Indian Medicinal Plants

by Kanhoba Ranchoddas Kirtikar | 1918

A comprehensive work on Indian Botany including plant synonyms in various languages, habitat description and uses in traditional medicine, such as Ayurveda....

22. Aconitum falconeri, Stapf., sp. nov.

The medicinal plant Aconitum falconeri is a member of the Ranunculaceae (buttercup) family. This page includes its habitat, botanical descption, medicinal uses (eg., Ayurveda), chemical constituents and history of use in modern and ancient India.

Vernacular names:—Bis, Bikh, Meetha-tellia, (Royle) in an incomplete manuscript catalogue (of Himalayan plants) at Kew.

Habitat:—Subalpine and Alpine Zone of the Himalaya of Garhwal.

Botanical description:—Roots: biennial, paired, tuberous, daughter-tuber conic to cylindric from a broad, truncate base, up to 8 cm. long, to 2 cm. thick, entire or divided, bearing more or less numerous filiform fibrous root-fibres, externally brown, fracture white, slightly farinaceous or horny, taste somewhat bitter, followed by a strong burning and tingling sensation, cambium continuous, forming in transverse section a slightly sinuous ring; mother-tuber similar, much shrunk and wrinkled.

Innovation-bud: very short and broad, conic, bud-scales very short, broad and clasping, soon decaying after sprouting.

Stem: erect, simple, up to 1 m. high, moderately stout, finely pubescent or sub-glabrous in the upper part, quite glabrous below.

Leaves: scattered, 10 or more, if many, the upper sometimes rather crowded, the intermediate usually very distant, the lowest decayed at the time of flowering; petioles slender, lowest up to 12cm. long, upper much shorter, uppermost very short; blades rather thin, very sparingly and finely pubescent or glabrous, with the exception of the nerves at the base below, lower and intermediate rotundate-cordate to reniform in outline, with a very wide and open sinus, 1-3 cm. deep, 6-10 cm. high, from the sinus to the tip, 12-15 cm, across, 5—sub-pedati-partite to 6/7 or more in the inner, to ¾ or more in the outer incisions, inner divisions rhomboid-cuneate, 3-lobed to the middle, with the inner lobe elongated and pinnati-laciniate, outer divisions much smaller, trapezoid, 2-lobed, all the lobes and laciniae broadly ineiso-dentate, teeth usually triangular, upper blades very similar, but smaller and less deeply divided or 3-partite, with intermediate division much longer than lateral.

In florescence: an erect stiff, usually dense raceme, about 15-20 cm. long, rarely lax and with slender few-flowered ascending additional branches from below, finely adpressedly pubescent or rarely with short spreading hairs; axis rather slender, lowest bracts 3-partite, upper ovate to deltoid, all acutely and coarsely dentate; bracteoles usually present, resembling the upper bracts, but much smaller; pedicels slender, erect, often almost adpressed to the axis, lowest up to 4 cm. long, the upper much shorter.

Sepals: blue, with very dark tips (in the dry state), pubescent; uppermost helmet-shaped, helmet obliquely semi-orbicular in profile, very shortly beaked, 16-22 mm. high, 18-22 mm. long, from the tip to the base, 8-9 mm. wide; lateral sepals oblique, suborbicular or ovate-orbicular, 14-18 mm. long, lower sepals oblong-elliptic, obtuse 8-10 mm. long.

Nectaries: extinguisher-shaped, claw erect, 13-15 mm. long, minutely hispid, hood leaning forwards or almost horizontal, slightly constricted or obscurely gibbous on the back, close to the top, lip spathulate, broad, crenulate.

Carpels: 5, obliquely oblong, conniving in the flower, soon slightly divergent, gradually passing into rather long style, quite glabrous and black when dry, or sometimes more or less very minutely silky-pubescent.

Follicles: erect and contiguous or slightly diverging upwards, oblong rounded at the top, 14-18 mm. long, 4-5 mm. broad, glabrous, faintly reticulate.

Seeds: brown, obconic, 3-4 mm. long, winged (often broadly) along the rhaphe, with undulate, hyaline, rather wide and distant transverse lamellae.

Variety:—Latilobium, Stapf.

Botanical description:—Roots: up to 12 cm. long, and 2.5 cm. thick, with few fibres.

Upper leaf-blades: 3-partite to ⅚; up to 6.5 cm. high, 10 cm. across, divisions broadly deltoid or the outer trapezoid up to 4.5 cm. broad, shortly 3-or (the outer) 2-lobed, lobes coarsely crenate or dentate. Inflorescence tomentose, with spreading hairs.

Carpels: quite glabrous.

Medicinal properties and uses:—Evidently poisonous.

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