Chaitanya Bhagavata
by Bhumipati Dāsa | 2008 | 1,349,850 words
The Chaitanya Bhagavata 2.8.143, English translation, including a commentary (Gaudiya-bhasya). This text is similair to the Caitanya-caritamrita and narrates the pastimes of Lord Caitanya, proclaimed to be the direct incarnation of Krishna (as Bhagavan) This is verse 143 of Madhya-khanda chapter 8—“The Manifestation of Opulences”.
Verse 2.8.143
Bengali text, Devanagari and Unicode transliteration of verse 2.8.143:
ধরিযা বুলেন নিত্যানন্দ মহাবলী অলক্ষিতে অদ্বৈত লযেন পদ-ধুলি ॥ ১৪৩ ॥
धरिया बुलेन नित्यानन्द महाबली अलक्षिते अद्वैत लयेन पद-धुलि ॥ १४३ ॥
dhariyā bulena nityānanda mahābalī alakṣite advaita layena pada-dhuli || 143 ||
dhariya bulena nityananda mahabali alaksite advaita layena pada-dhuli (143)
English translation:
(143) As the powerful Nityānanda caught hold of the Lord, Advaita secretly took the dust from the Lord’s feet.