Journal of the European Ayurvedic Society

by Inge Wezler | 1983 | 464,936 words

The Journal of the European Ayurvedic Society (JEAS) focuses on research on Indian medicine. Submissions can include both philological and practical studies on Ayurveda and other indigenous Indian medical systems, including ethnomedicine and research into local plants and drugs. The “European Ayurvedic Society” Journal was founded in 1983 in Gronin...

Other Publications Received (Volume 5)

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Abraham, Z.: see Husain, Akhtar. Arya Vaidya Sala: see Vaidyaratnam P S Varier's Arya Vaidya Sala Kottakkal. Balasubramanian, A.V.; Radhika, M.: Local Health Traditions: An Introduction (LSPSS Monograph 10), 3 rd reprint, Lok Swasthya Parampara Samvardhan Samithi: Madras 1994. 95 pp. Rs 60.- (for LSPSS members Rs 50.-). Bulletin of the Indian Institute of History of Medicine. Volume XXIII No. 1, January 1993 and Volume XXIII No. 2, July 1993, Indian Institute of History of Medicine: Hyderabad. 190 (1-100 and 101-190 respectively) pp. Rs 60.-. <Contents: Y.S. Prabhakar and D. Suresh Kumar, 'A Model to Quantify Disease State Based on the Ayurvedic Concept of Tridosa'; A.L. Srivastava and N.K. Srivastava, 'Role of Traditional Healers in Eastern Uttar Pradesh'; S. Suresh Babu, 'Ardita Vata (Facial Paralysis): A Concise Historical Survey'; Samir Yahia El-Gammal, 'Pharmacy and Medicine Education in Ancient Egypt'; S. Mahdihassan, 'The Chemical Elements of the Human Body Conceived as Pairs of Opposites Exemplified by Calcium-Chromium'; Aparna Chattopadhyaya, 'Harmful Effects of Tobacco Noticed in History'; S.A. Hussain, 'Zakhira-e-Nizam Shahi: A Medical Manuscript of Nizam Shahi Period'; Sisir K. Majumdar, 'A Short History of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy'; C. Srinivas, 'Visual Disorders in Ancient Indian Science (Interpretative Study)'; P. Hymavathi, 'Festivals and Medical Relevance (With Special Reference to Medieval Andhra Society)'; Samir Yahia El-Gammal, 'The Role of Hippocrates in the Development and Progress of Medical Sciences'; Mohammad Iqbal Ali, 'Avicenna's Approach to Cardiac Diseases'; K.A. Shafqat Azmi, Ghulam Mehdi and K.J. Shamsi, 'Some Salient Features of "Kitabul-Hashaish" with Special Reference to the Manuscript Preserved in Khuda Baksh O.P. Library, Patna'; Momin Ali, 'A Brief History of Indian Alchemy Covering Pre-Vedic to Vedic and Ayurvedic Period (circa 400 B.C. - 800 A.D.)'; 'Standards of Professional Conduct Etiqu[e]tte and Code of Ethics for Practitioners of Indian Medicine'; Reviews; Obituary; News.> Bulletin of the Indian Institute of History of Medicine. Volume XXIV No. 1, January 1994 and Volume XXIV No. 2, July 1994, Indian Institute of History of Medicine: Hyderabad. 214 (1-111 and 112-214 respectively) pp. Rs 60.-. <Contents: K. Kaladhar, 'Niruktopanisad and Garbhopanisad: The Vedic Sources of Studies on Human Embryology'; C. Srinivas, 'Prastari Arma (Pterygium) and its Surgical Approach in Ancient Indian Surgery with Comp[a]rative Analysis'; Samir Yahia El-Gammal, 'Avicenna's Contribution to the Development and Progress of Medical Sciences'; Altaf Ahmed Azami, 'Development of Unani Medicine During Mughal Period'; Sisir K. Majumdar, 'Medicine Through the Ages'; G. Thippanna and Narayanamma, 'A Journey Through Memory Lane of History of Tuberculosis in India'; Vinod Kumar Bhatnagar, S.A. Hussain and Momin Ali, 'A Brief History of Ayurveda in Hyderabad'; C. Govinda Reddy, 'Bibliography of the Articles in Bulletin of the Indian Institute of History of Medicine (1990-93)'; P.K.J.P. Subhaktha, 'Dalhana'; Samir Yahia ElGammal, 'Ancient Egyptian Roots in the Modern Medical and Pharmaceutical Civilisation'; Khurshid Ahmad Shafqat Azmi and Sikander Hussain, 'Al-Adwiyah AlQalbiyah. Introduction and Commentary'; S. Siva, 'Caduceus - An Eastern View'; Prasanta Mahapatra, 'Social Evolution of Hospitals. How is it Relevant for Health Policy?'; News and Notes; Reviews; Obituary.>

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(Teen) Other Publications Received 223 Cakradatta (Text with English Translation). A Treatise on Principles and Practices of Ayurvedic Medicine (Kashi Ayurveda Series 17), edited and translated by Priya Vrat Sharma, Chaukhambha Orientalia: Varanasi/Delhi 1994. xv + 731 pp. Rs 800.-. Chakraberty, Chandra: A Comparative Hindu Materia Medica, Low Price Publications: Delhi 1993. ISBN 81-85557-01-2. II+ 198 +6+ ii pp. Rs 45.-. <Reprint of the 1923 edition.> Clark, Barry (translator): The Quintessence Tantras of Tibetan Medicine, Snow Lion Publications: Ithaca, New York 1995. ISBN 1-55939-009-3. 260 pp. US-$ 22.95/£ 15.95. Dash, Bhagwan: Materia Medica of Tibetan Medicine (with illustrations) (Indian Medical Science Series 18), Sri Satguru Publications: Delhi 1994. ISBN 81-7030-387-7. xix + 694 pp. Dash, Bhagwan: Encyclopaedia of Tibetan Medicine. Being the Tibetan Text of Rgyud Bzi and Sanskrit Restoration of Amrta Hrdaya Astanga Guhyopadesa Tantra and Expository Translation in English. ISBN 81-7030-397-4 (Set). Vol. 1: Rtsa Rgyud or Mula Tantra or Fundamental Treatise (Indian Medical Science Series 20), Sri Satguru Publications: Delhi 1994. ISBN 81-7030-396-6. xxii + 301 pp. Vol. 2: Bsad pa'i Rgyud or Akhyata Tantra or Explanatory Text (Chapters I to XII) (Indian Medical Science Series 21), Sri Satguru Publications: Delhi 1994. ISBN 81-7030-408-3. x 1+ 190 pp. Vol. 3: Regimens for Different Parts of Day or Sadacara-Dina-Carya (Chapters XII to XXI) (Indian Medical Science Series 22), Sri Satguru Publications: Delhi 1995. ISBN 81-7030-458-X. xxxix + 200 pp. Vol. 4: Surgical Instruments or Yantra-Sastra-Vidhi (Chapters XXII to XXXI) (Indian Medical Science Series 23), Sri Satguru Publications: Delhi 1995. ISBN 81-7030-475-X. xxvii + 133 pp. Dash, Bhagwan; Kashyap, Lalitesh: Iatro-Chemistry of Ayurveda (Rasa Sastra) based on Ayurveda Saukhyam of Todarananda (Todarananda-Ayurveda-Saukhyam Series 9), Concept Publishing Company: New Delhi 1994. ISBN 81-7022-527-2. xxx + 526 pp. Gerson, Scott: Ayurveda. The Ancient Indian Healing Art. Element: Shaftesbury, Dorset/ Rockport, Massachusetts/Brisbane, Queensland 1993. ISBN 1-85230-335-2. 115 pp. £ 5.99/US-$ 9.95/Can-$ 12.99. Gottschalk, Waltraud: see Sich, Dorothea. Gupta, M.M.: see Husain, Akhtar. Haldar, J.R.: Development of Public Health in Buddhism, Indological Book House: Delhi/Varanasi 1992. ii + 122 p 2 pp. Husain, Akhtar; Virmani, O.P.; Popli, S.P.; Misra, L.N.; Gupta, M.M.; Srivastava, G.N.; Abraham, Z.; Singh, A.K.: Dictionary of Indian Medicinal Plants, Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: Lucknow 1992. 546 pp. Hymavathi, Polavarapu: History of Ayurveda in Andhradesa (A..D. 14 th c 17 th c.), Bhargava Publishers: Warangal 1993. xii + 373 pp. Rs 195.-. Kashyap, Lalitesh: see Dash, Bhagwan. Kawakita, Yosio; Sakai, Shizu; Otsuka, Yasuo (ed.): History of Psychiatric Diagnoses,

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Proceedings of the 16 th International Symposium on the Comparative History of Medicine-East and West, September 1-8, 1991, Susono-shi, Shizuoka, Japan, Ishiyaku EuroAmerica, Inc.: Tokyo 1997. ISBN 1-56386-043-0. xiii + 303 pp. <Selected contents: G.J. Meulenbeld, 'Aspects of Indian Psychiatry'; Liao Yuqun, 'The History of Psychiatric Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine'; Genshiro Hiruta, 'The Recognition of Madness and its Classification in Early Modern Japan'; Yoshio Narita, 'The Diagnosis of Psychiatric Symptoms in Japanese Traditional Medicine'.> Kolver, Bernhard (ed.): Aspects of Nepalese Traditions. Proceedings of a Seminar held under the Auspices of Tribhuvan University Research Division and the German Research Council March 1990 (Publications of the Nepal Research Centre 19), Franz Steiner Verlag: Stuttgart 1992. ISBN 3-515-06129-0. XXIV + 254 pp. DM 88.-. <Pp.151-165: Andras Hofer, 'On the Poetics of Healing in Tamang Shamanism', with comments by Bahadur Bista on pp. 167-170.> Kulkarni, P.H. (ed.): Musing Ayurveda. Papers presented at 1 st International Ayurveda Conference at Pune on 11 th & 12 th January 1992 (Ayurveda Shikshanamala [= Ayurveda Education Series] 40), Ayurveda Rasshala: Pune 1992. ISSN 0970-7158. 239 pp. Rs 200.-. Kuppuswamy, B.: Source Book of Ancient Indian Psychology, Konark Publishers: Delhi 1993. viii+359 pp. Lad, Usha; Lad, Vasant: Ayurvedic Cooking for Self-Healing, The Ayurvedic Press: Albuquerque, New Mexico 1994. ISBN 1-883725-00-3. 246 pp. Meulenbeld, G.J.: 'Aspects of Indian Psychiatry', pp. 183-237 in History of Psychiatric Diagnoses..., Tokyo 1997. See Kawakita, Yosio. Misra, B.N.; Mohanty, B.K.: Hazards of Mercury in Ayurvedic Drugs, Darbari Prokashan: Ganganagar 1993. ISBN 81-900344-0-5. [4] + 62 pp. Rs 70.-. Misra, L.N.: see Husain, Akhtar. Misra, Svaminatha: see Svaminathamisra. Mohanty, B.K.: see Misra, B.N. Mukhopadhyaya, Girindranath: Ancient Hindu Surgery. Surgical Instruments of the Hindus with A Comparative Study of the Surgical Instruments of the Greek, Roman, Arab, and the Modern European Surgeons, 2 vols, [reprinted], Cosmo Publications: New Delhi 1994. xxxi + 444 pp. and ix + 164 pp. Namah. New Approaches to Medicine and Health, Volume 2 Issue 2, February 1995, Sri Aurobindo Society: Pondicherry. 94 pp. Rs 60.-/US-$ 8.- (by air)/US-$ 6.- (by sea). <Contents: 'Editorial. The lessons of an epidemic (Plague - 1994)'; D.E. Mistry, 'Some Reminiscences of the use of Homoeopathic Remedies in Surgery'; Soumitra Basu, 'The Reaction to Stress'; A. Jalil, 'Ayurveda and Acupuncture - A comparative study'; Sharon Kingman, 'Medical Research on Trial'; C.G. Jung, 'Leaf from the past'; P.S. Rugmini and R.N. Sinha, 'The Effect of Yoga Therapy in Diabetes Mellitus'; Alok Pandey, 'Health as a Dynamically Evolving Equilibrium'; 'Insights'; Ajai R. Singh and Shakuntala A. Singh, 'Hedonistic Issues in Drug Dependency'; Medhananda, 'Think it over'; S. Basu, 'Case Study'; 'Question Hour'; 'Perspective'; Letters; News and Views; Reviews; Sri Aurobindo International Institute for Integral Health and Research.>

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Teen Other Publications Received - 225 Namah. New Approaches to Medicine and Health, Volume 3 Number 1, August 1995, Sri Aurobindo Society: Pondicherry. ISSN 0971-684-X. 95 pp. Rs 60.-/US-$ 8.- (by air)/US-$ 6.- (by sea). <Contents: Alok Pandey, 'Editorial. Physician discover thyself"; D.E. Mistry, 'AIDS - some reflections on its causation'; Manu L. Kothari and Lopa A. Mehta, 'The Mythology of Modern Medicine'; Gouri Rani Ghosh, 'Tulasi (N.O. Labiatae, Genus - Ocimum)'; Richard Leviton, 'Healing Vibrations'; Alok Pandey, 'Insight'; S. Basu, 'How the spiritual dimension of health was acknowledged by the World Health Assembly. a report'; D.E. Mistry, 'Reiki - an overview'; K.H. Krishnamurthy, 'Leaf from the Past'; Peter Chappel, 'Human Patterns and Emotional Healing'; 'Question Hour'; 'Perspective'; Soumitra Basu, 'Drugs, Values and the Time-Spirit'; K.H. Krishnamurthy, 'Modern Science and Traditional Medical Practitioners'; Soumitra Basu, 'Case Study'; Letters; News and Views; Book Review; SAIIIHR meeting conclusions and further work to be taken up.> Namah. New Approaches to Medicine and Health, Volume 3 Number 2, February 1996, Sri Aurobindo Society: Pondicherry. ISSN 0971-684-X. 91 pp. Rs 60.-/US-$ 8.- (by air)/US-$ 6.- (by sea). <Contents: 'Editorial. Measures in Medicine'; Soumitra Basu, 'Insight into the brains'; D.E. Mistry, 'Homoeopathic medicine in dentistry'; Arati Sharma, 'Exploration into Pranic Healing'; Alok Pandey and Soumitra Basu, 'Think it over. Mystics and Psychotics'; Alok Pandey, 'Disease, Chaos and Freedom'; Richard Moskowitz, 'The case against immunizations'; Lucas, 'Perspective. Holistic medicine in practice'; K.H. Krishnamurthy, 'Leaf from the past'; Sachin Shouche, 'Reflections"; Vandana Gupta, 'Health - a dynamic inner equilibrium'; 'Question Hour'; Sharmila Basu, 'Case Study'; K.H. Krishnamurthy, 'Bilva. Aegle Marmelos, Corr. (N.O. Rutaceae)'; Kishaloy Ghosh, 'Play Therapy'; 'Insight'; Letters; Book Reviews.> Otsuka, Yasuo: see Kawakita, Yosio. Pollak, Kurt: Wissen und Weisheit der alten Arzte. Die Heilkunst der fruhen Hochkulturen, BechterMunz: Eltville am Rhein 1993. ISBN 3-86047-062-0. 376 pp. <Chapter 3 (pp. 159-244): 'Medizin am Indus und Ganges'.> Popli, S.P.: see Husain, Akhtar. Radhika, M.: see Balasubramanian, A.V. Ranade, Subhash: Natural Healing through Ayurveda, edited by David Frawley, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers: Delhi 1994. ISBN 81-208-1243-8. 238 pp. Rs 115.-. Sahasrayoga (samskrt-hindi-anuvad). Anuvadak: Vi. Pandit'rav. Sahayak: Sar'da Nayar. Sampadak: Mahendr'pal Simh Arya. Sampadak paramars'data: Vivekanand Pandey, Es.Ke. Misr. Vanmay Anusamdhan Ekak: Nai Dilli 1990. xxx + 623 pp. <Translated from the original Malayalam.> Sakai, Shizu: see Kawakita, Yosio. Samudra: Sri Samudrena proktam Samudrikasastram, Ghanasyamadasa Hamirapuriya sahayyena Argalapura nivasi Radhakrsna Misrena krtaya sanvaya hinditikaya sahitam, Khem'raj Srikrsn'das Prakasan: Bambai 1992. [8] + 173 pp. Rs 25.-. Sharma, Priya Vrat: Dravyagunasutram (Aphorisms on Dravyaguna) with author's annotation, Hindi translation by Satya Deo Dube, and English translation by the author (The Chaukhambha Sanskritbhawan Series 1), Chaukhambha Sanskrit Bhawan: Varanasi 1994. 14+160 pp. Rs 100.-.

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Sharma, Shiva: The System of Ayurveda, Low Price Publications: Delhi 1993. ISBN 81-85557-02-0. xi + 356 pp. Rs 60.-. <Reproduction of the 1929 edition.> Shyam Sundar, K.M.: see Vijayalakshmi, K. Sich, Dorothea; Gottschalk, Waltraud (ed.): Acculturation and Domination in Traditional Asian Medical Systems (Beitrage zur Sudasienforschung 160), Franz Steiner Verlag: Stuttgart 1994. ISBN 3-515-06556-3. VII + 107 pp. DM 44.-. Singh, A.K.: see Husain, Akhtar. Srivastava, G.N.: see Husain, Akhtar. Svaminathamisra: Rasaratnakarasya vadikhandasya samiksatmakam adhyayanam, Sasi Pablikesans: Dilli 1991. xxxvi + 411 pp. Rs 280.-. Tibetan Medical Paintings. Illustrations to the Blue Beryl treatise of Sangye Gyamtso (1653-1705). Volume One. Plates. Volume Two. Text, Serindia Publications: London 1992. ISBN 0-906026-26-1. ix + 172 pp. and vii + 173-336 pp. <Facing title page: 'This publication was prepared from the summaries of the late Yuri Parfionovitch and edited with reference to the Tibetan sources by Gyurme Dorje [and] Fernand Meyer. General Editor: Anthony Aris....>> Tuan, Laura: Les secrets tibetains de jeunesse et de vitalite, Editions de Vecchi: Paris 1993. ISBN 2-7328-1841-0. 159 pp. Vaidyaratnam P S Varier's Arya Vaidya Sala Kottakkal: Indian Medicinal Plants[,] a compendium of 500 species, 4 vols, Orient Longman Limited: Hyderabad 1994-1995. ISBN 81-250-0301-0, 81-250-0246-4, 81-250-0302-9 and 81-250-0303-7. [14] +420 pp., [14] +416 pp., [14] + 423 pp. and [15] + 444 pp. Vijayalakshmi, K.; Shyam Sundar, K.M.: Mrgayurveda. Indian Animal Science. Part I. Part II (LSPSS Monograph 13 and 14), Lok Swasthya Parampara Samvardhan Samithi: Madras 1994 and 1995. 68 pp. and 72 pp. Each part Rs 60.- (for LSPSS members Rs 50.-). <Culled from various sources. The expression Mrgayurveda is a modern term.> Virmani, O.P.: see Husain, Akhtar.

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