Cidgaganacandrika (study)
by S. Mahalakshmi | 2017 | 83,507 words
Cidgaganacandrika 173 [Kali as creator of Para-aparabheda], English comparative study extracted from the two available commentaries—the Divyacakorika and the Kramaprakashika. The Cidgagana-candrika is an important Tantric work belonging to the Krama system of Kashmir Shaivism. Written by Kalidasa (Shrivatsa) in 312 Sanskrit verses, it deals with the knowledge regarding both the Macrocosmic and Microcosmic phenomena
This book contains Sanskrit text which you should never take for granted as transcription mistakes are always possible. Always confer with the final source and/or manuscript.
Verse 173 [Kāli as creator of Parā-aparābheda]
Sanskrit text, Unicode transliteration and English commentary of verse 173:
चञ्चला तटिदिवाक्रमं परा स्पन्दवृत्तिलहरी तवाम्ब या ।
सोदयात् प्रभृति कल्पनां विना वृत्तिभिस्तिसृभिरुज्झिता सकृत् ॥ १७३ ॥cañcalā taṭidivākramaṃ parā spandavṛttilaharī tavāmba yā |
sodayāt prabhṛti kalpanāṃ vinā vṛttibhistisṛbhirujjhitā sakṛt || 173 ||
Comparative analysis of commentaries and excerpts in English:
[Kāli as creator of Parā-aparābheda]
Kāli is eternal throughout the three stages of Sṛṣṭi, Sthiti and Pralaya as Parāvac. The different manifestations occurring due to three Paśyantī, Madhyamā and Vaikharī forms are brought about by her Svatantraya Śakti called Vimarśa[1]. Parāśakti retains her Oneness and at the same time like the sheen of lightning, enlightens the entire universe through her aspect as Kriyāśakti which is caused by the Prathamaspanda-Vimarśa Śakti in the form of garland of waves.
Notes and Sanskrit references:
[1] Cf. [Kramaprakāśikā] p 100 -[Cidgaganacandrikā]-173.—
taba yā vidyudiva punaḥ punaravabhāsanapratyavabhāsanaśīlā svasmin svayamucchalattārūpā śaktiḥ, saiva lokaprasiddhalaharīva laharī kriyāśaktiḥ, sā akramaṃ yathā syāttathā svarūpamāsthāya vilasantī parā parānāmnī vṛttireva | nahi svarūpe kramākramavailakṣaṇyābhivyañjanasya kā'pyāvaśyakatā | bhāsanātmā kramastu aparapramātṛdṛśavai, deśakālākāravyavahārāṇāṃ loke eva samparkasadupayogasambhavāt, svarūpe tadanupayogācca svarūpataḥ śaktisvarūpamakramameveti sarvathā nirviciktasam | udayātprabhṛti pralayaparyantaṃ sā śaktiḥ kālī kalanasvarūpābhistisṛbhiḥ paśyantīmadhyamāvaikharībhirujjhitā rahitā, sṛkad nityaiva ||