Cidgaganacandrika (study)

by S. Mahalakshmi | 2017 | 83,507 words

Cidgaganacandrika 65 [Jiva is Raja], English comparative study extracted from the two available commentaries—the Divyacakorika and the Kramaprakashika. The Cidgagana-candrika is an important Tantric work belonging to the Krama system of Kashmir Shaivism. Written by Kalidasa (Shrivatsa) in 312 Sanskrit verses, it deals with the knowledge regarding both the Macrocosmic and Microcosmic phenomena

This book contains Sanskrit text which you should never take for granted as transcription mistakes are always possible. Always confer with the final source and/or manuscript.

Verse 65 [Jīva is Rājā]

Sanskrit text, Unicode transliteration and English commentary of verse 65:

राजनात् प्रकृतिरञ्जनाच्च मां राजसंज्ञमनु बोधकर्मणोः ।
षट् त्वया पृथगमी प्रवर्तकाः पुत्रभावमधिरोपिताः शिवे ॥ ६५ ॥

rājanāt prakṛtirañjanācca māṃ rājasaṃjñamanu bodhakarmaṇoḥ |
ṣaṭ tvayā pṛthagamī pravartakāḥ putrabhāvamadhiropitāḥ śive || 65 ||

Comparative analysis of commentaries and excerpts in English:

[Jīva is Rājā]

Because of self-illumining nature and of giving pleasure or happiness to Prakṛti or creation, I, Jīva, am known as Rājā, Ruler or Īśvara. Śakti is the cause of stirring one or awakening one, through the activities of the twelve suns, in two groups, given by her. There are five subtle senses with the mind as the sixth and the five external karaṇās or Karmendriyas, instruments of outward action with Buddhi as the Sixth.[1]

Motherhood of Śakti and her grace

Śakti endows the Liṅgaśarīra of all living beings with the Puryaṣṭaka and shines as their conciousness. For the purpose of Bhoga, the term Rājā is denoted to Jivā’s consciousness which enjoys the fruits[2] of knowledge of objects by virtue of the Jñānendriyas and Karmendriyas along with Manas in learning and action. It is the act of her motherhood[3] and grace showered on Jīvā.

Notes and Sanskrit references:

[1] [Divyacakorikā] p 121-[Cidgaganacandrikā] 65.—

puruṣottamasya paśupaterātmanaścakrarājasaṃjñāmindriyādiparivārasya dvādaśarājamaṇḍalasyeva rājaputrasaṃjñāṃ ca nirvahan tadubhayasāmarasyena vakṣayamāṇaprakāśānandamūrtimayasamaṣṭi vṛndacakrarājavarṇanāya bījamāvapati.

[2] Cf. Quote from Manu-[Kramaprakāśikā] p 41-[Cidgaganacandrikā]-65.—

“manastvekādaśaṃ jñeyaṃ svaguṇenobhayātmakam” iti |

[3] Cf. [Kramaprakāśikā] p 40 -[Cidgaganacandrikā]-65.—

rājṛdhātuniṣpannarājaśabdavācyaṃ māmabhilakṣaya mama bodhe karmaṇi ca pṛthak pṛthak pravartakā amī ṣaḍ manaḥsahitāścakṣurādayo jñānendriyarūpā bhāvā manaḥ sahitā eva ca vākpāṇipādādayaḥ karmendriyarūpā bhāvā tvayā mayi putravātsalyena madupakārāya putrabhāvamavāpitāḥ putrabhāvenānuguhītā iti |

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