Cidgaganacandrika (study)
by S. Mahalakshmi | 2017 | 83,507 words
Cidgaganacandrika 288 [Clearance of confusions in perceptions of other doctrines], English comparative study extracted from the two available commentaries—the Divyacakorika and the Kramaprakashika. The Cidgagana-candrika is an important Tantric work belonging to the Krama system of Kashmir Shaivism. Written by Kalidasa (Shrivatsa) in 312 Sanskrit verses, it deals with the knowledge regarding both the Macrocosmic and Microcosmic phenomena
This book contains Sanskrit text which you should never take for granted as transcription mistakes are always possible. Always confer with the final source and/or manuscript.
Verse 288 [Clearance of confusions in perceptions of other doctrines]
Sanskrit text, Unicode transliteration and English commentary of verse 288:
व्योमभावविनिविष्टचेतसः प्रातिभं जगदवेक्ष्य निन्दिताः ।
ते त्वमाविशसि याननारतं त्वन्नयेन गुरुणाम्ब वीक्षितान् ॥ २८८ ॥vyomabhāvaviniviṣṭacetasaḥ prātibhaṃ jagadavekṣya ninditāḥ |
te tvamāviśasi yānanārataṃ tvannayena guruṇāmba vīkṣitān || 288 ||
Comparative analysis of commentaries and excerpts in English:
[Clearance of confusions in perceptions of other doctrines]
Śūnyavādina:, whose theory is based on the Gross manifestationun folded by Śakti as names and forms and their worship is with external instruments; Nyāya-Vaiṣeśika darśana followers who opine that Paramāṇu is the cause of Sṛṣṭi; Sāṅkhya-Yoga darśana followers whose doctrine of Sṛṣṭi being the admixture of the three Guṇas-Sattva, Rajas and Tamas; All these preceptors of various doctrines condemn themselves when they get the enlightenment of the truth that the manifestation is nothing but Vimarśa Śakti’s expansion. They are taken into her fold when they show interest in knowing Śakti’s power in and through the Samvit, Varṇa, Dhāma, Vṛṇda and Mahākramas and cleared of all the confusion of perceptions in their doctrines.