Garga Samhita (English)
by Danavir Goswami | 425,489 words
The Garga-samhita Verses 5.15.13-15, English translation, including word-by-word: This text represents a Vaishnava scripture which narrates the life Krishna, It was composed in seventeen cantos by Garga Muni: an ancient sage and priest of the Yadu dynasty having. This is verse 5 of Chapter 15 (Seeing Sri Radha) of Canto 5 (mathura-khanda).
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Verses 5.15.13-15
Sanskrit text, transliteration and word-by-word meaning:
घन-प्रभम् पद्म-दलयतेक्सनम् क्र्स्नक्र्तिम् कोति-मनोज-मोहनम् पितम्बरम् सत्पद-सग्घ-सग्कुलम् मलम् दधनम् नव-वैजयन्तिम् स्फुरत्-सहस्र-च्छद-पद्म-पनिम् वम्चि-धरम् वेत्र-करम् मनोहरम् बलर्क-कोति-द्युति-मौलि-मन्दनम् मह-मनिम् कुन्दल-मन्दितनम् गत्य्-अक्र्ति-स्रि-तनु-हस-सु-स्वरैह् स्रि-क्र्स्न-सरुप्य-धरम् तम् उद्धवम् विलोक्य सर्व न्र्प विस्मितस् ततो विज्नय गोविन्द-सखम् ययुह् पुरह् घन
ghana-prabham padma-dalayateksanam krsnakrtim koti-manoja-mohanam pitambaram satpada-saggha-sagkulam malam dadhanam nava-vaijayantim sphurat-sahasra-cchada-padma-panim vamci-dharam vetra-karam manoharam balarka-koti-dyuti-mauli-mandanam maha-manim kundala-manditanam gaty-akrti-sri-tanu-hasa-su-svaraih sri-krsna-sarupya-dharam tam uddhavam vilokya sarva nrpa vismitas tato vijnaya govinda-sakham yayuh purah ghana
prabham—splendid as a monsson cloud; padma-dalayateksanam—lotus-petal eyes; krsnakrtim—a form like Sri Krsna's; koti-manoja—than millions of Kamadevas; mohanam—more charming; pitambaram—yellow garments; satpada-saggha-sagkulam—filled with bees; malam—garland; dadhanam—wearing; nava—new; vaijayantim—vaijayanti; sphurat-sahasra-cchada-padma—a splendid thousand-petal lotus; panim—in his hand; vamci-dharam—holding a flute; vetra-karam—a stick in his hand; manoharam—handsome; balarka-koti-dyuti—the splendor of millions of rising suns; mauli-mandanam—with crown and ornaments; maha-manim—great jewel; kundala-manditanam—decorated with earrings; gaty-akrti-sri-tanu-hasa-su-svaraih—with gentle laughter; sri-krsna-sarupya-dharam—having a form like Sri Krsna's; tam—him; uddhavam—Uddhava; vilokya—seeing; sarva—all; nrpa—O king; vismitah—astonished; tatah—then; vijnaya—knowing; govinda-sakham—Krsna's friend; yayuh—went; purah—in the presence.
English translation of verses 5.15.13-15:
At that moment seeing Uddhava, splendid as a monsoon cloud, His eyes lotus petals, His form like Sri Krsna's, more handsome than millions of Kamadevas, dressed in yellow garments, wearing a new vaijayanti garland filled with bumblebees, holding in his hands a stick, flute, and thousand-petal lotus, wearing a crown and ornaments glorious as the rising sun, decorated with earrings and a great jewel, and gently laughing, the gopis became filled with wonder. O king, aware that this must be Sri Krsna's friend, they approached him.
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Uddhava, Great jewel, Lotus petal, Seeing, O king, Lotus-petal eyes, Yellow garment, Stick in hand, Astonished, Filled with wonder, Monsoon cloud, Decorated with earrings, Bumblebee, Manoharam, Holding a flute.