).
30. Walking away (from the fire) in a northern direction he should have the arrangement of (the boy's) hair made according to the custom of his Gotra and of his family.
31. Let them bury the hair in the forest.
32. Some throw them on a bunch (of grass or the like).
33. A cow constitutes the sacrificial fee.
27. sakṛd āyasena prachidyānaḍuhe gomaye keśān kuryād. 28, undanaprabhṛty evaṃ paścād uttarataś ca. 29. tryāyuṣam iti putrasya mūrdhānaṃ parigṛhya japed. 30. udaiṅṅ utsṛpya kuśalīkārayed yathāgotrakulakalpam. 31. araṇye keśān nikhaneyuḥ. 32. stambe nidadhaty eke. 33. gaur dakṣiṇā.
Footnotes and references:
3, 1-5 = Gobhila II, 8, 1-7.
6-12 = II, 8, 8-17.
13-15 = II, 8, 21-25.
16-33 = II, 9.