Chaitanya Mangala
100,055 words
This page relates Song 32 of the Kaishora-Lila, Prabhura Gaya-yatra of the Adi-khanda of the Chaitanya Mangala by Locana Dasa Thakura (1520 A.D.) translated into English. This book contains songs narrating the activities (pastimes) of Lord Chaitanya and represents a Sanskrit biography written as a narrative poem which can be sung in various ragas.
Song 32
Refrain; O! O moon of the brāhmaṇas!
110. The stories of the Lord’s pastimes in Navadvīpa are very wonderful. Songs glorifying Lord Gauracandra are filled with nectar.
111. The Lord’s pastimes in Nadīyā are beyond the touch of both the Vedas and ordinary custom. Simply by hearing them everyone attains auspiciousness, ecstatic spiritual love, and spiritual joy.
112. Lord Śiva, Śukadeva Gosvāmī, Nārada Muni, Goddess Lakṣmī, and Lord Ananta think themselves fortunate to hear Lord Gaura’s pastimes.
113. I myself am worthless like a pile of ashes. I am very unintelligent. I do not know the difference between good and bad, between day and night.
114. My deeds are like animals deeds. I am the lowest person. This I say. This I write of myself.
115. The Gaura-avatāra is the best of all avatāras. In the towns of Nadīyā He preached the gospel of ecstatic spiritual love.
116. Bowing before the Vaiṣṇavas feet, I beg: Please be kind. Please give me the power to describe Lord Gaura’s glories.
117. Please don’t hold me in contempt, saying: "You are very fallen." This fallen person takes shelter of you all.
118. Out of your own natural kindness, please be kind to me. Please be kind. Please give me the power to sing Lord Gaura’s glories with my own mouth. Please fulfill my desire.
119. I bow down before Lord Gaura’s lotus feet and pray: Please give me a single sesame seed’s worth of Your mercy. Please allow me to see You with my own eyes.
120. Śrī Naraharī dāsa is my master. O master, I faithfully sing your glories.
121. I am lower than the lowest. I am a sinner. I am worthless like a pile of ashes. How can I be qualified to sing your glories?
122. I am not qualified. Please give me your mercy anyway. I yearn to sing your glories.
123. What will be, will be. That I must say. I carefully sing the glories of the Lord’s confidential pastimes in Nadīyā.
124. I may understand them, or I may not understand them. Still, I yearn to describe the Lord’s pastimes. In this way Locana dāsa concludes the Adi-khaṇḍa.