Hindu Architecture in India and Abroad

by Prasanna Kumar Acharya | 1946 | 195,370 words

This book discusses Hindu Architecture in India and Abroad, highlighting the architectural prowess of ancient India (including sculptures and fine arts) and its migration to regions like Central Asia and even possibly influencing the Mayan civilization in Central America. The survey acknowledges archaeological findings, such as those at Mohenjo-dar...

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A INDEX ABACUS, identified with vahana, 230. ABHANGA, a pose, slight flexion, 138, 155. ABHASA, class of building, 113, 114, 225. - doors, 234 phalli, 140. prakara, 116. glass, of three kinds, 137, 138, 151. in Kamikagama, 144. style of pavilions, 120. ABHAYA (PANI-MUDRA), refuge-granting attitude of hand, 138, 139, 143, 301. ABHAYADANA, temple of, 320. ABHAYAGIRI, a daguba of Anuradhapur, 291. King Valtagamini ascribed to Abhaya, 291. ABHISHEKA-LAKSHANA, ABHIDHANA-KOSa, lexicography, 16. coronation, 131. crown and ABHISHEKA-MANDAPA, coronation-hall, 124, 132. ABJA (or ambuja or padma or saroruha), a moulding partly corresponding to cyma, 203. - - ADHARA, moulding, 204. support of a chariot, 127. the base, 111. ADHIRAJA (or MAHARAJA, q.r.), class of kings, 264. head-dress of, 132. ornaments suited to, 134. ADHISHTHANA-VIDHANA, base, 108-109, III, 144, 227, 261. ADHIVASANA, ceremony at coronation, 132. ADI-MANA, and its nine varieties, 197. primary measurement, 144. ADISARA, authority on architecture in Manasara, 155, 212, 245 ADITYADharma, Maharajadhiraja, first King of Java, 354, 355. ADI-VISHNU (or Vasudeva, or Janardana), temples in villages and towns of, 272. AGAMA, a special class of works belonging to Southern India, 85. - deals extensively with architectural matters, 85. details about architectural styles in, 206. indebted to Manasara, 208. similarity of, to Silpa-sastras, 85-86. ABJAKANTA, a class of ten-storeyed AGARWAL, the Hon'ble Rai Amarnath, buildings, 116, 189. ABODES of five kinds, allowed to Bhikkhus, 66. ABU, temple of, 260, 261. ACCOMMODATION, in an ordinary Vedic house, 56. ACHAEMENIDS, style of architecture of, 377, 378. ACHAR, preceptor, 329. ACHARYA, supreme director, 98. ADBHUTA, a proportion in architectural measurement, 105, 108, 200. class of buildings in Kamikagama, 195. -- of two-storeyed buildings, 115, 187. ADHAMA, Sinallest type of ten-tala system, 145. - acknowledgment received from, xxvii. of assistance Rai Ramcharan, acknowledgment of assistance received from, xxvii. Agastya, hermitage of, 360. blackstone image of, 360. built a temple of Bhadraloka, 360. image and measurement of, 147. AGASTYA, an authority on architecture, 170. - 451 authority on which Visvakarma treatise is based, 171. chapters borrowed from, in Samgraha, 183. connexion with Mayamata and Manasara, 171. some chapters similar to those of Manasara, 171.

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INDEX AGASTYA-SAKALADHIKARA, a treatise on architecture, 170-171. AGHANA, hollow, 118. AGHANA-MANA, architectural measurement, 200. AGNI-PURANA, dilates on architectural matters at great length, 82-83. forty-five types of buildings under five classes in, 189-190. relation of direct influence with Garuda-Purana, 250. indebtedness to Manasara, 240. referred to, by Bana, 277. types of buildings compared with those of other Puranas, Agamas, Manasara and Brhat-samhita,195-196. AGNI-SALA, hall of fire-altar in the centre, 56. AHUKA, one of the two merchants who built the Vaidyanatha temple in Kangra, 289. AHURA-MAZDA, image of, 391, 413. _ not identical with Maya-Asura, 247. AINDRAJALA, art of jugglery, 9. AIRAVATA, a class of five-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. AITAREYA-BRAHMANA, reference to angula measure in, 198. AIWAN, opening in the centre of the roof, 304. AIYANGAR, S. K., on Manasara architecture, 436. AJANTA, monuments at, 260, 309. influence of, 313. marks of destruction at, 416. AKARA-JNANA, mining, 14. Aksha, axle, 127. AkSMA-KRINA, playing with dice, 17. AKSHA-MALA, rosary, attribute Brahma, 138. -of of Sarasvati and Brahmani, 142, 145. AKSHARA-MUSHITIKA-KATHANA, guessing of letters, etc., in a closed fist, 14. of two kinds, 14-15. AKSHOBHYA, cardinal Buddha, 286. AKSHU, the wicker work in Vedic huts, 56. ALAJACHIT, a type of altar, 393. ALAKA, kind of head-dress for queens of praharaka and astragraha, 132. ALAMBANA-BAnU, balustrade, 72. ALAUNGSITHU, builder of Thatpyinuyu, 321, n. 2. ALBERUNI, who mentions eighteen Puranas, 277. -ALEKHYA, painting, 6. ALINDA, verandah, 70, 119. ALINGA, a moulding, 204. ALLAHABAD, pillar of Asoka at, 382. ALPA, class of buildings in Kamikagama, 195. ALTARS, construction and measurement of, 393. in India, 392-393. in Persia, 392. ten classes of, 393. AMALAKA, Amala-sila, 261. AMALAKA, vantika-pitham, chair with many legs, 74. AMALA-SILA, large, fluted, circular block crowning the summit in Northern temples, 261. identical with murdhni-ishtaka of Nagara style, 261. AMARABATI, traces of pillars at, 382. representation of lats in, 382. AMARAKOSHA, architectural terms in, 96. AMARAVATI, monastery at, resembling Depung monastery of Tibet, 284. AmbaranATH, temple at, 261. AMBON (OR AMBONIA), group of islands, architectural remains in, 351. AMBUJA, see Abja. AMERICA, CENTRAL, traces of Indian architecture in, 372-375. AMITABHA, a cardinal Buddha, 286. AMLUK-DARA, ruined stupa at, 315. AMOGHA-SIDDHA, a cardinal Buddha, 286. AMRITA-NANDANA, class of halls, 404. AMSA, for angula, 145. AK-SIPIL, ancient fortifications at, 299. AMSU, name of a moulding, 204. 452

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INDEX AMSUMAD-BHEDA, architectural chapters ANGKOR-VAT, 326, 338. in, 162-165. comparison with Manasara, 162-165. Kasyapa, 161. largely influenced by Manasara, 165. reference to tala measurement in, 199. similarity to Manasara, 162. treatise on architecture, 162-165. AMSUMADBHEDAGAMA, matters in, 92. architectural details of tala measures taken from, by Rao, 200. AMSUVURMAN family, of Nepal, 285. ANAHITA, statue of, 395. ANANA, face, 191. ANANDA, image of, 283. 23-feet high figure of, in GalVihara, 292. temple with arch and vault near Pagan, and its plan, 320. ANAURAHTA, who built Lokananda. Pagoda, 318. -Nan Paya, 320. _ Pitakat-Taik, 321. ANDHRA (the corrupt form of Randhra) (see RANDHRA), 206, 207. - branch of Vesara style of architec- ture, 257. hexagonal car, 127. ANDHRAS, empire of, 267. ANGA-BHUSHANA, body, 134. 157, 236. ornaments of the absence of arch and dome, but numerous pillars in, 342. Buddhist features in, 343. abundance of snake symbols in, 342-343. - belongs to the third group of Cambodian temples, 340. capable of providing needs of a court, 346. completed by Suryavarman II, 339. identity of, 342-343. profusion of sculptures in, 342. situation, area, and general plan of, 341. temple proper of, 341 342. . ANGULA, finger-breadth, unit of measurement, 98, 145, 197-198, 207. three kinds of, 145, 152. ANGULIYAKA, finger-ring, 134. ANILA-BHADRAKA, class of cars, 127. ANIRUDDHA, authority on architecture in Matsya-Purana, 245. ANKURARPANA, ceremony at coronation, 132. ANNAM, corresponds to ancient Champa-desa, 316. ANNULET, see FILLET. ANTAH-SALA, inner part of palaces, 124. ANTA-HARA, second court, 116, 233. ANTARA, interspace, 144. also antarala, antarika, antarita, a moulding like fillet, 204. ANTARALA, ante-room, 114. See ANTARA also. ANGA-DUSHANA, defects of limbs, 156- ANTARIKA, see ANTARA. ANGHRI, a moulding, 204. dwarf pillars, 130. Angiri-pada, dwarf pillars, 130. ANGIRASA, authority on architecture, 172. ANGKOR THOM, capital of Cambodian kingdom, 339, 345. a hundred years required for construction of, 345. completed by Yasovarman, 339, 345. general plan of, 345. palace enclosure of, 345-356. some of the temples of, built as palaces, 346. ANTARIKSHA, 125. ANTARIKSHA-KANTA, a class of tenstoreyed buildings, 116, 189. ANTARITA, see ANTARA. ANTAR-MANdala, innermost court, 116, 117, 283. ANTIKA, a kind of two-storeyed buildings, 187. ANURADHAPUR, Buddhist monuments at, 291. capital of Ceylon and one of Buddhism, 290. APASAMCHITA (or SAYANA), class of building, 86, 114, 187, 194. 453

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INDEX APASTAMBA full particulars of altars ARDIA-HARA, string of pearls worn round the neck, 134. in, 393. APA-VATSYA, a quarter for temple of ARDHA-NARISVARA, images in the Siva temple at Yajnasala, xiv. Isa, 272. ARAEOSTYLOS, type of temples in Vitru- ARDDHAYOGA, bungalow type of old vius, 225. ARAMA, rest-house, 69. ARCH, absence of, in Cambodian architecture, 342. decorations of, 130. of four classes, 133. ornament for thrones, of various shapes, 130. Bengal buildings, 414. partly religious partly residential building, 66, 67. ARGALA, a moulding, 204. ARKAKANTA, a class of eleven-storeyed buildings, 116, 189. ARRIAN, 400. systematically employed in Burma, ARSHA, class of phalli, 140. 320. ARCHITECTS, gifts to, 131. ARCHITECTURE, adaptability of Indian style, 419. - - - arts included in, 410-411. Brahmanical necessity of the many schools included in, 77. Buddhist, 65-75. Chalukyan, 77, 78. Dravidian, 77, 78. Epic, 78-80. essence of, 410. foreign elements in Indian styles. 414-415. X. funerary, in India, 391, 413. in Persia, 390-391, 413. Hindu, abroad, xi, xii, 283 375 materials for the history of, ix, 408. nature and future of, xii, xiii 110 Persian influence on, xii, 376-407 413-414 survey of, xi; 27-28. Jain, 75-77. merging capacity of Indian styles, 414. military, in Persia, 397. Pallava, 77, 78. Puranic, 80-84. sources of Indian styles, 417-419. treatises on most of them compilations, 185. Vedic, 54-64. what is meant by Indian styles, 411. ARDHA-CHITRA, semi-transparent glass, 138. ARTS, an account of, 1-26. Buddhistic, 20-21. - - called Silpa, or Kala or Silpa-kala, 1. Christian, 21-22. classified in groups. 17-18. Hindu, 22-24 in various treatises, 1- 1-5 list of sixty-seven, in Kamasutra, 5-17. Muhammadan, 21. number sixty-four a fictitious one, 17. of Central Asia, influenced Hindu culture, 314. by primitive, cubic, mixed, classic, pyramidal, and derived, 330-331. qualifications of a student of, 4-5. referred to in three classes of literatures, 1. religious origin and secular character of, 24. remarks in the list of, 18-19. sub-divided into, 5-18, 17. traditional number, sixty-four, 1. youth and beauty essential for cultivation of, 19-20. ARTAXERXES, Codomanus, entombed at Naksh-i-Rustam, 390. - hypostyle hall of, 388. Mnemon, 390. ARTHA-SASTRA OF KAUTILIYA, architectural matter described in, 92, 2. Manasara indebted to, 208. reference to angula measures in, 198. ARTIST, divided in four classes by Manasara, 214. 454

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- INDEX ASAMCHITA (or ASANA), class of build- | ASTROLOGICAL WORKS, architectural ings, 86, 114, 187. ASAMYOJYA, class of bhushana-yojana art, 9. ASANA (or ASAMCHITA), a moulding, 204. class of building, 86, 114, 187. buildings, -- 188. three-storeyed seats, 128. 115, sitting posture and its types, 154, 154 n. 1. ASANDAKO, rectangular chair, 7.4. ASANDI, settee, 59, 60. God's, 60. imperial and sacrificial, 60. its construction, 60. King's, 60. large couches, 74. originated with nobility, 60. ASHTASRA, Octangular building, 192, 193, 194 ASHTA-TALA, eight-storeyed building, 115. system of measurement, 142, 146, 148. ASOKA, conquest of Kalinga by, 266. emissaries of, and visit to Champa, 329. pillars of, 381-382. references to Cholas, Pandyas, etc. by, 266. relation between North and South in time of, 265-266. sent missionaries to Cambodia, 343. to Siam, 322-323, 324. _ visited Nepal and built five chailyas at Patan, 285. ASRAMAGARA, a class of seven-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. ASSEMBLY HALLS, described in Mahabharata, 79. hall of public ASTHANA-MANDAPA, audience, 124. 203, 230. identified with Hara, 230. ASTRAGAL, a Graeco-Roman moulding, matters in, 94-95. AsVAGHOSHA, visit to Cambodia, 343. ATESH-GAH, fire-place, 392, 394, 413. ATHARVA-VEDA, reference to pillars in, 385. ATI-BHANGA, excessive flexion, a pose, 155 ASVATTHA, in Buddhist images, 146. ATISHA, Indian Pandit who restored Lamaism in Tibet and established the Gelupga order of monks, 283. ATMARTHA, class of phalli, 140. ATRI, authority on architecture in Matsya-Purana, 245. thrown in a machine room, 403, 412. ATTALIKA, edifice, 96. ATTIC, class of Graeco-Roman doors, 234. AUPUNISHUDADHIKARA, treatise attributed to Kanchumara, 9. AVACHCHAYA, light shadow, 100. AVANTIPUR, temples of, 289. AVANTIVARMAN, who built temples of Avantipur, 289. AVARYA, authority on architecture in Manasara, 155, n. 2, 246. AYADANA, a place of worship, 392. AYADI, architectural formulas of measurement, 86, 140, 141, 146. AYMONIER, E., 339 AYUDHALAYA, arsenal, 124. AYUTHIA, temple at, 325. B BABHRU (MUSHTIKA), a class of octagonal buildings in Garuda-Purana, 191. BABYLON, no direct influence of, on Indian art, 377. BACCHUS, temple suited to, 225. ASTRAGRAHIN, class of kings, 124, 264, BADAMI, temples at, resembling Cham - 404. head-dress of, 132. ruler of several districts, 265. throne of, 129. structures, 337. BAHAR, stupa of, similarities with Mauri. Tim and Kurghan-Tim stupas, 296. Bahin-sala, outer part of palaces, 124. 455

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INDEX BAHIR-BHUSHANA, external ornaments, certain articles of furniture, 134, 135. BAHU-LINGA, phalli in a group, 140. BAHULYA, a moulding, 203, 230. BAKHENG (MOUNT), temple at, 339. BAKONG, temple of, 339 BAKU, temple of, 339. BA(VA) LABHI, a class of rectangular type of buildings, 190. Balagra, a measurement, 98. BASES (ADHISHTHANA), in Manasara and Agamas, 204. in Manasara and Vitruvius, 228. Basti, a class of Southern Jain architecture, 77. BASU, R. N., acknowledgment of help received from, xxvi-xxvii. BATH, hot air, an open-air tank for, 73. BAUDDIIA-LAKSHANA, Buddhist images, 146-147. materials and measurement of, 147. postures of, 146. BALA-KRIDANAKA, making dolls for BAUDHAYANA, full particulars of altars children, or juvenile sports, 17. BALANCE, see TULA. BALA-PARYANKA, small couch, 99, 128. BALA-PATTA, 135, n. 2. BA(VA) LAYA, a class of round type of buildings, 190. BALEI, a kind of Sumatran building, 350. BALI, native Kampongs, 352. people still Hindu, 351. - ruins of Hindu temples, 352. BALIKARMA-VIDHANA, the offering to gods in connexion with constructing a building, 102. in, 392. BAYON, Brahma masks at the temple of, 344. a hundred years required for construction of, 343. consecrated by Indravarman or Yasovarman, 339, 343. double course of sculptured corridors in, 343. great temple of, 339, 340, 343. occupied by priests only, 346. plan of, 343-344 BEDSA, caves at, 378. pillars at, and their capitals, 382. Belgiea, fort of, 351. BALO, Vihara at, 315. BANA-SALA, castle, 93. HANBANGY, a pagoda, 318. Belur, temple of, 260. BENARES, temple at, 261. BENCHES, in Buddhist age, 73. BANEPA, one of the four chief cities of | BENG Mealea, Hindu temple at, 344. Nepal, 285. BANERJI, R. D., ix. BANG AN, Cham temple at, 33º, 331. - BANGKOK, temple at, 325. BANTEAI KEDEI, Cambodian temples at, 340. Buddhist temple built by Rajendravarma 339. BANTEAI TA KEAN, temples at, 339. BAPOUN, pyramid temple of, 339, 340. _ richness and beauty of carvings at, 345 situation of, 344. BAROLI, temple at, 261. one of the largest temples of Cambodia, 341. palaces at, 346. special features of, 344. situation of, 344. BERANGULA, a kind of angula measurement, 145. BEROSUS, absence of gods and goddesses in Persia, affirmed by, 395. BETTA, a class of Southern Jain architecture, 77. Bhadda piThaM, state chair, 74 Bhadra, a moulding, 204. BARNETT, DR. L. D., 433. 456 balcony, 127, 130. class of buildings in Kamikagama, 195.

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BHADRA, front porch, 120, 187. INDEX pavilion used as a water reservoir, store house, etc., 120. type of square buildings, 190. BHADRALOKA, temple of, 360. Bhadra-piTha, a class of pilhas (pedestals), 141. BHADRASANA, type of throne, suited to Pattabhaj, 129. sitting posture, 154, n. 1. BHAGAVATA-PURANA, referred to by Bana, 277. BHAGA-PANCHA, class of halls, 404. BHAIRAVA, class of phalli, 139. BHAIRAVI, one of the seven mothers, 142. BHAVANI, temple of, at Bhatgaon, 286. BHAVISHYA-PURANA, architectural matter in, 83. compared with Manasara, Brihatsamhita, etc., 248. identical with Matsya-Purana and Brihat-samhita in certain matters, 244, 249. reference to twenty kinds of buildings in, 207. relation of indebtedness Manasara, 240. with types of buildings compared with other Puranas, Brihat-samhita, Agamas and Manasara, 195-196. identical with Matsya-Purana and Brihat-samlata, 192. in, 192-193. BHAKTA-LAKSHANA, image of devotees, BHITTI, foundation wall or floor, 119. 148-9. BHANDARKAR, SIR, R. G., 237, 274. -- on the language of Manasara, 439. BHANGA, pose of idols, 138. three, 155. BHANU, authority on architecture, in Manasara, 155 n.2, 246. BHOGA, a kind of single-storeyed buildings, 114, 187. BHOJADEVA, king of Dhara, Manasara attributed by Pandits to, 429. author or patron of Samaranganasulradhara, 178. BHOJANA-MANDAPA, dining hall, 124. BHARA (or HARA), a moulding, 203, BHRIGU, an authority on architecture, 230. BHARADVAJA, one of the seven sages, image of, 147. Bharata-muni, quoted by Bhattotpala, 243. BHARGAVA, V. M., acknowledgment of help received from, xxvii. BHARGAVA, an authority on architecture, 172. one of the seven sages, image of, 147. BHASKARA, an authority on architecture, 243, 245. - or Bhaskaracharya, author of Lilavati and Siddhanta--s.romani, 245. sculptor, 96. BHATGAON, many shrines at, 284, 285. Bhavani temple at, 286. samhita, 243. - 172, 245. one of the seven sages, image of, 147: one of the sources of Samgraha, 183. BHRISA, 125. BHU-DEVI, Earth-goddess, 138. BHUDHARA, a class of oval type of buildings, 190. BHUKANTA, a class of ten-storeyed buildings, 116, 189. of eight-storeyed buildings, 115, 189. BHUMIKA (in Garuda-Purana, for Bhushana of Agni), a class of oval buildings, 191. storey, 191, 192. BHUMI-LAMBA, dimensions of storeys, 114. height of storey, 224. BHATTOTPALA, commentator of Brhat- BHUMI-saMGraha, selection of site, 99- 100, 219. BHAVANA, a class of rectangular type BIIUMISPARSA-MUDRA, an attitude of of buildings, 190. hand, 301. BHAVANAKANTA, a class of ten-storeyed VnUPAKANTA, a class of eight-storeyed buildings, 116, 189. buildings, 115, 189. 457

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INDEX - BHUPARIKSHA, examination of soil, 99- 100, 219. BODHNATH, a chaitya, in Nepal, 287. BOHTLINGK, 416. BHUPALA-LAKSHANA, characteristics of BORNEO, geographical position, size, kings, 125. BHUPATI-VALLABHA, see MANDANA. BHUPATINDRA MALLA, king of Nepal, 286. BHUSHANA, a class of nine-storeyed buildings, 116, 189. - of oval types of buildings, 190. BHUSHANA-LAKSHANA, ornaments and furniture, 133-137. BHUSHANALAYA, house to keep ornaments in, 124. BHUSHANA-YOJANA, art of putting on ornaments, g. BHUTA, used as decorative designs, 128. BHUTAKANTA, a class of five-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. BHUVANA, see Bhavana. Bhuvanesvara, almost entirely astylar 262. belong to a distinct style, 262. early type of Sikhara, 262. temples at, 261. reference to twelve-tala ment, 199. BIMBAMANA, angula measure in, 198. measureinhabitants of, 352. inscribed stones and pillars found at, 352. BORO BUDUR, 318, 334, 338. to shelter Buddhist monument Buddha's ashes, 354 date and builder of, 355 erected by Mahayanists, 354-355 fundamental formative idea of, 355. galleries in, 356, 357 plan, form of structure, etc. of, 356- 357 present condition of site of, 356. primary construction of, 356. resemblance of, with cells of Mamallapuram, 355 stairways of, 357. wealth of sculptures of, 355-356, 357. BOT, Siamese temples, of, 325, 326. Siamese equivalent of Thein (q. v.), 321. two at Vat Jai, 327. BOWA-KAMBAR, Ziarat of, 299. BOWER, COLONEL, discovery of birchbark codex by, 294. BIMBISARA, builder of Rajagriha, 65, BRAHMA, architecture described by, 157. I. 2. BINH LAM, Cham temple at, 330. BIR-KOT, architectural remains at, 315. hill, fortification, and towers at, 315. BISHOP, T. B. W., acknowledgment of help received from, xxvi. BLACKETT, SIR BASIL, 418. BODAUHPAYA, commenced Mingunpaya, 319. BODH-GAYA, 406. imitation of temple at, 321. BODHIKA, name of a moulding, 202, 203, 204, 230. BODHISATTVA, images of, in Rawak ruins, 301. in mural paintings of Caves of Thousand Buddhas, 311. of Valley of Myriad Buddhas, 313. who visited Nepal, 285. - - - attributes of, 138. colour of the body of, 138. comparative negligence to, in Manasara, 270-273. -four heavenly architects originated from, 246. head-dress of, 132. image of, 138. in Myson group of temples, 332. - in temple of Java, 358, 359. one of Indian triad, 137, 138. origin of architecture from, 213, 234. prayer to, in Manasara, 213. BRAHMA-BHAGA, the lower part of phallus, 141. BRAHMA-DESA (BURMA), architectural history of, 317. 458 borrowed Indian architecture, 317. early adopted Buddhism, 317. geographical boundaries of, 317.

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INDEX BRAHMA-DESA (BURMA), monasteries in, BRIHAT-SAMHITA, identical in certain 322. pagodas in, 318-321. residential buildings in, 322. situate in Brahma-sthana, centre of world, 317. BRAHMA-KANTA, a class of three- and five-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. class of gate-houses, 118. order of columns, 110, 201. in Manasara, 228. BRAHMA-MANDIRA, a class of rectangular type of buildings, 190. BRAHMAN, authority on architecture, 172. - in Matsya-Purana, 245. BRAHMANS, leadings position of, 329. BRAHMANna-PURANA, architectural matter in, 83. belongs to the Gupta period, 278. references to angula measure in, 198. tala measurement in, 199. BRAHMANI, one of the seven mothers, 142. image of, 142, 144. BRAHMA-PITHA, shrine, 124. BRAHMA-SILPA, one of the treatises drawn upon by Samgraha, 184. BRAHMA-STHANA, central square, 122, 124. BRAHMA-VAIVARTA-PURANA, architectural matter described in, 83-84. BRAHMA-YAMALA, one of the sources of Samgraha, 184. BRAHMI, inscription in Valley of Myriad Buddhas, 313. script, 307. BREADTH of a house, of five kinds, 121. BRIDGES, in Cambodia, 346, 347. of stone, in Ceylon, 293. BRIHASPATI, development of architecture through, 213. BRHAT-SAMHITA, compared with Puranas, Arthasastras, Manasara, 244-251. comparison with Manasara, 241- 243. eight mouldings in, 203, 230. - identical with Matsya- and Bhavishya-Puranas in 244, 249. certain matters, matters with Matsya- and BhavishyaPuranas, 83, 84. improved readings in, 248-249. mention of styles of architecture in, 206. probable date of, 241. reference to angula measurement in, 198. Dravida style, 207. tala measurement in, 199. twenty kinds of buildings in, 207. relation of indebtedness with Manasara, 240. short description of, 84. similarities with Manasara, 241-242. the five orders in, 201, 228-229. twenty types of temples in, 193- 194. types of buildings in, 193, 194. compared with Puranas, Agamas and Manasara, 195-196. identical with Matsya and Bhavishya-Puranas, 192, 193. BRITISH, attitude to Indian arts and letters, 415-417. BUDDHA (see BAUDDHA-LAKSHANA) colossal image of, 312. Dhyani, 354 355. images in Siam, 325. immense statue at Vat Si Jum, 326. in Caves of Thousand Buddhas, 309-310. in Miran, 307. in Ti-chia-po-fu-no Convent, 299. incarnation of Vishnu, 269, 273. legend of its origin, 299. of Valley of Myriad Buddhas, 313. representation of, 311. small and colossal images of, 301. statue in Boro Budur, 357. -in Mendoet Tjandi, 358. in Ananda temple, 320. 15-feet statue of, in Gal-Vihara, 292. 46-feet long statue of, 292. Buddhaduta, spiritual adviser of Vijayavirya, of, 298. BUDDHAPADA, small pavilions, in Siam to hold Lord's footprints, 326. BUDDHI-SAMKIRNA, class of halls, 404. 459

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INDEX BUDDHISM, decadant, but tolerated in CAMBODIA, Indian origin of art of, 347. - time of, Manasara, 270. declining under Chalukyas, 274. introduction of, in Tibet, 283. BUDDHIST art, objects divided into five groups, 67-69. buildings, extensiveness and length of time in construction of, 69. chariot, 128. indifferently treated in Manasara, 268-270. temples, 115, 117. to be built outside villages and towns, 269. BUHLER, DR. G., 237, 266, 278. - on the language of Manasara, 439. BUILDINGS, assigned to persons of different ranks, in Manasara, 224-225- -in Vitruvius, 225-226. rarity of, before sixth, seventh centuries, 258. twelve-storeyed, names of geographical origin, 254-256. BUNER, stupa of Takhtaband in, 296. BUPAYA, carliest circular pagoda at, 318. BURGESS, on Persian style in Indian buildings, 378. BURMA, proper, included in Syamadesa, 316. See Brahma-desa. s CABAN, ancient capital town of Vijaya, 336. fortifications at, 336-337. CAESAR, patron of Vitruvius, the earliest known architect of Europe, 213, 238. Cage, for various animals, 137. CALLIMACHUS, originator of Corinthian order, 202. Cambodia, building period in, 339. - Chinese conquest of, 338. city of Angkor Thom in, 345-346. features of the temples at, 340. four architectural groups of temples of, 340. geographical situation of, 338. history of, 338-339. included in Kambhoja-desa, 316. -- - introduction of Indian faith, letters, etc., to, 338. roads and bridges in, 346-347. similarities with temples of Java, 339. skill of architects of, 347. temples of, 341-345. CAPITAL, bell-shaped, borrowed from Persia, 378. of Indian pillars, 382, 386-387. CAR (or CHARIOT), decoration of, 128. nine-storey high, 127. of different classes of kings, 127-128. of seven classes, 127. with various number of wheels for different purposes, 127. CASTING, in wax, 155-156. CAVES OF THE THOUSAND BUDDHAS, 309. - - - - - ground plan and general structural arrangement of, 310. influenced by Ajanta and Ellora, 313. internal arrangement of, 310-311. paintings in tempera in, 310. rich in frescoes and stucco sculpture, 309. two special temples, to shelter giant Buddha images, 309. wooden galleries in, 310. 515 grottoes, 309. CAVETTO, mouth or hollow, 203, 230. identified with ultaroshtha, 230. CELEBES, derivation of the name of; - 350. inhabitants of, 350. size of, 350. peculiarities of the houses of, 350- 351. their resemblance to houses of Bengal villages, 351. CEMENT (VAJRALEPA), mentioned in Brihat-samhita, 84. in Uttara-Rama-charita, 95. CENTRAL ASIA, arts and architecture of, 314. Buddhist and Brahmanical architecture in, 295. Indian civilization in, 294. meeting place of Indian, Chinese and Greek civilizations, 294. 460

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INDEX CENTRAL PEACE, Hall of, a hall in CHAMU, Vedic vault or dome of solid the Forbidden City, 367. CERES, temple of, 224. monuments of, 291-293. CEYLON, history of, 290. CHAIR, in Buddhist age, 74. ornamental wood carvings of, 314. CHAITYA, antiquity of, 391. authority on architecture, 155 n. 2, 246. monumental building, 68, 93. resembles Christian church, 391. CHAKORA, cage for, 137. CHAKRA, discus, attribute of Vishnu, 138. - a class of octagonal type of buildings, 190, 191. CHAKKA-KANTA, a class of elevenstoreyed buildings, 116, 189. CHAKRAVARTIN (SARVABHAUMA), class of kings, 124, 125, 126, 264, 404. head-dress of, 132. ornaments suited to, 134. stone or brick, 57. CHAMUNDI, one of the seven mothers, 142. CHANDI, see TJANDI. CHANDITA, a class of nine-storeyed buildings, 101, 116, 189. CHANDRA, authority on architecture, 172. CHANDRABHAGA, a canal in Java, 361. CHANDRAGUPTA II, emperor, 274. Fa-hien's visit to, 275. religious conditions under, 275. CHANDRAKA-BHADRAKA, see INDRAKABHADRAKA. CHANDRA-KANTA, a class of ten-storeyed buildings, 116, 189. order of column in Suprabhed- agama, 201, 202, 229. CHANDRAsALA, toproom, gable window, 191-192. CHARIOT, see CAR. _ received tributes from all others, 264. CHARU-BANDHA, a type of base, 204. -throne for, 129. CHALUKYAN architecture, characteristics of, 259-260. mixed character of the style, 259. style, 259-260. territory covered by, 259. CHALUKYAS, empire of, 267-268. periods of sovereignty, 274. religious conditions under, 274-275. CHAMPA city, situation of, 335. design and plan of, 336. wall and gates of, 336. CHAMPA-DESA, architectural at, 330. cave temples in, 335 first Indian king of, 329. five-fold classification of ments of, 330. fortifications of, 336-337. remains monugeographical boundaries of, 329. Hindu dynasties of, 330, n. 2. history of, 329-330. CHARUKA, a type of square buildings, 190. -of sala, 194. CHATAKA, rains-cuckoo, cage for, 137. CHATTERJEE, Ramananda, on Manasara architecture, xiii, xv, 430. CHATURASRA, four-cornered building, 192. CHATURASRA-SYENACHIT, falcon-shaped altar, 393. CHATUR-MUKHA, a class of four-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. of villages, 102, 220, 398. a pavilion of four faces, 120. a storeyed mansion with four faces, 120-121. CHATUSHKONA, also called chaturasra, square type of buildings, 193-194. CHATUSTALA, four-storeyed buildings, 115. Indian origin of architecture and sculpture of, 337-338. inhabitants of, 329. one of the six ancient divisions of peninsula, east of India, 316. sculptures in, 335. CHAUMUKH, temple at Palitana and Ranpur, 321. CHAUSA, citadel of, 336. CHHADIS, thatch, 56. 461

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- - - INDEX CHHALITAKA-YOGA, tricks, 16. CHHANDA, classification of buildings, 105, 106, 113, 114, 187, 225. class of doors, 234. phalli, 140. Prakara, 116. in Kamikagama, 194. shape of pavilion, 120. CHHANDOGYA UPANISHAD, reference to angula measure in, 199. CHHANDO-JNANA, knowledge of metres or character reading, 16. CHIUDRA, hole of the wheel, 127. CHEDI, identical with Chaitya of Nepal and Tsedi of Burma, 317, 327. CHIAO-TZU, Valley of Myriad Buddhas, 311. CHICKEN ITZA, ruined city and wall of, 373 CHIEN-FO-TUNG, shrines of, 312. CHILAN BALAM, Maya manuscripts of, 372. CHILDERS, 416. CHINA, absence of monumental buildings in, and its causes, 362. individualistic traits in buildings of, 362, 363. allotments of different-sized buildings to people of different ranks in, 367-368. building materials in, 363. difference between palaces and dwelling houses in, 367. difference of stupas from tombs of, 365. no difference in architectural design of temple and palace in, 367. pagodas of, 365-366. polychromy, an essential part of architecture of, 362. special features of Buddhist monasteries of, 364. Ting architecture of, 363. types of temples in, 365. CHIN-ISE-TIEN, Chinese name for pavilion of seven phoenixes, 299. CHINTAMANI, DR. Sir C. Y., on Manasara architecture, xiii, 422. CHIPIEZ, 387, 394, 395, 401. CHIRA, strip of bark-dress of Brahma, 138. CHITI, fire-altar, particulars of construction, 63. CHITOR, temples at, 261. CHITRA, a class of octagonal type of building, 190. not to be carved or painted on smasana according to SatapathaBrahmana, 58. perfectly transparent glass, 138. CHITRA-JNANA, one of the treatises drawn upon by Samgraha, 184. CHITRAKA, authority on architecture, in Manasara, 155 n. 2, 246. CHITRA-KALPA, class of ornaments suited to deities and universal monarchs, 134. CHITRA-KARMAN, painting, 98. CHITRAKARNA, type of Indian column, 110, 201, 202, 228, 229. CHITRAL, stupas of, 305. CHITRAsALA, art gallery, 191. CHITRA-SARA, one of the sources of Samgraha, 184. CHITRA-STAMBHA, type of Indian column, 110, 201, 202, 228, 229. CHITRA-TORANA, ornamental arch, 130. CHITRA YOGA, various kinds of painting, 8. | CHOUKAN, Preathong settled at, 338. Chua Hang, cave of, 335. Cnupa, kind of head-dress, for queens of praharaka and astragraha, 132. CHUDAMAni, crest-jewel, 134. CHUDHA-NAGARI, capital of Yavanadesa, 316. CHULIKA, 135, n. 2. CHULLAVAGGA, references to architectural matters from, 73. CHUNAM, a kind of plaster, 73. CHUTTAMUKK, (CHATURMUKHA), Svastika in plan, and sheltered statue of Brahma, 326. type of building in Siam, 326. CICERO, testimony to absence of temples among Persians, 392. 462

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INDEX CITIES described in Mahabharata, 79. CIVIL ARCHITECTURE, the chief building activity of Vedic Indians, 59. CLASSIFICATION of buildings in Manasara, 113-114, 186-189. - of columns, 110. of phalli, 139-141. of pavilions, 119-120. COBA, Maya city, 372. ruins of, 372-373- 1 COSTE, 388. COUCHES, of two sizes, 128. COURTS, five in Manasara and Vitruvius, 1, 116, 233. Coy Lux, citadel of, 336. CRESCENT, inserted in Siva's head-dress, 139. CRIGHTON, LIEUT.-COL. D. W., acknowledgment of help received from, xxv. COCHIN CHINA, included in Kambhoja- CROWN, different kinds of, 131-132. desa, 316. COLOUR, red for walls, black for floors. in Buddhist buildings, 72. of soil, 99. for various gods, and kings and queens of various ranks, 132. CUNNINGHAM GEN. SIR A., ix, 288, 416. COLUMNS, antiquity and variety of CURZON, LORD, Preservation of Ancient - -- Indian ones, 385. base of Persian, 388-389. capitals of, 382. details of old Persian, 387-390. free and its characteristic, 380 ff. in Kamikagama, 88. in Matsya-Purana, 81. measures and proportions of Hindu ones, 385-387. of Grecian Doric type in Kashmir temples, 288. of Hindu-Corinthian type in Vaidyanatha temple of Kangra, 290. of Asoka and others, 381-383. Persian ones, 389-390. regulating and its characteristics, 380-381. two broad classes of, 380. COMPLEXION of images, 142-152. COMPOSITE, Graeco-Roman order of columns, 201, 228, 231. CONJEEVERAM, temples at, 337. COOMARASWAMY, DR. A. K., 425. CORINTHIAN, a type of Graeco-Roman courts, 233. Graeco-Roman 201, 227, 228. Monuments Act, 415. CYMA (or CYMA-RECTA or CYMATIUM), Graeco-Roman moulding, 203, a 230, 231. identified with padma, 230. CYRUS, who built palaces at Pasargadae, 460. palace of, 388, 389. statue of, 395. D DAGA (GO) BA, Chaitya, 291. purpose of, 391. DAIVIKA, class of phalli, 140. DALA, a moulding, 204. DALADA MALIGAWA, a Saiva temple, 293. DALAI LAMA, 283. the first, built the Potala, 284. DAMAN, garland worn round the shoulders, 135 DAMB BARTH, ancient burial places at, 46. order of column, DAMRONG, Prince, 324. _ suited to delicate deities, 225. CORNICE, of double curve, special feature in Dravidian temples, 259. CORONATION, four stages of, 132. the ceremonies performed at, 132- 133- DANDA, a class of building mentioned in Kamikagama, 195. _ a moulding in Suprabhedagama, 203, 230. - 463 staff, attribute of the seven sages, 147. unit of measurement, 98, 121.

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INDEX DANDAKA, class of villages, 102, 220, DEPUNG, monastery of, 284. - 398. a pavilion with two faces, 120. stick-shaped storeyed mansion, 120. DANDAN-UILIQ, Abhya-pani-mudra, reliefs of, 301. danta (or sikha), axle band, 127. Sanskrit texts discovered at, 294. DARIUS, inscription of, 400. - palace of, 401. in restored temples to people, 392. DARIUS-CODOMANUS, king of Persia, 390. DARIUS-NOTIUS, entombed at Naksh-iRustem, 390. DESA-BHASHA-VIJNANA, knowledge of languages of different countries, 15. DEVA-DURGA, God's fort, 104, 221. Deva-KANTA, a class of eight-storeyed buildings, 115, 189. DEVA-MANDAPA, class of mandapa in Suprabhedagama, 195. DEVAYATANA, temple, 80. DEVASIMHA, 361. DEVOTEE, four classes of, 148-149. measurement of images of, 149. DHAMMAYANGYI, temple of, 321, n. 2. DHAMMILLA, kind of head-dress, 132. DARIUS-HYSTASPES, throne-room of, 405. DHANADA, see SARVAKAMIKA. DARPANA, mirror, 135. measurements, shape, polish, decorations of, 136. DARU, 111. DARVA, pavilion used as an elephant stable, 120. DASAKUMARACHARITA, where mention is made of a Manasara, king of Malava, 252, 281. absence of anya rchitectural references in, 282. DASANA-VASANANGA-RAGA, staining of the teeth, dyeing of cloth, colouring of the body, 7. : Dasa-tala, ten-storeyed building, 115.1 female deities measured in, 142. system of measurement, 139, 142, 145, 147. three varieties of, 199. DASS, LALA MAN MOHAN, acknowledgment of help received from, xxvii. DATTA-GAMINI, king of Ceylon, 291. DAVIDS, RHYS, 264. DAWAWISHI, old Kafir house at, 304. DEFECT in building in Vitruvius and Manasara, 236. ¦ DhanuraGRAHA-HASTA, a measurement, 98. DHANURMUSHTI-HASTA, a measurement, 98. DHANUS, a measurement, 98. DHANYAKATAKA, see AMARAvati, 284. DHARA, ground, 99, 218. DIARA-(KUMBHA), a moulding, 204. DHARANA, a class of seven-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. DHARANA MATRIKA, art of composing enigmatic poetry, 16. DHATU-GARBHA, relic chamber, Shiva Dagon holds relics of four Buddhas, 319. DHATU-VADA, metallurgy, 13. DHYANAS, 101. DHYANAMUDRA, pose of meditation, 397. DHYANI-BUDDHA, image in Abhayagiri stupa, 291. DIALLING, in Manasara and Vitruvius, compared, 220. DIASTYLOS, type of temples in Vitruvius, 225. DIANA, temple suited to, 225. DEHA-LABDHANGULA, kind of angula DIENG, plateau, temples of, 360. measure, 198. DEHANGULA (or DEHA-LABDHANGULA), kind of angula measure, 145, 152. DEJotas, palace of, 397. absence of Vesara and Nagara styles in, 360. the style of, 360. · Dieulafoy, 393, 397. 464

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INDEX DIGHA NIKAYA, kind of bath described in, 73. DIKSHIT, K. N., 495. DINAYA, inscription of, 360, 361. DINDIMA, hand-drum, 143. DIPA-DANDA, lamp-post, 135. DIPTA-TANTRA, one of architectural works drawn upon by Samgraha, 185. DIPAVAMSA, chronicle of Ceylon, 290. DIPTEROS, class of temples in Vitruvius, 225. DRAVIDA, country, 255-256. octagonal-car, 127. of hexagonal shape, 258. style of architecture, 86, 112, 186, 194, 195, 206, 207, 257, 263. DRAVIDIAN style of architecture, 337. in Ceylon, 293. temples of, 258-259. DRAVYA, material, 137. DRONAKA, class of forts, 104, 221, 399. DRUPADAS, posts to which sacrificial victims were bound, 58. DIPTI-SARA, one of architectural works DUNDUBHI, a class of round type of used by Samgraha, 185. DISPLUVIATUM, type of Gracco-Roman court, 233. DISPOSITIO, arrangement, 219. DOLA, swing, 135, 136. DOME, richly carved, over mandapas, special feature of Northern style, 261. DONG DUONG, a group of Cham temples at, 330. Buddhist character of, 333. history of, 333. plan of, 332-333. DOOR, decorated with carvings, 123. in Buddhist buildings, 71. -in Jati, Chhanda, and other classes of buildings, 123. in Vitruvius and Manasara, 234- 235. measurement of, 123. numerous dimensions, 123. of double and single leaves, 123. on four sides and corners of buildings, 123. their positions in walls, materials, 123. DORIC, class of doors in Vitruvius, 234. Graeco-Roman order of column, 201, 227, 228. suited to temples for Mars, Minerva, Hercules, 225. DRAVIDA, class of phalli, 140. buildings, 190, 191. DURGA (or KAli), 142, 143. image of, 143. image propitiated with blood, 286. DVADASA-TALA, twelve-storeyed building, 115. DURVACHAKA-YOGA, art of mimicry, 12. DVARA-HARMYA, gate-house of the fourth court, 117, 233. DVARA-MANA-VIDHANA, height of the door, 144. DVARA -NAMA-VIDHANA, measurement of doors, 123. DVARA-PALA (or YAKSHA), flanking entrance of the Jetavana Vihara temple, 292. at Rawak, 301. Nag-headed, in Wata-Da-ge, 293. Dvara-Prasada, gate-house of the third court, 117, 233. DVARA-SALA, gate-house of the second court, 117, 253. DvARA-STIANA, location of doors, 122. DVARA-SOBIA, gate-house of the innermost court, 117, 233. DVI-KANTA, a main pillar with two minor pillars, 110. DVI-TALA, two-storeyed buildings, 115. DVI-VAJRA, order of column in MatsyaPurana and Brihat-samhita, 201, 202, 228, 229. DWELLING-HOUSES, of Buddhist age, 70. in Central Asia, 304-305. twelve-storeyed buildings, 189, DYUTA-VISESHA, art of various gambpitha, 142. 254, 257. lings, 17. 465

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J E INDEX ECBATANA, city in Persia, 397, 399, 413. ECHINUS (or OvOLO), aGr aeco-Roman moulding, 203, 230. EKHABHUMI-VIDHANA, buildings, 113. one-storeyed EKADASA-TALA, eleven-storeyed buildings, 115. EKA-KANTA, a main pillar with one minor pillar, 110. EKALINGA, a class of phalli, 140. ELLORA, temple of, 260, 309. -its influence on, 313. marks of destruction at, 416. ENDERE, ancient fortifications at, 298, 301-302. discoveries of Stein at, 294. -- other buildings, 302. ruins of fort, stupa, and temple in, 301. sculptures of, 301. stupa of, 303. shows all the essential stupa features, 296. temple situated in the centre of, 302. the cella of the temple of, 302. the fort of, 301. ENTABLATURE, eight classes in Manasara, 205. Indian and Graeco-Roman, 228. ERAN, pillar of Gupta age at, 382. ETAKA-PADAKA-PITHAM, chair raised on a pedestal, 74. EUSTYLOS, type of temples in Vitruvius, 225. F FA-HIEN, 299, 405, 406. -detailed description of king's new monastery by, 296. visit to India of, 275. FERGUSSON, xii, 285, 288, 28, 290, 292, 293, 324, 328, 342, 343, 344, 346, 347, 354, 365, 366, 377, 378, 379, 382, 383, 391, 403, 412. FILLET (or LISTEL OF AMMULET), a Graeco-Roman moulding, 203, 230. or identified with tula, upatula, vajana, utara, 230. FIROZ SHAH, who removed Asokan pillar to Delhi, 381. FLOORS, in Buddhist buildings, 72. FLORA, temple suited to, 225. Fo, Buddha, 365. FORTS, classifications of, 399. in Buddhist India, 65. in Central Asia, 304, 3º5. in Miran, 306-307. of eight classes in Manasara, 220, 221. of Tibetan origin, 307. plan of, 222. FOSSE, SIR CLAUDE DE LA, 425. FOUCHER, M., 296. FOUNDATION, laying of, in Manasara, 226. in Vitruvius, 226-227. of two classes of houses and temples, 271. types of, for four castes, 272. FOURNEREAV, 327. FRONTIVUS, who mentions Vitruvius, 210. | FUNERARY structure in Vedas, 56-59. three-types, 56. FURNITURE, in Buddhist Age, 73-75. in Manasara, etc., 135-137. ritualistic type of, 61. Vedic, 59-62. G GABRE, tomb of, 390. GADA, mace, attribute of Vishnu, 138. a class of octagonal type of buildings, 190, 191. GAJA, a class of oval type of buildings, 190. - building resembling an elephant, Java of, 354. FAN, see VYAJANA. FANO, temple at, 240. FEMININE, buildings, 114. 466 191.

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INDEX GAJABAHU I, king of Ceylon, 291. GAJABHADRA, class of halls, 404. GALA (also GRIVA, KANTHA, KANDHARA), a moulding, 204. GALA-KUTA, neck-peak, 118. GALA-VIHARA, a rock-cut edifice in Ceylon, 292. GAMLEN, C. G. L., acknowledgment of help received from, xxvii. GARUDA, a class of oval buildings, 191. seven-storeyed buildings with bird designs around, 198. image of, 150. ten-storeyed building, 192. types of buildings in BhavishyaPurana and Brhat-samhita, 192, 193. vahana of Vishnu, 150. designed artistic layout of cables in GARUDA-PURANA, architectural matter Svastika Mansion, xxi. GANAVA, class of phalli, 140. GANDHA-MADANA, type of pavilion, 119. GANDHARA, Graeco-Buddhist sculpture in, 301, 303. - Persian decorations of sangharamas of, 377. GANDHARVA, images of, 148. Gandha-Yukti, perfumery, 9. GANESA, image used as decorative design, 123. in Myson group of temples, 332. in Siam, 328. - Javanese temples, 358, 359. GANGA, inserted in Siva's head-dress, 139 Gann, Dr., discovery of Coba by, xii, 372, 373, 374 GANNAMACHARYA, Mayamata ascribed to, 159, 161. GANYA-MANA, an architectural measurement, 200. GARBHA, adytum, 193. GARBIA-GRIHA, cella or sanctum, 118, 140, 144, 152. shrine, 114. dealt with in, 82. of direct influence with Agni-, Matsya-, and Bhavishya-Puranas and Brihat-samhita, 250. relation of indebtedness with Manasara, 240. types of buildings compared with those of other Puranas, Agamas, Brihat-samhita, and Manasara, 195. GARUTMAT, a class of oval type of buildings, 190. GATE-HOUSE, classification of, 117-118. in Manasara, 233. GAUTAMA, authority on architecture, 172. the Buddha, eight hairs of, 319. the Magi destroyed temples of, in Persia, 392. GAVAKSHA, perforated screen of cow'seye pattern, 118. GELUPGA, order of Lamas, the yellow caps, 283. GEYA, class of buildings in Kamikagama, 195. GHANA-MANA, architectural measurement, 200. GHANA, solid, 118. GARBHA-NYASA, laying of foundation, GHATA, identified with Talon, 230. 226. GARBHAVINYASA-VIDIANA, the foundation, 106-108. Garga, authority on architecture, 243, 245. in Matsya-Purana, 245. GARGA-SAMHITA, architectural subjects referred to in, 94 name of a moulding, 202, 203, 204, 230. type of buildings in Bhavishya-Purana and Brihat-samhita, 193-194 GHATANA-SASTRA, science of accidents, 15. GHRITA-VARI, a moulding of pitha, 141. part of the pitha, 141. GARGYA, authority on architecture, GIRI-DURGA, mountain fort, 104, 221. 172. GIRNAR, temples at, 260. 467

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INDEX GITA, vocal music, one of the sixty-four GUHARAJA, type of building, 192-193. arts, 5. GLASS, see AABHASA, 137-138. GNOMON, as used in Manasara and in Surya-siddhanta, 253-254 GODHA (RA), cage for, 137. GOMATI, a canal in Java, 361. GOPALA, name of Vishnu, temples of, 1 in certain quarter, 272. GOPANA(KA), a moulding, 204. Gopura, gate-house, 104, 114, 116, 117. GOPURAM, gateway, special feature of Dravidian temple, 259. GOPURA-VIDHANA, gate-houses, 117. GRAHA-KUNDALA, see MAKARA-KUNDALA. GRAMA-LAKSHANA-VIDHANA, schemes, 102, 220. village GREAT DRAGON, Temple of Heaven, a temple near Pekin, 363. - plan of, 363-364. GRIHA-KANTA, a class of five-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. GRIHA-LAKSIIMI, guardian deity of the house, 122. GRIHA-MANA-STHANA-VINYASA, on situation and dimensions of a dwellinghouse, 121. GRIHAN, dwelling house, type of funerary structure, 56-57. GRIHA-PRAVESA-VIDHIANA, ! - GUMBATUNA, small vihara at, 315. GUPTA, so-called, really an earlier style, 279-280. style compared with buildings of Manasara, 279. - style of architecture, characteristics of, 279. GUPTA, A. C., acknowledgment of help received from, xxvi. GUPTA DYNASTY, 273-274. --administrations of religious conditions under, 275-276. architectural revolution under, 277. favourable conditions for arts and literature under, 278. period of, has features required by Manasara, 275. GUPTA-VIMSA, in Manasara, for Saptavimsa, 278-279. GURKHA, conquest of Nepal by, 285. GUVA-VRIKSHA, (for Svary iksha of Agni, in Garuda-Purana), a class of round type of buildings, 191. GWILT, 229. 231. HADAWAY, 398. the first HALEBID, temple ai, 342. HALLS, in India, 403-405. entry into the House, house-warming ceremonies, 122. GRIHARAJA, a class of rectangular type in Persia, 400-403. of buildings, 190. type of buildings in BhavishyaPurana, 192. GRIHA-STAMBHA, central pillar, a peculiarity of Hindu architecture, xvii, 395. GRIVA, neck, 150. See GALA. GRONEMAN, PROF. KERN, 355, 357. GRUBB, FREDERICK, on Manasara architecture, 432. GRUNWEDEL, on Persian style in Indian buildings, 378. GUEBER, fire-worshipper, 305. GUHA, underground building, 66-67. cave-houses, 414. 1 -HAMSA (Goose), class of oval type c: buildings. 190, 192. measurement of, 149. palaces for, 149-150. type of buildings in BhavishyaPurana and Brihat-samhita, 193, 194. vehicle of Brahma, 149. HARA, moulding, identified with astragal or torus, 204, 230-231. See also BHARA. string of pearls worn round the neck, 134. HARADEVI RAJAKULA, queen of Indravarman, 333- 468

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Harappa, account of, 37-43. building styles at, 411. finds at, 381. -funeral structures, 40. seven layers and their finds, 38. temples, 42-43. walls, 39, 41. water reservoir, 39. INDEX HARSHA-VARDHANA, empire of, 268, 274. predilection for Buddhism of, 276. HASTA, unit of measurement, 113, 197, 144, 145. HASTA-LAGHAVA, prestidigitation, 9. HASTI-PRISHITHA, a kind of singlestoreyed buildings, 114, 187. HARI, lion, used as decorative design, HAVELL, E. B., x. 128. HARGREAVES, H, on Manasara architecture, xiii, 427. HARINA, antelope, attribute of Rudrani, 144. in Siva's hand, 139. HARIPUNYAPURA, probable capital of Syamadesa, 316, 322. HARISIMHA, of Simraum, conquered Nepal, 285. HARITA, class of halls, 404. L HAVIRDHANA, sacrificial store-room, 56. HEMAKUTA, type of pavilion, 119. HERCULES, temple suited to, 225. HERODOTUS, on absence of temples in Persia, 391, 392, 413, 397. HGUM-STIR CHAITYA, built by Vijaya. virya, 298. legend about its origin, 298. HIGHEST PEACE, Hall of, a hall in the Forbidden City, 367. HARIUJI, pagoda at, carliest in Japan, HIMAJA, a type of pavilion, 119. 369. HARIVAMSA, arts, living and practical in times of, 3. referred to in, 1. learning of sixty-four arts in sixtyfour days by Krishna explained in. 2-3. reference to sixty-four arts. 2. used by Jiva-gosvamin, 2. HARMYA, building. 99, 104, 214, 414. class of buildings in Kamikagama, 195. masonry house, 80. noblemen's mansions, 55, 59. pompous type of storeyed buildings, 67. temple, 144, 152. sevenHARMYA-KANTA, a class of storeyed buildings, 115, 188. HARMYA-GARBHA, large dining hall, 70. HARROP, H. R., great interest taken by and acknowledgment of indebtedness to, xi, xv, xxv. HARSHA-CHARITA, description of palace, mandapa, sabha, prapa, pragramsa, etc., in, 93. named after Harsha, 252. HIMAKANTA, a class of seven-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. HIMAVAT, kind of temple in Suprabkedagama 195. HIND prevalent in Siam before Buddhism, 28. S revival of, under the Guptas, 276. HINDUSTANI, on Munasara architecture, 449. HIOUN TSANG, mention of Somoje and legend of its origin by, 297, 298. on temple of Vaisravana, 298, 299, 324, 382. visited Kashnir, 287. HODGSON, 391. HO LAI, temples of, 334. HOLAL, inscription, sixty-four kinds of buildings referred in, 207. HONAN, Buddhist temple of, 365. plan of, 365. HORA, astrologer, 329. HO' RAKHANG BELFRY, type of buildings in Siam, 327. Ho' TRAI, sacred library, having no surrounding private grounds in Buddhist India, 65. type of buildings in Siam, 327. 469

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INDEX Hos QUE, cave temples of, 335. HOYSALESVARA, temple at Halebid, 260. HTI, 319, 320. HUI-LIN, author of Yini, 298. HUNG THANK, group of five temples of, 334. HYPAE-THROS, class of temples in Vitruvius, 225. ICONOGRAPHY, 219. I IDOL, classes and poses of, 138. materials for, 137. measurements of, 139. of Brahma, Vishnu, 138. of Siva, 139. pedestals of, 139. IEYASU, mausoleum of, 370. IKSHU-KANTA, a class of six-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. 1 INDUS VALLEY, care for the convenience of the citizens, 49. civilization in, 49-50. - -Saivism in, 49. Vedic knowledge of, 50-53 INSULINDIA, ix, xi. -significance of traces of Indian architecture in, 316. IONIC, a class of doors, 234. Graco-Roman Graco-Roman order of columns, 201, 228. suited to certain deities, 225. IRIMOYA, gables, 370. IRON PILLARS of Delhi, 378. See LOHA. ISA-KANTA, a class of cleven-storeyed buildings, 116, 189. ISHTAKA, brick, 96, 111. ISURMUNIYA, rock-cut temple in Ceylon, 292. ISVARA-KANTA, a class of four-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. IN ANTIS, classes of temples in l'itruvius, ITZAS, migration of, 372. 225 INDO-ARYAN, close relations with Persians of, 376. See also NORTHERN. order of Sikhara, 259. style of architecture, 260. Indo-CORINTHIAN, capitals, 31INDRA, an authority on architecture mentioned in Ma..asara, 155 n. 2, 246. architecture, described by, 157. · developed through, 213. image of, in Myson temples, 332. name of a square in palace, 124. INDRAKA- (or CHANDRAKA-) RAKA, class of cars, 127. BHADINDRA-KANTA, a class of four-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. gate-houses, 118. INDRAPURA, capital of Champa, Dong Duong situated in, 333. INDRAVARMAN, king of Champa, 333. king of Cambodia, a great Luilder, 339. J JABADIEU, Java in Ptolemy's geography, 353. JAHANGIR who re-crected Allahabad pillar, 382. JAIN, chariot, 128. difference between Northern and Southern styles, 77. essentially Hindu, 76. indifferently treated in Manasara, 268-270. style of architecture, a variety of Indo-Aryan order, 260. temples, 115, 117. territory of prevalence, 260. their temples to be built outside villages and towns, 270. types of, 146. JAINA-LAKSHANA-VIDHANA, Jain images, 144-146. JAINISM, decadant but tolerated in time of Manasara, 270. Maratha popular in Southern country under Chalukyas, 275. 470

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JALA-DHARA, drain, 141. JALA-Durga, water-fort, 104, 221. JALADVARA, drain, 103, 123. JALAKA, perforated screen, 118. JANARDANA (or VASUDEVA or INDEX ADIVISINU), name of Vishnu, temples of, 272. JANAKA, land of, 21. JANAKAS, videha, 254- - class of twelve-storeyed buildings. for, 254, 257. JANA-KANTA, a class of eight-storeyed buildings, 115, 189. JANAKA-KANTA, a class of twelvestoreyed buildings, 116, 189. JANGAMA, movable class of idols, 138. JANGGAL, inscription, reference to reconstruction of a Saiva temple in Java, 360. JANMAN (or PRAthama), a moulding of the pitha, 141, 204. JAPAN, Chinese origin of architecture of, 369. civil architecture in, 370, 371. dwelling-houses in, 371. history of architecture in, 369. traits in different no distinctive classes of buildings in, 370. palaces in, 370. JATA, kind of head-dress, 131. suited to Brahma and Siva, 132. to Rati, 132, 143. JATAJUTA head-dress for the seven sages, 147. JATAKA, illustrated in the mural paintings of Caves of Thousand Buddhas, 311. sculptured in Sukhalaya, 329. representations from, in Budur, 357. JAVA, architectural remains in, 354. artists invited from India to, 354. Brahmanism in, before Buddhism, - - 354. Buddhist shrines in, 354-358. connexion of India with, 353. distribution of castes in towns in, 361. drainage of rivers in, 360-361. epigraphic references buildings in, 360. to Hindu Hindu shrines in, 358-360. Indian colonization of, 353. reference to, in Ramayana, 353. town-planning in, 361. JAYA, class of gate-houses, 118. Jayabaha, class of halls, 404. JAYABHADRA, class of mandapas in Suprabhedagama, 195. JAYACHANDRA, king of Trigarta or Jalandhara, 289. JAYADA, a proportion in an architectural measurement, 105, 108, 200. JAYALA, pavilion, used as a summer residence, 120. JAYANTA, a quarter for temples of Isa, 272. JAYANTI, a moulding in Suprabhedagama, 203, 230. JAYANTIKA, kind of one-storeyed buildings, 114. JAYAVARMAN, king of Champa, 338. king of Cambodia, 338. ---www. JAYAVARMAN II, founded Cambodian kingdom and Angkor Thom, the capital, 338-339, 345: JETAVANARAMA, stupa of, 291. JETAVANA-VIHARA, temple, 292. JHA, MAHAM Ahopadhyaya Dr. G. N., 425, 428,439. Boro JATA-MUKUTA, head-dress of Brahma, - 138. on Manasara architecture, xiii, 428. JHUKHUN, 43-45. date, 44. lake-dwellers in Sindh, 44-45. the remains at, 44. JIVA, of a balance, 136. JATI, class of buildings, 105, 113, 114, JIVA-GOSVAMIN, describes sixty-four arts 187, 225. phalli, 140. prakara, 116. in Kamikagama, 194. shape of pavilions, 120. 471 in detail, 1, 7, 8, 11, 14, 17, 12 n. 1. Jo, hill dwellings traced at, 45. JUNO, temple suited to, 225. JYOTI (SH)-KANTA, a class of six-storeyed buildings, 115, 188.

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K KABUL, Valley of, stupas in, 296. Kafir, dwelling-houses of, 304. forts of, 305. INDEX KAILASA, a class of three-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. - 191. round type of buildings, 190- kind of temple in Suprabhedagama, 195. - of eight-storeyed buildings, 192- - 193. of nine-storeyed buildings, 191. KAKALI, a kind of plant, 107. KAKASHTA, crow-shaped seat, 99. KAKUSANDHA, a previous Buddha,; staff of, 319. KALA-1-KAKA, one of the three Kafir forts at Wakhan, 305. KALAKUTA, poison, mark of, in the neck of Siva, 139. KALA-MUKHA, class of phalli, 139. KALASA (or Karaka), a class of round type of buildings, 190-191. finial over the amala-sila, 261. special feature of Nagara style, 261-262. KALASAN, temple of, 348, 360. KALAYUPA, authority on architecture in Manasara, 155 n. 2, 245. KALI, image in temples of Java, 358- 359. See Durga. KALIDASA, references to architectural details in works of, 95. KALINGA, a class of twelve-storeyed buildings, 254, 257. a style of architecture mentioned in epigraphical records, 206, 207. branch of Vesara style, 257. country of, 256. oval car of, 127. stupas of, 291. KALINGA-KANTA, a class of twelvestoreyed buildings, 116, 189. KALINGAPURA (modern Topava or Polonnaruva), ruins of, 292. 131, 132, 139. 140. KALYANA, a class of five-storeyed buildings, 188. KAMALA (or KAMALAKSIA), class of sixstoreyed buildings, 115. KAMALA-AKSHA, a class of six-storeyed buildings, 188. KAMALANGA, a class of three-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. KAMANDAKIYA-NITI, assigned to fifth century A.D., 251. borrowed from Artha-sastra, drawn upon by Agni-Purana, 251. Manasara indebted to, 208. passages identical with Sukraniti's. 251. KAMANDALU, painting in Miran stupa walls, 309. KAMA-SUTRA, arts referred to in, 1. classification of arts in groups, 17-- 18. sixty-four arts specified in, 5. sixty-seven arts enumerated in, 5-17. usefulness of the arts in, 18-19. KAMBHOJA-DESA, one of the six ancient divisions of the peninsula east of India, 316. KAMIKAGAMA, -- - architectural subject systematically and extensively treated in, 85, 86-88. chapters enumerated, 86-88, 105. description of twenty buildings in, 207. kinds of details of tala measures taken from. 200. general description of bases in, 204. reference to three styles of architecture in, 207. relation of indebtedness with Manasara, 240, 437. scanty details about pedestals in, 205. types of buildings in, 194-195. compared with those of Puranas, Brihat-samhita, Manasara, and Suprabhedagama, 195-196. KAMPA (or KAMPANA), fillet, a moulding, 109, 141, 204. KALPA-VRIKSHA, ornamental trees, 130, KAMPA-BANDHA, a type of bases, 109, 204. 472

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INDEX KAMPA-KARNA, a compound moulding, KARNA, a moulding, 204. 204. KAMPONGS, in Bali, 352. in Celebes, 350. KAMYA, class of prakara, 116. KANARAK, temple at, 261. KANDAG VALLEY, vihara at, 315. KANGRA, temples in, 289-290. KANGU, 107. KANISHKA, who sent missionaries to Siam, 322-323. KANKACHIT, heron-shaped altar, 393. KANKANA, a bracelet, 134. KANTAKA, class of two-storeyed buildings, 115. KARNA-PADMA, a compound moulding, 204. KARNA-PATRA-BHANGA, painting upon cheeks, 9. KARNIKARA, class of halls, 404. KASHMIR, history of, 287. religious conditions in, 287. temples of, 287-289. KASSAPA, a previous Buddha, bathing garment of, in Shwe Dagon, 319. KASYAPA, chapters borrowed from, in Samgraha, 182. colour, incasurement and image of, 147 one of the seven sages, 109. KANTARA, a class of six-storeyed build- KATTAKA, armlet, 134 ings, 115, 188. KANTHA (or GALA), moulding in Suprabhedagama, 203, 230. KATHMANDU, capital of Nepal, 284, 285. temple of Pasupati near, 286. KANDHARA (or GALA), a moulding of KATI-SUTRA, cord round the loins, 135. the pitha, 141. KAPINJALA-SAMHITA, one of the treatises drawn upon by Samgraha, 184. KAPOTA, a moulding, 204. KARADONG, ancient fortifications at, 299. KARAGARA, jail, 125. KARAKA, see KALASA. KARANAGAMA, architectural technically treated in, 88-89. chapters enumerated, 89-90. details of tala measure from, 200. matter taken similarities with Manasara, 89. KARANDA, head-dress for all female deities, chakravatin, narendra, 132. for Garuda, 150. for semi-divine beings, 148. details of, 131. KARA-SHAHR, shrines and temples at, 313-314. KARI, clephant, used as decorative as decorative design, 128. KARKOTA, builders of viharas and temples in Kashmir, 287. KARLE, pillar at, and its capital, 382. KARMUKA, a class of villages, 102, 220, 398. KATO KYOMASA, built the castle of Kunamoto, 371. KATJU, HON'BLE DR. K. N., acknowledgment of help received from, xxvi. KAUCHUMARA-YOGA, a fine art, 9. KAUMARI, one of the seven mothers, 142. KAUMUDI, one of the treatises drawn upon by Samgraha, 184. KAUNDINYA, first Indian kings of Champa, 329. KAUSALYA, class of halls, 404. KAUSIKA, pavilion used as a horse stable, 120. KAVI, chronicles, 353. KAVYA-SAMASYA-PURANA, solution of verbal puzzles, 12. KEDU, 354. KEITH, DR. A. B., on Manasara architecture, xiii, 425. KENDRA, a moulding, 204. KENNEDY, 376. KERALA, a class of twelve-storeyed buildings, 116, 189, 254, 255, 257. KESABANDHA, head-dress, suited to Sarasvati and Savitri, 132. for queens of adhiraja and narendra, 132. 473

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INDEX KESAKUTAKA, 135, n. 2. KESA-MARJANA-KAUSALA, art of hairdressing, 14. KESARA, a kind of single-storeyed buildings, 114, 187. of three-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. KESAVA (or NARAYANA), name of Vishnu, 272. KEVALA-NAGARA, class of towns, 104, 399. KEYURA, armlet, 134. KHADALIK, resembles Hindu temples, vin. shrines of, 306. KHADGA, a class of octagonal buildings, 191. KHAJURAHO, temples at, 260, 261. KHAROSHTII, inscriptions, 307. in shrines, as proof of their Indian origin, 306. manuscript in, 294. tablets in, 305. KharvaTa, a class of towns, 104, 106, 220, 399. KHASA, a Tibetan Lama, Budhnath of Nepal ascribed to, 287. KHATA-SANKU, wooden stakes, 101. KHETA, a class of towns, 104, 220, 399. KHMER, civilization of, 323. Dravidian inscription of, 324. KHORA, Buddhist shrine, 314. KHOTAN, a special civilization of its own, 295. Buddhism India, 294. established in, from find of M. Rhins at, 294 KING'S NEW MONASTERY, described by Fa-hien, 296. -.. www.www. description of, 296-297. identified with Somoje convent of Hiouen Tsang, 297. of wood, 297. situated west of Khotan capital, 296. took 80 years, 296. KINKINI-VALAYA, bracelet and anklet, fitted with little bells, 134. KINNARA (KINNARI), images of, 148. used as decorative designs, 130. KIOTO, imperial palace at, its plan and arrangement, 370-371. KIRAGRAMA, Village in Kangra, Vaidyanatha temple in, 289. KIRANA-TANTRA, eight mouldings in, 203, 230. --five classes of columns in, 228-229. KIRI DAGABA, 292. KIRITA, kind of head-dress, 31, 134. suited to Narayana, Chakravartin, Adhiraja, 138. KISHKU-HASTA, a measurement, 98. KODRAVA, 107. KOLA, 106. KOLAKA, a class of forts, 104, 221, 399. KONA, class of buildings in Kamikagama, 195. KonAgamana, a previous Buddha, water-dipper of, 319. under Chinese supremacy and KNONOW, Dr. Stein, 425. influence, 295. Tibetan influence, 295. KHUONG MY, Gham temple at, 330. KIGHILLIK, abhaya-mudra in reliefs of, 301. KILA, axle-bolt, linch-pin, 127. KINGS, nine classes of, 125, 264. the nine-fold division poses an empire, 265. pre-suptheir crowns, thrones and revenue, 126. their qualification, 125. their respective possessions, 125. 1 KOREA, development of wooden construction in, 369 origin of Japanese architecture from, 369. KOSHTHA, chamber, 106, 136. KOSHTHAGARA, a class of Buddhist chaityas, special features of, 287. KOSHTIA-STAMBHA, a kind of pillar, pilaster, 110, 201. KOTAH, architectural remains at, 315. | KOTA RANI, widow of last king of Kashmir, 287. 474

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INDEX KOTEI, state of Borneo, inscribed stone pillars found at, 352. KRISHNA, of the style of the Plains, especially Bengali type, 286. temple of, at Patan 286. KRIYAVIKALPA, derivation jugation of verbs, 16. KROM, DR., 360. and conKUMBHA, a moulding, 204. in Suprabhedagama, 203, 230. nine-storeyed building resembling water-jar, 192. KUMBHA-BANDHA, a type of bases, 109, 204. KUMBHA-STAMBIA, type of Indian column, 110, 201, 202, 228-229. KUMBURIEN, 326. KSHEMA, class of buildings in Kamik- ---- agama, 194. three at Vat Jai, 327. KSHEPANA, a moulding of the pitha, KUMRAHAR, excavation at, 379. 141, 204. KSHEPANAMBUJA, a compound moulding, 204. KSHUDRA-KAMPA, a compound moulding, 204. KSHUDRA-NASI, vestibule, 118, 130. KSHUDRA-PADMA, a compound moulding, 204. KUAN-YIN, goddess, worshipped by women, 365. KURJAKA, a class of towns, 104, 220, 399 hall at, ascribed to Asoka, 405. KUMUDA, torus or astragal, a moulding, 204. KUMUDA-BANDHA, a type of bases, 109, 204. KUMUDA-KUNTALA, kind of head-dress for queens of Parshnika, Pattadhara, etc., 132. KUNDALA (KUNTALA), ear-ring, 134. -kind of head-dress suited to Sarasvati and Savitri and Rati, 132. to the queen of chakravartin, 132. KUBLAI KHAN, who destroyed Pagan, KUNDIKA, water-pot, attribute of BrahKUCHA, discovery of Bower Manuscripts from, 204, 200. KUDYA-STAMBHA, pilaster, 109, 201, KUCHUMARA, originator of Kauchumaraart, 9. KukkuTa, cage for, 137. KUKKUTA YUDDHA MANDAPA, pavilion to witness cock-fights from, 124. KUKSHI, nave of wheel, 127. Kukshi-bandhA, a type of bases, 109, 204, KULA-DHARANA, pavilion used for storing perfumes, 120. KULALA, cage for, 137. Kulattha, 107. KUMAL, opening in the centre of the roof, 304. KUMARA, authority on architecture in Matsya-Purana, 245. KUMARAGUPTA, Emperor, religious beliefs of, 275. ma, 138. of Sarasvati and Brahmani, 142, 144. KUNJARA, type of buildings described in Bhavishya-Purana and Brihat-samhita, 102, 193. KUNJARAKSHA, perforated screens of elephant's eye pattern, 118. KUNJARA KUNJA, imitation of shrine of, in Java, 360. KUNJARIYA, cage for, 137. KURGHAN-TIM, mound of, 295. remains of stupa, 295. similarities with Kabul Valley and Taxila stupas, 296. KurmAChit, type of altars, 393. KUTA, pinnacle, 120, 150. KUNAMOTO, castle of, 371. KUTTIMA, part of Madhyaranga, 130. KYANKTANGYI, temple of, having arch and vault, 320. KYANSILTHA, who built Ananda and Nagayon temples, 320. 475

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L INDEX LABRANG, monastery of, 283. LAC-SON, caves near, 335. LAGHU-SILPA-JYOTIH-SARA, on twentyone things to be observed in connexion with building, 94. LAJA, 102. LAKE-DWELLERS, in Sindh, 45. LAKSHMANA CHANDRA, Vaidyanath temple of Kangra built under, 289. LAKSHMI, female energy, attendant on Vishnu, 138, 142-143. image of, 143. temples and images of, in Siam, 325. | LIANG ANNALS, which mention frescoes adorning royal palaces in Khotan, 298. LICHCHHAVI DYNASTY, their inscriptions, and religion, came from Vaisali, 285. LIEN, of the family of Kiu, foundation of kingdom of Champa by, 330. LIKSHA, a measurement, 98. LILAVATI, description of gnomon in, 94-95. LINGA of Siva, four-faced image of, 287. in the Myson group of temples, 332. types of temples for, in Silpa-sastras, 306. LINGANGULA, berangula, 152. LAKSHMI-GOVINda, temple of, in Yajna- LINGA-PuraNa, architectural matter in. sala, xiv. LALITADITYA-MUKTAPINA, king of Kashmir, who built temple of Martanda, 289. LALITA-VISTARA, arts referred to in, I, 3. better knowledge of arts in time of, 4. essential conditions for cultivation of arts, 4, 17. LAMAISM, 283. Lamba-mana, kind of linear measure- | ment, 144, 197. 83. LINGA-VIDHANA, phallus, 139-141. LISTEL, see Fillet. LI-YUL, Annals of, 298. legend about the temple of Vaisravana, 298. Tibetan version of the legend of the origin of So-mo-je convent, 298. Loga, clod, pole, also pillar erected on grave, 59. Loha, iron, 131. LOHA-MAHAPAYA, Great Brazen Monastery, 291-292. LAMPHUM, modern name of Haripunya- LOKAJNA, authority on architecture, in pura, 316, 322. LANGALA, shape of pavilions, 120. LARO DJONGGRANG (TJAND!), date of, 359- virgin, Parvati temples of, in Java, 358-359 plan, sculptures, and carvings of, 358-359. LAURIYA-ARARAJ, Asokan pillar of, 381. LAURIYA NAVANDGARH, Asokan pillar of, 382. LEAGUE OF NATIONS, Information Meusuelles, on Manasara architecture, 444. LE BON, DR., 382. LEMYET-HNA, a pagoda, earliest example of square temples, 319-320. Manasara, 155 n. 2, 24 LOKANANDA, pagoda in Pagan, 318. LOKAPALA, attendant on Jain deities, 146. LOLEI, temple of, ascribed to Yasovarman, 339. LOLTUM, cave of, 373. LAMASARY, Buddhist monastery, 365. --distinguishing features of, 364. LONLAN, wooden stupa models of, 308. LOPHABURI, temple at, 325. LOTUS, attribute of Vishnu, 138. LUPA, an architectural object, 113, 130. sloping roof, 112, 120. LUANG PHRABANG, modern Chudha-nagari, 316. name of 476

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INDEX M MADHUCHCHHISTHA-VIDHANA, first casting of images, 155-156. MADHYA-DESA, 255. Madhya-hara, middle court, 116, 233. MADHYA-KANTA, a class of twelvestoreyed buildings, 116, 189, 254, 257. MADHYAMA, intermediate type of tentala system, 145, 153. MADHYA-RANGA, 132, 232. theatres, MAHA-PITHA, type of pedestals suited to the idols of triad, 139. MAHARAJA (or ADHIRAJA), for, 127-128. chariot -class of kings, 124, 125, 126, 264, www.g 404. lord of seven kingdoms, 264. must belong to solar or lunar race, 265. throne for, 129. MAHASENA, king of Ceylon, 291. 130-131, MAHA-SUDASANA-SUTTU, description of flight of stairs in, 72. MAGHA, architectural references in his poem, 95. MAGADHA, 254. MAGADHA, class of twelve-storeyed buildings, 254, 257 MAGADHA-KANTA, a class of twelvestoreyed buildings 116, 189. MAGI SMERDIS, king of Persia, 390. MAHABHARATA, battle-scenes in Angkor Vat, 312. description of towns and palaces in, 438. halls referred to in, 414. incidents depicted in Siamese temples from, 328. Mahabodhi, temple at Pagan, 321. MAHADEVA, temple at Patan, 286. ManA-GOPURA, gate-house of the fifth court, 118, 233. MAHA-KANTA, a class of five-storeyed buildings, 188. - of eight-storeyed buildings, 115, 189. MAHA-LAKSHMI, 142-143. image of, 143. Maha-MARYADA, fifth court, 116, 118, 233. MAHAMBUJA, a compound moulding, 204. MAHA-NASI, 118. MAHA-PADMA, 191. MAHA-PADMAKA, a class of round type of buildings, 190. MAHATANTRA, authority on architec ture, in Manasara, 155, n. 2, 245. MAHAVAGGA, references to architec tural matters in, 72. MAHAVAMSA, chronicle of Ceylon, 290- 291. list of ten Buddhist missionaries sent by Asoka to different parts of the world, 324. MAHAVIRA, image in Vaidyanatha temple of Kangra, 289. MAHAVRATA, class of phalli, 139. MAHENDRA (or NARENDRA), chariot for, 128. class of kings, 124, 125, 126, 264, 404. lord of three kingdoms, 264, 265. throne for, 129. MAHENDRI, one of the seven mothers, 142. Mahi, 142, 143. image of, 143. MAHINDRA, son of Asoka, 292. Mahotsava, car for, 127. throne of deity for great festivals, 129. MAJAPAHIT kings, countries under, 317 MAJAPAHITA (or BILVATIKTA), capital of Java, 361. MAJAPAPIT, kingdom of Java, Sumatra under, 348. MAJJANALAYA, bath, 124. 477

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MAJUMDAR, Dr. R. C., xii, 33º, 335- INDEX on Indian origin of Cham architecture, 337-338. MAKARA, crocodile, used as decorative. design, 128, 130. MAKARA-BHUSHANA, ear-pendant with crocodile pattern, 134. MAKARA-KUNdala, ear pendant, attribute of Sarasvati, 142. of Mahi, 143. MAKARA-TORANA, arch, 130, 131, 146. MALA, garland, 135. MALAY PENINSULA, corresponds with Malayadesa, 316. MALAYA-DESA, one of the six ancient states of the peninsula, east of India, 316. MALLIKA, buildings, 135 n. 2. - oval type of buildings (for Manika of Agni-Purana in Garuda-Purana), ! 190. MALYA-GRATHANA-VIKALPA, art of making garlands, 8. MALYAJA, type of pavilion, 119. MAMALLAPURAM, rathas resembling Cham structures, 291 337-338. MANA, kind of linear measurements, 144, 197. MANABODHA, authority on architecture, in Manasara, 155 n. 2, 245. MANA-BHADRAKA, class of halls, 404. MANADEVA, king of Nepal, patron of Manasara, 282. -Bodhnath chaitya ascribed to, 287. MANAKALPA, authority on architecture in Manasara, 155 n. 2, 245. MANANGULA, kind of angula measurement, 145, 152, 198. MANASARA, a blank in the architectural history of India, filled by, x. a class of Rishis, 213. - a compilation of standard work i on architecture, 185. - a king of Malava, 252. a guide book for the architects, 256. a name with ambiguous significance, 210. MANASARA, author acquainted with conditions of buildings existing in the then India, 256-257. authorities on architectures common with those of Matsya-Purana and Brihai-samhita, 246. authority on architecture in, 155 11. 2, 245, 246. - before Brhat-samhita and close to Matsya-Purana, 282. belonging to the Gupta period, 278. Brihat-samhita, Agamas, Puranas indebted to, 208. chapters borrowed from, in Samgraha, 182. 88. identical with Kamikagama's, 86 measurements of comparative columns, etc., dealt with in greater detail in, than in other treatises, 205. compared with Vitruvius, 210, 239. connexion with the treatise of that name, 282. date of, 282. division of compound in, 96. cight classes of villages in, 398. favourable conditions for its being written, under Guptas, 277. five mouldings described in, 202. five orders in, 201, 228. of columns in, 228-229. fuller than Matsya- and BhavishyaPuranas and Brihat-samhita in three important 249 architectural matters, indebted to Vedic, early epic and early polytechnical works, 208. indifferent treatment of Buddhists and Jains by, 268. interpretation of, 238. its relation to Agastya-sakaladhikara, 171. known to Agni-Purana, 82. known and used in all provinces of ancient India, 210. king of Malava mentioned in Dasakumara-charita, 281. largely drawn upon by Mayamata, 161. largest number of mouldings in, 203. 478

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MANASARA, measurement, 197. mentioned in Agni-Purana, 250. names of the 203-204. INDEX mouldings in, _ nine classes of palaces in, 401. nineteen classes of bases in, 204. ninety-eight kinds of buildings described in, 207. not later than Matsya- and Bhavishya-Puranas and Brhat-samhita, 249-250. one-storeyed buildings in, 113, 115. scholars opinions of on, 4220 449. recognizes an empire reaching the four seas, 264. - 111 references to angula measure, 198. in Dasakumaracharita, 251-252. ten-tala measurement, 199. relation of indebtedness with Puranas, Agamas, and Brihat-samhita. 240. Matsya-, Bharishya-, and AgniPuranas and Brihat-samhita, 277. religious attitude of, 268-273. respect shown to Brahmans and predilection for Vaishnavism, 268. Sanat-kumara indebted to, 172. similarity to litruvius in the proportion of purely architectural matters, names and contents of chapter>>, 213. sixteen types of pedestals described in, 204. standard 208-209. work on architecture, styles exhaustively treated in, 205. thirty-two authorities on architecture, 245 246. two Manasaras, 247-248. two sets of names of the orders, 201. types of buildings in, 113-116, 186-189. described in, 186-189. compared with those of Agni-, Garuda-, Matsya-, and BhavishyaPuranas, Brihat-samhita, Kamik-, Suprabhed-agamas, 195-196. ungrammatical language of, 237. use of gnomon in, cruder than in Suryasiddhanta, 253, 254. MANASARA, used in three different senses, 252. written under the influence of the unifying authority of an empire, 263-264. MANASARPA, name of an architect in two epigraphic records, 253. MANASIKAVYA-KRIYA, extempore versifications, 16. MANAVA, class of halls, 404. MANAVIT, authority on architecture in Manasara, 155, n. 2, 245 MANCHA, part of Madhyaranga, 99, 130. MANCHA-BANDHA, a type of base, 109, 204. MANCHA BHADRA, a class of pedestal, 108, 204. MANGHA-KANTA, a class of four-storeyed building, 115, 188 MASCHALI, 99. MANDALA, kind of head-dress suited to Rati, 132. MANDALESA, ciass of kings, 124, 125, 291 494. head-dress of, 132. ruler of a province, 265. throne for, MANDANA or 129. RAJA-VALLABHA-MANDANA OF STRADHARA-MANDANA, or BHUPATI-VALLABHA, author of a SilpaSastra, 173. MANDAPA, different senses of, 119, 234. divided in four classes in Suprabhed- agama, 195. in early examples of Northern style, 261. pavilion, 99, 105, 111, 114, 117, in Manasara, 110-120, 121. MANDAPAM, hall in a Dravidian temple, 258. MANDARA, square buildings, 190. temples in Suprabhedagama, 195. ten-storeyed buildings, 192-193. twelve-storeyed buildings, 191. MANDI, moulding in Suprabhedagama, 203, 230. 479

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MANDUKA, plan of, 102. INDEX MANGALA, throne for Mangala coronation, 129. coronation, 132. MANI-BANDHA-KALAPA, jewelled ornament for forearm, 134. MANIBHADRA, class of mandapas in Suprabhedagama, 195. MANI-BHUMIKA-KARMAN, art of setting. jewels on the floor, 7. MANIKA, oval type of buildings, 190- 191. MANIKYALA, stupa, similarities with Mauri-Tim and Kurghan Tin, 296. MANI-RAGA-JNANA (or RAGAKA-RANJANA), art of colouring precious stones, 1.4. MANJUSHA, basket, 135 three kinds of materials for, 136. MANJUSRI, representation of, in mural paintings of Valley of Myriad Buddha, 313. visited Nepal, 285. MANOPAKARANA-VIDHANA, measurement, 97-98, 215. MANONMANI, 142, 143. system of belongs to the retinue of Siva. 143. image of, 143. MANU, authority on architecture, 172. a generic name, also of an architect, 246. fourteen generations of, 246. heavenly architect originated from Brahma, 246. mentioned in Manasara, 155 n. 2, 245. source of Varahamihira In architectural matters, 243, 245. tracts south of Vindhyas known to Aryans in time of, 265. MANUSHA, class of phalli, 140. MANUSHYALAYA-CHANDRIKA, a treatise, 437. to angula MANU-SAMHITA, reference to measure in, 198. MANYUKA, one of two merchants who built Vaidyanatha temple in Kangra, 289. MARALA, cage for, 137. MARS, temple suited to, 225. MARKANDEYA-PURANA, referred to by Bana, 277. MARSHALL, SIR JOHN, 379, 418, 445. acknowledgment to, ix, xi. MARTANDA, architectural Kashmir, 289. built by Lalitaditya, 289. courtyard of, 289. temple of, 288-289. MASCULINE buildings, 114. MASTUNG, excavation at, 47. lion of MASURAKA, a member of Madhyaranga, 130. MATSYA-PURANA, architectural matters described in, 81. belongs to the Gupta period, 278. clear details of the five orders in, 201. compared with Brihat--samhita and Manasara, 248. eight mouldings mentioned in, 203, 230. eighteen professors of architecture in. 245. five orders of columns in, 228. identical with Bhavishya-Purana and Brhat-samhita in certain matters, 83, 84, 244, 249. measureinent in, 199. reference to angula measurement in, 198. 207. twenty kinds of buildings in, relation of indebtedness with Manasara, 240. twenty types of buildings in, 191- 192. twenty-seven kinds of halls in, 404. types of buildings compared with those of other Puranas, Agamas, Brihat-samhita, and Manasara. 195- 195. MATARAM, princes of Central Java. Prambanam groups built under, 360. MATERIALS for buildings, 113. 480

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INDEX MATHUR, K. P., acknowledgment of MAYAKLIK, Buddhist shrines, statue, help received from, xxvi. MATRA, for angula, 145. MATRANGULA, kind of angula measurement, 145, 198. MAUDSLEY, collection of Maya sculptors, 372. MAULI, kind of head-dress, 131. suited to Rati, 132. MAULIKA, pavilions of six faces, 120. winnow-shaped storeyed mansion, ¦ 120-121. MAURI-TIM, sinilarities with Kabul Valley and Taxila stupas, 296. stupa of, 295-296. Maushalya, a source of Samgraha, 184. Maya, architect mentioned in Sanskrit literature, 374∙ Asura of Mahabharata, 79, 373-374, 405, 406. uthority on architecture, 172. a generic name, 247. a historical person, 247. built Ratnavati, 247. carvings jects, 375. represent chronology, 373-374 Indian ubconnexion with Java of, 374. descendants of, 372. heavenly architect originated from Brahma, 246. imgration of, 372. Indian connexions and origin of, 374-375 internacine war among, 373. mentioned in Manasara. 155 n. 2, 245 Matsya-Purana, 245. mentioned by Varahamihira, 243. 245. + modelled on Java prototypes, 374. ruins of in Central America, ¡ 372-375 Silpa-sastras ascribed to, 374: temples and palaces of, 373. Visvakarma's treatise based 171. on, MAYA CLANS, building activities of, xii. chief of, built for Yudhishthira, xii. migration from India of, ix. painting, etc., at 314. MAYALAPURA, temple of, and capital of Surubodhika type, 386. MAYAMATA, a generic name, 161. a Silpa-sastra, 159-161, 437. chapters borrowed from, in Samgraha, 182. comparison with Manasara, 159- 161. enumeration of chapters of, 159- 160. identical with Manasara, 159. included in the list of authorities in Manasara, 161. Tamil version of, 205. MEASUREMENT, ayadi-shadvarga, 152. nine kinds of primary, 144-145. of sages, 147. six kinds of linear, 144. three kinds of angula measurements, 152. -- twelve kinds of comparative, 152. units of, 145 MEGHA-KANTA, a class of ten-storeyed buildings, 116, 189. MEGHAVARNA, king of Ceylon, allowed to build monastery near Bo-tree, 275. finished Jetavanaram stupa, 291. ME-KONG, river, Chudhanagari on, 316. MEHRAULI, pillar of Gupta period at, 382. MEKHALA, a girdle, a belt, 135. MEMORIAL, mounds like firc-altars in Vedic age, 57. MENANKABU, inscription of Adityadharma found at, 354. MENDANG KAMULAN (or PRAMBANAN), city in Java, 353. MENDOET TJANDI, a small temple in Boro Budur group, 358. ME-PING RIVER, Haripunya-pura on, 316, 322. MERU, a class of building mentioned in Matsya-Purana, 191. a kind of temple in Suprabhedagama, 195 a type of square buildings, 190. twelve-storeyed buildings, 192, 193. 481

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MERUJA-MANDAPA, pavilion used library, 119. INDEX as MERU-KANTA, a class of three-storeyed building, 115, 188. MERUKUTA, class of buildings in Kamik- agama, 194. MESHA-KUKKUTA-LAVAKA-YUDHA-VIDHI, art of ram, cock, quail fighting, 14. MESHA-YUDDHARTHA-MANDAPA, pavilion to witness ram fights, 124. MIHIRKULA, Hun king, 287. MILINDA-PANHA, 239. MINDON MIN, Burmese king, 319. MINERVA, temple at Priene, 217. temple suited to, 225. MINGUN-PAYA, a huge pagoda, 319. Miran, Buddhist shrines at, 307-309. Indian origin of monuments of, 307. -w peculiarities of the stupa of, 308. ruined fort in, 306-307. two kinds of monuments, 306. MIRROR, see DARPANA. MISHED-I-MURGHAB, ruins of, 400. MISIGIT, mosque, in Sumatra. 350. MISKA, mixed, a kind of pillars. 111. based on materials, 86, 113. _ classification of buildings, 187, 194. MISRA-DURGA, mixed fort, 104, 221. MISRITA (or MISRA-KALPA). class of ornaments suited to deities, adhiraja, narendra, and other kings, 134. order of columns, 231. MISRITA, compound, 229. MITRA, 17. occupies a great palace, 403, 412. MITKA, Raja R. L., x, 251. MITRA, S. K., acknowledgement of help received from, xxvii. MLECHCHHITA-VIKALPA, use of secret code language, 15. MODAKA, 102. MOHENJO-DARO, architecture of, 411. Buddhist monuments at, 29-31. date of the monuments at, 37. discoveries of, 381. extent of, 27-28. MOHENJO-DARO, houses in, 31-35. lay-out of the city of, 28. seven strata of, 28. streets of, 27. temples at, 35, 36-37. MONDOB, see MORA-DOB. MONOLITH, date of, 373. in Coba, 372. MONOPTERAL, classification of temples in l'itruvius, 225. MORA-DOB (MONDOB), mandapa, a type of Siamese buildings, 326. one at Vat Jai, 327. MOTHERS, seven, 142, 144. measured in nava-tala system, 142. images of, 144. MORLEY, PROF., 373 discovery of Cloba by, xii. MOULDINGS, five in Manasara, 230. identification of Indian with Graeco-Roman, 230. in different treatises, 203, 230. in Macasara, 203-204, 229-230. MRICHCHLARATIKA, references to archi tectural matter in, 95-96. seven courts in, 233. MRIGA-NABIU-EINALA, musk cat, cage for, 137. MRNALA (or MRNALIkA), a moulding, 204. MUHAMMADAN, elements in Indian architecture, 414-415. MUIR, 30, 412. MUKERJEE, S. C., acknowledgment of help received from, xxvi. MUKHABHADRA, front tabernacle or porch, 112, 113. MUKHA-LINGA, in Po-Nagar, 334. MUKHA-MANDAPA, front pavilion, 356. in Dong Duong temples, 333. in Myson temples, 332. MUKTA-FRAPAgga, open theatre, 130. materials used for, 131. MUKULI, a class of round type of buildings (for Vardahani of Agni in Garuda-Purana), 191. 482

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INDEX MUKUTA, kind of head-dress suited to Brahma and Siva, Narayanas chakravartin, 132. for the queen of chakravartin, 132. MULA, lower part of phallus, 141. name of a moulding, 204. MULA-BERA, principal idol, 145. MULAVARMAN, king of Kotei, four Sanskrit inscriptions of, 352. l NAGARA-KHANDA. a part of SkandaPurana, 262. NAGARA-KRITAGAMA, a Kavi chronicle, 353. detailed account of Majapahita in, 361. reference to town-planning in, 361. supplies list of countries under Majapahit kings, 317. MUNI-LAKSHANA-VIDHANA, images of NAGARA-VIDHANA, plans of towns and sages, 147-148. forts, 103-104, 220. MURDHIKA, a moulding in Suprabhed- NAGARI, alphabet, 262. agama, 203, 230. MURTI-KANTA, class of five-storeyed buildings, 115. MUSHTI-BANDHA, 130. name of a moulding, 202, 204. 230. MUSTIKA, a class of octagonal buildings, 191. MURTI-KANTA, a class of five-storeyed. buildings, 188. MYSON, a number of Cham temples, 330. deities of, 332. of ten groups, 331. of the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth groups, 331, 332. plan of first group of, 331. plan and arrangement of second group, 331. N NAG, DR. K. D., 425. NAGA, serpent deity, worship of, 287. NAGA-BANDHA, a pattern of perforated screens, 118. NAGARA, a class of towns, 220. Nagara, adjectival form of nagara, 263. a style of architecture, 86, 112, 186, 194, 195, 206, 207, 257. class of phalli, 140. correspondence with Northern style, 261-262. of quadrangular shape, 258. originated in Northern India but grew prominent in Southern India, 263. square cars, 127. type of pedestal, 142. various significances of the term, 262. a class of towns, 104, 220, 339. territory covered by, 262-263. NAGA-VASUKI, perhaps the original deity of Angkor Vat, 342. NAGAYON, pagoda of the square type near Pagan, 320. NAGDA, temples at, 260, 261. NAGENDRA, attendant on Jain deitics, 1.46. NAGNAJIT, an architect, referred to in Brihat-samhita, 207. authority on architecture in MatsyaPurana and Brihat-samhita, 243, 245 NAGARANANDANA-PURA, place where Nagara Brahmins settled, 262. NAHANA, a sort of tic, 54. NAK'ON PRAT'Osi, pagoda, original stupa of, built in Asoka's time, 324. images of the time of Siladitya of Kanoj found at. 321 NAKON SRIT AMMARAT, images of Siladitya of Kanoj's time discovered at, 324. NAKSHATRA-MA¨*, necklace of twentyseven pearls, 135 NAKSH-1-RUSTEM, Persian entombed at, 390. NAKULA, cage for, 137. NAL, stone walls at, 47. Kings NALA, authority on architecture in Manasara, 155 n. 2, 245. NALA, canal, part of the pitha, 141. water-channel, 114. NALANDA, Odantapuri temple inonas tery near at, 283. vihara caves of, 377. NALIKA-GARBHA, rectangular hall, 70. 483

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INDEX NALINAKA, kind of temple in Suprabhed- NARADA-PURANA, architectural matter agama, 195. NANDANA (in Garuda-Purana for Nandika in Agni-Purana), a class of halls, 404. seven-storeyed buildings, 191, 192, 193. square type of buildings, 190. NANDAUNGMYA MIN, who built Mahabodhi temple of Pagan, 321. NANDAVRTTA, class of mandapa in Suprabhedagama, 195. NANDI, image in temple of Java, 359. NANDIKA, a type of square buildings, 190. NANDIN, image at Tanjore, Chamba, 150, n. 2. name of Siva's bull, 150. NANDISA (SIVA), authority on architecture in Matsya-Purana, 245. in, 83. NARASIMHAGUPTA BALADITYA, a Gupta king, 279. religious leanings of, 275-276. NARAYANA, Raja-rajesvara temple of, in Yajnasala, xiv. one of the sources of Samgraha, 184. name of Vishnu for temples in the North, in villages and towns, 272. NARENDRA, head-dress of, 132. ornaments suited to, 134. See MAHENDRA. NARETHU, built Dhammayangyi, 321, n. 2. NARAVANE, acknowledgment of help received from, xxvi. NASSAU, remains of an old fort at, 351. NASI, a moulding, 204. NANDI-VARDDHANA, a class of square NASIK, temple at, 261. type of buildings, 190. seven-storeyed buildings, 191. type of buildings in BhavishyaPurana and Brihat-samhita, 192, 193. NANDYAVARTA, a class of six-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. villages, 102, 220, 398. a type of salas, 194. kind of temples Suprabhedagama, 195. NATAkA, a moulding, 20.4. figures of dancers used as decorative designs, 128. images, 134. NATAKAKHYAYIKA DARSANA, tableaux vivants, 12. NATESAN, G. A., on Manasara architecture, 438. mentioned in | NATYA-SASTRA OF BHARATA, description of mandapas, in Suprabhedagama, 195. perforated screens of geometrical pattern, 119. NAN PAYA, square type pagoda near Pagan, built by Anaurahta, 320. NANYADEVA, of Tirhut, conquered Nepal, 285. NAPUMSAKA, neuter type of buildings, 187, 194 NARADA, architecture came to Manasara through, 246. attendant on Jain deities, 146. authority on architecture mentioned in Matsya-Purana, 245. development of architecture through, 213. image used as decorative design, 130. one of the sources of Samgraha, 183. i of play-house in, 96. NAVASAHASANKA-CHARITA, relating to Maya as architect of Ratnavati, 247. NAVA-TALA, nine-storeyed building, 115. system of measurement, 147. 142, 146, NAYA, authority on architecture in Manasara, 155 n. 2, 245. NAYANONMILANA-LAKSHANA-VIDHANA, chiselling of eyes, 157-158. ; NAYYAR, of Malabar, 285. NEPAL, Buddhist monuments in, 286- 287. Hindu temples in, 286. history of, 285. numerous shrines of, 284. religious conditions in, 2, 284-285. temples of, withstood carthquake shock, xiii, 431. 484

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INDEX NEPATHYA-PRAYOGA, art of scenic representation, 8. NEWAR, entered Nepal, of Tibetan origin, snake-worshippers, 285. NABHASVAD-BHADRAKA, class of cars, 127. NGAKWE NADAUNG, a pagoda, 318. NIGLIVA, Asokan pillar at, 382. NIGAMA, a class of forts, 104, 221, 399. Nina, nest, 135, 150. NILAKANTHA, cage for, 137. Nilaparvata. See NISHADHA. NIMITTA-JNANA, art of reading omens, 15. NIMNA, drip, a moulding, 204. part of the pitha, 141. thickness or diameter, 144 NIPA, palm-leaf thatch, 351. NIRABHASA, unsuggestive, a variety of Akshara-mushtika-kathana art, 14. NIRUKTA (of YASKA), architectural words in, 96. NISHADAJA, type of pavilion, 119. NISHADHA (also NILAPARVATA, or MAHENDRA), kind of temples in Suprabhedagama, 195. NISSANKA MALLA, probably built Dalada Maligawa, 293. NITYOTSAVA, car for, 127. throne of deity, for ordinary festivities, 129. NITYARCHANA, throne of deity for daily worship, 129. NIVATA-BHADRAKA, class of cars, 127. NRITYA, dancing, 6. Nupura, anklet, 135. worn by Nandin, 151. NYMPHS OF FOUNTAIN, temples suited to, 225. - 0 OCHUS, set up statue of Anahita, 395. ◎DANTAPURI, monastery temple at, 283. OGEE. See TALON. ORDERS, five, as given in Manasara and other treatises, 201-205. Indian and Graeco-Roman, compared, 201, 229. different of Graeco-Roman columns, 201, 228. of Indian columns, 228-229. variation of names in treatises explained, 202, 239. ORDINATIO, fitness, 219. ORIENTATION of buildings, in Manasara, 219. ORNAMENT of two kinds, four classes of, 134. list of, 134-135. ORTHOGRAPHY, 219. OTTO, T. A., criticism of Svastika Mansion by, xxii-xxiii. acknowledgment of help received from, xxvi. OVOLO (or ECHIMO), a Gracco-Roman moulding, 203, 230. P PACHANALAYA, kitchen, 124. NIYA, remains of several dwelling houses PADA, posts of a swing, 136. 2 ww. at, 304. stupa of, showing all the essential features of stupa, 296. wood carvings of, 304. wooden stupa models of, 308. NORTHERN (or INDO-ARYAN) style of architecture, 77, 260-261. characteristics of, 261. correspondence with Nagara style, 261-262. territory covered by, 260. NRSIMIA, name of Vishnu for temples in a certain quarter, 272. NRITTA-MANDAPA, dance pavilion, 195. . PADA-BANDHA, type of throne, suited to astragrahin, 129. type of bases, 204. PADA-JALA-BHUSHANA, feet, 135. ornament for PADAVINYASA, the site-plan, 101, 121, 124. PADMA, a class of three-storeyed buildings, 192. 485 round type of buildings, 190, 191, 192, 193. a moulding, 203, 230, 231. identified with cyma, 230. lotus. See Avja. of the pitha, 141. pavilion for collecting flowers, 119

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INDEX PADMA-BANDHA, throne suited to praha- PAKHTARDINI, stupa carvings of, 308. raka king, 129. a type of bases, 109, 204. PADMA-BHADRA, type of thrones, suited to maharaja, 129. -PADMAKA, a class of village, 102, 220, 398. pavilion used for temple kitchen, 119. twelve-storeyed building, 192. PADMA-KAMPA, a compound moulding, 204. PADMA-KANTA, a type of columns, 110, 201, 202, 228, 229. _ class of six-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. PADMA-KESARA, a type of bases, 109, 204. type of throne suited to a chakravartin, 129. PADMA PITHA, type of pedestals suited to the idols of triad, 139. PADMA SAMBHAVA, a famous Buddhist teacher who went to Tibet from Bihar and established the Sam-yas monastery, 283. PADMASANA, type of throne suited to Siva or Vishnu, 129. type of sitting posture, 154, I. I. PADUKA, a moulding, 204. PALACE, of nine classes, consists of a number of salas, 124. royal, in Khotan, 298-299. PALADA, bundles, 54. PALEMBANG, later name of Srivijaya, 348. PALIKA, perforated screen, 118. PALIKA-STAMBHA, type of Indian column, 110, 201, 202, 228, 229. PALITANA, Jain temple at, 321. PALLANKA, bedstead, 73. PANAKA-RASA-RAGASAVA-YOJANA, paration of beverages, 10. PANCHAJANYA, name of Vishnu's conchshell, 138. prePANCIALA, a little territory near Hastinapura, 254. class of twelve-storeyed buildings, 116, 189, 254, 257, PANCHA-TALA, five-storeyed buildings, 115. PANDAVA, hall of, 404, 405. PANDIT, A. D., acknowledgmeat of help received from, xxvi. PANDRETHAN, temples of, in Kashmir, 289. PANINI, references to matters from, 96. PAGAN, destroyed by Kublai Khan, PANJara, cage, 99, 135. - - - 317. dissimilarity of temples of, from Indian originals, 321. carliest circular pagoda at, 318. foundation of, 317. Mahabodhi temple at, 321. 800 to 1,000 temples at Ananda, Kyanktangi, Abhayaitana, etc., 320. PAGODA (PAYA), peculiarities of, 318. signification of, 317. two kinds of structures of, 317. PAILU (or PAIBANG), entrance gateways to temples and tombs, 366. Indian origin of, 366-367. PAINTINGS, mural, in Valley of Myriad Buddhas, 313. in Caves of Thousand Buddhas, 311. in Miran stupa, 308, 309. architectural -class of seven-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. sizes of, for various animal, 137. PANKA-DURGA, clay fort, 104, 221. PANNA LALL, acknowledgment of help received from, xxvi. PAPANATHA, temples of, a curious combination of styles, 259. PARABALA, Rashtrakuta king, pillar of, 382. PARAKRAMA BAHU I, king of Ceylon, 290. -built at Pulastipura and Kalingapura, 292. PARMENTIER, M. H., fivefold technical classification of Cham monuments by, 330-331. on Indian origin of Cham architecture, 337, 338. 486

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PARAMANU, unit of measurement, 98. PARAMA-SADHIKA, plan of, 121, 124. Paramasayika, plan of, 101, 102. PARARATON, a Kavi chronicle, 353. INDEX gives list of countries under Majapahit kings, 317. PARASARIYAKA, authority on architecture in Manasara, 155 n. 2, 245. PARARTHA, class of phalli, 140. Parivata, cage for, 137. PARICHAYYACHIT, type of altars, 393. PARIMANA, kind of linear measurement, 144, 197. PARIMANDALA, round and dome-shaped, an unorthodox structure in Vedic age, 57. PARIMIT, cross-beams, 54, 56. PARISHVANJALYA, a sort of tic, 54. PARITAH, circumference, 144. PARIVARA-VIDHANA, attendant deities, 117. PARIVARA-VIMANA, shrines of attendant deities. 116 PARIYATRA, type of pavilion, 119. Parjanya, a quarter for temples of Isa, 272. PARNA-MANJUSHA, a box or trunk, 136. PARSHNIKA, class of kings, 105, 125, 126, 264, 404. head-dress for, 132. ruler of one kingdom, 265. throne for, 129. PATAN, Asoka built chaityas at, 285. old capital of Nepal, 284, 285. - temples of Mahadeva and Krishna at, 286. PATHARI, pillar of King Porabala at, 382. PATHOM, temple at, 325. chedi of, 326. PATNI-SADANA, women's apartments or bedrooms, 56. PATRA-KALPA, class of ornaments, suited only to the deities, 134. PATRA-PATTA, foliated patta type of head-dress, suited to patta-dhara, 132. PATRA-TORANA, foliated arch. 130. PATTA, kind of head-dress, of three kinds, 132. PATTA (or PATTIKA), a fillet, a moulding, 204. PATTA-BANDHA, a type of bases, 109, 20.1. PATTABHAJ, class of kings, 125, 264, 404. head-dress for, 132. rules half a province, 265. throne for, 129. PATTADHARA, class of kings, 125, 126, 264, 404. - head-dress for, 132. lord of half a kingdom, 265. throne for, 129. PATTANA, a class of towns, 104, 106, - 220, 399. port, 121. PARVATA, kind of temples in Suprabhed- PATTIKA, part of the pitha, 141. agama, 195. PARVATI, goddess attendant on Siva, 139. PARYANKA, a magnified asandi, 59, 60, 61. - a couch, 99, 128, 218. originated with nobility, 60. PASA, noose, attribute of Rudrani, 144. PASARGADAE, palace of Cyrus at, 387, 388, 400. Pasupata, class of phalli, 139. Pasupati, Siva, 285. -shrine of, 286. PATTIKA (PETIKA)-VETRA-VANA-VIKALPA, art of making bows, sticks, canes, etc., 12. PAULASTYA, one of the sources of Samgraha, 183. PAUSHTIKA, a kind of two-storeyed buildings, 115, 187. a proportion in architectural measurement, 105, 108, 200. Pavana-BHADRAKA, class of cars, 127. PAWAN (TJANDI), kitchen shrine, a small shrine in Boro Budur group, 358. PAYA. See PAgoda, 317. 487

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PAYER, temple of, in Kashmir, 289. PEDESTALS, in Manasara, 204. - in Vitruvius, 227-228. of idols, 139 INDEX PEGU, included in Ramanya-desa, 316. PEKIN, Buddhist monasteries of, 365. temple resembling PEMIONGONCHI, Hindu architecture in certain features, 284. PERIPTERAL, classification of temples in Vitruvius, 225. PERIPTEROS, class of temples in Vitruvius, 225. PERROT, 387, 394, 395, 401. PERSEPOLIS, 378, 394, 395, 399, 400, 405, 413. hall of hundred columns at, 379. cemetery of, 390. PERSIANS, altars, 392, 394, 413. civil architecture, 399-407. columns, 387-390. funerary architecture, 390-391, 413. halls and palaces at Persepolis, 400- 403. military architecture, 397. origin of Indo-Aryan architecture, 376-380. pillars in India, 378-389. resemblance with Indo-Aryans of, 376. sculpture, 395 temples, absence of, 391-392, 393- 395- - theories untenable, 334, 436-407. Phalaka, swing-board, 136. type of capital, 386. Phalaka, name of a moulding, 202, 203, 204, 230. PHALAKAM, leaning board, 74. PHALAKASANA, type of seats, 99. Phallus, 139-141. classifications of, 139-140. materials for, 141. measurements of, 140. six kinds of, 155, n. 2. -various parts of, 140-141. PHIMAI, temple of, built by the twelfth king of Cambodia, 339. PHIMEANAKAS, completed by Yasovarman, 339. ___ palaces at, 346. pyramid temples of, 339, 340. PHNOM BASET, temples of, attributed to Suryavarman, 339. PHNOM CHISOR, corridor probably occupied by women, 346. staircase of, 340. temple of, 339 Pio Hai, a group of Cham temples at, 330. copied from storeyed slupas of India, 334. PHOENIX, pavilion of seven phoenixes in Khotan royal palaces, 298, 299. PHONG NHA, caves of, 335. PHRA, stupa at, 325, 327. temple at, 325. PHRA-CHEDI (also CHEDI), at Sukhodaya, 327. M description of, 326. one of the two designs of phra, 325. PIIRA-PRANG (also PRANG), design of, 327-328. difference from Indian and Burmese structures, 325-326. one of the two types of designs of the phra, 325. probable prototypes of, 327. PHU Duoc, cave temple of, 335. PILLAR, in the Chalukyan style, 260. PILLAR (COLUMN) of Manasara, 109-110. wooden, of Tang Fort, Endere site, 305. PIPRAHWA, stupa of, 381. PITAKAT-TAIK, sacred library at Pagan, 321. plan of, 322. Pitalkhora, vihara, Persepolitan capital repeated in, 379, 382. Pitha, classes of, 141, 142. moulded plinth, 261. parts of, 141. pedestal, 130. the stand of the phallus, 140, 141, 142. 488

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INDEX PITHA-LAKSHANA-VIDHANA, characteristics of altar, 141-142. PITHIKA, cushioned chair, 74. plan of Ayodhya, 78-79. PLATFORM, at Persepolis, general plan of, 400-401. PLINY mentions Vitruvius, 210. PLUMB LINES, details of, 153-154. PO DAM, group of six temples of, 334. Po KHAUN GARAI, temple of, an example of derived art, 331. Po KLONG Garai, temple of, 334. POLONNARUWA, a capital of Ceylon, 290. ruins of, 292. PRABODHAKA, authority on architecture in Manasara, 155 n. 2, 245. PRACHCHHADANA, roofing, III, 120. PRAHARAKA, class of kings, 125, 126, 264, 404. could be of any of the four castes, 265. head-dress of, 132. lord of several divisions, 265. throne of, 129. Prahelika, solution of riddles, 11. PRAH KHAN, temple of, attributed to Suryavarman, 339, 346. PRAH VIHEAR, temple of, attributed to Suryavarman, 339. seven-storeyed prasada at, original PRAJAPATYA-HASTA, a measurement, 98. of Pagan temples, 321. POLVAR, palace of Cyrus in, 388. POLYCLETUS, a sculptor, 218. on Persian palaces, 399-400. PO NAGAR, a group of Cham temples. at, 330, 331. - chaitya at, 334. main temple of the group of, 333-334 peculiarity of the roof of another temple of, 334 plan of the group of, 333. situation of, 333 PORCELAIN TOWER, at Nankin, 366. form and special feature of, 366. Po ROME, temple, example of derived art, 331, 334. POSTURES, of images, three kinds of, 84, 154 n. 1. C POTALA, Red Palace', residence of Dalai Lama, 283-284. date of, 284. POTHI, book of palm leaf, in Miran, 307. POTIKA, a moulding in Suprabhedagama, 203, 230. PRABHANJANA-BHADRAKA, class of cars, 127. Prabhava, a class of rectangular type of buildings, 190. PRABHUTAKA (or ADBHUTA), class of two-storeyed buildings, 115. PRAJNANAM, memorial pillars or stone. slabs, a type of funerary structures in Vedas, 56, 58. PRAKARA, classification according to materials, 116. corridors, in Dravidian temples, 259. court, 114. five kinds of, 116. fourth court, 96, 116, 233. Prakasaditya, Gupta prince, 279. PRALAMBA-PHALAKA, an instrument to ascertain the plumb lines for sculptural measurements, 153, 154. use of, 154. PRALAMBA-LAKSHANA-VIDHANA, plumb lines, 153-155 PRATINAKA, kind of temple in Suprabhedagama, 195. type of columns, 201, 202, 228, 229. PRAMANA, kind of measurement, 144, 197 PRAMBANAN, see MENDANG KAMULAN. PRAMBAVAN, Hindu temple at, 358, 359, 360. PRANAHA, a sort of tie, 54. PRANALA, drain, of the pitha, 140. PRANG, 327. PRAPA, canal, 139. water-shed, 79, 99, 119. 489

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INDEX PRAPTA (or PRATIIAMA), coronation, 132. (or JANMAN), a moulding of the pitha, 14.1. PRASADA, king's palace, 55, 59, 80, 99, 119, 414. storeyed building, 67, 70. temple, 152. PRASADA-MANdANA-VASTU-SASTRA, treatise on architecture, 173, 174. contents of, 174. PRASTARA, entablature, 111, 120, 150, 227. a class of villages, 102, 220, 398. a moulding, 204. PRASHTAR (or PRASTRI), authority on architecture, in Manasara, 155 n. 2, 245. PRATHAMASANA, throne for the first coronation, 129. PRATHAMESHTAKA, first brick, 108. PRATI (or PRATIKA), a moulding, 204. PRATI-BANDHA, a moulding, 204. PRATI-BHADRA, one of the three classes of pedestals, 108, 204. PRATIKRAMA, a type of bases, 109, 204. PRATIMA, a moulding, 204. PRATIMA-VIDHANA, images, 151-152. PRATIMALA, sculpturing, or versification, 11. Pratimit, prop, 54, 56. PRATI-VAJANA, a moulding, 204. PRATI-VAKRA, a moulding, 204. PRAUGACHIT, type of altars, 393. PRAVASI, on Manasara architecture, 446. PREATHONG, son of king of Indraprastha, 338. PRE RUP, belongs to the first group, 340. temple of, 339. PRISHADA-BHADRAKA, class of cars, 127. PRITHIVI-DHARA, a class of oval type of buildings 190. PRIYA-DARSANA, type of columns, 201, 202, 229. PRONAOS, 234. PROPORTIONS, five, in architectural details found only in Manasara, 200. PROPORTION OF COLUMNS, Indian and Graeco-Roman compared, 230, 231. PROSERPINE, temple suited to, 225. PROSHTHA, easy chair, 59, 60. PROSTYLOS, class of temples in Vitruvius, 225. PSUEDODIPTEROS, class of temples in Vitruvius, 225. PTOLEMY, list of Sanskrit names in Indo-China of, 330. reference to Java in geography of, 353 PULASTIPURA, ruins of, 292. PUMILINGA, masculine building (also called samelita), 187, 194 PUNDARIKA, a class of seven-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. PURA, class of towns, 104, 220, 399. PURAGUETA, Gupta emperor, 279. PURANAS, indebted to Manasara, 208. written in Gupta age, 277. PURANDARA, authority on architecture in Matsya-Purana, 245. PURA-SUTRA, Cord worn round the chest, 135. PURI, distinct style of architecture at, 262. · Purima, armlet for upper arm, 134. PURNAVARMAN, dug the Gomati canal, 361. father of, dug the Chandrabhaga canal, 361. PUROHITA, residence of, 124. PUROHITA-PURogaH, leading priest, his part in coronation ceremony, 133. PURUSHA, masculine building, 114. PURVA-HASTA, a cubit of 24 angulas, 114. PUSHKALA, class of two-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. PUSHKARA, class of buildings in Kamik- agama, 195. PUSHPA-BANDHA, perforated screen of flower design, 119. 490 - a type of capitals, 387.

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INDEX PUSHPA-BHADRA, class of halls, 404. PUSHPADANTA, name of a square in palaces, 124. PUSHPAKA, class of halls, 404. rectangular type of buildings, 190. PUSHPA-MALYA, flower wreath suited to praharaka and astragraha, 312. PUSHPA-MANDAPA, flower pavilion, 124. PUSHPA-PATTA, floral turban suited to pattabhaj, 132. PUSHPA-PUSHKALA, a type of bases, 109, 204. PUSHPA-SAKATIKA-NIRMITA-JNANA, art of making flower carriages, 15. PUSHPASTARANA, making beds of flower, 7. PUSHPA-TORANA, floral arch, 130. PUSHYAMITRA, first reaction against Buddhism under, 276. Pustaka, book, attribute of Sarasvati, 142. of seven sages, 147. PYCNOSTYLOS, ri type of temple in Vitruvius, 225. PYRAMID, temples, second architectural group of Cambodian temples, 340. PYTHUS, architect of the temple of Minerva at Priene, 217, 218. Q QUINARIAN MEASURE, stated to have been first introduced by Vitruvius, 210. QUALIFICATIONS of architect, 213-218. of kings, 125. R RAFFLES, SIR S., 354. RAILS, round the stupa, 68. RAJADHANI-NAGARA, a class of towns in Manasara, 104, 220, 399. RAJA-GRHA-VIDHANA, on royal palaces, a chapter in Manasasa, 124. RAJANGA-LAKSHANA, characteristics of kings, 125. RAJA-TARANGINI, references to architectural matters from, 93, 94, 289, 416. ¡ RAJA-VALLABHA-MANDANA, references to angula measure, 198. See also MANDANA. RAJENDRALAL MITRA, 412. See also MITRA. RAJENDRAVARMAN, king of Cambodia, who built two temples, 339. Rajju, a measurement, 98. RAMA, images of, in Siam, 328. name of Vishnu, for temples in a certain quarter, 272. RAMANYA-DESA, one of the six ancient divisions of the peninsula east of India, 316. RAMAVATI, City, first Indian king settled in, 329. RAMAYANA, battle-scenes in Angkor Vat, 342. chaityas referred to in, 391. cities described in, 414. description of towns and palaces in, 438. incidents depicted in Siamese temples, 328, 329. mention of Champa in, 329. Suvarnadvipa in, 348. reference to angula measure in, 198. Java in, 353. Siam in, 322. representations in Javanese temples, 358. RAMOCHE, Temple, erected to instal images of Sakyamuni and Ananda, 283. RAMBY (or KAMRI), modern name of Ramavati, 329. RAMPART, according to Vitruvius, 223. Rampurwa, Asokan pillar at, 382. RAM RAZ, author of Essay on the Architecture of the Hindus, 108, 109, 113, 210, 231, 434, 436. RANDHRA, a style with reference to chariot construction, 200. RANGA, class of buildings, 99. RANGAMUKHA, class of buildings in Kamikagama, 195. RANGOON, Shwe Dagon at, 318. i RANPUR, Jain temple at, 321. 491

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INDEX RAO, D. H. R., acknowledgment of RED-CAP, order of Lamas, 283. help received from, xxvi. RAO, T. A. GOPINATH, details of tala measures given by, 156, 199. RASHTRAKUTAS, 274. _ favoured Jainism, 274. REKHA, linear ornaments, 136. REKHAJNA, draftsman, 98. RHINS, DUTRENIL DE, find of birch bark leaves at Khotan by, 294 Puranic gods rose to great import- RIG-VEDA, references to pillars in, 385. ance under, 274. RATHA, type of buildings, 99. models of Buddhist viharas, 259. of Dharmaraja, Arjuna, Ganesa, Sahadeva, Draupadi at Mamallapuram, 337-338. RATHIA-CHAKRACHIT, type of altars, 393. RATHADHULI, a measurement, 98. RATHA-DURGA, chariot fort, 104, 221. RATHA-LAKSHNA-VIDHANA, charateristics of chariots and cars, 127. RATI (Manonmani), head-dress of, 132. RATNA-BANDHA, a type of bases, 109, 204. RATNA-KALPA, class of ornaments suited to deities and to adhiraja and narendra kings, 134. RATNA-KAMPA, a compound moulding, 204. RATNA-KANTA, a class of six-storeyed; buildings, 115, 188. RATNANGULIYAKA, jewelled ring, 134. RATNA-PATTA, a compound moulding, 204. jewelled patta type of head-dress suited to mandalesa, 132. RATNASAMBHAVA, a cardinal Buddha, 286. RATNA-TORANA, jewelled arch, 130. RATNA-VAPRA, a compound moulding, 204. RAURAVA, a class of nine-storeyed buildings, 116, 189. RAWAK, date of, 301. --- - description of, 299, 301. of Indian style, 300. originality in, 300. relief sculptures in 300, 301. stupa and vihara of, 299. stupa of, shows all the essential stupa features, 296. RAWLINSON, 397. walled cities, villages, etc., 398. See also VEDIC ARCHITECTURE. RKSHANAYAKA, a class of oval type of buildings, 198. ROADS, in Cambodia, 346, 347. RODANA-GRIHA, reception room, in Svastika Mansion, xvii. ROMAKA-SIDDHANTA, 239. ROOFING, five kinds in Buddhist buildings, 71. ROTH, 416. RUCHAKA (for charuka in Kamikagama), a type of square buildings, 190. an order of columns, 201. in Garuda-Purana, 190. type of columns, 228, 229. RUDRA-JAYA, a quarter for temples of Isa, 272. RUDRA-KANTA, a class of four-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. in Manasara, 228. order of columns, 110, 201. RUDRANI, image of, 144. one of the seven mothers, 144. RUMMINDEI, Asokan pillar at, 382. S SA, Siamese for Saras, tank, 327. SABHA, hall, 80, 99, 120. SABHA-PARVAN, book of Mahabharata, references to halls in, 404. SABHASA, suggestive, variety of aksharamushtika-kathana art, 14. SADA SIVA, class of four-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. SADHAKASARA-SAMHITA, authority on architecture, in Manasara, 155, n. 2, 246. SAILENDRA, dynasty of the kingdom of Srivijaya, 348. kings, who built in Java, 348-349, 360. 492

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SAIVA, class of phalli, 139. INDEX temples in Nepal, 286. SAIVA-TANTRA, source of Visvanathchakravartin, etc., a branch of literature, 2. SAJJANALAYA, temple at, 325, 326. SAKRA, authority on architecture, 172. SAKTI, female energy, 138, 143, 144. SAKTI-LAKSHANA, female deities, 142- 144. SAKYAMUNI, Buddha, 285. sandal-wood image of, 283. SALA, class of buildings, 99, 104, 118. divided in to five classes, 194. hall, 124. in the sense of Prasada, 194. its sense, 234. to noblemen's mansion in Vedas, 55. storeyed mansion, assigned people of different ranks, castes, etc., proper seasons for building, 121. SALAGRHA, a class of rectangular type of buildings, 190. SALAMANDIRA, buildings, see SALAGRIHA. SALA VIDHANA, storeyed mansions, a chapter in Manasara, 120. SALI, corn deposit in foundation of buildings, 107. SALOKYA, class of devotees, 148, 149. SAMA, a class of rectangular type of buildings, 190. SAMABHANGA, a pose of idols, 138, 155. SAMAKARNA, class of phalli, 139. SAMANTA-BHADRA, representation in mural paintings of Valley of Myriad Buddhas, 313. SAMARANGANA-SUTRADHARA, architectural work, 181. - synopsis of contents, 178-181. treatise of architecture, 178-181. SAMBHU-KANTA, a class of storeyed buildings, 116, 189. elevenSAMCHITA, class of buildings, 86, 114, 187, 194. See also STHANAKA. SAMDAMSA, a sort of tie, 54. SaMdarsa, attribute of Sarasvati, 142. SAMGRATIA, a work on architecture, 182-185. _ an avowed compilation, 182. synopsis of, 182-185. SAMIPYA, class of devotees, 148, 149. SAMKALPA, a class of buildings, 105. SAMKIRNA, a kind of pillar, 111. class of buildings in Kamikagama, 195. classification of buildings based on materials, 86, 113, 187, 194. SampaThya, kind of reading, 16. SAMPURNA, class of buildings in Kamikagama, 194. SAMUDGA (or SAMUDRA), a class of buildings described in BhavishyaPurana and Brihat-samhita, 192, 193. Samudragupta, conquest of southern kingdoms by, 267. empire of, 267. it comprised the whole of India, 268. southern campaign of, 266-267. SAMUDRAKA, a class of two-storeyed buildings, 192. SAMUHYACHIT, type of altars, 393. SAMVIDDHA (or VARDHAKA), a class of forts, 104, 221, 399. SAM-YAS, earliest Tibetan monastery, 283. SAMYOJYA, class of bhushana-yojana art, 9. SANAT-KUMARA, an authority on architecture frequently referred to, 172. mentions Visvakarman as his authority, 172. SANAT-KUMARA-VASTU-SASTRA, a treatise on architecture, 172. authorities based upon, 172. contents of, 172. Sanchi, traces of six or seven pillars at, 382. stupa, 291. SANDHIKARMA-VIDHANA, wood joinery, 112. Sanghamitta, daughter of Asoka, 292. SANGITA-MAKARANDA, a type of stage and auditorium in, 96. 493

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INDEX SANGITA-RATNAKARA of Nihsanka- sarngadeva, description of auditorium in, 96. Sangkalok, temple at, 325. SANG-PO, river in Tibet, 283. SANKISA, pillar at, and its capital, 382. SANKU, the prototype of Buddhistic and Asokan monolithic pillars, 59. stone pillar set up at the corners of smasana, 58. SANKU-STHAPANA-VIDIANA, the gnomion, 100. SANKHA, a class of round type of buildings, 190. SANTIKA, a proportion of height, 105, 108, 200. SANKHA, a round type of buildings, 191. SAPTA-TALA SARVATOBIIADRA, perforated screen of ear pattern, 118. seven-rowed storeyed mansions, 112, 120, 121. type of buildings in Bhavishya and Bihat-samhita, 193, 194 sala, 194. SASSANIANS, style of architecture of, 377 SATAPATHA BRAHMANA, details of funerary structures in, 56. reference to angula measurement in, 198. SATARDIKA, class of halls, 104. SATI, chapels in Nepal, 286. SAT MAHAL Prasada, a seven-storeyed temple in Ceylon, 292-293. SATRU-MARDANA, class of halls, 404. (TALA), seven-storeyed SATRUNJAYA, temple at, 260, 261. building, 115. measurement, 147. SARA, class of buildings in Kamikagama, 195. SARASVATA, one of the sources of Samgraha, 184. SARASVATI, female energy attendant on Brahma, 138. image of, 142. used as decorative design, 123. SARIPUTRA, Occurring in an inscription of Phong Nha. 335. SARKARA, gravel, 137, 151. SARNATH, Asokan pillar at, 382. SARORUHA, class of six-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. See ABSA. SARUPYA, class of devotees, 148, 149. SARVABHAUMA, universal monarch, chariot of, 127. SARVAKALYANA, class of buildings in Kamikagama, 195 SARVAKAMIKA (or DHANADA), a proportion of architectural measurement, 105, 200. SARVATOBHADRA, a class of five-storeyed buildings, 191. of village, 102, 220, 398. square buildings, 190. pavilions of five faces, 120. ¡SATTANGO, sofa, 74. SATYA-KANTA, class of eight-storeyed buildings, 115, 189. SATYAVARMA, king of Champa, 334 SAUGANDHI, grass, 107. SAUKHYAKA, pavilion for the purposes of pilgrimage, 120. SAUMUKHYA, order of column in Suprabhedagama, 201, 202. type of columns, 229. SAUMYA, class of buildings in Kamikagama, 195 SAUMYA-KANTA, class of gate-houses, 118. Saunaka, authority on architecture in Matsya-Purana, 245 SAURA, authority on architecture in Manasara, 155 n. 2, 246. SAURA-KANTA, a class of nine-storeyed buildings, 116, 189. SAVITRI, female energy attendant on Brahma, 138, 142, 143. image of, 143. SAYANA, bedstead, 59, 60, 98. class of buildings, 86, 114, 187. SAYANALAYA, bed chamber, 124. SAYANA-RACHANA, art of bed-making, 7. SAYANA-VIDHANA, couches, 128. 494

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INDEX SAYUJYA, class of devotees, 148, 149. SCOTIA (or TROCHILOS), a GraecoRoman moulding, 203, 230. SHOME, M. G., acknowledgment of help received from, xxv. SHORCHUK, shrines, temple, stupa, 314. SCULPTURE, conventional conventional nature of SHWE DAGON, history of, 318-319. Persian, 395 in India, 396. in Persia, 395 pagoda at Rangoon, 318. SHWE-HMAUDAN, a pagoda at Pegu, 318. no independent statuary in Persia, SIAM, modern, smaller than ancient 395. only bas-reliefs, 395. Secure Peace, Hall of, a hall in the Forbidden City, 367. Scenography, 219. SEHWAN, fort at, 45. remains of ancient fortress Kothras Buthi, 45. SEKHARAPIDA-YOJANA, art of putting on ornaments of flower on the head, 8. Senapati Par, built three temples with pavilions in Po-Nagar, 334 SERINDIA, ix, xi. area included in, 291. Syamadesa, 322. See SYAMADESA. part of, included in Syamadesa, and part in Kambhoja-desa, 316. SIEIRA, a class of forts, 104, 220, 399. SIDDHA, a kind of two-storeyed buildings, 115, 187. figures of, 131, 146. SIDDHANATHA, temple of, 290. SIDDHANTA-SIROMANI, gnonom in, 94-95. description of references to angula measure, 198. SIKHA, top, 118. special feature of Nagara style, 261, 262. SIKHA (or DANTA), axle-band, 127. SESHA-BHASHYA, one of the sources of SIKEAra, cupola, 113. Samgraha, 184. SEVEN-STOREYED BUILDINGS, in Buddhist literature, 73. SFWELL, G. A., acknowledgment to, xxvi. SEWCE (SEWU), Tjandi, a thousand temples, 359. -plan of, 359. Shad-varga, applied to sala, 121. SHA MIR, usurped regal power in Kashmir, 287. SHANKARDARA, architectural remains. at, 315 SILARMA, MADHAV SARAN, acknowledgment of assistance received from, xxvii. SHASTRI, PANDIT R. M., acknowledgment of help received from, xxvii. SHAT-TALA, six-storeyed buildings, 115. SHINASI, stupa at, 315. SHINTO, temple, difference of, 369. SHOdasaSRA, sixteen-cornered ings, 192, 193, 194. SHOGUNS, palaces of, 371. builddome, 118. in the Chalukyan style, 260. of Indo-Aryan order, 259. of pyramidal form in Dravidian temples, 258. special feature of Nagara style, 261-262. steeple, 70, 80, 191. SIKIM, traces of Hindu architecture in, 284. SILA, stone, 111. SILADITYA, king of Kanoj, sent missionaries to foreign countries, 324. SILPARATNA, a treatise on architecture, 176,437: an abridgment of Manasara, 176. details of tala measures taken from, by Rao, 199. synopsis of, 176-177. SILPA-SAMGRAHA, Manasara quoted in true form in, 253- See SAMGRAHA. SILPA-SASTRA, a compilation from many sources, 175. 495 chapters enumerated, 173-174. its important features, 175. of Mandana, 173-175

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INDEX SILPI-LAKSHANA, qualification of archi- SIVA-KANTA, a tects, 213. SIMHA, a class of buildings, 191. oval buildings (in Garuda-Purana for Rikshanayaka of Agni), 191. halls, 404 image of, 151. lion, divine vahana, 151. SIVA-KANTA, a main pillar with five minor pillars, 110. -an order of column, 201. in Manasara, 228. a pentagonal pillar, 110. SIVANA, sewing, 11. SIVANKA, class of phalli, 139. type of buildings in Bhavishya and SIBIKA, 99. Brhat-samhita, 193, 194. SIMHASANA, throne, 130, 146. SIMHASANA-LAKSHANA-VIDIIANA, characteristics of thrones, 129. SIMILARITY, of Jain, Hindu, Buddhist architecture, 76-77. SINDHUKA, class of building in Kamik- agama, 194. SIRAS-CHAKRA, ornamental nimbus of Vishnu, 138. SIRASTRAKA, kind of head-dress used by Parshnika, 132. SIRO-VIBHUSHANA, a head ornament, 134. SIRSHANYA, head-piece of the couch, 61. SITA, images of, in Siam, 328. SITE, selection of, Manasara and Vitruvius compared, 219-220. SIVA, a deity, 246. - chariot of, 128. class of buildings in Kamikagama, 194. comparative negligence to, 270 273. head-dress of, 132. idols, attributes, dress, and attendant female energies of, 139. SIVIKA-GARBHA, square hall, 70. SIVIKAVESMA, a class of rectangular type of buildings, 190. SKANDA, image of, in Myson temples, 332. SKANDA-KANTA, a hexagonal pillar, 110. a main pillar with SIX minor pillars, 110. class of gate-houses, 118. mentioned in Manasara, 228. order of columns, 201. SKANDAGUPTA, emperor, 274, 279. religious beliefs of, 275. SKANDA-PURANA, architectural matter, referred to in, 81. Bengal manuscripts of, 278. _ named after Skandagupta, 252. SKANDHATARA, a kind of single-storeyed buildings, 114, 87. SKANDHAVARA, a class of forts, 104, 221, 339. SMASANA, funerary structures, 56, 58. SMITH, CAPTAIN, added pedestal to Allahabad pillar of Asoka, 382. SMITH, PROF. ELLIOT, on Indian origin of Maya civilization, xii, 374, 375 SMITH, V. A., x, 274, 277, 278. SNAPANA-MANDAPA, bath pavilion, 195. image of, in temples of Java, 358, SOERABAYA, inscription of, refers to 359. - one of Hindu triad, 137, 138. origin of architecture from, 213, 246. pavilion for unhusking corn, 120. popularity at Nepal, 285. temples in Tibet, 283. temples and images of, in Siam, 325. throne of, 129. Siva-bhaga, the upper part of phallus, 141. drainage operations in Java, 361. SOMIYA, location of So-mo-je, according to Stein, 297. SOMNATH a temple, bad condition of, 416. SO-MO-JE, a convent referred to by Hiouen Tsang, 297. identified with king's new monastery of Fa Hien, 297. legend of its origin and its Tibetan version, 297, 298. located in modern Somiya, 297. 496

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INDEX SOPANA, flight of stairs, 72. SOUTH INDIA, Aryan conquest of, 266- 267. organization of in the third century B.C., 266. a SPHURJAKA (GURJAKA), class of SRIMAD-BHAGAVATA, no practical knowledge of arts in time of, 3. reference to sixty-four arts in, I. SRI MARA, first historical Hindu king of Champa, 330. halls, 404. twelve-storeyed buildings, 116, 189, SRIMUKHA, type of throne suited to 254, 255, 257. SPINDER, 373. SPOONER, DR., erroneous theories of, 406-407. on Persian origin of Mauryan architecture, 379-380, 401, 403, 405, 406, 412. SRA, Cambodian, for Saras, tank, 327. SRENI-BANDHA, a type of bases, 109, 204. SRI-BANDHA, a class of pitha, 141. a type of bases, 109, 204. throne, suited to Parshnika and Patta-dhara, 129. SRIBHADRA, type of throne, suited to adhiraja and narendra, 129. SRI-BHOGA, class of gopura, 118. a class of seven-storeyed building, 115, 188. a type of bases, 109, 204. SRI-BANOY, citadel of, 356. SRIDHARA, name of Vishnu, 272. SRIDHARA-SVAMIN, gives a detailed account of sixty-four arts, 2, 12 n. 5, 17 n. 4. SRIJAYA, a class of oval type of buildings, 188, 190. three-storeyed buildings, 115. seven-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. SRIKANTA, a type of bases, 109, 204, octagonal type of buildings, 190. SRIKARA, class of two-storeyed buildings, 115, 187. gate-houses, 118. mandalesa, 129. SRINGA, copula, 191. SRI PRATAP Singh, Raja, on Manasara architecture, 441. SRIVARTA, kind of temples in Suprabhedagama, 195. SRIVATSA, a class of square type of buildings, 190. halls, 404 symbol on the chest of Vishnu, 138. SRIVIJAYA, kingdom of, in Sumatra, 348, 360. SRIVISALA, a kind of single-storeyed buildings, 114, 187. class of gate-houses, 118. mouldings of pitha, 141. type of throne, suited to narendra and parshnika, 129. STAIRS, in Buddhist buildings, 72. STAMBHA, pillar, of Buddhists, Jains Saivas, of Vaishnavas, 67, 96. shaft of, 227. STAMBHA-LAKSHANA-VIDHANA, pillars, 109-111. STANA-SUTRA, cord worn round the breast, 135 STEIN, SIR M. AUREL, 416. discoveries and explorations in Central Asia by, ix, xi, 294, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 308, 311, 312, 314. STEIN, PROF. OTTO, on Manasara architecture, 439. STHANAKA (or SAMCHITA), classification of buildings, 86, 114, 187. standing posture, 154. kind of single-storeyed buildings, STHANIYA, a class of forts, 104, 220, 114, 187. order of column mentioned in Suprabhedaguma, 201, 202. type of columns, 229. SRIKUMARA, author of treatise on architecture, 170, 177. 399. STHAPAKA, master of the ceremony, 155. 497 in house-entering ceremony, 122. his part in coronation ceremonies, 132.

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Sthapati, 13, 155. chief architect, 214. 246. INDEX origin from divine architect, his part in coronation ceremonies, 132. in house-warming ceremony, 122. STHAVARA, stationery, class of idols, 138. STHUNA, pillar, set up on graves, 58. STOLZE, 390. STRABO, 399, 400. STRILINGA, feminine type of buildings, 187, 194 STUCCO, see SUDNA. STUPA, known as chailyas in Nepal, 391. purpose of, 391. two kinds of, 67-68. STUPI (or STUPIKA), pinnacle, its height in buildings of different castes, 113, 118. STUPIKA, pinnacle, 112. STUPI-KILA, pin of the stupi, 112, 113. STYLE, architectural, three kinds of, thegeographical origin of the names of, 257: of buildings, 186. references to, in different branches. of literature, 206. SROG-MUKHAR, life-fort, 298. SRON-BTSANG-gam-po, king of Tibet, 283. fort of, 284. SRUK-SKUVA, sacrificial ladles, attributes of Brahma, 138. SRUTINJAYA, class of halls, 404. SRIVRIKSHA, a class of octagonal buildings (in Garuda-Purana, for Srikantha of Agni), 191. SRIYAVRITTA, class of mandapas in Suprabhedagama, 195. SUBHANKARI, a composite order of column in Suprabhedagama, 201, 202, 229. SUBHADRA, class of halls, 404. SUCHI-VAYA-KARMAN, weaving, 11. tailoring and Suchyo, cross-bars, let into banisters, | 72. SUDDHA, a kind of pillars, 111. classification of buildings, based on materials, 86, 113, 186, 194. SUDHA, stucco, mortar, and plaster, 137, 151. Sugriva, class of halls, 404. SUKA, parrot cage for, 137. SUKADEVA, refers to sixty-four arts, 2, 17, n. 4. SUKA-SARIKA-PRALAPANA, teaching of parrots, etc., to speak, 14. SUKHALAYA, class of three-storeyed buildings, 115. a kind of three-storeyed building, 188. SUKHANGA, pavilion used as a guesthouse, 120. SUKHODAYA, temple at, 325, 326, 327, 329. SUKRA, authority on architecture in Matsya-Purana, 245. SUKRA-NITI, architectural matter in, 92. deals with architecture, 250-251. measurement described in, 93. passages identical with Kamundakiya, Nitis, 251. Seven-TALA, anterior to Matsya-Purana, 251 SULVA-SUTRA, OF BAUDHAYANA, reference to angula measure in, 199. structural details of brick altars in, 392. Sumatra, absence of Hindu monuments in, 349. area and geographical position of, 348. derivation of the name of, 348. history of, 348. horned houses of, 349-350 SUMMER PALACE, pagoda of, 366. resembles Indian structures design, 366. in shape and ornaments of, 366. SUNDARA, class of six-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. SUPRABHEDAGAMA, details of the five orders in, 201. - five classes of columns in, 229. four classes of bases in, 204. list of chapters in, 91. 498

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INDEX SUPRABHEDAGAMA, mentions ten kinds SUVARNA-DVIPA, in Ramayana, probably of buildings, 207. reference to angula measure in, 198. tala measurement in, 199. _ three styles in, 207. relation of indebtedness with Manasara, 240. scanty details about pedestals in, 205. similarity with Manasara, go. summarizes all important matters on architecture, go. two sets of mouldings described in, 202-203. types of buildings in, 195. compared with those of Puranas, Brhat-samhita, Manasara and Kamik- agama, 195-196. SUPRATI-KANTA, a class of nine-storeyed buildings, 116, 189. SURU-BODHIKA, roll capital, 386. SURYA, image of, in Myson temples, 332. SUVARNA-SUTRA, STANASUTRA. gold string. See SURYA-SIDDHANTA, description of gnomon in, 94-95 improved methods of using gnoinon in, 253, 254. later than Manasara, 254. SURYAVARMAN, cleventh king of Cambodia, 339. SURYAVARMAN II, completed Angkor Vat, 339 Susa, 378, 399, 400, 413. fortifications of, 397. SUSLISUTA, class of halls, 404. SUTRADHARA, the joiner, carpenter, 214. SUTRA-DHARA-MANDANA, stands for Sumatra, 348. SUVARNA-KANCHUKA, golden bodice, 135. SUVARNA-RUPYA-RATNA-PARIKSHA, testing of gold and silver, etc., 13. Suvrata, class of halls, 404. SVARGA-KANTA, class of eight-storeyed buildings, 115, 189. SVASTI-BANDHANA, class of one-storeyed buildings, 114, 187. SVASTIKA, a class of two-storeyed buildings, 115, 187. octagonal type of buildings, 112, 190, 191. phalli, 140. villages, 102, 220, 398. plan of building, xviii. type of sala, 194. SVASTIKA-KHADGA; a class of octagonal type of buildings, 190. SVASTIKA MANSION, a residential building, xv. - cost of, xxiii, n. 1. description of, xvii-xx. -modern devices in, xx, xxi. pavilions of three faces, 120. -perforated screen of cross-pattern, 118. -plan and arrangement of, xviiXX. -plough-shaped storeyed mansion, 120. _situation and site-plan of, xvxvi. Svasti-kanta, class of six-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. SVASTIKASANA, type of sitting posture, 154, n. 1. author of SVAVRKSHA, a class of round type of architectural treatise, 173. SUTRA-GRAHIN, draughtsman designer, 13, 214. or the designer, origin from divine architects, 246. SUTRA-KRINA, playing with thread and rope, 11. SUVARNA, class of phalli, 140. SUVARNA-BHUMI, identification of, 321 n. 5, 324. buildings, 190. SVAYAMBHU, Siva, popularity at, Nepal, 285. SVAYAMBHU (or UDBHUTA), class of phalli, 140. SvAYAMBHU-NATHA, a Buddhist monument of Nepal, 286-287. SVETA-RAKTA, colours of Savitri, 143. SWAMY, K. S. SIDDHALINGA, 428, 441. on Manasara architecture, 441. 499

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INDEX SWAT, monuments at, 315, see UnyaNa. SWING, for different castes, 128. See DOLA. SYAMA, dark blue, colour of Savitri and Mahi, 143. SYAMA-BHADRA, class of halls, 404. SYAMA-DESA, advent of Indians in, 323- 324. architectural remains in, 325-327. connexion with India of, 328-329. its geographical boundaries, 322. known from, 322, 323. one of the six states of the peninsula east of India, 316, 322. peoples settled in, 323. vulgarity of taste in modern structures in, 327-328. SYANDANA, chariot, a conveyance, 99. SYSTYLOS, a type of temples in Vitruvius, 225. TAGORE, DR. A. N., 425. TAGORE, DR. R. N., on Manasara architecture, xiii, 422. TAILA-MANJUSHA, receptacle of oil, 136. TAITTIRIYA-SAMHITA, different shapes of altars enumerated in, 392. TAKHTABAND, stupa of, in Buner, 296. TAKHT-I-JAMSHID, platform of, 400. carpenter, origin from divine architects, 13, 246. TAKSHANA, carpentry, 13. TAKSHAKA, Tala, measurement, 89, 144 197, 199, 232. a moulding in Suprabhedagama, 203, 230. TALAMANA, kind of measurement, 81, 92, 145, 146, 199, 200. TALON (or OGEE), reversed cyma, a Graeco-Roman moulding, 203, 230, 237- _ identified with ghata, 230. TALPA, nuptial bed, 59. TAMIL, version of Mayamata, scanty details about bases in, 205. TAMRA, copper, 137. 500 TANDULA-KUSUMA-BALI-VIKARA, artistic arrangements of rice-meal, flowers, and dishes, 6. TANG FORT of Endere, wooden pillars of, 205. TANTRIC, rites in Nepal, its effect on architecture, 285-286. goddess at Bhawani temple, 286. TAPAS-KANTA, a class of eight-storeyed buildings, 115, 189. TA-PROM, Brahmanical temple built by Rajendra-varman, 339. belongs to the first group, 340, 346. Tara, breadth, 144. TARA, Mahayana divinity, temple of, in Java, 349, 360. TARANGA-BODHkA, type of capital, 386. TARKU-KARMAN, art of spinning, 12. TASHIDING, temple of, 284. TATANKA (or TADANKA), a kind of car ornament, 134. TATIKA, name of a moulding, 202, 204, 230. TELEIOS, probably same as tala, 237. TEMPLE of Kashmir, a homogenous group, 287. absence of in Persia, 393-394 in India, 394-395 of a quasi-classical style, 288. of Gratitude, porcelain tower of Nankin, 366. of Heaven. See GREAT DRAGON. -peculiarities of, 288. TENASSERIM, included in Ramanyadesa, 316. TESTUDINATUM, type of Graeco-Roman court, 233. TETRASTYLON, type of Gracco-Roman court, 233. THAKURI, dynasty of Nepal, 285. THAMBHA, posts or banisters, 72. THANK Ho, citadel of, 336. Thaton, library of, 321-322. THATPYINUYU, temple of, at Pagan, 321, n. 2. THEATRE, materials used for, 131. various members of, 130.

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INDEX THEIN, ordination hall of priests, 321. THOMAS, PROF. F. W., 425, 433. THRONE, royal and divine, 129. TIBET, monasteries in, 283-284. religious conditions of, 283. TI-CHIA-PO-FU-NA (DIRGIL I HAVANA) SANGHARAMA, convent, miraculous statue of Buddha in 299. Zaaret of BowaTIES, of various sorts, used in constructidentified with Kambar, 299. ing straw houses, 54. TILA, Sesamum indicum, foundationdeposit, 107. Town-PLANNING, in Manasara and Vitruvius compared, 220-224. TRIBHANGA, three flexion, one of the three poses, 138, 155. TRI-DHATU-SARANAM, three-storeyed dwelling in Veda, 62. TRI-KANTA, a main pillar, with three minor pillars, 110. TRI-MURTI-LAKSHANA-VIDHANA, characteristics of the Indian Triad, 137- 139. TRITALA, three-storeyed building, 115. TRITRESTA (or TRITASTRI), a Brahman, traditions about, 354 TIMES, Literary Supplement on Mana- TRIVISHTAPA, Octagonal type of buildsara architecture, xxii, 441. TIMI, fish, 100. TING, Japanese buildings, belong to, 369, 370. usual type of architecture in China, 363, 364. TIRAT, Buddha's footprint at, 315. TIRTHANKARAS, twenty-four Jain saints, 146. TIRUVOTTIYUR, capital of taranga bodhika type, 386. Tirtiri, cage for, 137. TJANDI (CHANDI), shrine of, 354, 356, 358. Tokar-Dar, ruined stupa at, 315 TOP-DARA, Buddhist stupa at, 315. TOPA-TIM, shows essential Indian features, 296. stupa of, 296. TOPRA, Asokan pillar of, 381. TORANA, arch, 80, 128, 133, 139. of a balance, 136. TORANA-VIDHANA, on arches, 130. TORUS, a Graeco-Roman moulding, 203, 230. identified with Hara, 230. TOWER, different kinds, according to Vitruvius, 223. of Silence, 391. Town, according to Vitruvius, 222-224. eight classes of, in India, 220, 399. its plan and layout according to Manasara, 222. - | ings, 190, 191. TROCHLOS, a moulding. See Scotia. TSEDI (or ZEDI), corresponds with chaitya of Nepal. principal variations in the design of, 318. the bell-shaped stupa of Burma, 317. TuGu, inscription of, refers to Chandrabhaga canal, 361. TULA, a moulding in Suprabhedagama, 203, 230. balance, 135 identified with fillet, 230. its parts, 136. TULA-PURUSHA-DANA, 136, n. 1. TULUUM, wall of, 373. TUMBURU, image used as decorative design, 130. TUNGA, a moulding, 204. TUN-HUANG, architectural remains in, 309-313 TURFAN (YAR-KnoTo), Buddhist shrine at, 313. TURKESTAN, EASTERN (or CHINESE), Buddhism from India in, 294. civilization of its own, 295. period of antiquities of, 303. stupas of, agreed with Kabul Valley stupas and conform to Indian type. 296. TUSCAN, Graeco-Roman order columns, 201, 227, 228. type of Graeco-Roman courts, 233. 501

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INDEX TVASHTAR, authority on architecture in Manasara, 245, n. 2. heavenly architect originated from Brahma, 246. U UBHAYATAH-PRAUGACHIT, type of altars, 393. UCH-CHHIRSHAKA, pillow for the head, 61. UDAKA-GHATA, making of fountains, 8. UDAKA-VADYA, playing jalataranga, 8. UDAIPUR, temple at, 261. UDARA-BANDHA, girdle round the waist, 135. UDBHUTA, a phallus. See SVAYAMBHU. UDDIYANA. See UDYANA. UDYANA (or UDDIYANA), modern Swat Valley, 315. reference in literature, 315. ruins in, 315. UMA, images of, in Po-Nagar main temple, 333. UMBRELLA, on a stupa, 305 UNHISAM, cither a headline running along the top of banister or figurehead at its lower end, 72. UNICORN, pillar of Persia, 378. Unmana, kind of linear measurement, 144, 197. UPA-DHARA, support of a chariot, 127. UPAKANTA, a class of six-storeyed: buildings, 115, 188. UPALI-THEIN, in Pagan, its plan and arrangement, 321. UPAMANA, kind of linear measurement, 144, 197. UPAMIT, pillar, 54, 56. UPANA, plinth, a moulding, 204. Upapada, minor pillar, 110. UPASRI, part of couch supporting back, 61. UPATULA, a moulding, 203, 230. identified with fillet, 230. Uraga-Bandha, a type of bases, 109, 204. ORDHVA-PADMA, a moulding of the pitha, 141. USHNI, a class of round type of build ings, 190. USHNISHA, characteristic of the Buddhist image, 147. USHNISHI for Ushni of Agni (in GarudaPurana), a class of round type of buildings, 191. UTANA, darning, 11. Utpala, attribute of Savitri and Mahi, 143. Kashmir dynasty, built viharas and temples, 287. UTSADANA, art of shampooing, 14. UTTAMA, largest type of ten-tala system, 145, 147, 152-153. UTTAMBHA, a class of rectangular buildings, 190. Uttara, fillet, a moulding, 130, 150, 203, 204, 230. in Suprabhedagama, 203, 230. UTTARADHYAYANA-SUTRA, arts referred to in, I. seventy-two arts studied by Mahavira, 3-4. UTTArasena, king, stupa of, 315. UTTARIYA, upper garment, of Brahma, 138. UTTAROSHTHA, moulding, identified with cavetto, 203, 230. V VADYA, instrumental music, 6. UpapiTha, class of mouldings, of pithas, i VAnana, vehicle its height as unit, - 141. part of madhyaramga, 130. pedestal, 108, 227. UPARI-PRASADA-TALA, the upper flat surface of the house, 72. UPASAMCHITA, classification of buildings, 194. 197, 200. moulding identified with abacus, 203, 230. riding animal, 145. VAHANA-VIDHANA, 502 images of riding animals of gods, 149-151. of various gods, 151, no. 1.

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INDEX VAHINI-MUKHA, a class of forts, 104, 220, 399. VAHUMAN, 407. VAHYA, litter or canopied sedan chair, 59-60. VAIDYANATHA, description of, 289-290. its history, 289. special features of, 290. temple of, 289-290. VAIJAYANTIKA, a kind of single-storeyed building, 187. VAIKHANASAGama, details of tala measures taken by Rao, from, 200. references to architectural matters from, 91. VAINAYIKI-IVANA, art of etiquette, 17. VAIRAJA, a classification of the square type of buildings, 190. VAISHNAVI, image of, 144. one of the seven mothers, 142, 144. | VAISHNAVISM, predominating religion during the Gupta period, 276. preference to, in Manasara, 270-273. ↑ VAISRAVANA, legends about, 298. oldest shrine in Khotan, 298. perhaps of Indian origin, 298. seven-storeyed wooden tower 298. temple of, 297-298. VAKRA, a class of octagonal buildings, 191. VALABHA (or VALABHI), a moulding, 204. VALARHI, correct spelling of Balabhi given in Garuda-Purana, 190. VALAYA (for Balaya of Agni, in GarudaPurana), a class of round type of buildings, 191. bracelet, 134, 135. VALABHI-CHIChandaka, a class of fivestoreyed buildings, 191. VALLABHACHARYA, gives detailed account of sixty-four arts, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17 n. 6, 16 n. 1, 12 n. 4, 5. VALLEY OF MYRIAD BUDDHAS, 311. arrangement of, 312, 313. frescoes in, 312. influenced by Ajanta and Ellora, 313. mural paintings in, 313. principal caves of, 312. Valli-BANDHA, creeper pattern of perforated screens, 118. VAMA, class of phalli, 139. in,VAMANA, name of Vishnu, for temples in the South, 272. VAJANA, moulding identified with fillet, 130, 203, 204, 230. moulding of pitha, 141. VAJRA, class of octagonal buildings, 190, 191. -phalli, 140. features of Buddha, 301. orders of column in Matsya-Purana and Brihat-samhita, 201, 202, 228, 229. VAJRA-BANDHA, a type of bases, 104, 204. VAJRA-KANTA, a class of eleven-storeyed buildings, 116, 189. VAJRA-PATTA, a compound moulding, 204. VAJRASANA, type of sitting posture, 154, n. I. VAJRA-SVASTIKA, a class of octagonal type of buildings, 190. VAMSA, flagstaff, 152. ribs of bamboo canes, 54, 56. VAMSAKA, class of twelve-storeyed buildings, 254, 257 _ land of Vatsas, 255. VAMSA-KANTA, a class of twelve-storeyed buildings, 116, 189. VANA-DURGA, forest-fort, 104, 221. VANA-MALA, garland of wild flowers, ornament of Vishnu, 135, 138. VAPI-KUPA-TATAKA, 106. VAPRA (or VAPRAKA), a moulding, 204. VAPRA-BANDHA, a type of bases, 109, 503 204. VARAHAMHIIRA, see BRHAT-SAMHITA. VARAHI, image of, 144. one of the seven mothers, 142, 144. VARADA, gift-bestowing attitude of hand, 138, 143.

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INDEX VARATA, a class of twelve-storeyed VAT, enclosure, 325. buildings, 189. • VARDHAKA (or SAMVIDDHA), class of forts, 104, 399. See SAMVIDDHA VARDHAKI, painter, origin from divine architect of, 13, 214, 246. VARDHAMANA, class of phalli, 139. ten-rowed storeyed mansion, 121. type of sala, 194∙ VARDDHANI, a class of round type of buildings, 190. VARA-MUDRA, boon-bestowing attitude of hand, 301. VARTULA, a class of buildings, 192. VARUNA, name of a square in a palace, 124. occupies a great palace, 403, 412. VasisiTha, authority on architecture in Matsya-Purana and Brihat-samhita, 243, 245. desires a three-storeyed dwelling, in Veda, 403, 412. one of the seven sages, image of 147. VASTRA-GOPANA, changing appearance of fabrics, 16. VASTRA-MANJUSHA, linen-chest, 136. VASTU, habitation, divided into four classes in Manasara, 218. reliquary of bones, a type of funerary structure in Vedic age, 56. VASTUBODHA, authority on architecturc in Manasara, 155, n. 2, 245. VASTU-KIRTI, class of halls, 404. VASTU-NIKSHEPA-MANDAPA, store-house, 124. VASTU-PRAKARANA, the classification of Vastu, 99, 100, 218. VASTU-PURUSHA, spirit of the house, in Svastika Mansion, xvii n. 1, 101. VASTU-SASTRA, a treatise on architecture, 173. VASTU-VIDYA, architecture, a treatise, 198. signification of the term, 13. VASTUVIDYAPATI, authority on architecture in Manasara, 155 n. 2, 245. VASUDEVA, authority on architecture in Matsya-Purana, 245. name of Vishnu, 272. 504 VAT Ek, temple of, 339. VAT JAI, at Sukhodaya, 325, 326, 327. VAT MANDAPA SI NA, at Sajjanalaya, a chuttamukk, 326. VAT PHU, supposed palaces at, 346. temple of, 339. VAT SI JUM, mandapa at Sukhodaya, 326. VAT SISAVAI, three towers at, 327. VATSYAYANA, sec KAMASTURA. VATTAGAMINI ABHAYA, built a vihara and Abhayagiri dagab, 291. VAULT, systematically employed in Burma, 320. VAYU-PURANA, belongs to period, 278. Gupta references to architectural matters from, 83. referred to by Bana, 277. VEDA, pavilion used as an assembly hall, 120. references to halls, palaces, etc., in, 403, 412. VEDI (or VEDIKA), construction of, 63- 64. part of Madhyaranga, 130. platform, 127, 128. shapes of, 63, n. 2. VEDI-BHADRA, one of the three classes of pedestals, 108, 204. VEDIKA, pedestal of a lamp-post, 135. VEDI-KANTA, a class of four-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. VENDIDAD-SADA, perhaps refers to images of Anahit, 395. VENUS, temple suited to, 225. Vesara, circular ear, 127. class of phalli, 140. pilha, 142. identical with the style found at Puri, Bhuvanesvara, and Kanarak, 262. of round shape, 258. of two types, 257. style of architecture, 86, 112, 186, 194, 195, 206, 207, 257, 263. VESMAN, residential houses, 105.

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INDEX VESSANTARA-JATAKA, representation in VIMANA-VIDHANA, the general descripMiran wall paintings of, 309. VICHITRA-SAKA-PUPA-BHAKSHYA-VIKARA-KRIYA, art of cooking, 9-10. VIDYADHARA, figures of, 131, 146, 148. used as decorative design, 130. VIDYASANGRAHA-NIBANDHA, a compilation, used by Sukadeva, 2. VIENG SA, inscription of, 361. VIHAN, six in Vat Jai, 327. Vihara, 326. VIHARA, Buddhist monastery, 66, 67, 68-69, 93 VIJAYA, a kind of two-storeyed buildings, 115, 187. class of halls, 404. octagonal buildings, 190, 191. coronation, 132. in Kamikagama, 195. pavilion for marriage ceremonies, 119. throne for vijaya coronation, 129. VIJAYA-DIIVAJA-TIRTHA, refers to sixtyfour arts, 1. VIJAYA-SAMBRAVA, Buddhism believed to have been introduced under, 298. VIJAYAVIRYA, king who built Hgumstir vihara, 298. VIJAYIKI-JNANA art of warfare, 17. VIKALPA, class of buildings, 105, 106, 113, 114, 187, 194, 225. of doors, 234. phalli, 140. prakara, 116. shape of pavilions, 120. VIKRAMASILA, monastery of, 283. Villages, Buddhist India, 65. classes of, 220, 398. - in India, in Buddha's time, 398. plan and 222, 398. other details of, 221 VIMANA, class of buildings, 190, 192. pavilion, 79, 80, 104. shrine, 259. tion of buildings, 112. VINA, attribute of Sarasvati, 142 n. 1. _ of Kinnaras, 148. VINA-DAMARUKA-VADYA, playing on lute and small drum, II. VINAYA TEXTS, hot-air bath described in, 73. VINDHYAJA, type of pavilion, 119. VIPULAKRITI, a class of six-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. VIPULANKA, a class of six-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. VIPASYI, previous Buddha, visited Nepal, 285. VIRA, coronation, 132. throne for vira coronation, 129. VIRACHANA, making of bed-sheets, etc., I I. VIRA-KANTHA, a moulding in Suprabhedagama, 203, 230. type of columns, 110. VIRA-RAGHAVACHARYA, refers to sixtyfour arts, 1. VIRASANA, class of mandapas in Suprabhedagama, 195. type of sitting posture, 154, n. 1. VIRATA, class of twelve-storeyed buildings, 116, 254, 257. country near about Jaipur, 255. VISALA, authority on architecture, in Manasara, 155 n. 2, 245 class of buildings, 190, 195. halls, 404. mandapas, 195. VISALAKSHA, authority on architecture in Matsya-Purana, 245, 246. VISAL-BHARAT, on Manasara architecture, 447. VISHANA, horn, 191. VISESHAKA-CHCHHEDYA, tattooing, 6. VISESHARCHANA, throne of deity for special worships, 129. VISESHIKA, 135, n. 2. wrongly read for visala in Garuda- VISHNU, chariot of, 128. Purana, 190. VIMANA-CHCHHANDA, a class of eightstoreyed buildings, 191, 193. family deities of, 271. foundation of temples of, 272. head-dress of, 132. 505

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VISHNU, idol of, 138. INDEX images and temples in Siam, 325, 328. in Java, 358. one of the Hindu triad, 117, 137, 138. sites for temples of, 272-273 temples of, 324. ten incarnations of, 271. throne of, 129. ultimate source of Silpa-sastra and architecture, 213, 270, 246. VISHNU-BHAGA, the middle part of phallus, 141. VISVAKARMA-PRAKASA (or VISVAKARMAVASTU-SASTRA), another title title of Visvakarma-Silpa, 166. chiefly astrological, 167. its chapters enumerated, 166, 167. together with Visvakarma-Silpa, formed one book, 169. Visvakarma-SILPA, attributed to Visvakarman, various other titles of, 166. a compilation, 168. chiefly sculptural, 169. its synopsis, 168-169. together with Visvakarma-Silpa, formed one book, 169. VISHINU DHARMOTTARA, two types of VISVAKASYAPA, authority on architec theatres mentioned in, 96. VISHNU-KANTA, class of four-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. gate-houses, 118. main pillar with eight minor ones, 1 10. order of columns, 201, 228. VISHNU-PURANA, arts, living and practical, in time of, 3. arts referred to in, 1. belongs to the Gupta period, 278. explains learning of sixty-four arts in sixty-four days by Krishna, 3. sixty-four arts referred to, 2. used and quoted by Jivagosvamin, 2. VISHNUVANT, the ridge of the top on the roofing, 56. VISTARA, breadth, 144. VISVABODHA, authority on architecture, in Manasara, 155 n. 2, 245. VISVA-KANTA, a class of five-storeyed building, 115, 188. of nine-storeyed buildings, 116, 189. VISVA-KARMAN, authority on architecture, 172. chapters borrowed from, in Samgraha, 188. heavenly architect originated from Brahma, 246. 243, 245 in Brihat-samhita in Matsya-Purana, 245. mentioned in Manasara, 155 n. 2, 245. professional name for an architect, 246. Yantra-matrika attributed to, 15. Visvakasyapa, ture in Manasara, 155 n. 2, 245. VISVAMITRA, one of the seven sages, image of, 147. VISVANATHI, teniple of, at Benares, 416. VISVASARA, authority on architecture in Manasara, 155 n. 2, 245 one of the sources of Samgraha, 184. VISVESA, authority on architecture in Manasara, 155 n. 2, 245. Visvanatha-CHAKRAVARTIN, sixty-four arts, 1. refers to VITASTI, a measurement, 98. VITRUVIUS, a Roman architect, 210. referred to by Pliny and Frontinus, 210. compared with Manasara in columns, 227-232. in courts, 233-234. in doors, 234-235. in forms and species and foundations of buildings, 224-227. in linguistic style, 237--238. in sculptural measures, 237. date of, 240. flourished 25 years before Christian era, 210. - his treatise, compared with Manasara, 210-239. several cditions of his treatise, 210, 211 n. I, 211-212. similarity to Manasara in purely architectural contents, etc., in names of chapters, 213. treatise divided in ten books, 211. uncertainty of its age, 238. 506

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INDEX VIVRTA, a class of nine-storeyed build- WATa-DA-ge, a circular building, 293. ings, 116, 189. VO-CHANH, Sanskrit inscription of, 329. Vogel, Dr. J. Ph., on Manasara architecture, 433, 434. VRHASPTAI, authority on architecture in Matsya-Purana, 245, 246. VRIHI, corn, deposit in foundation, 107. VRIKSHAYURVEDA-yoga, art of gardening, 14. VRISHA, a class of buildings, 191, 193, 194. VRISHABHA-LAKSHANA-VIDHANA, a class of oval type of buildings, 190. image of, 150-151. materials of, 151. vahana of Siva, 150. VRISHA (NANDI) MANDAPA, bull pavilion, 195 VRITA, authority on architecture, in Manasara, 155 n. 2, 245. WAZIRISTAN, antiquity of, 47. Pishin, 48. remains at different localities, 48. WEIR, LIEUT.-COL. R. S., acknowledgment of help received from, xxv. WHEEL, tyre of, 127. its different parts, 127. of various numbers in different cars 127. timber suited for, 127. WHITTLE, G. W. M., acknowledgment of help received from, xxvi. WILLIAMS, SIR MONIER, 416. WINDOWS, in Buddhist buildings, 71. Manasara, 118, 235. special features of Chalukyan style, pierced, ornamented, 260. width of, 119. WOOD, GEN. W. A. R., 323, 324. X VRITTA, type of buildings, in Brihat- XERXES, entombed at Naksh-i-Rustem, samhita, 193, 194. columns, 201, 202, 228, 229. VRITTA-KUMBHA, a moulding of the pitha, 141. VYAGIRA, tiger, cage for, 137. VYAJANA, fan, 153. VVAJANA-DANDA, fan-post, materials for, 135. VYALI, leogryph, 130. VYAS, BRAJA MOHAN, acknowledgment of help received from, xxviii. VYASA, authority on architecture, 172. VYAYAMIKI-JNANA, art of physical exercises, 17. W WAKHAN, three Kafir forts at, 305. WALCOTT, 357 WALL, of ramparts of stamped loess in Khotan, 299. round cities in Khotan, 298. WAN-FO-HISIA, resembles the type of Chien-fo-tung, 312. size of grottoes, 312. temple grottoes of, 312. - 390. hypostyle hall of, 389, 401-402. palace of, 388-401. Y YAJAMANA, height of image determined by comparing with the height of, 140, 145. YAJNA-BHADRA, class of halls, 404. YAJNA-KANTA, a class of five-storeyed buildings, 115, 188. YAJNASALA, temples built on Manasara method in, xiv. YAJNA-SUTRA, sacred thread, attribute of the seven sages, 147. YAKSHA, attendant on Jain deities, 146. flanking the entrance of Jetavana vihara temple, 297. heads of, in Rawak, 301. images of, 148. used as decorative designs, 128-130. YAKSHINI, heads of, 301. YAMA, authority on architecture, 172. name of a square in palaces, 124. 507

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INDEX YAMA-KANTA, a class of eleven-storeyed YUCATAN, geographical position of, buildings, 116, 189. five-storeyed buildings, 188. YANA, conveyance, 98, 218. 115, YAN PRON, temple of, 331. YANTRA-GRIHA, bathroom, 70. YANTRA-MATRIKA, art of making monogram, etc., 15. YAR-Y HOTO (TURFAN), Buddhist shrines. at, 313. YASODHARA, commentator of Kamasutra, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17. YASKA, see Nirkuta. YASOVARMAN, king of Cambodia, 339. YAVA, barley grain, a unit of measurement, 98, 145, 152. YAVADVIPA, Java, 353. YAVANA-DESA, one of the six states into which peninsula east of India was divided, 316. YINI, who refers to important buildings, in old Khotan capital, 298. YOGASANA, type of sitting posture, 154, n. I. YONI, lower part of phallus, 141. YONIDVARA, the pranala of the pitha, 141. 372. home of Maya clans, 372. YUDHISHTHIRA, palace built by Maya for, 374, 406. YUKA, a measurement, 98. YUNGLO, tomb of, 367. YU-TIEN, city of, 298. temple of Vaisravana in, 298. YUVARAJA, residence of, 113, 124. Z ZAIDI, S. A., acknowledgment to, xxvi. ZAMR-I-ATISH-parast, one of the three Kafir forts at Wakhan, 305. ZANZIBAR, one of the three Kafir forts at Wakhan, 305. ZEDI, see TSEDI. ZIARAT, of Bowa-Kambar, identified with Ti-chia-po-fu-na of Hiouen Tsang, 299. ZIGGARATS seven-storeyed building, of Ghaldea, 73. ZIGURAT, Babylonian temple, resembling storeyed viharas, 377-378. ZIMMER, his views on l'edic buildings, untenable, 54-55. 508

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