Harivamsha Purana
by Manmatha Nath Dutt | 1897 | 293,872 words | ISBN-10: 8178542188 | ISBN-13: 9788178542188
This page is entitled “account of svyamantaka jewel” and represents Chapter 38 of the first book (‘Adi Parva’) of the Harivamsa (English translation in Prose). The Harivamsha Purana narrates the lineage and life-story of Krishna (Hari). Although not officially mentioned in the list of Puranas, this book includes topics such as geology, creation theory, time (manvantaras), ancient historical legends and accounts of royal dynasties.
Chapter 38 - An Account of Svyamantaka Jewel
1. Vaishampayana said:—Bhajamana’s son was Viduratha, the foremost of car-warriors. The heroic Rajadhideva was Viduratha’s son.
2-3. Rajadhideva had a number of highly powerful sons, namely the powerful Datta, Atidatta, Shonasva, Svetavahana, Shami, Dandasharma, Dattashatru and Shatrujit. They had two sisters by name Shravana and Shravishtha.
4. Shami’s son was Pratikshtra whose son was Swayamboja and whose son was Hridika.
5. His sons were of dreadful prowess. Of them Kritavarma was the eldest and Shatadhanva was the second.
6. The celestial saint Cyavana begat for him four sons and two daughters. The sons were Vishak, Vaitarana, Suvanta and Adhidanta. The daughters were Kamada and Kamadantika.
7. Kamvalavarhisha had a learned son named Devavan who had three sons namely Asamouja, Veera and Nasamouja.
8. Asamouja had no issue and therefore Andhaka conferred on him his three sons namely Sudangstra, Suvahu and Krishna.
9-10. These and various others members of the Andhaka family have been described to you. He, who daily meditates upon Andhaka family, forsooth gets his family multiplied. Krausthu had two wives, Gandhari and Madri.
11. Gandhari gave birth to the highly powerful Anamitra and Madri gave birth to Yudhajit and Devamidusha.
12-14. Anamitra was ever irrepressible and subduer of his enemies. His son was Nighna who had two sons Prasena and Satrajit both of whom were subduers of hostile armies. Living in the city of Dvarka Prasena obtained from the ocean the peerless celestial jewel called Svyamantaka. The sun was his friend as valuable as his life.
15. Once on a time after the expiration of the night that foremost of car-warriors, ascending his chariot, went to the bank of the ocean for bathing and worshipping the sun.
16. When he worshipped the god of rays the invisible lord Vivasvan appeared in effulgence before him.
17-18. Thereupon the king said to the Lord Vibhakara before him—"O lord of rays, I see you although before me in your same circular effulgent form as I always behold you in the sky. You have appeared before me as a friend but what special favour have I got?"
19. Hearing this, the lord took out from his neck the peerless jewel Svyamantaka and gave it to him.
20. Thereupon the king saw him in his form. Seeing him he was pleased and conversed with him for a moment.
21. While Vivasvan was about to go away the king again said to him:—"O lord, it behoves you to confer upon me this jewel with which you dost always light the worlds".
22. Thereupon Bhaskara gave him the jewel Svyamantaka. Holding it the king entered his own city.
23. All the people followed him thinking that the sun was going. Filling all the citizens with wonder the king entered the inner appartment.
24. The king Satrajit, with great delight, conferred that peerless celestial jewel Svyamantaka on his brother Prasena.
25. That jewel used to produce gold in the palace of Vrishnis and Andhakas. (By its power) the god of rains used to pour shower in due season and there was no fear of disease.
26. Govinda grew desirous of acquiring that peerless jewel Svyamantaka from Prasena. Although capable he did not take it by force or pilfer it.
27. Once on a time adorned with that jewel Prasena went out a-hunting. He was, for that Svyamantaka, slain by a wild lion.
28. Killing that flying lion a highly powerful bear took that jewel and entered into his den.
29. Hearing of the death of Prasena, all the members of Vrishni and Andhaka families entertained suspicions against Krishna, because they knew that he had a fancy for that jewel.
30-34. Knowing their suspicion and thinking that he himself was innocent the virtuous-souled Krishna, resolving "I must bring the jewel" set out for the forest where Prasena went for hunting. Following his foot-seps along with his followers and ransacking the mountains Rikshavan and Vindhya the great Krishna was stricken with fatigue. He then saw Prasena and his horse killed there but did not find the jewel. He then saw near Prasena the lion killed by the bear. It was surmised by the footsteps. Following them he searched for the den of the running bear.
35. He heard the voice of a female in the huge den of that bear. A nurse was giving play with that jewel to Jamvavan’s son and saying "Do not weep".
36. The nurse said:—"The lion killed Prasena and he has been killed by Jamvavan. Therefore, O my good boy, do not weep. This Svyamantaka belongs to you".
37-38. Thereupon keeping all the Yadavas with Baladeva at the mouth of the den and displaying a beautiful form and voice Krishna, with Sharnga bow, silently entered into it. And having entered there by force the Lord beheld the bear,
39. Govinda wrestled with Jamvavan in that den for twenty-one days.
40. After Krishna had entered the den all the Yadavas, headed by Baladeva, returned to Dvarka and announced that he had been slain.
41. Having vanquished the highly powerful Jamvavan he married the most beloved daughter of the king of bears by name Jamvavati and took away the jewel for clearing himself (of the charge).
42. Then saluting the king of Rikshas he came out of the den. Enveloped with great beauty, he, afterwards, returned to the city of Dvarka.
43. Having thus brought the jewel and cleared himself of the charge he handed over Svyamantaka to Satrajit in an assembly of the Satwatas.
44. Having thus acquired the jewel Svyamantaka Krishna, the slayer of enemies, who had been accused of a false charge, cleared himself of the guilt.
45-46. Satrajit had ten wives who gave birth to a hundred sons. Of them three were well-known. Bhangakara was the eldest, the heroic Batapati was the second, and Viyatsnata was the third. O king, he had three daughters well-known in all the quarters.
47. They were Satyabhama, the most excellent of women, Bratini, of firm vows and Prasvapini. Satrajit married them all with Krishna.
48. Bhangakara had two sons, the foremost of men, Sabhaksha and Nareya. Both of them were accomplished, and well-known for their beauty.
49. Madri’s son Yudhajit had a son by name Vrishni. He had two sons, Shaphalka and Citraka.
50. Shaphalka married the daughter of the King of Kashi. Her name was Gandini and her father used to give away a cow every day.
51-54. She gave birth to the great Akrura who was fond of guests and performed sacrifices accompanied with profuse gifts, Upasanja, Mangu, Mridura, Arimejaya, Girikshipa, Upiksha, Shatruha, Arimardana, Dharmabhrit, Yatidharma, Gridhra, Bhoja, Andhaka, Suvahu and Prativahu and to a beautiful daughter by name Sundari. That beautiful girl was the queen of Virutashva, was endued with beauty and youth and was charming unto all.
55. O descendant of Kuru, Akrura begat on Ugraseni two sons, Sudeva and Upadeva, who were both powerful like the celestials.
56-58. Citraka had many sons, namely, Prithu, Viprithu, Asvagriva, Ashvavahu, Suparshva, Gaveshi, Aristhnemi, Asva, Sudharma, Dharmabhrit, Suvahu and Vahuvahu and two daughters by name Shravishtha and Shravana. He, who reads of this false accusation against Srikrishna, suffers from no such thing in his life.