Chaitanya Bhagavata

by Bhumipati Dāsa | 2008 | 1,349,850 words

The Chaitanya Bhagavata 2.10.52, English translation, including a commentary (Gaudiya-bhasya). This text is similair to the Caitanya-caritamrita and narrates the pastimes of Lord Caitanya, proclaimed to be the direct incarnation of Krishna (as Bhagavan) This is verse 52 of Madhya-khanda chapter 10—“Conclusion of the Lord’s Maha-prakasha Pastimes”.

Bengali text, Devanagari and Unicode transliteration of verse 2.10.52-055:

প্রভু-মুখে শুনি’ মহা-কারুণ্য-বচন মূর্ছিত পাডিলা হরিদাস তত-ক্ষণ বাহ্য দূরে গেল ভূমি-তলে হরিদাস আনন্দে ডুবিলা, তিলার্ধেক নাহি শ্বাস প্রভু বলে,—“উঠ উঠ মোর হরিদাস মনোরথ ভরি’ দেখ আমার প্রকাশ” বাহ্য পাই’ হরিদাস প্রভুর বচনে কোথা রূপ-দরশন—করযে ক্রন্দনে ॥ ৫২-০৫৫ ॥

प्रभु-मुखे शुनि’ महा-कारुण्य-वचन मूर्छित पाडिला हरिदास तत-क्षण बाह्य दूरे गेल भूमि-तले हरिदास आनन्दे डुबिला, तिलार्धेक नाहि श्वास प्रभु बले,—“उठ उठ मोर हरिदास मनोरथ भरि’ देख आमार प्रकाश” बाह्य पाइ’ हरिदास प्रभुर वचने कोथा रूप-दरशन—करये क्रन्दने ॥ ५२-०५५ ॥

prabhu-mukhe śuni’ mahā-kāruṇya-vacana mūrchita pāḍilā haridāsa tata-kṣaṇa bāhya dūre gela bhūmi-tale haridāsa ānande ḍubilā, tilārdheka nāhi śvāsa prabhu bale,—“uṭha uṭha mora haridāsa manoratha bhari’ dekha āmāra prakāśa” bāhya pāi’ haridāsa prabhura vacane kothā rūpa-daraśana—karaye krandane || 52-055 ||

prabhu-mukhe suni’ maha-karunya-vacana murchita padila haridasa tata-ksana bahya dure gela bhumi-tale haridasa anande dubila, tilardheka nahi svasa prabhu bale,—“utha utha mora haridasa manoratha bhari’ dekha amara prakasa” bahya pai’ haridasa prabhura vacane kotha rupa-darasana—karaye krandane (52-055)

English translation:

(52-055) After hearing those most compassionate words from the mouth of the Lord, Haridāsa immediately fell unconscious to the ground. As he lost external consciousness and merged in the ocean of ecstasy, his breathing completely stopped. The Lord then said, “Get up! Get up!

Commentary: Gauḍīya-bhāṣya by Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura:

My dear Haridāsa. See My manifestation to the satisfaction of your heart.” Haridāsa regained his external consciousness by the words of the Lord, yet he cried so profusely that he could not see the Lord’s form.

On hearing the glories of the devotees from the mouth of Mahāprabhu, Haridāsa became overwhelmed with ecstasy and fell unconscious to the ground. Mahāprabhu then helped him regain his external consciousness and ordered him to see His mahā-prakāśa pastimes. By the words of the Lord, Haridāsa concealed his internal mood and came back to his external senses. As he cried, he then began to consider where he should see the Lord’s manifestation. The sentiments that one develops when one is on the transcendental platform do not remain present on returning to the external platform. In the external world one perceives everything in terms of enjoyer and the enjoyed, but in the internal world one perceives only the object of service and the servants. The self-realized liberated soul is capable of perceiving the Supreme Lord, and the Supreme Lord displays His worshipable form to him.

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