Garga Samhita (English)
by Danavir Goswami | 425,489 words
The Garga-samhita Verse 6.18.12, English translation, including word-by-word: This text represents a Vaishnava scripture which narrates the life Krishna, It was composed in seventeen cantos by Garga Muni: an ancient sage and priest of the Yadu dynasty having. This is verse 6 of Chapter 18 (In the Course of Describing the Glories of Siddhashrama, a Description of the Rasa-dance Festival) of Canto 6 (dvaraka-khanda).
Verse 6.18.12
Sanskrit text, transliteration and word-by-word meaning:
श्री-नारद उवाच
राधाया वचनं श्रुत्वा
श्री-कृष्णोक्तं तथावदन्
तथास्तु चोक्त्वा सा राधा
प्रसन्नाभून् महा-मनाः
śrī-nārada uvāca
rādhāyā vacanaṃ śrutvā
śrī-kṛṣṇoktaṃ tathāvadan
tathāstu coktvā sā rādhā
prasannābhūn mahā-manāḥ
śrī-nārada uvāca—Śrī Nārada said; rādhāyā—of Śrī Rādhā; vacanam—the words; śrutvā—hearing; śrī-kṛṣṇoktam—the words of Kṛṣṇa; tathā—then; avadan—said; tathā—so; astu—be it; ca—and; uktvā—saying; sā—She; rādhā—Rādhā; prasannā—pleased; abhūt—became; mahā-manāḥ—noble-hearted.
English translation of verse 6.18.12:
Śrī Nārada said: When they heard Śrī Rādhā's words, the queens repeated to Her what Lord Kṛṣṇa had told them. Hearing that, Noble-hearted Rādhā became pleased and said, "So be it."