Brihad Bhagavatamrita (commentary)
by Śrī Śrīmad Bhaktivedānta Nārāyana Gosvāmī Mahārāja | 2005 | 440,179 words | ISBN-13: 9781935428329
The Brihad-bhagavatamrita Verse 2.2.113, English translation, including commentary (Dig-darshini-tika): an important Vaishnava text dealing with the importance of devotional service. The Brihad-bhagavatamrita, although an indepent Sanskrit work, covers the essential teachings of the Shrimad Bhagavatam (Bhagavata-purana). This is verse 2.2.113 contained in Chapter 2—Jnana (knowledge)—of Part two (prathama-khanda).
Verse 2.2.113
Sanskrit text, Unicode transliteration, Word-for-word and English translation of verse 2.2.113:
स्पृष्टोऽहं तैर् मूर्ध्नि लब्ध्वा समाधिं दृष्टानि प्राक् तानि रूपाण्य् अपश्यम् ।
व्युत्थानेऽपि ध्यान-वेगात् कदाचित् प्रत्यक्षाणीवानुपश्येयम् आरात् ॥ ११३ ॥spṛṣṭo'haṃ tair mūrdhni labdhvā samādhiṃ dṛṣṭāni prāk tāni rūpāṇy apaśyam |
vyutthāne'pi dhyāna-vegāt kadācit pratyakṣāṇīvānupaśyeyam ārāt || 113 ||spṛṣṭaḥ–touched; aham–I; taiḥ–by them; mūrdhni–on the head; labdhvā–attained; samādhim–trance; dṛṣṭāni–seen; prāk–before; tāni–those; rūpāṇi–forms; apaśyam–I beheld; vyutthāne–arising; api–also; dhyāna–of meditation; vegāt–by the power; kadācit–sometimes; pratyakṣāṇi–directly; iva–as if; anupaśyeyam–I would see; ārāt–near.
Then Sanaka and his brothers touched my head and, by the potency of that touch, I became absorbed in samādhi. In that state, too, I directly saw all the same forms of Śrī Viṣṇu that I had just seen. And even after my samādhi broke, by the influence of that meditation, I continued to see all those forms of the Lord as if They were right before my eyes.
Commentary: Dig-darśinī-ṭīkā with Bhāvānuvāda
(By Śrīla Sanātana Gosvāmī himself including a deep purport of that commentary)
Śrī Gopa-kumāra says, “Then the four Kumāras touched my head and, by their power, I instantaneously entered samādhi. In that samādhi-yoga, I beheld all the forms of Bhagavān Śrī Viṣṇu that I had previously seen in Maharloka and other realms. When I came out of samādhi and returned to external vision, sometimes I would also clearly see all those manifestations as if they were nearby. How was that? It happened by the momentum created by my absorption in meditation.”