Chaitanya Mangala

100,055 words

This page relates Song 15 of the Vicitra-lila of the Madhya-khanda of the Chaitanya Mangala by Locana Dasa Thakura (1520 A.D.) translated into English. This book contains songs narrating the activities (pastimes) of Lord Chaitanya and represents a Sanskrit biography written as a narrative poem which can be sung in various ragas.

(Dhanaśī rāga)

Refrain: O Lord Gaura, O moon of the brāhmaṇas, O Lord who, to free the people from the world of birth and death, set various traps to catch the fallen souls.

1. Glory to Lord Gaurāṅga! Glory to Gadādhara and Narahari! Anyone who hears Lord Gaurāṅga’s glories attains ecstatic spiritual love.

2. Please hear the story of another day’s wonderful pastimes. To Navadvīpa Lord Gaura brought the most precious treasure.

3. Surounded by His associates in His own home, Lord Gaura placed very gentle words on the lotus flower of His mouth.

4. The words He spoke were like flooding rivers of nectar. Bathing in those rivers, the devotees became wild with bliss.

5. As Lord Gaura was enjoying these wonderful blissful pastimes, a wandering mendicant unexpectedly arrived.

6. This mendicant was named Vanamālī. He came with his son. He had been born in a brāhmaṇa family in East Bengal.

7. Seeing Lord Viśvambhara surrounded by His devotees, the brāhmaṇa and his son became filled with joy.

8. The brāhmaṇa and the boy could not speak. In a voice choked with ecstasy the brāhmaṇa said:

9. "I am afflicted by poverty. Although I am poor, I always remained pure and upright.

10. "I know for certain that Viśvambhara is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This I see directly. He is no other.

11. "Now my birth in this world has borne its fruit, for I have seen fair Lord Viśvambhara, who is a treasure house of all transcendental virtues.

12. "Now that I gaze at Him, I feel my heart filled with cooling pleasure. Now the horrible flames of my poverty are all extinguished.

13. "By tasting nectar food, one is pleased within. In the same way when I gaze at Lord Gauracandra I feel my body is sprinkled with showers of nectar."

14. With merciful eyes Lord Gaura glanced at the two brāhmaṇas.

15. The two brāhmaṇas then happily sang the glories of Lord Hari. By Lord Gaura’s mercy they attained the treasure of ecstatic spiritual love.

16. The brāhmaṇa and his son joyfully dance. In a moment the size of a single sesame seed the ropes that bound them to the world of birth and death were cut.

17. Lord Gaura Mahaprabhu is an ocean of mercy. No one else is a a greater friend of the poor and fallen.

18. On another day Lord Viśvambhara, the king of dancers, danced in the midst of saṅkīrtana.

19. At that time the two brāhmaṇas again came. Watching, the boy became filled with wonder.

20. Where His fair form once was, Lord Gaura now manifested a dark form. His hips were decorated with a yellow cloth. In His hands was a flute.

21. The peacock feather in His crown fluttered in the breeze. Gazing at this form, the devotees began to sinmg.

22. In this way everyone saw Lord Kṛṣṇa, whose form is dark and who is the king of dancers, manifest with Śrī Rādha. in Vṛndāvana forest.

23. They saw the Yamunā, Govardhana Hill, Bahulāvana, Bhāṇḍīravana, Madhuvana, and many other places also.

24. They saw the cows, gopīs, and gopas. In Navadvīpa they saw Lord Kṛṣṇa, the cowherd boy handsome like Kāmadeva.

25. Seeing all this, the brāhmaṇa fell unconscious. The hairs of his body stood erect. Tears filled his eyes.

26. Then he roared like a thundering cloud. He slapped his arms. He called out: "Kṛṣṇa! Kṛṣṇa!" He became like a brass-pot cymbal making a great din in a noisy marketplace.

27. Seeing this, the Lord stopped dancing. "Hold him. Hold him still.", He said. The devotees held the brāhmaṇa.

28. Everyone please hear these songs of Lord Gaura. Lord Gaura is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is eternally young.

29. He cuts the shackles of karma. He gives the treasure of ecstatic spiritual love. Who is like Him?

30. When there was no material world, He created it. He is attained only by loving devotion. He is beyond the touch of the material senses.

31. Again and again He mercifully gives to the people the prasādam remnants of His divine garlands, sandal-paste, and food. He is not proud. He loves everyone.

32. He is always untouched by matter, yet no spirit soul in the material world is ever bereft of His company. He performs no pious rituals, yet it is He who commands that pious rituals be performed.

33. In the Vedas He declares what actions are right, yet He feels free to break His own rules any time He pleases.

34. To the people He gives the great treasure of ecstatic love and devotion to the Supreme Lord, who is Himself. He is called "Nava-vidhātā-ratna" (the jewel who is the eternally young Supreme Personality of Godhead).

35. My Gaura Rāya is an ocean of mercy. To everyone He easily gives the greatest treasure.

36. Lord Gaura gives the great treasure of ecstatic spiritual love. No one else gives it. Locana dāsa says this: Please worship Lord Gaura, the eternally young Supreme Personality of Godhead.

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