Indian Medicinal Plants

by Kanhoba Ranchoddas Kirtikar | 1918

A comprehensive work on Indian Botany including plant synonyms in various languages, habitat description and uses in traditional medicine, such as Ayurveda....

61. Papaver orientate, Linn.

The medicinal plant Papaver orientate is a member of the Papaveraceae (poppy) family. This page includes its habitat, botanical descption, medicinal uses (eg., Ayurveda), chemical constituents and history of use in modern and ancient India.

Index in Flora of British India (Hooker): l.117.

Cultivated in Gardens.

Two alkaloids, thebaine and isothebaine, have been isolated. During May and June, the period of most rapid growth, thebaine is largely produced, while isothebaine is found mainly in the root during late fall, and after ripening and drying of the aerial plant.

The Secondary Alkaloids.

The amorphous basic mixture, obtained after the separation of thebaine and isothebaine, contains 2 alkaloids without, and at least 3 with phenolic properties.

(Chemical Abstracts for February 10, 1915, pp. 298-300.)

The non-phenolic alkaloids consist of protopine, m. pt. 204°-205°C. and an amorphous alkaloid very soluble in organic solvents, whilst the phenolic alkaloids consist of a new alkaloid, glucidine, m. pt. about 238°-239°C., (a) D about + 47 to + 54°, giving color reactions similar to, and apparently closely related to, glaucine, and a mixture of amorphous alkaloids too small in amount to separate and characterise—J. Ch. I. for October 31, 1914, p. 1026.

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