Ganitatilaka (Sanskrit text and English introduction)
by H. R. Kapadia | 1937 | 49,274 words
The Sanskrit text of the Ganitatilaka with an English introduction and Appendices. Besides the critically-edited text, this edition also includes the commentary of Simhatilaka Suri. The Ganitatilaka is an 11th-century Indian mathematical text composed entirely of Sanskrit verses and authored by astronomer-mathematician Shripati. The text itself dea...
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Rs A 47 46. Ramacarita': of Abhinanda, Court poet of Haravarsa probably the same as Devapala of the Pala Dynasty of Bengal (cir. 9 th century A.D.): edited by K. S Ramaswami Sastri, 1929 Nanjarajayasobhusana; by Nrsimhakavi alias Abhinava Kalidasa, a work on Sanskrit Poetics and relates to the glorification of Nanjaraja, son of Virabhupa of Mysore edited by Pandit E. Krishnamacharya, 1930 Natyadarpana: on dramaturgy, by Ramacandra Suri with his own commentary: edited by Pandit L. B. Gandhi and G. K. Shrigondekar, M.A. 2 vols., vol. I, 1929 48 49. Pre-Dinnaga Buddhist Texts on Logic from Chinese Sources: containing the English translation of Satasastra of Aryadeva, Tibetan text and English translation of Vigraha-vyavartani of Nagarjuna and the re-translation into Sanskrit from Chinese of Upayahrdaya and Tarkasastra: edited by Prof. Giuseppe Tucci, 1930 50 Mirat-i-Ahmadi Supplement: Persian text giving an account of Guzerat, by Ali Muhammad Khan: edited by Syed Nawab Ali, M.A., Principal, Bahauddin College, Junagadh, 1930 7-8 5-0 4-8 9-0 6-0 51,77. Trisastisalaka purusacaritra: of Hemacandra, translated into English with copious notes by Dr. Helen M. Johnson of Osceola, Missouri, U.SA. 4 vols., vol. I (Adisvaracaritra), illustrated, 1931; vol. II, 1937 (shortly) 15-0 52. Dandaviveka: a comprehensive Penal Code of the ancient Hindus by Vardhamana of the 15 th century A.D. edited by Mahamahopadhyaya Kamala Krsna Smrtitirtha, 1931 .. 53. Tathagataguhyaka or Guhyasamaja: the earliest and the most authoritative work of the Tantra School of the Buddhists (3 rd century A.D.): edited by B Bhattacharyya, Ph.D., 1931 .. 54. Jayakhyasamhita: an authoritative Pancaratra work of the 5 th century A.D., highly respected by the South Indian Vaisnavas edited by Pandit E. Krishnamacharyya of Vadtal, with one illustration in nine colours and a Foreword by B. Bhattacharyya, Ph.D., 1931 55. Kavyalankarasarasamgraha: of Udbhata with the commentary, probably the same as Udbhata viveka of Rajanaka Tilaka (11 th century A.D.): edited by K. S. Ramaswami Sastri, 1931 56. Parananda Sutra: an ancient Tantric work of the Hindus in Sutra form giving details of many practices and rites of a new School of Tantra: edited by Swami Trivikrama Tirtha with a Foreword by B. Bhattacharyya, Ph.D., 1931 8-8 4-4 12-0 2-0 3-0