Kena upanishad (Madhva commentary)
by Srisa Chandra Vasu | 1909 | 11,760 words | ISBN-13: 9789332869165
This is Mantra 3.11 of the Kena-upanishad (Kenopanishad), the English translation and commentary of Madhva (Madhvacharya) called the Bhasya. The Kena Upanishad deals with topics such as Brahman and Atman (soul) and also discusses the symbolic representation of the Gods as forces of nature. It is an important text in the Vedanta schools of Hindu philsophy. This is Mantra 1 of section 3 called ‘Tritiya-Khanda’.
Mantra 3.11
Sanskrit text, Unicode transliteration, Word-for-word and English translation of Kena-upaniṣad mantra 3.11:
&न्ब्स्प्;अथेन्द्रमब्रुवन्मघवन्नेतद्विजानीहि किमेतद्यक्षमिति तथेति तदभ्यद्रवत्तस्मात्तिरोदधे ॥ ११ ॥
athendramabruvanmaghavannetadvijānīhi kimetadyakṣamiti tatheti tadabhyadravattasmāttirodadhe || 11 ||
atha—then (after return of Vāyu with his pride lowered); indram—to Indra (the lord of the three-worlds, the buddhi-principie in cosmos); abruvan—they said; maghavan—O Maghavan! O powerful one! Mighty one!; etat—this (Yakṣa); vijānīhi—discover, find out; kim—what; etat—this; yakṣam—adorable one; iti—thus (Indra replied); tathā—yes; iti—thus; tat—to that (yakṣa); abhyadravat—he ran; tasmāt—from him (Indra) from that (spot); Or “tasmāt” may mean “therefore,” i.e., therefore He (Brahman) vanished, because Indra was approaching and was not fit to be taught by Brahmān or Śiva or Brahmā; So he disappeared with all his companions, leaving Umā; tirodadhe—disappeared, vanished.
11. Then to Indra they said “O Maghavan! find this out what is this Yakṣa?” “(Be it) so.” He went towards that. (The Yakṣa) vanished from that spot.