Chaitanya Mangala
100,055 words
This page relates Song 5 of the Grantharambha of the Sutra-khanda of the Chaitanya Mangala by Locana Dasa Thakura (1520 A.D.) translated into English. This book contains songs narrating the activities (pastimes) of Lord Chaitanya and represents a Sanskrit biography written as a narrative poem which can be sung in various ragas.
Song 5
Refrain: Lord Gauracandra is my very life.
157. Playing his vīṇā, Nārada continued his journey. Hearing his description of the Lord’s glories, and his heart overcome with bliss, again and again he fell.
158. One moment he would lament, another moment he would loudly laugh, another moment he would tremble, another moment he would speak with broken words.
159. Another moment he would loudly call out, another moment he would slap his arms, and another moment he would say, "Gaura! Gaura!" and weep. His heart was overcome with ecstatic love.
160. He had no power to forget Lord Gaura’s form, a charming form filled with ecstatic love, a glorious form splendid like the sun.
161. His heart overcome with bliss and love, he had no power even to walk. Even so, in the blinking of an eye he arrived at Lord Śiva’s abode in Mount Kailāsa.
162. Thinking, "Soon I will see Lord Śiva", he was filled with bliss. He thought, "I will tell him of the plan Lord Kṛṣṇa described.
163. "There are no such blissful words anywhere in the three worlds. He who is the treasure of Vṛndāvana will appear in the Kali-yuga.
164. "The ecstatic spiritual love that Brahmā, Śiva, and Ananta beg to attain, the Supreme Personality of Godhead will distribute in the Kali-yuga to even the lowest of sinners.
165. "These wonderful words I will tell to Lord Śiva. When he hears them he will be very pleased.
166. "By Goddess Kātyāyanī’s mercy I will get the dust of Lord Śiva’s feet. By the mercy of his feet I will chant the holy names of Lord Hari."
167. Thinking and thinking in this way, Nārada came to the gate of Lord Śiva’s abode. Seeing him, the bull Nandī, who was like time personified, respectfully stood up.
168. After offering respectful obeisances, Nandī went to the inner palace where Pārvatī and Śiva stay.
169. He informed his masters that Nārada had come and was waiting at the door. With blissful hearts Pārvatī and Śiva went to greet him.
170. Seeing them, Nārada smiled, said, "O my masters", and fell at their feet. Nārada is a very intelligent devotee.
171. Lord Śiva knew very well the glory of a Vaiṣṇava. Nārada, filled with ecstatic love, was very respectful to Lord Śiva.
172. Lord Śiva tightly embraced Nārada and made him sit as his own side. Nārada happily fell at Goddess Pārvatī’s feet.
173-174. Affectionate like a mother, Goddess Kātyāyanī asked Nārada: "Dear great sage, please tell us of your auspicious and glorious life. You know everything in the fourteen worlds. Your arrival is auspicious. From where have you come?"
175. Nārada replied: "You are our mother and father. Your intent is to deliver the worlds. Please hear these auspicious words.
176. "A great secret you heard in ancient times you have now forgotten. Grasping your feet, I will now remind you of it.
177. "I will tell this story from beginning to end. When you hear it I request that you be kind to me.
178. "In ancient times Uddhava asked Lord Kṛṣṇa: ‘When You become invisible, what will happen to the earth?
179. "‘Will any devotees remain on the earth? Hearing these words, Lord Kṛṣṇa described the science of yoga.
180. "He said: ‘I am water. I am land. I am the earth. I am the trees. I am the dmeigods and gandaharvas. I amd the yaksas ans raksas.
181. "‘I am creation and annihilation. I am the life in all living beings. I am everything. How can I become invisible?’
182. "Hearing Lord Kṛṣṇa’s words, Uddhava struck his hand to his chest and spoke his heart.
183. "He said: ‘Master, You are everything. That I know. Anything separate from You is only suffering.
184. "‘With my mouth I have no power to properly describe the great souls who fall down to offer respects to the gluistening moons that are Your toenails. "
185. In Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (11.6.46) Uddhava tells Lord Kṛṣṇa: tvayopabukta-srag-gandhav āso’laṅkāra-carcitāḥ ucchiṣṭa-bhijino dāsās tava māyāṃ jayema hi
"My dear Lord, the garlands, scented substances, garments, ornaments, and other such things that have been offered to You may later be used by Your servants. By partaking of these things and eating the remnants of food You have left, we will be able to conquer the illusory energy."*
186. "Uddhava said: ‘By enjoying the remnants of what You have left, this servant of Lord Harī will conquer your illusory energy. Therefore I yearn to honor what You leave as remnants.’
187. "When I hear these words Uddhava spoke to Lord Kṛṣṇa, my heart becomes wild with bliss.
188. "For so many days I have walked on the path of devotional service. Still, until today I did not know the importance of honoring the Lord’s remnants.
189. "By the power of Lord Kṛṣṇa’s remnants, Uddhava became very powerful. In Lord Kṛṣṇa’s presence he honored the Lord’s remnants.
190. "I never honored the Lord’s mahā-prasādam in that way. In my heart I thought: ‘The Lord has cheated me.
191. "‘Then I devised a plan to please Lord Kṛṣṇa and thus obtain His mahā-prasādam remnants.
192. "Filled with the nectar of these thoughts, I went to Vaikuṇṭha. For many days I served Goddess Lakṣmī.
193. "Pleased, the goddess offered me a boon, She said: ‘Ask, and I will grant your boon. I vow I will give it.’
194. "Hearing her words, I repeated the desire of my heart.
195. "Folding my palms and becoming very serious, I said: ‘For many days a strong desire has stayed in my heart.
196. "‘Everyone knows that I, Nārada, am your servant. Still, I have never tasteed mahā-prasādam remnants.
197. "‘Please give me one handful of the Lord’s prasādam. That is the boon I wish. I wish that you please place your auspicious glance upon me.’
198. "Hearing these words, Gopddess Lakṣmī was very surprised. She shyly said:
199. "‘The Lord commanded me not to give His remnants to anyone. Still, I will jump over His command and give you some of His remnants.
200. "Please wait. After some time I will gather the mahā-prasādam and give it to you.’
201. "Understanding my situation, the goddess spoke these sweet words.
202. "One day, as They were enjoying nectar pastimes, the Lord took the goddess hand and made her sit by His side.
203. "Without permission, and her heart trembling in fear, the goddess smiled and sweetly said:
204. "‘I bow down before You and speak this rquest: My heart is afraid. I tremble in fear.
205. "‘O master, please destroy my fear. Please protect Your maidservant. Grasping Your feet, I say: Please listen to these glorious words.’
206. "As Lakṣmī spoke these frightened words, the Lord smiled with surprise and cast a glance at His Sudarśana-cakra
207. "Sudarśana trembled. In a choked voice he said: ‘My Lord, Goddess Lakṣmī is afraid. I don’t know why.’
208. "Lakṣmī said: ‘It is not Sudarśana’s fault. It is Nārada’s words that make me wither with fear.
209. "‘Although no one knows it, Nārada served me for twelve years. Pleased, I spoke to him this vow:
210. "‘Ask a boon, and I will grant it. What I say is the truth. It is the truth. O sage, I vow that I will keep my word.
211. "‘Then Nārada asked Your remnants as the boon he wished. How do I have the power to grant that boon? To grant it I must jump over Your command.
212. "‘Those words I spoke have placed me in great danger. O master, please save Your maidservant. Please destroy this calamity that has fallen upon me.’
213. "Hearing these words, the Lord said: ‘O Lakṣmī, please listen. Your words were a great mistake.
214. "‘Secretly, without My knowledge, you may give My remnants to him. Hearing the Lord’s command, Lakṣmī became joyful.
215. "After some days Goddess Lakṣmī, the mother of the worlds, called for me and gave me that mahā-prasādam.
216-217. "In this way, by Goddess Lakṣmī’s mercy, my desire was fulfilled and I tasted the Lord’s wonderful mahā-prasādam, prasādam more glorious and effulgent than ten million moons, ten million suns, and ten million Kāmadevas.
218. "Touching that mahā-prasādam, I became hundreds of times more glorious and effulgent. Sounding my vīṇā, I happily came to Mount Kailāsa.
219. "Seeing me, Lord Śiva asked about me. Smiling, I said: ‘Today I got something very wonderful.’
220. "Seeing my wonderful effulgence, Lord Śiva was surprised. ‘How did you get a form like that?’, He asked.
221. "Then I told him the whole story, from beginning to end. Hearing it, Lord Śiva scolded me.
222. "He said: ‘O sage, you attained that rare mahā-prasādam, and you ate it all, and you did not bring any for me!
223. "‘With great love you came here to see me again. Why did you not bring any of that rare treasure?’
224. "Hearing Lord Śiva’s words, I became ashamed. I lowered my head. I saw some mahā-prasādam still stuck to my fingernail. I placed my finger before Lord Śiva.
225. "I happily offered him that single crumb of mahā-prasādam. He did not hesitate. At once Lord Śiva placed the mahā-prasādam in his mouth.
226. "Then saintly Lord Śiva began to joyfully dance. With every step he took, the ground shook.
227. "He became wild with bliss. Mount Sumeru trembled. The earth shook. Fear was everywhere.
228. "Lord Śiva, the great king of yoga, trembled with ecstatic love. He forgot himself. His heavy steps pushed the earth down to Rasātalaloka.
229. "Lord Ananta’s hoods now rested on Lord Kūrma’s back. Sticking His neck out of His shell, Lord Kūrma stared at Lord Ananta.
230. "The elephants bearing the directions bent their necks. The cauldron of the universe began to crack.
231. "Unable to bear Lord Śiva’s weight, the earth goddess ran to his city.
232. "Folding her palms, she approached Goddess Kātyāyanī and said, "Because of the weight of Lord Śiva’s dancing I will lose my life.
233. "If you wish to save the world, please stop him. I see the whole world is about to fall into chaos.
234. "Hearing the earth goddess anguished words, Goddess Pārvatī ran to Lord Śiva.
235. "Filled with the nectar of ecstatic love, Lord Śiva danced. Speaking harsh words, the goddess broke Lord Śiva’s ecstasy.
236. "Returning to external consciousness, Lord Śiva became sorrowful. Seeing Goddess Pārvatī, with a hard heart he said:
237. "What have you done? What have you done? O goddess, it is very wrong. You broke my ecstatic trance. Breaking it is like death for me.
238. "‘But for you I have no enemy in the three worlds. Why did you destroy me bliss?"
239. "‘Hearing Lord Śiva’s anguished words, Goddess Pārvatī said: ‘Master, please look at Goddess Earth who now stands before you.
240. "‘The pressure from your feet pushed her down to Rasātalaloka. The material creation is on the verge of destruction. That is why I spoke harshly.
241. "‘I committed an offense. O great master, please forgive my offense. Smiling, Lord Śiva forgave the goddess.
242. "Then the goddess humbly asked: ‘O master, please dispel my doubt.
243. "‘Every day You dance, rapt in tasting the nectar of love for Lord Kṛṣṇa. Why did you today push the earth down to Rasātalaloka?
244. "‘Today your form shines like ten million suns. The material universe cannot bear such brilliant light.
245. "Why today did you manifest such wonderful endless bliss? O glorious master, please tell me.’
246. "Lord Śiva said: ‘Please hear the blissful news. Nārada Munī gave me some of Lord Nārāyaṇa’s prasādam.
247. "‘Lord Viṣṇu’s prasādam is very rare. It is difficult to find in the three worlds. It is the nectar touched by the Lord’s lips. Even the Vedas do not know the glories of the Lord’s prasādam.
248. "‘I ate the mahā-prasādam offered to the Lord. Now my life has borne its fruit. Today is the auspicious moment of my life.
249. "‘By Nārada’s mercy I touched the Lord’s mahā-prasādam. Lord Śiva thus spoke these auspicious, glorious, nectarean words.
250. "Hearing Lord Śiva’s words, Goddess Pārvatī, who is Mahāmāyā herself, said: ‘All these days ī thought you were a kind and generous person.
251. "‘Your thinking I was like half your body was only a trick. Your love for me was only a pretense.
252. "‘Attaining such rare mahā-prasādam, you ate it all yourself. You did not give any to me.’
253. "Ashamed, Lord Śiva said: ‘O Pārvatī, you are not worthy to receive such a treasure.’
254. "Hearing these words she became furious and said: ‘I am called by the name Vaiṣṇavī. I also serve Lord Viṣṇu with devotion.
255-256. "‘Standing in the assembly of saintly persons I vow that if in His heart Lord Viṣṇu is merciful to me, then I will give His mahaprasadam to everyone in the three worlds. I vow that even the dogs and jackals will attain that prasādam.’
257. "Hearing Goddess Kātyāyanī’s vow, Lord Nārāyaṇa, the master of Vaikuṇṭha, came at once.
258. "The goddess respectfully stood and then bowed down. Tears in her eyes, she offered prayers to the Lord.
259. "Sighing, and her heart overwhelmed, she began to speak." With a joyful heart Locana dāsa speaks these words.