Garga Samhita (English)
by Danavir Goswami | 425,489 words
The Garga-samhita Verse 1.4.8, English translation, including word-by-word: This text represents a Vaishnava scripture which narrates the life Krishna, It was composed in seventeen cantos by Garga Muni: an ancient sage and priest of the Yadu dynasty having. This is verse 1 of Chapter 4 (Description of Questions About the Lord’s Appearance) of Canto 1 (goloka-khanda).
Verse 1.4.8
Sanskrit text, transliteration and word-by-word meaning:
गोप-राजौ भविष्यतः
शत-चन्द्राननानां च
सुन्दरीणां सु-वाससाम्
गोपीनां मद्-व्रजे रम्ये
शत-यूथो भविष्यति
gopa-rājau bhaviṣyataḥ
śata-candrānanānāṃ ca
sundarīṇāṃ su-vāsasām
gopīnāṃ mad-vraje ramye
śata-yūtho bhaviṣyati
sarva-lakṣaṇa-lakṣya-aḍhyau—opulent with all virtues; gopa-rājau—two gopa kings; bhaviṣyataḥ—will be; śata—hundred; candra—moons; ānanānām—whose faces; ca—also; sundarīṇām—of beautiful girls; su-vāsasām—beautifully dressed; gopīnām—gopīs; mat—My; vraje—in Vraja; ramye—beautiful; śata—hundreds; yūthaḥ—groups; bhaviṣyati—will be.
English translation of verse 1.4.8:
These two gopa kings will be rich with all virtues. In My Vraja will also be hundreds of groups of beautiful, beautifully dressed gopīs, their faces like hundreds of moons.