Brihat Samhita
by N. Chidambaram Iyer | 1884 | 135,584 words | ISBN-13: 9788171104215
This page describes glossary of medical and botanical terms which is the eighth Appendix of the English translation of the Brihat-samhita. This work, written by Varahamihira in the 6th century, is classified as jyotisha literature, also known as Indian astronomy. It contains however, also content regarding astrology, palmistry, agriculture, gardening, perfumes, medicines and various other encyclopedic topics.
Appendix 8 - Glossary of Medical and Botanical terms
Note: This appendix is extracted at the end from chapter 77 of the Bṛhat-saṃhita.
Summary: Glossary of Medical and Botanical terms occurring in chapters 76 & 77
Agara, Amyris agallocha.
Ambu, the plant Andropogon schoenanthus.
Añjana, Antimony.
Aragvadha, the tree Cathartocarpus fistula.
Aśvagandhā, the plant Physalis flexuosa.
Cora, A kind of perfume. The plant Chrysopogon aciculatus.
Damanaka, Artemisia indica.
Dhana, the plant Alhagi maurorum?
Dhānyaka, Coriander seeds,
Drava, Myrrh.
Ghana, the bulbous root of the plant Syperus Hexastychus Communis,
Gokṣuraka, the plant Asteracantha longifolia.
Guḍa. a kind of bdellium,
Harītakī, the fruit of the Terminalia chebula,
Hiṅguka, the prickly night Shade; Solanum jacquini.
Ikṣuraka, Asteracantha longifolia.
Jaṭāmāṃsi, the plant Nardostachis jaṭāmānsi.
Kapikacchu, the plant Mucuna pruritus.
Kaṭuka. a fragrant grass. Trichosanthes dioeca.
Keśa, the plant Andrapogon schoenanthus,
Keśara, Mimusops elengi.
Kodrava, a species of gram eaten by the poor, Paspalum scrobiculatum.
Kunduruka, the resin of the plant Boswellia thurifera.
Kuṣṭha, a medicinal plant Costus speciosus or Arabicus,
Kuśtumburī, Coriander seeds.
Lavalīphala, the fruit of the Averrhoa acida.
Lodhra, the tree, Symplocos racemosa, the bark of which is used in dyeing.
Makṣīkadhātu, a kind of pyrites,—a kind of honey like mineral substance.
Malaya, Sandal-wood.
Mañjiṣṭha, Bengal madder.
Mṛga, Musk.
Mudra, Cyperus rotundus.
Musta, a species of grass. Cyperus rotundus.
Nāgapuṣpa. Mesua roxburghi.
Nakha, a vegetable perfume.
Nālika. a fragrant substance,
Nata, the seed of the Cassia tora.
Pārijāta, nutmeg?
Patthya, citron. Terminalia chebula.
Patra, the leaf of the Cassia.
Priyaṅgu, a medicinal plant and perfume.
Reṇu, a drug or medicinal substance fragrant but bitter and slightly pungent in taste and of a greyish colour.
Sahakāra, a sort of fragrant Mango tree.
Śailaka, bitumen.
Sarja, the resinous exudation of the Śāla tree.
Sarkara, grit
Śatapuṣpa, a sort of dill or fennel. Anethum Sowā.
Śatāvarī, Asparagus racemosus.
Śīta, grit.
Spṛkka, the plant Trigonella corniculta.
Śrī, Turpentine.
Sūkṣmaila, small cardamoms.
Sūkti, a sort of perfume in appearance like the dried Shell fish.
Tagara, the seed of Cassia tora.
Takkola, the tree Pimenta acris.
Triphala, the three myrobalans, the fruits of Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellerica, Phyllanthus emblica.
Taruṣka, a species of Kunduruka olibanum, Indian incense; the resin of Boswellia serrata.
Ucchata. the root of Cyperus juncifol.
Uśīra. the fragrant root of the plant Andropogon muricatus.
Utpala, the plant Costus speciosus.
Vala, a fragrant grass, Andropogon shoemanthus.
Vāluka, a species of Cucumber.
Viḍaṅga, Erycibe paniculata.
Vyāghranakha. a kind of medicinal herb with a fragrant root.