Chandogya Upanishad (Madhva commentary)

by Srisa Chandra Vasu | 1909 | 169,805 words | ISBN-13: 9789332869165

The English translation of the Chandogya Upanishad including the commentary of Madhva called the Bhasya. This text describes in seven sections the importance of speech, the importance of knowledge and the journey towards salvation.. It is one of the largest Upanishads and is associated with the Sama Veda. The Mundaka Upanishad is variously spelled...

Second Adhyaya, Sixth Khanda (2 mantras)

Mantra 2.6.1.

1. Let one meditate on the five-fold Harmonious Lord (as residing) in (the sacrificial) animals; Pradyumna in goats, Vāsudeva in sheep, Nārāyaṇa in cows, Aniruddha in horses and Saṅkarṣaṇa in Man.—108.

[Note.—Ajāḥ—the goats. Ajā is the name of the Lord also. The √āj means to go, to throw. The root √añc means to honour. It also assumes the form √aj by changing “c” into “j”, and eliding the nasal. He who is honoured or worshipped (añcana) by means of sacrifices is Aja. The root, √yaj to sacrifice becomes aja by dropping y.]

[Note.—Avayaḥ—the sheep. T'he word “Avi” means the Lord also, because He is the Protector: √ava to protect. The sheep are called “avi” because their wool protects from cold.when made into blankets, etc.]

[Note.—Puruṣaḥ—man. The man is classed among paśus, or sacrificial animals, because he is the ideal sacrifice. The world rests on the voluntary sacrifice of Man for humanity. The Lord is also called Puruṣa or the Dweller in the town.]

Mantra 2.6.2.

2. For him are all animals and he gets the Blessed Protector, who knowing this thus, meditates on the five-fold Harmonious in the (sacrificial) animals.—109.

Madhva’s commentary called the Bhāṣya:

When the seasons revolve properly and come in their clue time, the animals also propagate. Therefore animals depend upon season. Consequently, the Śruti now teaches meditation on the Lord in the animals. This Chapter also refers to the Lord and not to mere animals. The word Paśumān does not mean one who is rich in animals, but it is compounded of three words, pa meaning ‘to protect’, śu meaning joy, u meaning ‘he Whose nature is thus.’ Therefore the word “Paśu” means ‘he whose essential nature is to give protection and all bliss.’ It is a name of the Lord. That released soul who is devoted to the Lord is called Paśumān. Or the word Paśumān may mean “he who gets the Lord called Paśu, all-joy and protection, when released.’ The words ajāḥ, avayaḥ, gāvaḥ, aśva, puruṣa, do not mean goats, sheep, cows, horses and man; but they are all names o the Lord. The Lord is called Aja because He resides in aja which means sadgati namely, salvation obtained through sacrifice. Th √aja means to go, to throw, the √añcu means ‘to respect,’ ‘to show honor.’ He who is worshipped (añcana) by sacrifice (aja) is called aja. The Lord is called avi, because He protects (ava) all The Lord as “Avi” protects all from cold, through the wool of the sheep, that is, by blankets, etc. made of the wool of the sheep, one is protected from cold. The Lord is called “Gau” because he gives salvation to all, for “Gau” means to give or a good goal. He is “Aśva” because he moves Quickest of all. He is called “Puruṣa” because He is the cause of all fulness.

The Lord Janārdana is called Paśu because He protects all, and His nature is all joy. The worshipper of the Lord Hari iu all animals, becomes devoted to Him, or attains Him, when he gets release. The Lord is called Aja, because He is worshipped (añcana) by sacrifices. He is called Avi, when dwelling in sheep, because He protects (ava), as the sheep protects by its wool, converted into blankets, men from cold. The Lord is called Gau because He is the best goal. He, the Highest Person, dwells in cow. He is called aśva because of His swift motion. He is the swiftest of all goers. He is called Puruṣa because His causes (pūrti) fulness to all. The paśus or animals are thus words of two meanings, one as titles of God, others ns the well-known names of the animals. But in the phrase “bhavanti hāsya paśavaḥ” the word paśavaḥ is taken in its well-known meaning of animals only. The words “Ajaḥ”, etc., are employed in the plural number in the Śruti, because the Lord has many-fold forms.

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