Garga Samhita (English)
by Danavir Goswami | 425,489 words
The Garga-samhita Verse 1.16.8, English translation, including word-by-word: This text represents a Vaishnava scripture which narrates the life Krishna, It was composed in seventeen cantos by Garga Muni: an ancient sage and priest of the Yadu dynasty having. This is verse 1 of Chapter 16 (Description of Shri Radhika’s Wedding) of Canto 1 (goloka-khanda).
Verse 1.16.8
Sanskrit text, transliteration and word-by-word meaning:
गुप्तं त्व् इदं गर्ग-मुखेन वेद्मि
गृहाण राधे निज-नाथम् अङ्कात्
एनं गृहं प्रापय मेघ-भीतं
वदामि चेत्थं प्रकृतेर् गुणाढ्यः
guptaṃ tv idaṃ garga-mukhena vedmi
gṛhāṇa rādhe nija-nātham aṅkāt
enaṃ gṛhaṃ prāpaya megha-bhītaṃ
vadāmi cetthaṃ prakṛter guṇāḍhyaḥ
guptam—secret; tu—certainly; idam—this; garga-mukhena—from Garga Muni's mouth; vedmi—I know; gṛhāṇa—please take; rādhe—O Rādhā; nija—Your own; nātham—Lord; aṅkāt—from my arms; enam—Him; gṛham—home; prāpaya—please take; megha—of the clouds; bhītam—frightened; vadāmi—I say; ca—and; ittham—thus; prakṛteḥ—of matter; guṇa—with the modes; āḍhyaḥ—enriched.
English translation of verse 1.16.8:
"I know this secret from the mouth of Garga Muni. O Rādhā, please take Your Lord from my arms. Now that the clouds have frightened Him, please take Him home. As if I were a person controlled by the modes of material nature, I say this (that He is frightened).