Cidgaganacandrika (study)
by S. Mahalakshmi | 2017 | 83,507 words
Cidgaganacandrika 33 [Forms of Manifestation], English comparative study extracted from the two available commentaries—the Divyacakorika and the Kramaprakashika. The Cidgagana-candrika is an important Tantric work belonging to the Krama system of Kashmir Shaivism. Written by Kalidasa (Shrivatsa) in 312 Sanskrit verses, it deals with the knowledge regarding both the Macrocosmic and Microcosmic phenomena
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Verse 33 [Forms of Manifestation]
Sanskrit text, Unicode transliteration and English commentary of verse 33:
वैखरीप्रभृतिवाक्त्रयं परे मेयमानमिति कर्तृलक्षणम् ।
उद्भवस्थितिलयात्मकं वपुर्भूरिभेदमपरं स्मरन्ति ते ॥ ३३ ॥vaikharīprabhṛtivāktrayaṃ pare meyamānamiti kartṛlakṣaṇam |
udbhavasthitilayātmakaṃ vapurbhūribhedamaparaṃ smaranti te || 33 ||
Comparative analysis of commentaries and excerpts in English:
[Forms of Manifestation]
The wise think of her form as manifold. The nine wheeled form, (Navacakrātmika svarūpa) is constituted by the three fold Vāk as Paśyantī, (desire) Madhyamā (knowledge) and Vaikharī (action); known, knower and knowledge shining as one or many. The three states of manifestation as creation, protection and destruction shine in varied forms.[1]
Dual Śakti Tattvas—Param and Aparam
Śakti tattva is explained in its Parā and Aparā forms[2]. Parā form is that in which Śakti is inseperable, changeless, actionless, beyond words and one with Śiva in which state the concept of “This or that” does not arise. Aparā form is the manifest universe, formed of sound and sense; in the Śabda form of Vaikharī,Madhyamā and Paśyantī; in the Artha form of Meya [meyam], Mana [manam], Miti, Mātā; in the form of States of the Artha Sṛṣṭi viz., Udbhava, Sthiti and Laya. Manifold manifestation of Jagat arises due to this nine wheeled form which is Śakti' s Navacakrātmika svarūpa.
Notes and Sanskrit references:
[1] Cf. [Divyacakorikā] p 65-[Cidgaganacandrikā] 33.—
maṇḍalatrayasāmarastyātmanā tricaturarthakramopayogisaptavyāhṛtisapta srotomayatva mupavarṇya pūrvoktavāgarthasāmarasyatripuṭīkṛ tyatrayātmanā vakṣayamāṇa parñcāthamahākramopayoginavabrahmamayatvaṃ sphuṭamupavarṇayati.
[2]. [Kramaprakāśikā] p 21 - [Cidgaganacandrikā] - 33.—
adhunā śaktitattvasya paramaparaṃ ceti dvaividhyaṃ parikalpya paraṃ tattvaṃ paramaśivasāmarasyāpannama vikāri avyavahāryaṃ vāṅmanasāgocaramatadvyāvṛttyā upaniṣatpratipādyam idaṃtaditivyapadeśa śūnyam| aparaṃ tu śabdārthobhayātmeka jagati vaikharīmadhyamāpaśyantīrūpaṃ śabdātmakam, meyamānamitimātṛrūpamarthalakṣaṇam| udbhavasthitilayātmaṃka tu arthānāmavasthārūpamityevaṃ bhūribhedaṃ śaktikāryatvāt śektaḥ svarūpami |