Iconography of Buddhist and Brahmanical Sculptures

by Nalini Kanta Bhattasali | 1929 | 92,791 words

This book deals with the iconography of Buddhist and Brahmanical Sculptures in the Dacca Museum. Today known as Dhaka, it forms the capital and largest city of Bangladesh. After 1918 the collection of the museum grew significantly, leading to the conception of a Descriptive Catalogue which evolved into an iconographical and sculptural survey of Eas...

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[N. B. The Geographical names are printed in italics ]. Abdullapur-A village in the Dacca District, Agni-Purana-Story of Fish Incarnation-99 -Vaisnaba monastery at 107,119,127,129,147,171 Images of Nrsimha at-107 -Image of Siva at-119 -Alingana-murti at-127,129 -Image of Karttikeya at-147 -Image of Sungod at-171 -Brick bridge at-229 Abhaya Mudra-Protection-Giving Mudra- 13,18,27,42,43,56,57,105,107, 116,117,147,208 -a pose-24 Abhidhanachintamani-Dictionary-216 A. B. Ry. Lalmai station on-172 Absolute The Universal soul, Brahma-72 Adhikrta Damodara-203, Adi Buddha-Universal Father of Buddhist Pantheon--16,23 Adi Prajna-Universal Mother of Buddhist Pantheon 16 Aditi Atmospheric Deity, Universal Mother- 74,154,178,179,180 Adityavardhana-Vardhana Emperor-165 Adityas-Celestial deities-75,76, Tortoise, the same as-99,100 -Surya, anNames of 155 On Images of Sungod-164,170,171, 172,173 Aditya Sena-Of the Later Gupta dynasty of Magadha-5,6 Shahpur Inscription of-166 Adya-Mahisamardini worshipped as -196 Aghora-Image of, Invocation of-118.119 Agni Fire 73,74,76, -Pingala is-152,164 Wife of 180 of Yamuna-115 -Direction re: Image of Surya -151 -Revanta in-175 -Description of Sarasvati-188, 189 -Mahisamardini, in-195,197 -Chamunda, in-201,209 -Kubjika, in-211 Aitareya Brahmana-Surya in-160, -Identification of Vak with Sarasvati-182, -hatred towards Nagas 214 -Sarparajni in-217 Aja Ekapada Celestial deity-75 Ajita Kesakamvali A Saint-O Ayodhya a kingdom-103 Akasa-garbha-Bodhisatva-19 A. K. Maitreya-89 Akra Vaisnava Monastery-106 Aksobhya-Dhyani Budha-16,17,19,21, -On the tiara of Manju-sri-29, On the head of Heruka-36,37, in Vajra Tara-47 in Syama Tara-58 Ugra Tara, emanation from-206 Al-Beruni-Identifies Multan with Samvapura -16 Alidha-posture-Striding to the right-47,48, 118 Alingana-murti-of Siva-125,128 -Image of 129,130 Aluk-Samasa-Grammatical compound-217 Amalaka-myrobalan in Pindola's hand-41,42 Amarakosa-a Dictionary-217 Ambavaru Goddess of Snakes-221 Ambika Name of Durga-195,198,204

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236 GENERAL INDEX. Ambrosia-Got by churning Ocean-100 Amitabha Dhyani Buddha-16,18,19,21 -on Lokanatha's crest-25.28 -on the image of Manju-sri-29 -on the image of Vajra Tara---47 -Goddesses emanating from-53, on the image of Bhrkuti Tara-56 Amoghasiddhi-Dhyani Buddha--16,18,19,21, -on the image of Manju-sri-29 on the image of Vajra TaraGoddesses emanating fromOn the tiara of Parnasavari- 59,61 Amsa-an Aditya-154,155 Amsubhedagama-References to Chamunda in-208,209 Ananta Kumar Sen-84 Anathapindada-40 Anchorite The Great-38 Anderson-Catalogue of the Indian MuseumAngaja-Daughter of Brahma-182. Angiras-Son of Brahma-75 Datumle Sun-worship, Connected with-153 Anjali a pose-48,88,111,114,116 Ankusa Elephant Goad-an attribute of Gods and Goddesses--48,198 Anukul Chandra Ray-54,173,177 Anustup a metre--163 Anuyami-, e. Yamuna-85 Apasmara Purusa-a demon-112 Apron of Leaves-Worn by Parnasavari-58 Apshad-Inscription of Aditya Sena-6 Apte's Sanskrit English Lexicon-155 Arbhavasu Ray of Sun-163 Arbuda a Sarpa-rsi, Son of Kadru-214 Archaological Survey Report-215, -Mother and Child Image-138 -Sun-god of Multan-168 -Sun-god of Buddha Gaya--158 Archaological Survey of Mayurbhanjby N. N. Basu -Sun God-151 -Mahalaksmi-210 -Manasa's Dhyana-218 -Manasa identified with Skanda-sasthi -227 Archer type Of Gupta Coins-3 Ardhanarisvara-130,131,132 Ardhaparyyanka-Posture of-25.27 Arhats Of the Buddhist order-39,41 Arial a village in Dacca-129,170 Arkaksetra Zone of the sun-167 Arapachana Manju-sri - 29 Arrakan 115 Arrow Attribute of Gods and Goddesses-43, 44,111,126,130,197,204,205,211 Arthur Avalon-62 Aruna The charioteer of the Sun-159,161, 163,163,171,172,212 -Like a bird-170 Aryan-Worship of Sun-god-165 -Contempt towards Nagas-214 Aryaman-an Aditya-154 Aryyapattas of the Jainas-89 Asiatic Society of Bengal-12 Asiatic Journal and Monthly RegisterAsoka 38,39,40 Asoka Leaf-in Marichi-43,44,56,57 Asoka Kanta-or Marichi-56,57 124 Asrafpur Copper-plate of the Khadga Kings Assam-220 found in 5,6,32, 68 ftud-place of brass Chaitya and Statuette of Dhyani Buddha-7,68 Assurance of Protection-attributes of Assyrians-186 Chamunda-209 Agtasahasrika-prajna-paramita da Astika-A saint-213,214,216,226 Asuras-72,100 Asutos Guha-57

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. 237 Asvattha-a tree-31 Baddmi-cave, Bombay--112 Asvins Celestial Deity 75,153,157,161,174, Badkamta identified with Karmmantapura 181,182,187 Atak a village-86 Atharva Veda-72,154,155,178,179,222 Atibhanga a pose-230 Atisa Dipankara-a Scholar-190 Atmaja Daughter of Brahma-182 Atmospheric Deities-74 Atpara-a village -44 Atreyi-River-135 Atri-Mind-born son of Brahma-75, -Soma, Son of-76 Attahasa a village-211 of Sun-god-163 Attendants Atul Chandra Bagchi-82 August Mother-178 Aulad Hasan, Sayid,-32 Aurangzib-168 Autsahi a village-106,107,146 Avalokitesvara-found in the Sailadaha river Avatara 103 -3 -inscribed image of--7 -Bodhisattvas of Amitabha- 19,24,25 Axe-Weapon of Nataraja-III Aghora-119,150 Siva-126 Mahisamardini-198 Backerganja district in Bengal--11, 86, 185, 196, 197, 205, 224 Chandradvipa, Same as-11 -Laksmankati, image of Visnu 86, 185 -Madhabpasa, image of Katyayani, 196 Sugandha, river-197 -Sikarpur-image of Tara- 205 -Vijaya-Gupta, a poet of 224 Badadighi a tank-145 Capital of the Khadgas-4, 6, 10, 26, 33, 35, 44, 114, 115, 174 -a Buddhist centre-7, 26, 33, 35, 37, 44 Bagchi-Atula Chandra-82 Baghaura a village in Tippera-84 Baghaura Bakla History of-197 Baikuntha Nath Sen-202 Bakarganj-See Backerganj Balarama-78, 90, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 103 Balaka Majhi-31 Bali-a demon,-102, 105 Baligaon a village in Dacca Dt.-196. Ballala Badi-Palace of the Sena Kings of Bengal-113 Ballala Sena-King of Bengal-113, 130, 131 -Naihati plate of 113, 114, 130 Balurghat in Dinajpur Dt.-135, 142 Bandarbazar-in Sylhet-25 Bandyopadhyaya, N. G.- 223 Banerjee, R. D.-89, 97, 135. Bangala 190. Barisal See Backerganj-Name of the District and Head-quarters-27,116 Basak, R. G.-13,97 Basarh the ancient Vaisali-84 Basta a village in Dacca Dt.-88 Basu, N. N. 151 Batesvar-46 Baumr-2 Beal-Life of Hiuen Tsang Beas -a river-74 Behar 158, 174 Bejgaon a village in Dacca Dt.-34 Bel a kind of tree-131 Belasa-west of Badkamta-7. 24. 26

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238 GENERAL INDEX. Belava a village in Dacca Dt.-97, 127, 129 -Plate of Bhoja Varmman-97 Bell-weapon in the hand of goddesses, III, 118, 120, 133, 204, 210 Beltalia village in Dacca Dt.--44 Bengal 1, 4, 5,95, 158 -History of-8 -anarchy in-8 -sculptural wealth of-9, 12 -under three different ruling families -9 Bengal-images of Sungod in-158, 166 -images of Revanta- 174 -cult of Manasa-224 -image of Mahamaya-193 Benoytos Bhattacharya-36, f. n., 142, 222 Berlin Museum-image of Manju-sri-29 Besnagar-Pillar of Heliodoros at-108 Betka a village in Dacca Dt.-34 Bhadra-Durga-name of Sarvani-204 Bhadra Kali-name of Mahisamardini-195 -name of Sarvani-204 Bhadrasana-posture of-35 Bhaga celestial Deity-75 SWEE -son of Aditi-154, I BhagalporeBhagapura Modern Multan-168 Bhagavat 155 Bhagavati Name of Durga--198 Bhagavatapurana-Krsna in-97, 98 Fish incarnation in-99 Tortoise incarnation in -100. -Hiranyakasipu in-ro 1 Bhagya Barui-27. Bhairab-176 Bhairavas-in Buddhist Pantheon-22, 46 Bhairava-brother of Vetala-193 Part of Linga-193 Bhairavi Part of Linga-193 Bhairavis Yoganidra identified with-194 Bhaisaja Guru Pindola identified with-37 Bhandarkar, R. G. Sir,-194 Bhanga P. S. of Faridpur Dt.-80 Bhaoyal image presented by the manager of-58 Bhaoal-Same as above. Laksmana Sena's plate of-124 Bharadvaja-a clan-81 Bharadvaja, Pindola-a Buddhist Sthavira Bharata-Scion of-94 or Monk-38, 39 Psychic powers of, 40 -identified with Buddha of medicine-41 Bharati-Name of Sarasvati-181 Bharella-Village in Tippera Dt.-Budhistic images found in-33, 114 Bhargava Upa-purana of-98 Bhaskara-an Aditya-155 Bhattacharya-tank of, at Palang-145 -Binayatosa 1-36 f.n.142, 222 Benoytosh Animakaj -Dinesa Chandra-227 Kalimohan-145 -Sitala Chandra-100 Bhattasali, N. K.- 89 Bhaumikas of Basta-88 Bhavani Gauri images Classed as,-198 Bhavanipur in Dacca Dt.-56 Bhavisya Purana-Surya images in-151 -Adityas in-155 -Surenu in--156, 160 Source of all Puranas 156 Maga Brahmins in -Sambapura in-161 164 Bhedarganj in Faridpur Dt. -44 Bhoja-Varmman-Belava Plate of-97 Bhonuka erection of a Naga statue by-215 Bhrkuti emanation of Amitabha-21, 26, 28 Bhrig in Alingana-Murti-128, 130 Bhrgu-father of Laksmi-185, 186 Bhrgus-a clan-102, 103, Bhuban Chandra Mitra-28 Bhuminaga Dedication of a tank to-215

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humisparsa Mudra-17, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 Bhuvanesvari-a form of the Sakti of Siva -203° Bidhata or Disposer-150, 155, 164 Bidyabinod, B. B.-79 Biharmandal-A v. in Tippera, 35, 37 BilD 2 Bilakinda a village, identical with Bilkenduai-84 Bimbisara- 65, 66 Bipina Chandra Kavyaratna-125 Birbhum 209 Bloch, Dr. 167, 219 Blue Lotus-49, 205 Boar Incarnation of Visnu, 78, 90, 92, 95, 100,, 103, 104, 106 Bodhi-a tree, 31, 38, 62 Bodhi-Sattva-Counterpart of Dhyani Buddha 18, 19, 24, 26, 32, 33, 46 Bodhisattvavadana-Kalpalata of Ksemendra -67 Bogra A district, 4, 121, 123, 138, 188 Bone-In the hand of Siddha-Chamunda-210 Book Attribute of Sarasvati, 188, 189 in the image of Mahamaya, 192, 193 in the image of Manasa-219 Boon Attribute of, 126, 133, 147, 189, 193, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 208, 209, 211, 219, 223 Boot Of Sun-god-157 Bow Weapon in the hands of gods, goddesses -43, 44, 49, 62, 111, 118, 119, 120, 130, 197, 198, 204, 205, 211 Brahma The Absolute, 72, 217, Brahma-Pauranic god-76, 105, 164, 179, 180, 181, 182, 184, 185, 186, 191, 194, 206, 221, 231 Brahmanas Prajapati as chief god-in-72 -Supremacy of Visnu pronounced in-94 Sacrifice to Sarasvati-187 -Sarparajni in-217. Brahmanbaria-Sub-division in Tippera Dt. -84, 128 Brahmani Daughter of Brahma-1821 wife of Brahma, 186 -identical with Manasa, 218 Brahmanical-gods-5 -Sculpture-77 239 Brahmanism Absence of antagonism against Buddhism-8 -Flourishing side by side with Buddhism-4 Brahma Prajapati-Sons of--75 -Worship of-76 - Fish, an incarnation of -99 Brahmapurana-marriage of Siva in-137 Brahmaputra-river-4 Brahmavaivarta Purana Connection of Visnu and Sarasvati 183 Brahmins -Names of Durga-in 198, 203 -Manasa and Jaratkaru in- -217 --identification of Manasa with Sarasvati 219, 220 and Gayatri-165 Brhaddevata-List of Deities in-73 -Activities of Agni-74 Brhati-a metre-163 Brhat Samhita-Construction of Surya image, 151, 157, -Northern dress of sun-god -158 B. S. Sastri-217 of Varahamihira-174 Buckler Attribute of Mahisamardini 197, 198 Buddha-30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 46, 58, 64, 65, 66, 67, 78, 90, 92, 94, 95, 96, 103, 135, 206, 215, 222 Buddha Harsa's veneration for-8 - Image of 3 Buddha Gaya Temple of Vajrasana Vihar +31 Temple at 33 -Sun-god in-157 Buddhism-in Bengal, absence in Kamarupa, 4, 12 Buddhism Absence of antagonism against Brahmanism during the 6 th and 7 th cent.-8 of Tibet-17

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240 Buddhist Art-1 -Bhiksus-38 - Congregation-38 -Creed-24, 25, 31, 68 GENERAL INDEX. -Iconography, Foucher-13 -Images-1 -India-41 -Pantheon-135, 181, 204, 221 Buddhists-223, 225 Budiganga-river-4 Buhler, Dr.-89 Buffalo-demon-191, 194 Bull Vehicle of Siva-112, 115, 117, 119, 123, 130, 143 Burdwan a district of-211 Burgess, J.Mr.-29 Cambridge University Library of, 12, 14 Canarese of Southern India, 221 Celestial Deities-names of 75 Centaur in the image of Visnu-79 Chaitanya-apostle of Vaisnavism -incarnation of Visnu-93 -Worship of Manasa at the time of-224 Chaitya-32, 43, 44, 62, 68 -of brass discovered at Asrafpur-7 Chak-Bhavani-a village, find-place of Bhavani-199 Chakra-Purusa-83, 86 Chakra or discus, an attribute, 30,79,81,82, 86, 88, 106, 107, III Chakravartt, Asvini Kumara-80 Chamara,maid with a-142 Chamunda Origin of-- 207 -Images of, in Bengal-208,209 Varieties of 2009, 210, 211,212 Champitala a village in Tippera Dt. Image of Lokanatha in-12, F Chanda-Servant of Sumbha-207 Chandi-Images of, found at Bharella-114 - General appellation of Bhavani-199 -Images of 202,203 Chandika Name of Durga-195 Chandimuda-in Tippera, Temple at-172 Chandipur in Bhagalpur-45 Chandra-a King-108 -merchant-prince, opposer of Manasa -225 -ofthe Meherauli pillar inscription-2 -Kings with the Surnames of-9,11 -family of-9 Chandrabhaga-a river-197 Chandradvipa-old name of Backerganj,-11 Royal family of-197 -Chandravarmman--fort of 1,3 -identified with Chandra of Meherauli pillar-9 Charchchika-a variety of Chamunda-209 Chariot of Sun-162 Chatterji-R. M.-133 Chauddagrama P. S. in Tippera Dt.-203 Chaudhurani-Krsnadasi, Image of Visnu presented by-81 Chaudhuri Mathura Mohana-130 Chhattravastu avadana-63 Chhaya-double of Saranyu-153 -various names of 156, 161 -wife of Surya-160 China Sarvastivada preserved in-65 Chinese pilgrims-4,5,6, -Testimony of-8 Chintamani Thakur-Buddha worshipped as -34 Chittagong in Bengal-147 Chopper in the hand of Heramba-147 Christian Era-8 th Century of, a blank in Bengal History-8 Chunda 13 Churain a village in Dacca Dt.-32. -images found at the Duel at 84, 115 Club-in the hands of Gods-104, 105, 147 Colebrook Mr.-11 Comilla Headquarters of the Tippera district-6,10,172,173,203,216 Companybag-in Dacca-229 Compartment in the image of Vaivahika Murti-122

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. Conch-shell An attribute, symbolical of eternal space, 78,83,104,105,204,- 205 Congregation-Buddhist, 38, 39 Corpse in the hand of Chamunda-211 Cow Sacred to Indra-187 Creator Brahma, the, 76. Creation-Lotus, symbol of, 78 Cunningham, 138, Mahabodhi, of-31 Arch- aological Survey Report-158, Cuttack-167 168 Dacca Review-2, 4, 97 Dacca Sahitya Parisat-34, 56, 114, 121 Dadhikarna-Lord of Nagas, Shrine of-215 Daityas-Progenitor of-76 Dakinis-of Buddhist Pantheon-22 Daksa-Son of Brahma-75 -Daughters of-76, 108 -An Aditya-154 -Reciprocal birth of-180 -Incest of 180 Dalalpada a village in Dacca Dt.-104 Dalbazar in Dacca-62, 81 Damecha-a river, 31 Danavas Progenitor of, 76 Dance Tandava-110 Dancer, the Supreme-110 Dancing Lord-114 Dancing Siva-110 Danda-attendant of Sun-god-150, 152, 164, 169, 173 Dandanayaka-attendant of Sun-god-164 Dandi or Danda, Sun-god's attendant-151, 152, 164 -identified with Skanda, 152 Dandi-Skanda See Dandi-Sun-god's attendant-151 Dantura- a variety of Chamunda 211, 212 Danujamarddana-founder of the royal family of Chandradvipa -197 241 Darinda Rasulpura village in Tippera -196 Darkness Primeval, the Same as Aditi--179 Dasa Ramesachandra-79 Mohini Mohana-79, 80, 170 Dasa Gupta-Hariprasanna-34 -Indra Chandra-106 Dasaratha King of Ayodhya-103 Dasarathi Rama-95, 96 Dasora-a village in Dacca Dt.-202 Datta Rajendra Kumara-29 Datta-Saratsasi-226 Daudkandi-in Tippera Dt.---10 Dawn-Buddhist Goddess of-43 B -Terrestrial Deity-73 -Relationship to Surya-152 -Wife of Sun-god-160 -Place of in images-162 Dayaganj in Dacca-58 Death-Symbol of-208 - not the last word-209 Deer in Siva's Dhyana-126 Deluge, the Fish incarnation at the time of-98 -Prediction of, and Saving of Manu-99 -Subsidence of the earth due to-100 Delusion the Great-180 -Night of 180 Deo Barnarak-inscription of-166 Deobhog a village in Faridpur Dt.-143, 230 Deopada in Rajsahi, find place of Vijaya Deopada Sena's inscription--225 Deora V. in Faridpur Dt.-80. Destroyer-Siva the-76 Destruction Symbol of 208 Deul 42, 81, 84, 90, 97, 106, 107, II 5, 116, 131, 146, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232 Deulbadi a village in Tippera Dt. -159, 172, 203, 225 Devas Mandara used as a churning rod by -100

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242 GENERAL INDEX. Deva Laksmana Sena-203 -Layaha Chandra-114 Samachara-2 Sri Chandra-9, 225 -Bhabu-114 Kusuma-114, 115 Dharmma mangala-a vernacular poein-4 Dharmma-manikya-Rajah of Tippera-216 Dharmmapala-a King Dharmma-palas-names of-22 Deva Khadga King of Eastern India-5, 6, Dharmmarajikas-erection by Asoka of- 40 8, 204, 225 -His religious belief-8 -Discovery of the copper-plate grants of-68 -reverence for Sarvani, of the wife of 204, 225 Devaki Mother of Krsna-135 Devapala a King-9 Devavarma King of Eastern India-5, 6 Devi Fulesvari-209 Devia Sakti goddess -identical with Aditi-179 -killing of Buffalo by-191 -worship in various forms-192 Devimahatmyam-of Markandeya Puranam-191, 192, 194, 207 Origin of Mahisamardini Origin of Chamunda in, 194 Devisthana-temple site~45 Dhamrai in Dacca Dt. -Yaso-Madliava of--86 -Clay representation of Madhava sold at-89 - Mahisamardini worshipped as Adya at 196 Dhanuka a village in Faridpur-145 Dhanvantari-Dhyana addressed to Manasa by-219 Dharani-Dharana-achievement of Visnu-gg Dharant Mohan Sena-81 Dharmachakrapravarttana-Mudra of 42 Dharmma 75, 76, 203 -Son of Brahma-75 -Marriage of 76 Offsprings of-76 Dhyana of Manasa in the ritual book of 203 Dharma-chakra-mudra-17 Dharmmaditya-Plates of-2- -rule of-3 Dharmmasagara-of Comilla-216 Dharmma-vajra-Vajradhara as-23 Dhatr Atmospheric Deity--74 -Son of Aditi-154 Dhimana-master-sculptor/9 Dhipurin Dacca Dt.-231, 232 Dhupa Tara-48 Dhyana of Alingana murti-125, 127, 128 of Aghora-119 of Bhadra Durga, Sarvani-204,205 -of Bhavani, absence of a proper-199 - of Heramba-146, 147 of Mahisamardini-197 -of Manasa-218, 219, 223, 226, 227. of Nataraja-112 -of Nilakantha-116, 117 -of Sarasvati-186, 188, 189 of Sasthi-147 -of Siva-Gauri, absence of---121 - of Vatuka--133 Dhyana Asana-32, 228- -Mudra-32, 33, 87, 193 Dhyani Buddhas-worshipped at Bagherpar near Bad-Kamta-7 -brass statuette of, discovered at Asrafpur-7 meaning of 16 Names of 10 -Portrayal of 17 -attitudes and distinctive marks of 17, 18 Saktis of 18 on the image of Lokanath-27,28 -on the image of Manju-sri-29. Worshipped as Chintamani-thakur -34 on the image of Heruka-37 on the image of Marichi-43 -on the -on the image arthrkuti Tara-56 Syama Tara--57,58 on the image of Parnasavari-61 -on the image of Ugra Tara-206 Dniajpur District of-135,142,226 Dinanath Sen-33 Dines Chandra Bhattacharya-227

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Dipatara Tara of the Lamp-47 -image of-48 GENERAL INDEX. Discus Weapon in the hands of gods, 62,78,79, 86,104,105,197,204,205 Divyavadana 35,41 -Longevity of Pindola-41 Dolphin-Vehicle of Ganga-112,115 Doomsday Night-or Aditi-180 Dowson History of India by its own Historians, 168 Dravidians-Worship of Mancha-221 Dravinoda-Terrestrial Deity-73 Dualli in Dacca Dt.-45 Durga Maha-sveta, name of-151,152 -Nirajana rite after worship of-175 -Mahisamardini, name of 194,195 -Various names of 198 -Sarvani, name of-203 Dwarf Incarnation, of Visnu-78,90,92,95,97, 102 _ Traceable in Rgveda-102 Dyaus -Deity-75 Dyau-Daughter of Visyakarma-156,160,161 -Names of 161. Dyayus Daughter of Prajapati-182,183 Dyava-Prthivi Wives of Sun-god, coceived as-160 EarthPrthivi-73 -having tortoise as the Vehicle-115. -Niksubha, an appellation of-160 -Wife of Sun-god-160 -Sarparajni as-217 -Kadru as-217 East Bengal 91 -three copper-plate grants from, 2 -a forgotten kingdom of-6,115,225 Plenty of Surya images in-148 East Indian Painting-14 Eastern India-Kings of-3,5 -by Martin-176 Egg-the Mundane-183 Eight Mothers-209 Ekajata 12, 21, 57 Ekapada Aja-75 Elapatra-a Naga chief, 213- 243 Eldest, the seat of the-38,39 Elements of Hindu Iconography-Rao, -101,121,134,150,158,192,208, Elephant-goad in the hands of Marichi -- 43 -in the hands of Vajra Tara--49 -in the hands of Vatuka Bhairava-133 in the hands of Siddha-Yogesvari-210 -Absence of, in Chandi image - 203 Elephant's Skin-in the hands of Rudra Charchchika-209 in the hands of Siddha-Chamunda-210 -in the hands of Chamunda-311 Elliot History of India by its own Historians, 168 modakand Ellora 158 Emusa Prajapati called as-100 Epic Mythology-Hopkins-95, 100, 214 Epigraphia Indica-by Buhler-9, 13, 89, 154, Eternal Bed-of Visnu-191 Eternal Night-180 Eternal Sleep-of Visnu-191 215 Evening (the) Wife of Sun-god-161 Farasganj at Dacca-202 Faridpur District of-1, 3, 31, 34, 44, 80, 143, 145, 173, 195, 230 Fatulla in Dacca-29 Finger-Index raised, an attribute-197 Fire earthly, Agni, a form of 74-attribute of Chamunda-209 Fish Incarnation of, 78, 90, 92, 95, 98, 99, -106 105, 136-images of, rareFive Indies Kings, worshippers of Sun-god -166. Fleet 5, 165 Forgotten kingdom of East Bengal -115 Forest-Vanaspati-Terrestrial deity-73 174 Foucher, Dr.-Iconographie Bouddhique-12. 13, 15, 17, 21, 24, 25, 28, 29, 42, 43, 46, 60, 222 French, J. C. Mr.-83 Fruit-an attribute-200

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244 Gachha in Dacca Dt.-58 Gada an attribute of Visnu, 79, 81, -of Narayana-88, of Fish incarnation-106, -of Nataraja-111 GENERAL INDEX. 82 Gada-devi-attendant of Visnu-83, 87 Gaja-hasta-a pose-113 Gana-The tribal Assembly-65 Gana a dwarfish representation-104 -In Nataraja images-112, 113 -Ghost retainers of Siva, 144 -Ganesa, lord of-144 Ganapatyas-Worshippers of Ganesa-144 Gandha Tara-47 Ganesa-a god-son of Siva and Parvati -46, 104, 117, 123, 125, 126, 128, 130, 135, 137, 142, 144, 145, 146, 173 -made of bronze, a Patharghata relic -46 -in Visnu image-104 -in Nilakantha image-117 in Vaivahika-murti-123, 125, 126, 128, 130 in 'Mother and Child' or Sadyojata images-136, 137, 142 -Eldest son of Siva and Parvati-144 _images of 144, 145, 146 davidme in Sun-god images-173 in Gauri images-198 -in Parvati images-199, 202 in Tara of Sikarpur--206 in Manasa images-219 -in Parnasayari images-60, 61 Ganga Wife of Siva-112, 113, 115, 117 -in Nataraj images-112, 113, 115 -Dolphin, vehicle of-115 in Nilkantha image-117 wife of Visnu-184 quarrel with Sarasvati 184. Gangadhara-a poet-154 Ganges the river-4, 65, 184, 214 -Inhabited by the Nagas-214 -Delta-2 Garuda-half-bird-vehicle of Visnu-78, 80, 83, 86, 88, 90, 91, 92, 104, 107, 108, 109, 162, 212: -four hands of-88 -representation of 107, 108 -story of 108 -images of 109 Aruna, the eler brother of-162 -Vinata, mother of-212. Garutmat- -name of Garuda-108 Gaur the ancient city of-135 Gauri wife of Hara or Siva-60, 112, 113, 115, 117, 121, 126, 127, 129, 130, 131, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203 -with Hara-60 -in Nataraja images-112, 113, 115 -in Nilkantha images-117 -story of the marriage of Siva and-121 - in Vaivahika-murti-122 -chart of Dhyanas of-126, 127 -in Alingana Murti-129, 130 -merging of, in Siva-131 -images of 198, 199, 200, 201 -varieties of the images of-199 -attributes of-200 Gauri-patta-worship of Siva and Sakti on- 142, 143 Gaurnadi in Backarganj Dt. Gautama Buddha--Manusi Buddha of the age -19 -images of-3, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37 -Conferring curing power -37 -Curing Hariti of Cannibalism-67 Gayatri a metre-163 -a sacred Vedic hymn-165 -Daughter of Brahma-182 Gendaria at Dacca--32 Genesis-Book of, parallel in Manu-183 Getty-Miss A.-Gods of Northern Buddhism, by 15, 18, 21, 27, 37, 53, 59, 67 Ghanta in Vajraghanta-47 Gharisarin Faridpur Dt.-31 Ghataka Rasika Chandra-196 Ghosa-Guruprasanna-86 -Harendranatha-32. Ghratachi-name of Sarasvati-222 Ghugrahati Copper-plate of Samachara Gita-94 Deva found in-2 Gita-govinda of Jayadeva-95, 96, 97 Goats sacred to Asvins-187 Godavari river-rule of the Nagas in the regions of 214

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. Gopachandra-King of Eastern India-2, 3 Gopalganj in Faridpur Dt.-31, 44 Gopinath Rao-Elements of Hindu Icono. graphy, by-101, 134, 150, 192, 199, 208 Gosanivadi-in Dacca Dt.-82 Gosvami's Sun-god worshipped at-172 Govinda-Inscription of the name of -86 Govinda Chandra-King of Vanga-9 Govinda, Gita of Jayadeva-95, 96, 97 Great Anchorite, the-38 -Delusion, the-180 Goddess, the-180 -Illusion, the-179 -Knowledge, the-179 HABARI -Memory, the-179 -Miracle, the 41 Power, the 180 Speaker, the-38 -Vigour, the-179 Green Tara-21 Grhastha-journal-128 Grunwedel Buddhist Art in India, by-29, 58 Guha, Asutosa-57 Guhyakas-175 R -Ramesa chandra, 56, 61, 81 104, 105, 106, 114, 170, 171 201 -Saratkumara-128 Gupta Gold coins-133 -period-3 of Magadha-8, 103, 165, 166 -Brahmanical revival during the time of-103 -Solar Worship in the time of-165, 166 Jivita-166 Kumara-165 -Skanda-165 -Vijaya-224 -Jogendra Natha-27, 68, 80, 81 Guruprasanna Ghosa-86 Hamsapura modern Multan 168 Hara and Gauri-On the image of Parnasavari-60 Harendra Natha Ghosa-32 Hari Lord of the world-98, 100 Haridasa Palita-128 Hari-Datta 224 Harikela-Name of Vanga--11 Harikesa A ray of Sun-163 Hariprasanna Dasa Gupta-34. Harischandra-King, 4 Haritan-mares of Sun-152 245 Hariti Spouse of Kuvera-22, 63, 65, 66, 67, 135, 227 -image of-63 -representation of-63 -holding a child-63 -legend of 63, 64, 65, 66, 67 as a Yaksini-67 -Protectress-135 -and Manasa-227 Harivamsa-216 Harga Harsa-Vardhana, Emperor-8, 109, 165, 166 -His religious belief-8 Harvard Oriental Series-73 Hatchet in the hand of Mahapratisara-62 Parna-savari -60 " "" Hayagriva a Dharmmapala-13, 14, 22, 26, 28, 60, 61, 122 Head-dress-of Tara-devi like a stupa-46 Heliodoros Besnagar Pillar of-108 Hemchandra Abhidhanachintamani, by-216 Heramba-invocation of 146 Heruka Correct for Vajrapani Bodhisattva, 7 - a Protector--22 -images of 35, 37 Sadhana of 36, 37. -Probable identification with ChakraMahasukha 51 -part of Linga-193 H. E. Stapleton, Mr.-105, 229 Hevajra a protector-22 Hili in Bogra Dt.-123 Hinayana School-Story of Hariti developed in the Sutra-Pitakam of-66 Hindu Iconography-Elements of, by G. N. Hirananda-Sastri-206 Rao-101, 134, 158, 192, 199, 208

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246 Hiranyakasipu-and Nrisimha, -story of 101 GENERAL INDEX. -image of 104, 105, 107 History of Fine Arts -in India, by Dr. Smith, -135 Hiuen Tsang-Chinese Pilgrim, Life of-5 H. K. Sastri-Rao Saheb: 'South Indian Images of gods and goddesses' by 120 Hodgson-writings on Buddhist Iconography, T -15 Hopkins Epic Mythology-95, 100, 214 Huanhsi-i.e, joy, name of Hariti-65 Human Head-in the hand of RudraChamunda 209 Hussain Shah-Sultan of Bengal-93 Huviska excavation of a tank in the reign of-215 Hwui Lun-Chinese pilgrim-5 Iconographie Bouddhique-222, f. n. Iconography-Hindu and Buddhist, study of -IS Iconography Buddhist, by Binaytosh Bhattacharyya 36 f. n. 142 f. n. 222 f. n. Iconography Elements of Hindu, by Rao, -101, 121, 134, 150, 158, 192, 199, 208 Ida-Terrestrial Deity-73 Illusion-The Great-179 Incarnation 95, 98, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107 -Ten-95 -Hero of the Puranas-98 of Fish 98 - of Tortoise-99 - of Boar-100 of Man-Lion-101 of Dwarf-102. of Parasurama-103 Rama-103 -Buddha-103 -Kalki-103 Sculptures of 103 Indian Antiquary-2 Indian Museum-Calcutta-84, 115, 134, 148, 188. Indor Plate of Skanda Gupta-165 Indra-73, 74, 76, 154, 155, 180, 181, 182, 187 Indra Chandra Dasa Gupta-106, 107, 116, 146 Indrani 180 Indu Atmospheric Deity-74 Indus-the-167 Inscription-Apsad, of Aditya Sena-6 -on the Baghaura Visnu -84 -on the Belasa Lokanatha-26 on the Bharella Nataraja-114 -on the Dacca Chandi-203 -Deobarnark, of Jivita-Gupta, -166 on the Deulvadi Sarvani-6, 203 on the Dhamrai Adya-196 on the Gauripatta of Prabhavati -143 on the Indor Plate-165 -on the Keoar Visnu-85 on the Swamibag Visnu-85 on the Khetlal image-138, 139, 140 on the Mandasore Temple-165 on the Nahapara Sungod-170 on the Nahar-collection image -140, 141 -on the Paikpara Jambhala-35 on the Lalmai plate of RanaVanka Malla, 10, 11 -on the Sabhar Seal-83 on the Sakta Mahisamardini 198 on the Seal of Sitatapatra-54 - on the Shahpur image-5, 6, 166 on the Svamibag Vishnu image -86 on the Seals on the back of Sylhet Lokanatha, 25 Isan-name of Durga-198 Isvarasimha-The great anchorite, founder of Belasa Lokanatha-26 I-tsing-66 Jagadisa Kumara Majumdar-33, 113, 170, 1714 Jagannatha-Worship of, connected Solar Worship-167 Jagati a metre-163 with

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Jainas Ascetics of the-5 -Aryyapattas of the-89 GENERAL INDEX. -the first Tirthankara of the, as an incarnation-94 Sarasvati, popular with the-181 -Stupas of Mathura-181 Jalendra-epithet of Jambhala-35 Jalkundi in Dacca Dt.-291 Jamadagni-103 Jambhala-worshipped at Viharmandal-7 -Buddhist god of wealth and a Protector, 22, 34, 35 -Hariti's image found at the findplace of-67 Janguli-Snake-goddess of the Buddhists- 221, 223 -Source of Sarasvati-223 a divinity of the aboriginal tribes- 222 -honours of, transferred to ManchaJanguli-Tara-21 -Aryya-21 Jessore District of-2 Jetavana-4 Jethagram-in Tippera District-128 Jewels Seven, of the Buddhists-26 Jibana-Babu's garden-62. Jina-215 Jivana-Chandra Raya-202 Jivita Gupta-inscription of-166 247 Jiyas Thakurani-Parnasavari-Worshipped Jnanakanda-72 as-61 Jogendra-Nath Gupta-27, 28 Joradeul-in Dacca District-105, 106, 229, 230 Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society-55, 100 of A. S. B.-2, 4, 84, 97, 115, 124, 174 of Rangpur Sahitya Parisat 126 of Vangiya Sahitya Parisat-89 Janmejaya Snake-killing sacrifice of, 213, 214 Jupiter-nourished by Sun's rays-163 Jaratkaru identified with Manasa- -Sister of Vasuki-212 212 -married to a Brahmin of the same name-213 -Brahmin-213 -a nomad Brahmin-213 -Astika, born of-214 -not deified in the Mahabharata, 216 -deified in the Brahma. Vaivartta Purana 217. differences in identifying Manasa with 218, 221 in the images of Manasa-226 Jataka 40, 41 Jatamukuta 114, 122, 123, 200, 201, 230 Java-image of Manju-sri found in-29 Javanese sculptures-an image of Visnu reminiscent of -88 Javelin Attribute of Gods and Goddesses- 197, 209, 210 Jaya in the Alinganamurti-125, 126 Jayadeva a poet-77, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100 Jayatunga Lokanatha-13 Jaydevpur in Dacca District-58 Kachlabati in Mymensing District-31 Kadamva-flower-38 Kadru wife of Kasyapa-168 -mother of the Serpents-108 -Vinata-a slave to-108, 212 -Cursing her sons-212 Arbbuda, son of 214 Nagas, descended from--214 denotation of the word-217 Manasa and Kadru-217, 218 Kagajipada-in Dacca District-192, 218 N Kahalgaon in Bhagalpur District, findplace of a Vajra-Tara image -45 Kaitabha creation of-191 Kakud Katyayana-64 Kalachakra-Buddhist god-22. Kali image of Marichi worshipped as-44. -Temple of-in Vajrajogini-105, 106 Kaliakurin Dacca Dt.-82 Kalidasa-poet-144.

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248 Kaligaon-in Malda Dt.-128 GENERAL INDEX. Kasyapa-Son of Marichi-76 Kalika a variety of Chamunda-211 Kalikal in Dacca Dt.--115 Kalika-Purana-merging of Siva and Gauri 111-131 -worship of Revanta in-175. -appearance of Mahamaya in -I 93 Kalirbazar road to, crossing the Lalmai range, from Commilla--10 Kali Mohana Bhattacharyya-145 Kalki (an incarnation, 78, 90, 92, 95, 96, 98,103 Kalpalata-145, 146 Kalyana-Sundara-120, 137 Kamakhya Natha Bandopadhyaya-23 Kamala or Laksmi-a goddess, wife of Visnu -87, 184, 185 Kamandalu 26, 231 Kamarupa no trace of Buddhism in-4 Kanakamuni-a Manusi Buddha-19 Kanauj temple of sungod at, 166 Kanchuka-coat of mail, 173 Kaniska a king-215 Kapila-Samhita-167 Karmma-Kanda-72 Karmmanta-Capital of the Khadgas-6 -modern Badkamta-115 Karnasuvarna-identified with Rangamati in the Mursidabad district, Karttari-knife-122 4 Karttikeya son of Mahadeva 114, 117, 123, 125, 126, 128, 130, 135, 136, 137, 142, 144, 147, 173, 198, 202, 206 -commander of the forces of gods, 144 -image of 147 -in the image of sun-god-173 Kashmir-168. Kasim, Muhammad Bin-168 Kasipur in Backarganj Dt.-116 Kasiram Vachaspati-236 Kasyapa-a Manusi Budha, 19 -Garuda, son of 108 - -Vinata and Kadru, wives of-108, 212, -Aditi, wife of-154 -as the father of Surya-154 -in Rg-Veda-154 -Manasa, the mind-born of-217, 220 Kasyapa Purana-64 Kathmandu in Nepal-18 Katlapur in Dacca Dt., Vaisnava monastery Katyayani at-106 Katyayanname of Mahisamardini-195 -image of 196 Kausalya-135 Kausiki goddess, creation of-207 - originator of Chamunda-208 Kaustubha-jewel of Visnu, 78, 87 Kavyaratna, Bipina Chandra-125 Keoar in Dacca Dt.-85, 128, 130 _ Kesava i, e. Visnu-98, 99, 100, 101, 109 -Presentation of Garuda to the temple of-109 Kesins-Celestial Deities-75 Kettle-drum-an attribute, 51, 116, 118, 119, 133, 209, 210, 211 Khadgas of Samatata-6, 7, 8, 174 Khadiravani Tara-12 Khailkair in Dacca Dt.-58 Khan Bahadur Sayid Aulad Hasan-32 Khasarpana Lokanatha-25, 27. Khasnabis family of Paikpara, Dt. Dacca-201 Khatvanga-a staff with a death's head, -36, 37, 111, 113, 116, 117, 125, 126, 207, 210 Khetlal in Bogra Dt.-138 Khilpada in Dacca Dt.-90, 97 Khyati Kamala or Laksmi born of-185, 186 a fabulous being,-79, 113 Kinnara Kiratas-wild people-222 Kisorganj in Mymensing Dt.-31 Knife-an attribute-205, 209, 211, 212

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. Knowledge, the Supreme-220 Kodal-dhoda tank at Rampal, 216 Konarak-temple of Sun at-167 Kosambi Capital of Udayana-41 Kotalipada-Chandra Varmman's fort at, in Faridpur Dt,-1, 2, 27 Krakuchandra-a Manusi Buddha-19 Kratu Brahma Prajapati's son-75 Krsna 77, 97, 98, 103, 135, 165, 166, 183, 184, 185, 220 -as an incarnation-97 -Samba, son of-165 -cursing Samba-166 -in Brahma Vaivarta Purana-183 creation of Visnu from-184 -Manasa meditating on-220 Krsnadasi Chaudhurani-81 Krsnapur in Tippera Dt.-83 Krttimukha a Sign or figure at the top of an image-33,57.58,79,81,82,83, -85,93,105,107,169, 171, 172, 190, -198. Ksama a variety of Chamunda-211 Ksatriyas extermination of-103 Ksemankari name of Sarvani-204 Ksemendra-a Buddhist Author-67 Ksitigarbha-a Bodhisattva-19 Kubjika a variety of Chamunda-211 Kubjika Tantram-Dhyana of Sasthi in-142 Kukutia in Dacca Dt.-44 Kumara Gupta-165 Kumara-Sambhavam-a poem-144 Kumudabandhu Vasu-232 Kunala a Section of the Divyavadana-38 Kunda 2 Kundala-a Yaksini-63 Kunkar quarry at Chandipur-45 relics found at-45,46 Kurmma-incarnation of-90,96,98,99 Knrmma Purana-100,155,163,185 249 Kurukulla or Rakta Tara-Buddhist goddess -21,3751 Kusana, Era-215 Kusinagara a Buddhist holy place-33 Kusuma Deva-of Karmmanta-114, 115 Kuvera-Buddhist Dharmmapala-22 -Form of Jambhala-34,35 -Brahmanical god of wealth-34 -Hariti, spouse of-67 Labels in Umalingana image-124 Laksam in Tippera Dt.-82 Laksmana Sena-a Sena King of tengal-II 77,124,203 -Ousted by Bakhtiyar-II -Worshipper of Visnu-77 -Madhainagar plate of-124 -reference to, on Dacca Chandi -203 Laksmankati in Bakarganj Dt.-86,185 Laksmi-Spouse of Visnu-77,78,88,90,91,93, 104,106,180,184,185,186,192 -Radha, an incarnation of-77,184 goddess of beauty and wealth-78 -Kamala or,-184,185 a later period conception - 186 -manifestation of Mahalaksmi-192 Laksmi-Narayana-rarity of the image of-88 Lalitaksepa-a posture-32,34 Lalitasana- a posture, 20, 27, 32, 35, 147 S Lalmai hill in the Tippera district-identified with Rohitagiri-10, 11, 172 Lance in the hands of gods and goddesses, III, II 2, 151 Lanka 103 Lanman: Translator of the Vedas-222 Lasso- -an attribute 43, 53, 54, 62, 133, 203, 200, 210 Later Gupta-2,5 Lauhajang in Dacca Dt.-34, 45, 115 Lauhitya-river, 4, 6 Law, the of the Buddhists-40 -Symbol of, in Visnu-78 Layaha Chandra Deva-a King-114, 115 Learning Buddhist god of-28 -goddess of-181

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250 Lichchhavis-65 Life last word in creation--209 GENERAL INDEX. Lingam-index to Saiva images-6, 117, 119, 132, 136, 142, 143, 192, 193, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 219 -worship and images of -142, 143 Linga Purana-100 Lion-vehicle of Gauri, 122, 128, 129, 130, 191, 202 -first appearance of-191 -springing, vehicle of Chandi-202 Lochana. a Buddhist Sakti-18 Lokadatta- -a Merchant of Samatata installing Visnu, 84, 85 Lokanatha a Buddhist deity, 13,14,24, 25, 27, Lokesvara 32 (-a Buddhist deity-24 Lord, the-ie, Buddha, 38, 39, 40 Lotusan Attribute, 45, 46, 51, 52, 78, 117, 124, 126, 127, 189, 199, 200, 203 image of Vajra Tara in a found in Chandipur quarry-45, 46 image of Chakra-Mahasukha in, 51, 52 an attribute of Visnu, symbol of creation and its beauty-78 Lucknow 206 Lyre in the hands of Sarasvati, 188 Macdonnell-History of Sanskrit Literature of-71 -Harvard Oriental Series-73 Mythological Studies in the RgVoda-99, 100, 108, 152, 153, 154, 162, 163, 178, 181. Mace attribute of Visnu-78, 79 -attribute of Chamunda-210 Madaripur in Faridpur-195 Madhainagar find-spot of Laksmana Sena's plate-124 Madhava-temple of, at Dhamrai -196 -Yaso-89 Madhavpasa-in Bakarganj-196 Madhu a force of destruction-191 Madhumati a river-2 Madhusudana Chaudhuri-44 Madonas of Brahmanical and Buddhist Pantheon-135 Magas 153, 154, 164 Magadha 5,8,65,66, 214-Guptas of,-8,166 Magha- month of--167 Magha-Mandala-Vrata of, 148 Mahabharata-95, 98, 99, 100, 108, 162, 212, 214, 216, 217 Mahabodhi - * 31, -temple of-5 - of Cunningham-31 Mahakala-Buddhist deity-22 Mahajnana ie. Supreme knowledge-217 Mahakali a village in Dacca-28, 30, 106, -manifestation of the Supreme Goddess-192 Mahakaruna-i.e. The Great Lord of Mercy -25 Mahalaksmi Supreme Goddess-192 a variety of Chamunda, one of the Eight Mothers-209 Mahamaya-a mound near the Capital of Samatata-6 -Buddhist deity-22 -name of Mahakali-192,193,194 Mahamayuri-a Buddhist goddess-57 Mahanirvana-Tantra-109,143 Mahapratisara-a Protecting goddess of the Buddhists BADANY 61, 62 Maharajaltla a posture-32,145,147 Mahasthan - Site of the city of Paundravardhana in the Bogra district-4 Mahasthaviras-deified personages in the Buddhist PantheonMaha-Sveta-name of Durga or Sarasvati 151 Mahato-Purna Chandra-33, 44 Mahattara a chief-65 -a Mahavastu Story of Hariti traced to, 63 Mahavihara of Nalanda-8 Mahavira the Jaina teacher-64 Mahayana - a Buddhist Sect-26, 67, 221, 223 Mahendra-inscription of--4

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. Mahesvara 124, 128 -Uma, article on-125 -resemblance to Laksmi-Narayana Mandala Magic circle-48, 49 -deities represented in-51 -of Rigveda-162 -88 Mandara a mountain- -100 Mahidhara-a Commentator-217 Mahima Chandra Raya-31 Mahimayi Chhaya-160 Mandasore-165 Manikganj in Dacca Dt.-202 251 Mahipala-King of North Bengal-9, 84, 85 Mahisa-Buffalo demon-194, 195, 196 Manipur 214 Mahiga-mardint-name of Durga-194, 195, Manjughosa or Manjusri-Buddhist god of Maitreya, A. K.-89 196, 197, 204 Maitrayani Samhita-182 Maitreya-a Manusi Buddha-19 Majbadi in Faridpur Dt.-48 Majumdar, Satya Charana-80 Majumdar, Jagadisa-kumara-23, 113, 170, Malda 128 171 Mamaki Sakti of a Dhyani Buddha-18 Manasa-Snake-goddess-212, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 232 -worship of, in Bengal-216 -identified with Jaratkaru-216 -not connected with Naga worship- 216 -characteristics of-217 -Kadru, a synonym for-217 -position, not definite-217 -mention of, in grammar-217 -Dhyana of-218, 219, 223, 227 as Sarasvati-219 -Daughter of Kasyapa-220 -explanation of-220 -unsettled state of the literature on 220 -stories of, in Southern India-221 -importation from Southern India- 223 -absorption of Janguli-223, 224 cult of, in Bengal-224, 225 -story of-225 Mancha or images of 225, 226, 232 Manchamma-worship of, in Southern India -221 -worship of, by the Senas-224 learning-28 Manjusri or Manjughosa-a Bodhisattva -19, 21, 28, 29, 32, 181 Manla the Medicinal Buddha-37 Man-Lion-incarnation of-78, 90, 92, 95, 101, 104, 105 Mantra-Mahodadhi Tantra-205 Manu-progenitor of mankind-98, 99. 151, dacdunt 153, 156, 161, 183 in the image of Surya-151 -son of Savarna-153, 156, 161 son of Surenu-156, 161 Samhita of, 183 Manusi Buddhas-or Buddhas incarnate -18, 30. Marathe templer-30, 39 Marichi from Ujani-3 -discovered at Pior, near Bad-Kamta-7. -in the image of Tara-12 Vairochana in the images of-17 -emanation from Vairochana-21 -images of 43, 44, 45 in the image of Syama Tara-56 Marichia son of Brahma Prajapati of the Brahmanical Pantheon 75 Kasyapa, son of-76 Markandeya Purana,-175, 179, 191, 192, Mars-163 194, 207 Martanda one of the Adityas-154 Martin Author of Eastern India'-176 Maskari Gosaliputra-64 AME Matha-of Keoar-85

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252 GENERAL INDEX. Mathura temple of Sun at-167 Jaina stupas of-181 image of Sarasvati at-187 -worship of the Nagas in-215 -shrine of Dadhikarna-215 Mathura Mohan Chaudhuri--130 Matlab a Police Station in Tippera Dt.-196 Matsya or Fish-incarnation of-90, 96, 98, 99 -images of 103, 105 Matsya-Purana-98, 99 -construction of Nrisimha image in-104 -construction of Nataraja image in- -I I I -construction of Alingana image in -124, 125, 126 -construction of Ardhanarisvara in-132 -construction of Sun-god in-150, 157, 159, 164 -description of the Sun's car in-161 -story of Sarasvati in-182 -construction of Chamunda in-208 _construction of Kalika in-211 Max Muller-178, 186 Maya or Maya Devi-mother of the Buddha -46, 135 Mayurbhanj Archaeological Survey Report of 151, 210, 218, 227 Mazumdar-See Majumdar Medicine Buddha of-41 Meghna-river-4 Meherauli-iron pillar at-2, 108 Memoirs A. S. B.-5. of the Archaeological Survey-206 Memory the Great-179. Mercury-163 M. Ganguli author of 'Orissa and her Remains' 167, 176 Midnapur District-4 Mihira, Varaha-an astronomer-174 Mihirakula-165 Milinda Panhoai Miracle the Great, of Sravasti-42 Mirkadimin Dacca Dt-107 Mirror an attribute-198, 199, 200 Mitraan Atmospheric deity-74 -an Aditya-154 Mitra-Bhuban Chandra-28 -Rajendralala-151, 157 Moberly, Mr. A. N.-81 Modaka in the hand of Ganesa-145 Mohini Mohana Dasa-79, 80, 170 Mokamkhola-in Dacca Dt.-81 Monastery-at Yama Guti, Kathmandu-18 at Katlapur-106 -at Abdullapur-107, 119, 127, 147, 171 at Munsiganj-146 -Vikramasila-190 Mongolian-Origin of the Nagas-214 the August-178 Mother -the Original-180,179 the Supreme-179. the Universal-154, 178, 179 Mother and Child-the image of-134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 141, 142 -images common in North Bengal -134, 135, -identification of the image of-136, 137, 138, 141 Saiva nature of 136 -Not Parvati 136. Sadyojata form of 137 -identified with Sasthi-141 Mothers the Seven-173 -the Eight, Surrounding Vajra Tara in Mandala-48. 46 the Eight, forms of Chamunda--209 --Mancha-221 Mountain the Northern-99 Mrchchhakatika-a drama-124 Mrohaung in Burma, image of Sun-god discovered at-158 Mudra Abhaya-13, 18, 27, 42, 43, 56, 57, 105, 116, 117, 147, 209 Bhumisparsa-17, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34. Dharmma-chakra-13, 17, 42 Dhyana-32, 33, 87, 193 -Samahita-18. -Tarjjani-26, 43, 48, 49, 59, 60, 61, 105, 107, 197, 204 Uttarbodhi-17 Vara-13, 20, 54, 111, 116, 130 Varada-13, 18, 49, 56, 226 -Vitarka 20, 56, 57 -Vyakhyana-187, 189 -187, 189 Muhammad Bin Kasim-168

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. Muir author of Sanskrit Texts-99, 102, 183 Mukhopadhyaya-P. C.-45 Mulchar in Dacca Dt.-27. Mulasthana-modern Multan-168 Multan temple of Sun god at-165,166,168 Munda Servant of Sumbha and Nisumbha -207 Mundane the, Egg-183 the, Waters-183 _ Munsiganj in Dacca Dt.-23,28,31,32.33. 34,35,56,57,58,61,62,85,109,113, 119, 130, 146, 170, 171, 201, 216, 229, 232 Muradnagar-in Tippera Dt.-83 Murma in Dacca Dt.-192 Mursidabad District-4 Museum Dacca Sahitya Parisat-120,121,129 -Indian, Calcutta-46,49, 50, 84, 134, 136, 148,158,,188,219. --Mathura-215 Rajsahi-7, 9, 27, 34, 44, 45, 115, 120, 121, 127, 129, 131, 134, 136,138 -148,188,198,200,205,209,210,211, 226 Provincial, Lucknow-206 I -Vangiya Sahitya Parisat-9,27,120, 121,123,211 Mymensingh District-31 Mystic-Sleep-191 Mythology-Epic, by Hopkins-95, 101 - Vedic, by Macdonell-99, 100, 108, 152, 154, 162, 178, 181 Naga-Supporting the throne of the Bodhisattvas in the nether regions-26, 28 -girls, in the Faridpur Vajra Tara lotus -51 -girls, in the Visnupatta slabs -90, 91 in the image of Boar incarnation-104, 106 in the image of Nataraja Siva--111, 112, 113, 116 -reining the seven horses of the Sun ∙169, 171, 172 absent in the Sun-god image-171 Manasa or Jaratkaru, the sister of the king of 212, 213 the chiefs of 213 -story in the Mahabharata-212, 213 a Mongolian tribe-214 -Hatred of the Aryans towards-214 -Mythological position of-215 - sadov 253 -worship of the Nagas guarding waters -215, 216 -worship not connected with Manasa --216 -in the form of Elephant-220 -in the images of Bengal Manasa- 226, 227 Nagakastha a pole fashioned like a snake -216 Nagaloka-the nether region-112 Nagamata mother of the snakes-217 Nagapasa-125, 126 Nagarajju-169 Nagarjuna Buddhist deified personage-22 Nagarkasva-in Dacca Dt.-105 Nagendra-meaning of the term-220 Nahapara in Dacca Dt.-28, 171 _ Nahar collection of Calcutta-140 Naihati plate of Ballala Sena-114, 130 Nakta a terrestrial deity-73 Nalta in Faridpur Dt.-34 Namo Vamanaya-inscription on Abdullapur Vamana-107 Nanda or Nandini-i. e. joy-65 Nandi-Vehicle of Siva-143 Nandini-see Nanda-65 Narasamsa a terrestrial deity-73 Narayana-and Laksmi-88 -Lord,-97 Prajapati, same as-100 -brother of Adhikrta Damodara -203 Narayanganj in Dacca Dt.-29. Narayant-name of Durga-198 Narttesvara-i.e. the dancing Lord-inscription under Nataraja 4, 110, 114, 155 Nasirnagar-in Tippera Dt.-128 Nastik Panditer Bhita-190 Nataraja the Supreme Dancer, name of Siva, 110, III, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, worship of image in Tippera--III -construction of 111 -classes of IIr sixteen-armed-112

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254 GENERAL INDEX. Natesvara village in Dacca Dt.-111, 129 Natghar a village in Tippera Dt., 111, 115 Nature-female energy of-76. -Laws of, 179 Navagrahas Presence of, in the 'Mother and child' images 136, 137 Naynanda in Dacca Dt.-61 _ Nectar-51, 189, 219 Needle an attribute of Marichi-43 Nepal monastery of Yama Guti in-18 Nibandha Tantra-126 Night in Atharva Veda-179 -Delusion, Doomsday, Eternal-180 Nikgubha-Wife of the Sun-God -151, 156, 160, 161, 169 -earthly double of Surenu-156, 160 -name of Samjna-161 Nila Tara-21 Nilakantha-1 IG Nirajana-a rite incumbent on every kingNirgrantha-Jaina ascetics--5 Nirgrantha-Jnatiputra-64. Nirmal in Dinajpur Dt.-142 Nirvana Buddhist Salvation-33, 40 Nisumbha a demon-191, 207 Nitya a name of Durga-198 N. N. Basu-author of Archaelogical Survey of Mayurbhanj-151, 210, 218 district-4 Noakhali Noose an attribute-43, 49, 112, 147 Northern-countries-dress of, Surya should be dressed in, 150, 151, 158 -dress of Danda and Pingala-158 -India-9 Indian images of Nataraja distinguished from the Southern Indian images-112 -Upa-Purana of-98 -Story of-101 -Sculptures of, numerous-103 Construction of the image of 104 Ocean the churning of the, recovery of Laksmi 185 Oriental series, Harvard-70 Original-Sanskrit Texts by Muir-183 Orissa Solar worship in-166 -Konarak temple of-166 -Location of Udayachala in-197 Orissa and her Remains-by M. Ganguly www.Bo -167, 176 Ornamentation-absence of, in images with umbrellas-81 _ Outsahi or Autsahi-in Dacca Dt.-116, 146 Padakramana-an important observance in the marriage ceremony-121 Padma an attribute-79, 81, 82, 88, 106, 107, -a Purana -101 Padma or Padmavati, a river, 44, 184 -story of the creation of 184 Padma-narttesvara-si Padmapani-Lokanatha-27, 46 Padmasambava-deified personage of the Buddhists-22 Padmasana,or the lotus-seat-30 Padmavati -(see Padma) a river-184 Paikpara in Dacca Dt.-33, 35, 67, 201 Painting East Indian-in the Itth. century-14 Palas Buddhist kings of Bengal-8, 9, 166, 185 -rise of 8, 9 -sculptural wealth, during the rule of-9 Palang-in Faridpur Dt. 143. 145, 230 Palita, Haridasa-128, Pamkti-a metre-163 Pancharaksas-protecting goddesses of the Panchasarin Dacca Dt.-109, 232 Buddhists-22, 61 of Pandara-Sakti of Amitabha-18 Panditer Bhita, Nastik-190 -Mountain, Manu's boat towed to-99 Nrsimha . . Man-lion,-incarnation -90, 96, 98, 101, 103, 104, 106, 107

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. Panditsar n Faridpur Dt.-44 Panho, Milinda 4 -41 Pani-grahana-121, 123 Panini a grammarian-2171 Pantheon Brahmanical, evolution of-75 -Buddhist, outline of -16 Janguli in 222 wwww Paramadityabhakta-i. e. great devotee of the Sun-god, an epithet given by Harsa to his ancestors- 165, 16 a religious Paramahamsa-Rama-Krsna, teacher-93 Parama-saiva-i. e. great devotee of Siva, epithet of some of the Sena Kings of Bengal-77 Parama-Saura-i. e. great devotee of the Sun-god, epithet of some of the Sena-Kings of Bengal-771 Parasol special symbol of Sitatapatra-53 in the Buddhist and Brahmanical images-53 Parasu (axe)-special symbol of Parasurama -103, 107 Parasurama- an incarnation of Visnu-78, 90, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 102, 103, 207 -omission of from Visnupatta- 92, 97 -chronological position amongst incarnation 95, 96, 97 Upapurana, assigned to--98 first historical personage as an incarnation 103. -image of 107 Pargiter, Mr "Copper-plant grants East Bengal of-2 from -contention of the priority of Bhavisya-Purana by-156. Parijata-Sarasvati-a variety of Sarasvati -188 Parisat-Dacca Sahitya-34, 56, 114, 120, 121, 123, 129, 170 -Rangpur, Sahitya-124, 125, 126 Vangiya, Calcutta-9, 27, 89, 110, 120, 121, 123, 160, 182, 211, 217, 223, Parjjanya an atmospheric deity-74 -an Aditya-155. Parnasavaria Buddhist goddess emanating from Amoghasiddhi-21, 58, 59, 60, 61 a follower of Tara-58. -Sadhana of 59 -queller of epidemics-59 -treading on Ganesa-60 -suppression deities by-61 of 255 Brahmanical -worshipped as Jiyas Thakurani at Naynanda-61 Parvati or Parvati-wife of Siva, 120, 132, 133, 135, 136, 137, 138, 142, 144, 180, 191, 199, 200,201, 202 -in Ardhanarisvara images-132 -in Bhairava images-133. -mother of Karttikeya and Ganesa, the identification of,-135, 144 in mother and child images-136, 137, 138 -peculiar feature of - 142 -birth of Kausiki from-191 -Name of Durga-191 -points of identification of the images of other varieties of Gauri -199 -attributes of-200 -Bengal variety of Gauri images identified as-200 distinctive features of-201 - images of 202 Pataliputra prediction about Asoka's becoming the King of 40 Patharghata in Bhagalpur-45 Patikara or Pattikera-a pargana, also formerly a town in Tippera, identified with the ruins on the Lalmai hills-10,11, 13 description and identification of I I -Buddhist images in-13 Paundravardhana_identified with Mahasthan in Bogra District-4 -Coming of Lord Buddha to-40 P. C. Mukhopadhyaya-45 Pauranic Peacock Bear Triad-76 Literature, worship of Sakti in -76 Vehicle of Karttikeya-147, 202 Pen in the hand of Pingala in the image of Sun-god-149, 164, 169 -in Sarasvati 187 Perfume an attribute of Sarasvati-189 Tara of 48 Philosophy-foundation of 71 Phullasri in Bakarganj Dist.-224. Pilengka le. Pingala-Chinese name for the youngest son of Hariti-66 -transliterated Chinese name of Priyankara-67

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256 GENERAL INDEX. Pillar with Garuda, in honour of Visnu-108, 109 -Meherauli Iron--2,108 Pindola or Pindola Bharadvaja-a Buddhist deified personage. -identification Buddha-37 with medicinal -life and career of, in Divyavadana -38, 39, 40 in Jatakas-40, 41 images of 42 -son of Hariti, according to Getty's Version-67 Pingala or Pilenghka-youngest son of Buddhist Hariti-65, 66, 67 -an attendant of Brahmanical sungod-150, 151, 152 explanation of the name of, in Bhavisyapurana-152, 164 -Northern dress of--158 representation of--164, 169 Pinjuri in Faridpur Dt.-27 Pior near Badkamta in Tippera Dt.-7,33,44 Pisachas a class of Buddhist divinity--22 Pisitasana inscription on a Rajsahi Museum image-211 Pitamaha name of a person-85 Pitcher of nectar in the image of Sarasvati-188, 189 in the image of Manasa-219 Pithasthana-centre of Sakta form of worship -205 Plate Ghugrahati, of Samachara Deva-2 Rampal, of Sri Chandra Deva-g Belava, of Bhoja-Varmman-07 of the Senas-110¨ -Naihati, of Ballala Sena 1-114,139. Madhainagar, of Laksmana Sena --124. Bhaoal, of Laksmana Sena--124 -Indor, of Skanda Gupta-165 Plough symbol of Balarama-103 Polar Star-connection with the Sun's chariot -162 Pomegranate an attribute of Durga-198 Pose Abhanga-12,24 -Abhaya, of hand-43, 107 Adamantine 17, 30 Anjali-48, 88, 111, 114, 116 -Atibhanga-230 -Gaja-hasta-113 -Meditative-42 -Samabhanga-24 -Preparatory to Saptapadi-121 -Tribhanga-42, 56, 107, 2 II -Varada--57 Posture Alidha-47, 48, 50, 118 Ardhaparyyanka-25, 27 -Bhumisparsa-31, 32, 33, 34, Lalitaksepa-32, 34 -Maharajalila -145, 147 Varada-42 Pot in the hand of Nataraja--116 Power-the Great-180. Prabha daughter of Visvakarma-156, 161 --wife of Sun-god-161 Prabhakara-Vardhana-an emperor-165 Prabhavati Queen of Devakhadga, King of Eastern India--5, 6, 8, 143, 204, 225 Prahlada- Son of Hiranyakasipu and a devotee of Visnu-101, 105. Prajapati as chief god in the Rigveda and in the other Vedas-72 -identified with Brahma in the Sutras-72 as a deity in Brahmanic literature 75 Brahma, evolution of Brahmanic Pantheon from and worship of -75, 76 -Fish and Tortoise, incarnation of-99, 100 -in Satapatha Brahmana-99 -rescuer of the earth, same as Narayana, in Linga Purana and Vaidic Literature-100 -Daksa: incest with his own daughter-180 Kasyapa as- -154. Prajna daughter of Visvakarma-156) -Adi, Universal Mother of Buddhist hierarchy of gods-16 -Paramita (Saving Wisdom)-see Adi Prajna--16, 28, 42 -Paramita, Astasahasrika-12 Prakrti-Female energy of Purusa-16, 180 Prakrti Khandam--a section of Brahmavaivartta Purana-183, 198, 220 Prapanchasara-a Tantra invocation of Aghora in-119 -method of depicting or dhyanas of Alingana-murti in-126, 128. -Attributes of Sarasvati in--189 Representation of Mahisamardini in-195, 197 Pravasia monthly magazine, 34, 89, 221.

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. 257 Preserver, the-in Brahmanical Pantheon -76,93 Preta of Buddhist Pantheon-28 Primordial One, the-the philosophical asPrimeval-Boar-104 pect of-72 -Darkness i. e. Aditi-179 Priyankara-the youngest child of Hariti in Bodhisattvavadana-Kalpalata, see Pilengka-67 Proceedings-Bengal Asiatic Society,-68 Protection-an attribute, a peculiar pose of hand called Abhaya-27, 116, 133, 145, 147, 193, 198, 199, 200, 201, 203, 208, 209, 223 Protectors in Buddhist Pantheon-22 Prthivi-See Earth -a Brahmanic deity-73, 75, 93, 160, 161, 186 wife of Visnu-93, 186 -wife of Sun-god-160, 161 -Dyava, a pair-160 P. Sehanabisa-89 Pujari Gosvami-99 Pulaha son of Brahma Prajapati-75 Pulastya son of Brahma Prajapati-75 Puranas Agni-99, 115, 151, 175, 188, 189, 195, 197, 208, 209, 211 -Bhagavata-97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 155 - Bhavisya 151, 155, 156, 160, 164, 167 Brahma-137. -Brahmavaivartta-183, 198, 217, 218, 219, 220 -Garuda-156 Kalika- 131, 175, 193 -Kurmma-100, 155, 156, 163, 185 -Linga-100, 137. Markandeya-175, 179, 191, 192, 194, 207 -Matsya-09, 104, 111, 124, 125, 126, 132, 156, 157, 158, 159, 161, 182, 208, 211, -Padma-101 Siva-101 -Varaha-78, 166, 167 Visnu-97, 156, 185 Puranas, the-Vaidic deities losing importance in-76 -supremacy of Visnu in-94 Krsna as a partial incarnation in -97 incarnations as the chief hero of -98 -Upa or minor, assigned to incar nations-98 -Manu and the Deluge in-99 -identification of Tortoise in-100 -story of Vamana in-102 -Marriage of Siva and Gauri in -121, 131 Alingana-murti in-124, 125 -loss of Ganesa's head in-144 -legends of Sun-god in-152, 156 -worshippers of the Sun-god inK 'One wheel' of Sun in-153 -source of 156 -Adityas in-154 -Usas as wife of Surya in-161 -Seven horses of Sun in-162 -spectrum in-163 -Wifely aspect of Original Mother in-180 -Sarasvati in 183 -Kamala or Laksmi in-185 -Directions for making Visnu-186 Purapara in Dacca Dt.--80, 130, 131 -Deul at, connected with Ballala Sena-131 Puri in Orissa,-car festival of Jagannatha at, connected with Sun worship-167 Purna Chandra-first man of note in the Chandra family of RohitagiriII Purna Chandra Mahato-33, 44 Purusa e. Siva of Brahmanical conception -16, 180 Narayana as-97 Apasmara a demon, 112 Purva-Karanagama-Characteristics of Chamunda according to-208, 209 Pusa an Aditya-155. Pusan a celestial deity-75 Puskara a holy place-220. Quiver 55, 118 Radha incarnation of Laksmi-77, 183 -Sarsvati originated from-183 Radhagupta-40 Radhika Bhusana Raya-81 Radha a province-9 Raghurampur _in Dacca Dt.-excavation at-27, 31, 34, 43, 83, 92, 93, 109, 134, 142, 145, 171, 212, 225, 232 Raghunandana-227 Rahu 43, 91

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258 Raipura in Dacca Dt.-68 GENERAL INDEX. Rajabhatta or Rajarajabhatta-Son of Devakhadga 5, 6. Rajagrha 39, 40, 65, 66, 67 Rajahs of Ujani-31, 44 Rajair in Faridpur Dt.-173 Rajarajabhatta See Rajabhatta Rajasan in Dacca Dt.-32, 84 www Rajasika-133, 192 Rajendra-chola,-Tirumalai inscription of-9 Rajendra Kumara Datta-29 Rajendralala Mitra-151, 157 Rajmahal Hills-quarry of chlorite stone at-230 Raj-Queen of Sun-god, Daughter of Visvakarma,-151, 156, 161 -name of Dyau-161 Rajsahi or Rajshahi-Museum-9, 27, 34. 44, 45, Ito, 115, 120, 121, 127, 129, 131, 134, 136, 138, 148, 174, 186, 188, 198, 200, 205, 209, 210, 211, 225, 226 Varendra Research Society at 110, 134, 186, 198, 205, 225 Raksasa 103, 118, 120 Raksoghna Murti-120. Rakta-matyka-142. Rakta Tara 21 Ram-as the vehicle of Sarasvati-186, 187 sacrifice of, 187. Rama-Bala-78, 90, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 103 -Dasarathi or son of Dasaratha- 78, 90, 92, 93, 95, 96, 98, 103, 135 Parasu-7 8, 90, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 102, 103, 107 Ramayana, the-98. 103 Ramesa Chandra Guha, 56, 61, 81, 104, 105, 106, 114, 170, 171, 201 Dasa,-79 Rama-Krsna Paramhamsa-93 Rampal in Dacca Dt.-9, 11, 28, 104, 105, 107, 111, 113, 115, 123, 129, 131, 146, 202, 212, 216, 229 -plate, of Sri-chandra Deva-g ancient Vikramapura-28. Kodal-dhoa tank at-216 Ranasura King of Daksina Radha-9 Ranavanka Malla-copper-plate of-10 Rangamati Site of old Karnasuvarna-4 Rangpur Journal of the Sahitya Parisat of: (See J. R. S. P.)-124, 125, 126 Ranihati in Dacca District -Deul at-106, 107, 116, 131, 146 Rao-Gopinath, Mr.author of Hindu Iconography-101, 121, 134, 150, 158, 192, 199, 208. Rasika Chandra Ghataka-196 Rat-vehicle of Ganesa-145, 146, 202 Ratnapani-a Bodhisattva--19 Ratna-sambhava-a Dhyani Buddha-16, 18, 19, 21, 29, 45, 58 -goddesses emanating from-45 -53 Ratnesvara-Sena-228, 229 Ravana-103 Ravi An Aditya, 155 Raya Anukula Chandra-26, 54, 173, 177 -Devendragati-135 hyat Jivanachandra -202 Mahimachandra-31 Radhika Bhusana-81 R. D. Banerjee-89, 135 Reed an attribute--147 Religious belief-character of, during 6 th and 7 th centuries-8 Renuka mother of Parasu- Rama-103 Abo Research Society -Birbhum 209 Varendra-110, 205, 225 134, 186, 198, Revantason of Surya-151, 157, 161, 174, 175,176,177 -the lord of horses and horsemen -157 rarity and identification of 174 -description and characteristics of-175 worship of 175, 176 images of 176, 1777 Review, The Dacca-97 R. G. Basak, Mr.-13 R. G. Bhandarkar, Sir-194 Rg-Veda, the 71, 72, 75, 94, 102, 108, 152, 153, 154, 161, 162, 165, 180, 181, 182, 186, 217 Song of Creation in-71 -Prajapati in-72

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Visnu in-94, 102 GENERAL INDEX. -Mythological Studies in-72, 99, 100, 104, 152, 154, 162, 178, 181, 182 -Garuda in-108 -legends of sun god in-152, 153, 154 Tak -revelation of, to Angirasa 153 -Aditi and Adityas in-154 -Usa in-161 -Gayatri in-165 -Wives of gods in-180 -Sarasvati in--181, 182 - Laksmi in-186 -Sarparajni in-217 R. M. Chatterjee's-Saradatilaka Tantra 116, 133 Rohini Kumara Sena-197 Rohita hill-9. Rohitagiri Chandras of-9, II _ Rosary an attribute-111, 116, 117, 127, 129, 130, 146, 147, 164, 189, 192, 193, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 219, 230 -in an Alingana image-129 with siva-Linga in Gauri images -200 Royal Asiatic Society-98, 100, 102, Rsabha The first Tirthankara of the Jainas, as an incarnation-94 a skeleton ghost-III Rsi Bhrng Rsis The seven in the Sun-god images- 164, 173 Rta Law, Aditi, the spouse of-178. Rudra, Rudras-74, 75, 76, 109, 155, 162, 180, 192 -an atmospheric deity-74 -name of all the atmospheric deities-75 - offspring of Dharmma-76 -Siva, compounded of-76, 109 -name of an Aditya-155. wife of 180 -created from Mahakali-192 Rudra-Chamunda; Rudra Charchchika-A variety of Chamunda-209. Rudrant wife of Rudra-180 Rupamandanam-a treatise on images-199, 200 Rupavidya-a variety of Chamunda-210 Sabda-Kalpadruma-a dictionary-153, 176 Sabharan old'site in the Dacca district- 3, 32, 33, 34, 68, 84, 106. 259 Sabjimahal or Savjimahal-in Dacca-79, Sacred Thread-in 80, 170 the Ardhanarisvara image-132 -Khatvanga in Heruka placed like-36 -Serpent as a, of Nataraja -113 Sadasiva ten armed accepted as the royal seal of the Senas-110 Sadhana for Dhyani Buddhas-zo -for Heruka-36, 37 -for Jambhala-34 --for Mahapratisara-62 -for Manjusri-29 -for Marichi-43 -for Parnasavari-59 -for Usnisa-Vijaya-21 -for Vajra Tara-45, 47, 51 -for Yellow Tara-21 Sadhanamala-29, 36, 61 Sadhanamala-tantra-15 Sadyojata 134, 137, 142 -meaning and Dhyanas of-137 - in Lingapurana-137 Sahitya Parisat-Dacca-34, 56, 114, 120, 121, 123, 129, 170 - Vangiya, Calcutta-9, 27, 89, 110, 120, 121, 123, 160, 182, 211, 217, 223 Rangpur-124, 125, 126 Sailadaha a river and also a village, South of Kotalipada 2, 3, 27 Saiva-109, 110, 130, 142 -images-109. -Sculptures, richness of, in Bengal-110 Iconography-Complicated nature ofIIO Sena Kings as-130 -Linga, a form of worship-142 Saivism spread of-109 East Indian origin of Tantric Literature on-110 development of, from Saktivada-180 Prof. Bhandarkar on-194 Sakadvipi Brahmins-worship of Sungod by Sakta in Dacca-197 153, 154 Sakta centre of worship-205 Sakti 16, 18, 51, 76, 104, 109, 130, 142, 144, 147, 180, 181, 191, 194, 203 of Dhyani Buddhas- -18, 21 in the Faridpur Vajra Tara Lotus-51

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260 GENERAL INDEX. -worship of, in Pauranic and Tantric Literature as a spouse of Siva-76, 180 -active forms of, in Indian images-104 -presentation of Lion to the temple of- 109 --and Siva in one body-130, 142, 194 in the sense of sword-147 -motherly aspect of-180 -activity of Siva with-180 growth of the cult of-181, 191 -Bhubanesvari, a form of--203 Saktivada-turning to Saivism-180 Sakyamuni-19, 32 Sakya-Sinha-227 Salohita-64 Samachara Deva-King of Eastern India -2, 3 Samanta-bhadra-19 Samatata-1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 36, 84, 85, 174, 225 Samabhanga-a pose-24. Samahita. Mudra-18 Sama-Veda-179 Samba-165, 166, 167 Sambapura-temple at, and identity of-167 168. -car festival of-168 Samhita Brhat-151, 157, 158, 174 KapilaMaitrayani-182 Commentary on -168 -Vajasaneyi-72, 181 Samjadvasu-163 Samjna-daughter of Visvakarma and a wife, of Sun-god-156, 161 Samkasya 40 Samudra-75 Samudra-gupta-87 Samvara-22, 51 Samvatsara-75 Samyukta-ratna-sutra-66 Sanatani-198 Sanchi-228 Sandhya-161 Sandhya Tandava-114 Sandilya-85 Sangharamas-5 Sanghesa-gupta-57. Sani-156, 161 Sanjayi Varattiputra-64 Sankara-109 Sankaracharyya-93 Sankarbandha-in Dacca Dt.-113, 123 Sankha an attribute-79, 81, 82, 88, 106, 107, III, 197 Sanskrit-English Lexicon-by Apte-155 Sanskrit Texts-by Muir-99, 102, 183 Saptamatrka-173 Saptami Tithi 167 Saptapadi-121 Sara-55 Sarabha-mrga Jataka-40 Saradatilaka Tantra-116, 117, 119, 126, 133, 134, 144, 146, 147, 189, 195, 203, 204, 205 -Nilakantha in-116, 117 -Aghora in-119 Umalingana-murti in-126. Vatuka in-133, 134 Ganesa in 144, 146, 147 Sarasvati in 189 -Mahisa-mardini in-195 -Chandi in-203 Sarvani in-204, 305 Saranyu-153, 156, 160 Sarasvati 21, 22, 33, 76, 78, 87, 90, 104, 106, 152, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 192, 218, 219, 222, 223 - of the Buddhist pantheon-21, 22, 181 image of Buddha worshipped asBrahma and 76, 182, 183, 186 -wife of Visnu and goddess of culture-78, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185 in the images of Visnu-87, 90, tou, tou, 186 Maha-sveta, the name of 152 -Sakti of Brahma--180 -images of 181, 187, 188 manifestation of a river-181 -Legends of 181, 182, 183, 184, 187 -Swan, the vehicle of-186, 218, 219 Ram, the vehicle of 186. 187 Dhyanas of 186, 188 chart of the attributes of 189 -Parijata-188

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manifestation of Mahakali-192 Manasa and-218, 219, 222 -as destroyer of poison-222, 223 Saratkumara Guha-128 Sarat-Sasi Datta-226 Sarkar, Srinatha-35 Sarnath-33 Sarparajni - 217 Sarpa-rsi-214 Sarva-Savaranam Bhagavati-59 Sarvamangala-name of Durga-198 Sarvani or Sarvani-6, 7, 8, 143, 172, 198 203, 204, 205, 225 -gilt image of-6, 7, 8, 143, 172, 203, 204, 205, 225 -name of Durga-198, 203 Sarva-nivarana-Viskambhin sattva-19 Sarvastivada-65 Sasanka-an emperor-109 Sast Kumara Sena-201 Sasthi-142 a BodhiSastras the presiding deity of-183, 184 Sastri-Hirananda--206 B. S.-217 -H, Krishna-120 Satadru ie the Sutlej-74. Satapatha Brahmana-98, 99, 100, 154, 182, 183, 186, 187, 217 Fish Incarnation in-98 Tortoise incarnation in-99 The raising of the earth in-100 Adityas identified with the months in-154 Sarasvati identified with Vak in- 182 -myth of the incest of Brahma in- 182, 183 Laksmi in 186 Vehicle of Sarasvati in 187. Sarparajni in-217 Satarupa-daughter of Brahma-182 Sati name of Durga-198 Sattvika 133, 192 Saturn-163 Satya-name of Durga-198 Satya Charana Majumdar-80 Saura-166 Sauri-Sarmman---85 Savaras-59, 221, 223 Savara-Kumari-221 Savarna-153, 156, 161 Savarni Manu-153, 156, 161 Saving Wisdom-16, 28 Savita-155 Savitr an atmospheric deity-74 -name of Sun-165 Savitri-165, 182, 183 261 -a verse addressed to Sun-165 -daughter of Brahma--182, 183 Savjimahal-See Sabjimahal Sayana-217 Sayoga-85 Sculpture-flourishing Schools of-g S. C. Vidyabhusana-67 Scythia-165 Seal -27, 54, 68, 83 Seat of the Eldest-38, 39 Sehanabisa-P. 89 Sena-Aditya-5, 6, 166 Ananta Kumara -84 Baikunthanatha-See Vaikunthanatha -Ballala-113, 130, 131 -Dharani Mohana-81 Dinanatha 33 -Ksitimohana- -221 Laksmana-II, 77, 124, 203. -Ratnesvara-228, 229 Rohini Kumara-197 Sasi Kumara-201 Vaikunthanatha -33, 81, 88, 170, 201, 202 -Vijaya-139, 225 Senahasti-consecration of a Naga statue by -215 Senart Editor of Mahavastu-63 Senas Kings of Bengal-11, 12, 77, 109, 110, 113, 114, 130, 166, 192, 224 -no friends of Buddhism-I I -worshippers of sungod and Siva- 77, 109, 110, 130, 166 site of the palace of-113, 192 -temple of Nataraja erected by-114 -Southern India, original home of the-224 Seng-chi-a Chinese pilgrims Serpent as a sacred thread of Nataraja-113

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262 Sesa-a Naga-104, 111, 116 GENERAL INDEX. Seven-horses of the Sungod-43, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 163, 169, 171, 172 -Pigs of Marichi-43. -and Ugra-Tara-206. and Manasa-220, 221, 225 · Purana-IoI Siv-Vadi-in Dacca Dt.-202 Jewels of the Buddhists-26, 28, Siva-name of Durga-. 198 30 -Mothers-173 -Rsis-173 Shahpur-image-incription from, 5, 6, 166 Shastri-See Sastri Shield an attribute-60, III, 112, 113, 118, 119, 120, 151, 204, 205, 210 Sialdi in Dacca Dt.-86. Siddha Chamunda-210 -Yogesvari-210, 211 Sij-a kind of tree-226. SarpurSikhara-31, 90 Bakarganj Dt., 205, 206 Silabhadra-chief of the Nalanda Mahavihara-8 Silakunda in Faridpur Dt.-2 Sila-Lokanatha-of Harikela-13 Sila, Sudharama-129 Silghat-in Assam-220 Silpa-Sastras 161, 199 Skanda-the commander of the heavenly army-152, 164 Skanda Gupta-an emperor-165 Skanda-Sasthi-227 Skin Elephant's-133, 208, 209, 210, 211 -Tiger's 59, 117, 132, 208, 212 Skull-an attribute-113, 114, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 123, 126, 127, 129, 133, 189, 205, 209, 211 Skull-bowls-51 Skull-cap-30 Skull-cup-50, 51, 57, 67, 111, 130, 132, 134 Sleep Mystic-191 -Eternal-191 Smith, Dr.-135 Smith, V. A, Mr.-181 Snake an attribute-III, 113, 126, 132, 133, 209 -sacrifice of-214 mother of-217 Snuhia tree-226, 227 Sitala the Brahmanical goddess of epide- Society-Birbhum Research-209 mics-60, 61 Sitala Chandra Bhattacharyya-109 Sitatapatra a Buddhist goddess-21, 53, 54 Sita Tara-a Buddhist goddess-21 Siva 8, 16, 35, 76, 77, 93, 104, 109, 110, III, 113, 114, 115, 117, 117, 119, 120, 121, 122, 124, 125, 126, 129, 130, 131, 132, 137, 138, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 180, 181, 184, 191, 193, 194, 199, 200, 206, 220, 221, 235, 231 Harsha's veneration for 8 images of Jambhala worshipped as-35 evolution of, from Vaidic gods-76 -Sena kings, worshippers of-77 Sankaracharyya, incarnation of-93 numerous forms of, in Tantra-110 -Nataraja or Dancing-110, 111 -wives of 112 Urddhva Linga-index of F-117 and Sadyojata-137, 138, 142 and Ganesa-144 -and Sakti 180, 191, 194 and Ganga-184 -and Linga-199, 200 Buddhist Text-45, 57 Royal Asiatic-55, 90, 100, 102 Varendra Research-110, 134, 186, 198, 205, 225 Soma-moon-76 a sort of wine- -214 Sompada Sompada in Dacca-24, 57 Sonarang-in Dacca-27, 42, 68, 80, 81, 88, 170. 172, 201, 228, 229 Song of Creation-71 Soul, Supreme-217 South Indian Images of Gods and Goddesses-by H. K. Shastri-120 Southern India-110, 112, 221, 223, 224, -rich in the images of Dancing. Siva-110 characteristics of the image of Siva in 112 -worship of Mancha in-221 -Importation of Manasa from-223 -original house of the Senas-214

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pace Shell,, symbolical of-78 Speaker, the Great-38 Spear an attribute-209 Spectrum in the Puranas-163 Sramana the Great-24 The doctrine of--24 Sravasti 40, 41 Srichakrasambhara Tantra-51 Sri Chandra Deva-9, 11, 225 Rampal plate of-9 ken -master of Vanga-II Sridhara-82 Date and religion of--225 Srikrsna-220 Sri-Krsna-Janma-Khandam-219 Srinagar in Dacca Dt.-44 Srinatha Sarkar-35 Sri-Sukta-186 Srivatsa-jewel of Visnu-78, 87 Sri Vikramapura a town-11 Staff an attribute-51, 111,112, 113, 133, 134, 149, 230 Stapleton, H. E. Mr.-12, 13, 32, 42, 105, 229 Star, the Polar-162 Sthavira 38, 39 Stotra hymn-220 String-marks in the Seal from Sabhar-84 Stupa a mound-6, 10, 31, 46, 68, 228 Sulin-name of Mahisa-mardini-195 263 Sumagadha-daughter of Anathapindada-40 Sumbha a demon-191, 207 -Legend of Chamunda - 207 Sun or Sun-god-8, 43, 73, 75, 76, 77, 148, 173, 174, 176, 203, 212, 231 Devourer of-43 -the worship of 73, 164, 165 a celestial deity-75 -popularity of 77, 148, 166 -construction of the image of 149, 150 -Legend of 156, 157 the boots of 157, 158 -the ornaments and apparel of 159 the wives and children of-160, 161 the chariot and the charioteer of- 161, 162 -the seven horses of-162, 163 the attendants of-163, 164 -the temples and images of-8, 165, 166 Multan image of 166,167, 168 images of 169, 170, 171, 172 and Revanta--176 Suparna-name of Garuda-108 Superintendent-Archalogical Survey, Burma. Report of 158 Supplementary-Catalogue of the Archaological collections in the Indian Museum by Dr. Bloch-167 Supreme-Dancer, the-110 -Goddess, the-192, 207 Knowledge, the 30, 217. 220 Mother-179 Soul-217 Deity, Ganesa as-144 -Jaina Stupas of Mathura by Surabhadra-141 Smith 181 Subhachitta Dasa-170. Subhapur in Tippera Dt.-7, 37 Suchi-197 Suchimukha-a preta-28 Sudhadhya-Kalasa-188 Sudhana Kumara-26, 28 Sudharama Sila-129 Sugandha a lost river-196 Sukhabaspur in Dacca Dt.-23.35.56,129, 170 Sukhavaspur-See Sukhabaspur Sula-126, 197 Surenu name of Surya's wife and daughter of Visvakarma-156, 157, 160, 161, 169, 174 Various names of-156. Mother of Revanta -174 Survey Archalogical, Reports of 79, 138, 158, 168, 205, 215 Archaeological, Burma, Reports-158 Archaological, Mayurbhanj, Report -151, 210, 218, 227 Surya See Sun and Sun-god Susumna-a ray of Sun-163 Sutlej 74 Sutras-72 Sutra-Pitakam-

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264. Suvarchasa name of Dyau-161 GENERAL INDEX. Suvarnachandra-a Chandra of Rohitagiri Svadha-179 Svaha-179 Svahakrtis a terrestrial deity Svamibag in Dacc-58, 85, 86 Svaraka a ray of Sun-163. Swan-vehicle of Brahma and also of Sarasvati 181, 186, 189, 190 Vehicle of Gauri-199 Vehicle of Manasa-218, 219, Sweatmeat an attribute-147 Sweets-plate of, an attribute, 145, 146, 147 Sword-an attribute--54, 55, 60, 61, 62, 781, III, 112, 113, 118, 119, 120, 126, 133, 134, 149, 151, 163, 173, 176, 193, 197, 2211, 227 204, 705, 207, 210, -symbol of Manju-sri-28 Swordsman-a jewel of the Buddhists-26,30 Syama Tara or Green Tara-12, 13, 14, Sylhet 21,24,56, 57, 58 T. A. Gopinath Rao, Mr-110, 134, 150, 192, 199, 208 Taittiriya-Aranyaka-1 or Takakusu, Prof.-66. Tamasika-133, 192 Tamkunda in Purapara-131 Tamluk See Tamralipti Tamralipti modern Tamluk-4 Saradatilaka-116, 117, 119, 126, 133, 134, 144, 146, 147, 189, 195, 203, 204, 205. Srichakrasambhara-gi Tara-205 Tantras, the 110, 124, 128, 188, 199 -Saiva Iconography in-110. Alingana image in-124 -not one exclusively followed in Bengal-128 Dhyanas for Sadyojata in 139 Dhyanas of Sarasvati in-188 -Absence of Dhyana of Gauri in 199 Tantrasara-126 Tantric literature-worship of Sakti in-76 on Saivism, Eastern growth ofIIO Tantric Texts by Avalon-gr Tantrikism, Saiva-225. Tanunapata terrestrial deity-73 Tapati daughter of Surya-156, 161 Tara a Buddhist goddess-12, 13, 14, 18, 20, 28, 47, 48, 50, 53, 57, 58, 205, 206 -Spouse of Amoghasiddhi-20 Five Varieties of-20, 21, 26, 28 Bhrkuti 54, 55, 56, 60 Buddhardhi-14 - Dhanada-51 -Dhupa-48, 50 -Dipa-47, 48, 50 Gandha-47 Green-13, 21, 26, 66, 57 Janguli-21 -Khadiravani-12 Nila or Blue-20, 21 -Puspa-48 Rakta or Red-20, 21 Sita-21 -Syama-12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 53, 57, 58 Ugra-205, 206 Vajra 21, 45 53 White-30, 21, 57 -Yellow-20, 21, 45. Tandava-110, 112, 114 Taudi-222 Tangivadi in Dacca-42, 61, 67, 81, 90, 106, 107, 129, 172, 196, 201, 228, Tara Devi-46 Tanjore 731 st Kubjika-142 Tanka an attribute-141, 147 Tantra Mahaniryana-109, 143 Mantra-mahodadhi-205 Nibandha 120 Prapanchasara-119, 126, 128, 189, 195, 197 Sadhana mala 15 a tantra-205 Tarail-in Mymensingh-51 Taranath-9 Tarapada Basu-37 Tararahasya-vrttika-205 Tarjjan 26, 43, 48, 49, 59, 60, 61, 105, 107, 127, 204 Tata a village 35

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Tathagata 24, 49 Taxila 66 Telegu-221 GENERAL INDEX Temple-Buddhist and Brahmanical in Bengal-9 of the sun-god of Multan-166 Ten Incarnations--78, 95 Terra-cotta-with Buddhas stamped-3, 4, 32, 33, 34, 68, Terrestrial deities-73 Thunder-bolt-an attribute-26, 43, 44, 49, 54, 55, 59, 60, 61, Tibet 190"Buddhism of "-17 Tiger-skin of-59, 117, 132, 208, 212, Tilaka-132 Time-wheel, symbolical of 78 Tippera-district of-4, 8, 10, 12, 13, 26, 33, 35, 36, 37, 44, 54, 82, 83, 84, 110, III, 112, 114, 116, 128, 159, 172, 173, 174,177, 196, 203, 216 Lalmai range of 10 Tirthankara-94 Tirumalai-inscription of Rajendra Chola-9 Tithyaditattvam-176, 226 Tokyo-66 Tolbadir Bhita-190 Tomara-65 Tortoise an incarnation-78, 90, 92, 95, 99, 700 -same as Aditya and Kasyapa-99, TOO as a vehicle.-115 Toy Cart, the-124 Trailokyachandra-11 Trailokyavijaya-60 Treasure Trove Act-80 Triad, Vaidic-76, 122, 180 Tribhangaa pose, 42, 56, 107, 211 Trident an attribute-55, 62, 111-114, 116 120, 121, 123, 124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 132, 133, 134, 145, 197, 198, 200, 201, 202, 204, 205, 210, 211, 230, Trinity, the Buddhist-32 Tripura-BhairavI-193, 194 Tripura-Sundari 194 Tristup a metre-163 Trivali-30 Trivedi, Principal-160 Trivikrama 92, 96, 97, 102 Tulasi plant 184 Tusk-145, 146, 147 Tvasta or Tvastr-73, 153, 156 Saranyu, the daughter of-153, 156 Tvastri name of Dyau-156, 161 -Daughter of Visvakarma-156 Udayachala-See Udayagiri-167 Udayagiri in Orissa-167 Udayana a King-41 Ugara-Tara-205, 206 -a Buddhistic importation-206 Ujani n Faridpur-31, 44 Uma wife of Siva-123, 180, 199, 200 Umalingana-murti- 123-130 Uma-Mahesvara-88, 120, 125 Uma-Sankara-122 265 Umbrella in images-58, 80, 81, 107, 118, 128, 147, 170, 173 Characteristics of images with-81 Universe-Aditi as-171 Universal-Father-16 -Mother-16, 154, 178, 179, 191,191 -Nature-178 Cult of Univeral Mother-191 Soul--72 Upanisads-72 Upa-Purana-98 Urah-breast-157 Urddhva-Linga-117, 119 Urn of Water of Wisdom, in the Vajra Tara lotus -5% Urna a sheet of cloth-41, 42 Uru-i. e. thigh-157 Uru-krama 155 Usa a terrestrial deity-73, 152, 153, 160, 161, 162, 169, 171, 183 wife of surya or sun-god-152, 153. 160, 161 Vaidic poets on-153 -ignored in the Puranas-161 Usnik-163

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266 Usnisa-30, 41, 42. Usnisavijaya-21 GENERAL INDEX Utpala-an attribute-48 a native of Kashmir-168. Uttarabodhi mudra-g Uttara Radha-9 Vachaspati, Kasirama-226, 227 Vadali-43 Vagdevi-181 Vagherpar or Bagherpar-in Tippera -7, 33 Vagisvart-181 Vahana or Vehicle-54, 57, 61, 78, 86, 104, 107, 108, 112, 162, 181, 186, 189, 190, 191, 195, 197, 199, 200, 201, 202, 204, 208, 212, 218, 219, 220 absence of, signifying deity--54, 63 alligator, of Durga, 198-of Gauri 199, 200, 201 ass, of Chamunda 208, 211 -Bull, of Siva-112, 113, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 122, 123, 128, 129, 130, 143 Corpse, of Chamunda-208 Dog, of Vatuka-134 Dolphin, of Ganga-112, 115, 117 -Donkey, of Sitala-61 Garuda, of Visnu- 78, 80, 83, 86, 88, 90, 91, 92, 104, 107, 108, 109, 162, 212 Lion. 57, 112, 115, 117, 122, 123, 128, 120, 130, 146, 147, 191, 195, 197, 202, 204 Lion, of a figure in Syama Tara image-57 -Lion, of Chandi, 202 Lion, of Gauri-112, 115, 117, 122, 123 (Uma), 128, 129, 130, 191 (Devi), 195, 197 (Mahisamardini) 204 (Sarvani) -Lion, of Heramba, 146, 147 Owl, of Chamunda-208, 212 of Durga 198 of Earth-115 of Ganesa--145, 146, 202 of Ganga-112, 115, 117 of Gauri-112, 115, 117, 122, 128, 129, 130, 199, 200, 201 of Heramba-146, 147, of Karttikeya--147, 202 of Mahisamardini (Gauri)-195, 197 -of Manasa-218, 219, 220 of Sarasvati-181, 186, 189, 190 of Sarvani-304 of Sitala-61 of Siva-112, 113, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 122, 123, 128, 129, 130, 143 of Uma (Gauri)-123 of Vatuka-134. of Visnu-78, 80, 83, 86, 88, go, 91, 92, 104, 107, 108, 109, 162, 212 - of Yamuna-115 Vaidic-Triad-76 -Adityas-154 Legends of Sungod-156. Literature-Source of incarna tions, 94-Sungod, 156-rise of Brahmanical Pantheon 72-raising of the earth, 100-Visnu's strides, 102 Laksmi, 185 -Visnu, 186 Vaikuntha 184 Vaikunthanatha Sena-33, 81, 88, 170 Vairochana-a Dhyani Buddha-16, 17, 18, 10, 21, 22, 29, 43, 44, 45, 47 63, 64, 65, 84 Paisali Vaisnava Custom of Garuda pillar among- 108 -Images-77 Monastery-106, 107, 119, 127, 146, 147, 171 Puranas, Krsna as an amsavatara in-97 Vaisnavi-name of Durga-198 Manasa, a-220 -Images-181 -Peacock, of Karttikeya -147, 292 Vaisnavism-apostle of, in Bengal-94 -Ram, of Sarasvati-186 -Swan, of Brahma, 186. Rat, of Ganesa-145, 140, 202 Swan, of Gauri, 199 Swan, of Manasa, 218, 219 Swan, of Sarasvati 181, 186, 189, 100 Tortoise, of Yamuna and Earthof Brahma-186 of Chamunda-208, 211, 212 of Chandi-202 of Devi (Gaur))- 191 Prof. Bhandarkar onVaisravana-34 194yuan Vaivahika Murti-120-123, 137, 138 Presence of Navagrahas in 137 Vaivasvata Manu-161 Vajasaneyi Samhita-72, 181 Vajra-an attribute-20, 23, 24, 30, 37, 47, 56, 59, 6 z Vajradhara-active agent of Adi Buddha-23

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Vajradhatvisvari-18 GENERAL INDEX Vardhana-165, 166 Vajraghanta a Yogini-47, 48, 50 Vajrankusi-a Yogini-48, 50, 51 Vajrapani-a Dhyani Bodhisattva-7, 19 Vajrapasa-55 Vajrapasi a Yogini-50 Vajrasana i. e. Adamantine pose-13, 17, 26, 30, 31 Vihara 31 Vajrasattva 23, 24, 26, 56 Vajrasphoti a Yogini-48, 50, 51 Vajra Tara-21, 45, 53 Vajrayana-7, 190 Vajrayogini in Dacca Dt.-57, 61,81, 105, 106, 170, 190, 201, 232. Vak a name of Sarasvati 181, 182 HUMAN Valmiki 103. Vamana-go, 96, 97, 98, 102, 103, 105, 107 -Sculptures of-103 -Aditya-165 -Harsa-8, 109, 165, 166 -Prabhakara-165 Parendra-9 267 Varendra Research Society -110, 134, 186, 198, 205, 225 Varendri 85, 134, 135, 137, 138, 187 Varmman- ·I, 2, 3, 11, 77, 97, 166 -Chandra-1, 2, 3. -Worshippers of Visnu-77 -no friend of Buddhism-11 -Bhoja-97 Worshippers of Sun-god-166 Varuna Lord of waters-35 -Jambhala, identified with-35 -an atmospheric deity-74 -an Aditya -154, 155 wife of 180 Nagas, belonging to the sphere of -215 Varunani-wife of Varuna-180 Vanaspati a terrestrial deity-73 Vandanabhinaya-26 Vasatkara 75, 179 Vasavadatta 41 Vandyopadhyaya, Kamakhya Natha-23 Vase-an attribute-198, 200-203 see Bandyopadhyaya Vanga 1, 2, 4, 9, 11, 12 Vangavasi edition of books-101, 111, 137, 150, 151, 155, 157, 163, 175, 192, 216 Vangiya Sahitya Parisat-9, 27, 89, 110, 120, 121, 123, 160, 182, 211, 217, 223 Vangoka-85 Vani-a name of Sarasvati-181 Varaa mudra-13, 20, 54, 111, 116, 130 Varada a mudra, posture or pose-13, 18, 42, 49 56, 57, 226 Varaha-an incarnation-90, 96, 98, 100, 103 - Sculptures of-103 Varaha-Mihira- an astronomer-174 Vasu-Virendra Natha--33 -Tarapada-37 -N. N.-210, 218 Kumudabandhu-232 Vasus deities-75, 76 Vasudatta 84, 85 Vasudhara-21 Vasuki 132, 212 in the image of Ardhanarisvara-132 A Naga king-212, 214, 220, 226 -Jaratkaru, sister of 212, 214 Vata a tree-208, 212 Vattali 43, 44 Vatuka Bhairava-133, 134, 174 an atmospheric deity-74, 76. Vayu Varahamukhi-44 Veda Atharva, 72, 154, 155, 178, 179, 222 Varaha-Puranam-78, 166, 167 -Rig-71, 72, 75, 94, 102, 108, 152, 153. Varali-44 Varattiputra, Sanjayi-64 Varchcha-151 154, 161, 162, 165, 180, 181, 182, 186 217 Sama-179 -Yajur-179 -Origin of incarnations in-94- -Saving of the-99

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268 Tvastr in-153' -Legends of Sungod-156 -Seven rays of the sun-162 -Solar worship in-164 GENERAL INDEX -the most sacred hymn of the-165 -Women in the-178 -incest of Brahma-181 -Visnu's wife in-186 Vedagarbha-204 Vedic Mythology, Macdonell-72, 99, -100, 108, 152, 154, 162, 178, 181, 182, Vedic Hymns-178 Vehicle see Vahana Venus--163 Vetala-193 Vidyavinoda or Bidyabinod, B. B. Pandit 79, 174 Vidyabhusana, S. C.-67 Vidyadharas-13, 31, 83, 87, 90, 91, 92, 169, 171, 172 Vidyakut in Tippera Dt.-84 Vigour, the Great-179 Vihara Buddhist-7, 8, II, 31, 215 - Vajrasanavihara-31 Viharmandalin Tippera Dt. See Biharmandal 7, 33, 35, 37 Vijaya-125, 126 Vijaya-Gupta-224 Vijaya Sena Deva-139, 225 Vikramanipur Home of Atisa Dipankara 109 Vikramapura in Dacca Dt. 11, 28, 58, 62, in Dacca Dt. 11, 28, 58, 62, 79, 80, 81, 85, 86, 88, 91, 107, 119, 170 171, 190, 192, 212, 230 ancient city of-28 Vikramasila monastery of-190 Vilakinda village,-851 Vindhyavasini-195 Vipasa-74 Viraj or the Universal Nature-178, 179 Virabhuma-vivarana-209, 210 Virendra Natha Vasu-33 Virupaksa-116 Visnu-33, 75, 76, 77-88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 107, 108, 109, 111, 115, 148, 154, 155, 162, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185, 186, 191, 194, 196, 206, 212, 220, 221, 228, 231 -Buddha worshipped as-33 Purana, 97, 156, 185 -a celestial deity-75 -an Aditya, 76 -the Preserver, 76 -rise of the worship of, 76 -image of, 77-88 -worshippers of, in Bengal, 77 Krsna, incarnation of-77 -images in Bengal-78 -wives of, 78, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185, 186 -vehicle of, 78, 80, 83, 86, 88, 90, 91, 92, 104, 107, 108, 109, 162, 212 -incarnations of, 78, 93-107 explanation of the attributes of-78 -varieties of the images of, 79 Prthivia wife of-93 -pillars in honour of, 108 Bow of, III. Arrow of, 111 Sarasvati and, 183, 184, 185, 186 _ produced from Krsna, 184 with a sword, 231 Visnu-dharmmottara-208 Visnu-maya-name of Durga-198 Visnupattas-89, 93, 95, 96, 97 Visvakarma-153, 154, 156, 157, 160, 163 -indentified with Tyastr--153 -Surenu, daughter of 156, 160 -re-formation of sungod by-157 a ray of the sun-163 Visva-karma-silpa-151 Visvambhara-80 Vina or the lyre-87, 120, 107, 111, 114, 116 Visvapadma-36 181, 183, 188, 189 in the hands of Nataraja-111,114, 716 -Boat-shaped-87 Vinata 108, 212 Vinayapitakam-65 Visvapania Dhyani Bodhisattva-19 Visvasrava a ray of the sun-163 Visvavajra-36 Vivasvat 153, 154, 155 Vitapala-master-sculptor-9

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Vitarka-a mudra-20, 56, 57 Vrata in honour of Surya-148. Vrsakapi a celestial deity-75. Vrtra-killing of, by Indra-74 GENERAL INDEX Vulture on the banner of Chamunda-118, 208 Vyakhyana-mudra-187, 189 Waddell, Mr-writings on Buddhist Iconography 15, 17,55 -Buddhism of Tibet-17 Water of wisdom-51 -Mundane-183 Water-pot-an attribute-164,199,200 Watters. Mr.-66 Western India-worshippers of Ganesa inWheel-a jewel of the Buddhists-26 an attribute-53, 54, 78 -Symbolical of Time-78 of the sun and sun's car-149, 150, 151, 153, 161, 162, 169, 172 White Parasol, Goddess of the-53 -Tara,-20, 21, 57 Whitney Translator of Atharva Veda-222 Wind-personification of-73 Wisdom, saving-16, 28 water of 51 Yaksini-spouse of Yaksa- 67 -Hariti-63, 65, 66, 67 269 Yama-a defender of the faith in the Buddhist Pantheon--22 - an atmospheric deity-74, 151, 153, 156, 161 -Surya's son-I 164 -151, 153, 156, 161, Yama Guti-Monastery of-18 Yamantaka-a protecting god of the Buddhist Pantheon 22 Yami or Yamuna,-Surya's daughter-156 161 Yamuna-85, 115, 156, 161 Yasah-38 -the river goddess-115 -Daughter of Surya (see Yami)- 156, 161 Yasoda 135. Yaso-Madhava-86, 89 Yasopala-82, 86 Yatra a festival of Multan-168 Vayavara-213 Ye dharmma etc-Buddhist creed-24, 25, 54, 58 Yellow Tara-21, 45 Yoganidra-194 Wood-carving-Excellence in, in Bengal-82 Yogendra Nath Gupta-(see Jogendra)-80, Yab-yum-51 Yadu-97 Yajna 176 Yajur Veda 179 Yaksa-67 81 Yogesvart, Siddha-210 Yoginis-47, 48, 50 Yuan Chwang-a Chinese pilgrim-4, 6, 8, 66, 166, 168 Yugi Badir Pukur-29

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