Harivamsha Purana

by Manmatha Nath Dutt | 1897 | 293,872 words | ISBN-10: 8178542188 | ISBN-13: 9788178542188

This page is entitled “janamejaya lives happily: effect of the rishi’s words” and represents Chapter 6 of the third book (Bhavishya Parva’) of the Harivamsa (English translation in Prose). The Harivamsha Purana narrates the lineage and life-story of Krishna (Hari). Although not officially mentioned in the list of Puranas, this book includes topics such as geology, creation theory, time (manvantaras), ancient historical legends and accounts of royal dynasties.

Chapter 6 - Janamejaya Lives Happily: Effect of the Rishi’s Words

1-2. Shouti said:—Thus requested by Vishvavasu Janamejaya, whose mind was filled with useless anxiety, was propitiated with Vapusthama and celebrated a religious rite for the removal of sin. Driving away his mental labour, desiring for fame and pleasing Vapusthama the pious Janamejaya governed his kingdom.

3-4. He did not abstain from worshipping the Brahmanas, celebrating sacrifices, making gifts and looking after his State and did not scold Vapusthama. Continually meditating with a confident heart on what the Rishis of great penances had said, viz., "It is impossible to overcome the work of Destiny" king Janamejaya cast off his anger.

5. He, who reads these great words of the great Rishi, becomes most adorable unto men, lives sufficiently long and attains to fruits which it is difficult (for others) to acquire.

6. The man, who reads these words destructive of the sin of the performer of hundred sacrifices, is freed from sins, obtains many desired-for objects and lives happily for a long time.

7. As a tree yields fruits originating from flowers and it springs up again from those fruits, so those words, emanating from the great Rishi, make him prosperous again.

8. By virtue of these words a son-less man obtains powerful sons, a man, losing his position in the world, regains it, one is freed from diseases and fetters, and being endued with accomplishments he performs auspicious works.

9. By hearing these auspicious words of the Rishi the maidens obtain husbands after their hearts and give birth to powerful and accomplished sons capable of grinding their enemies.

10. Hearing these words the Kshatriyas conquer the world, and their enemies and acquire immense wealth, the Vaishyas obtain sufficient properties and the Sudras attain to a better status.

11-13. Recollecting this episode which has been described to you in the circle of the Brahmanas, you, resorting to patience and calmness, range happily in the world. Thus I have recounted to you the lives and conduct of the great Rishis of wonderful deeds. Tell me what else you wish to hear. I will describe it to you.

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