Garga Samhita (English)

by Danavir Goswami | 425,489 words

The Garga-samhita Verses 3.2.25-26, English translation, including word-by-word: This text represents a Vaishnava scripture which narrates the life Krishna, It was composed in seventeen cantos by Garga Muni: an ancient sage and priest of the Yadu dynasty having. This is verse 3 of Chapter 2 (The Great Festival of Shri Giriraja) of Canto 3 (giriraja-khanda).

Sanskrit text, transliteration and word-by-word meaning:

नन्दोपनन्दा वृषभानवश् च
बालाः सुचन्द्रो वृषभानु-राजः
श्री-नन्द-राजश् च हरिश् च गोपा
गोप्यश् च सर्व निज-गो-धनैश् च
द्विजाश् च योगेश्वर-सिद्ध-सङ्घाः
सिवादयश् चान्य-जनाश् च सर्वे
नत्वाथ सम्पूज्य गिरिं प्रसन्नाः
स्वं स्वं गृहं जग्मुर् अनिच्छया च

nandopanandā vṛṣabhānavaś ca
bālāḥ sucandro vṛṣabhānu-rājaḥ
śrī-nanda-rājaś ca hariś ca gopā
gopyaś ca sarva nija-go-dhanaiś ca
dvijāś ca yogeśvara-siddha-saṅghāḥ
sivādayaś cānya-janāś ca sarve
natvātha sampūjya giriṃ prasannāḥ
svaṃ svaṃ gṛhaṃ jagmur anicchayā ca

nandopanandā—the Nandas and Upanandas; vṛṣabhānavaś—the Vṛṣabhānus; ca—and; bālaḥthe boy; sucandraḥSucandra; vṛṣabhānu-rājaḥKing Vṛṣabhānu; śrī-nanda-rājaś—King Nanda; ca—and; hariś—Kṛṣṇa; ca—and; gopāthe gopas; gopyaś—and gopīs; ca—and; sarvaall; nija-go-dhanaiḥ—with their cows; ca—and; dvijāḥthe brāhmaṇas; ca—and; yogeśvara-siddha-saṅghāḥthe siddhas and the masters of yoga; sivādayaś—headed by Lord Śiva; ca—and; anya-janāḥother people; ca—and; sarve—all; natvā—bowing down; athathen; sampūjyaworshiping; girim—the hill; prasannāḥhappy; svam svam—each to their own; gṛham—hom; jagmuḥ—went; anicchayā—without any further desires; ca—and.

English translation of verses 3.2.25-26:

The Nandas, Upanandas, Vṛṣabhānus, Balarāma, Sucandra, King Vṛṣabhānu, King Nanda, Kṛṣṇa, all the gopas, gopīs, and cows, the brāhmaṇas, the siddhas and yogeśvaras headed by Lord Śiva, as well as everyone else bowed down and worshiped Govardhana Hill. Then, happy at heart, and all their desires fulfilled, they returned to their own homes.

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