Chandogya Upanishad (english Translation)

by Swami Lokeswarananda | 165,421 words | ISBN-10: 8185843910 | ISBN-13: 9788185843919

This is the English translation of the Chandogya-upanishad, including a commentary based on Swami Lokeswarananda’s weekly discourses; incorporating extracts from Shankara’s bhasya. The Chandogya Upanishad is a major Hindu philosophical text incorporated in the Sama Veda, and dealing with meditation and Brahman. This edition includes the Sanskrit t...

Verse 5.18.2

तस्य ह वा एतस्यात्मनो वैश्वानरस्य मूर्धैव सुतेजाश्चक्षुर्विश्वरूपः प्राणः पृथग्वर्त्मात्मा संदेहो बहुलो बस्तिरेव रयिः पृथिव्येव पादावुर एव वेदिर्लोमानि बर्हिर्हृदयं गार्हपत्यो मनोऽन्वाहार्यपचन आस्यमाहवनीयः ॥ ५.१८.२ ॥
॥ इति अष्टादशः खण्डः ॥

tasya ha vā etasyātmano vaiśvānarasya mūrdhaiva sutejāścakṣurviśvarūpaḥ prāṇaḥ pṛthagvartmātmā saṃdeho bahulo bastireva rayiḥ pṛthivyeva pādāvura eva vedirlomāni barhirhṛdayaṃ gārhapatyo mano'nvāhāryapacana āsyamāhavanīyaḥ || 5.18.2 ||
|| iti aṣṭādaśaḥ khaṇḍaḥ ||

2. Suteja [i.e., ‘the bright and beautiful’—heaven] is the head of this Vaiśvānara Self; Viśvarūpa [‘having many forms’—the sun] is the eye; Pṛthagvartmā [‘one who changes direction’—air] is the prāṇa; Bahula [‘pervasive’—space] is the middle part; Rayi [‘wealth’—water] is the bladder; the earth [Pratiṣṭhā—‘the support’] is the feet; the sacrificial altar is the chest; the kuśa grass is the hair on the chest; the Gārhapatya fire is the heart; the Anvāhāryapacana [i.e., the Dakṣiṇāgni] fire is the mind; and the Āhavanīya fire is the mouth.

Word-for-word explanation:

Tasya etasya ha vai vaiśvānarasya ātmanaḥ, of this Vaiśvānara Ātman; sutejāḥ eva mūrdhā, heaven is the head; viśvarūpaḥ cakṣuḥ, the sun is the eye; pṛthakvartmātmā prāṇaḥ, air is prāṇa; bahulaḥ sandehaḥ, the sky is the middle part of the body; rayiḥ bastiḥ eva, water is the bladder; pṛthivī eva pādau, the earth is the feet; vediḥ, the sacrificial altar; ura eva, is the chest; barhiḥ lomāni, the kuśa grass [used in the sacrifice] is the hair [on the chest]; gārhapatyaḥ hṛdayam, the Gārhapatya fire is the heart; anvāhāryapacana manaḥ, the Anvāhāryapacana fire [i.e., the Dakṣiṇāgni fire] is the mind; āhavanīyaḥ āsyam, the Āhavanīya fire is the mouth. Iti aṣṭādaśaḥ khaṇḍaḥ, here ends the eighteenth section.


The implication is that none of these taken separately can be the Vaiśvānara Self. It is only a part of it.

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