Garga Samhita (English)
by Danavir Goswami | 425,489 words
The Garga-samhita Verse 4.6.17, English translation, including word-by-word: This text represents a Vaishnava scripture which narrates the life Krishna, It was composed in seventeen cantos by Garga Muni: an ancient sage and priest of the Yadu dynasty having. This is verse 4 of Chapter 6 (The Story of the Ayodhya Women) of Canto 4 (madhurya-khanda).
Verse 4.6.17
Sanskrit text, transliteration and word-by-word meaning:
किं कर्तव्यं वद नृप
मुनि-वाक्यं मृषा न हि
यत्र यत्र यथेच्छा ते
तत्र मां प्रेषय प्रभो
kiṃ kartavyaṃ vada nṛpa
muni-vākyaṃ mṛṣā na hi
yatra yatra yathecchā te
tatra māṃ preṣaya prabho
kim—what?; kartavyam—should be don; vada—tell; nṛpa—O king; muni-vākyam—the sage's words; mṛṣā—false; na—not; hi—indeed; yatra—where; yatra—where; yathā—as; icchā—the desire; te—of you; tatra—there; mām—me; preṣaya—please send; prabhaḥ—O lord.
English translation of verse 4.6.17:
What should be done? Tell me, O king. It cannot be that the sage's words are untrue. O master, send me wherever you wish.