Kena upanishad (Madhva commentary)
by Srisa Chandra Vasu | 1909 | 11,760 words | ISBN-13: 9789332869165
This is Mantra 3.3 of the Kena-upanishad (Kenopanishad), the English translation and commentary of Madhva (Madhvacharya) called the Bhasya. The Kena Upanishad deals with topics such as Brahman and Atman (soul) and also discusses the symbolic representation of the Gods as forces of nature. It is an important text in the Vedanta schools of Hindu philsophy. This is Mantra 3 of section 3 called ‘Tritiya-Khanda’.
Mantra 3.3
Sanskrit text, Unicode transliteration, Word-for-word and English translation of Kena-upaniṣad mantra 3.3:
तेऽग्निमब्रुवन् जातवेद एतद्विजानीहि किमेतद्यक्षमिति तथेति ॥ ३ ॥
te'gnimabruvan jātaveda etadvijānīhi kimetadyakṣamiti tatheti || 3 ||
te—they (the Devās); agnim—to Agni (lit, the fore-runner of the Devas), the mind (Principle of the Cosmos); abruvan—said; jātavedaḥ—O Jātavedas! all-knower, source of all knowledge, (or all-mind); etat—this (being who is in front of us); vijānīhi—discover, find out fully; kim—what; etat—this; yakṣam—Yakṣa, adorable one; iti—thus; (Then Agni said); tathā—so (let it be); yes; iti—[; ..].
3. They said to Agni: “O Knower-of all-that-are-born! Find this out, what is this Yakṣa?” Agni said “all right.”—16.