Hayanaratna: The Jewel of Annual Astrology

by Martin Gansten | 2020 | 195,046 words

This page relates ‘The Judgement of Dreams (svapna-vicara)’ of the English translation of Balabhadra’s Hayaratna—a significant work within the realm of Indian astrology, particularly focused on the Tajika tradition, which adeptly intertwines ancient Indian and Perso-Arabic astrological knowledge. The Hayaratna acts as both an analytical commentary and a guidebook for practitioners keen on exploring horoscopic astrology, particularly the art of predicting annual occurrences (in Sanskrit known as Varshaphala) based on astrological calculations.

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14. The Judgement of Dreams (svapna-vicāra)

[Sanskrit text for this chapter is available]

Next, the judgement of dreams (svapna-vicāra) in the daily revolution (dina-praveśa); [and it is said] in Varṣatantra [18.48–50]:

If the sun occupies the [ninth]-part of the ascendant or the first house one will dream of bad things, such as the disc of the sun, red garments[1] or fire; if it is the moon, of white horses, jewels, garments, flowers, diamonds and the forms of women; if Mars, of gold, red garments and garlands, cattle and corals; if Mercury, [there are] horses, journeys to heaven and accounts of piety; if Jupiter, lovemaking, pious tales, visions of gods and the company of good kinsmen; if Venus, crossing the waters, love of the gods and delights; if Saturn, forest and mountain journeys and the company of low men; if Rāhu or Ketu, the same.

[And] Caṇḍeśvara [says]:

If [planets are] mixed, one should declare the dream to be mixed; if [a planet][2] is joined to its ruler, [the dream] derives from a cause;[3] if it is fallen, in an inimical sign, vanquished, in another’s domicile or [heliacally] set, the dream should be said to cause unhappiness; if the reverse, one should declare it to give happiness. If the sun is in the ascendant aspected by benefics, [or if] the sign of the sun is in the seventh house from those two,[4] then one should proclaim with certainty that the dream was about a dream. If there is an aspect between the sun, the moon and Venus, or if [the sign of the moon] is the seventh from those two,[5] then it is said by King Caṇḍeśvara[6] that the dream is of a king.

This concludes the judgement of dreams (svapna-vicāra).

Footnotes and references:

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Or ‘a red-clad [man]’.


Most likely the moon or the ruler of the ascendant, although the quoted text does not say.


Presumably an easily discernible cause is meant, as opposed to the apparently random nature of many dreams.


Presumably the two major benefics (Jupiter and Venus), although the preceding word ‘benefics’ is in the plural rather than the dual.


Meaning somewhat tentative, as the stanza is syntactically defective.


Or, possibly but less likely, ‘by Caṇḍeśvara’s king’.

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