
by C. G. Kashikar | 1964 | 166,530 words

The English translation of the Bharadvaja-Srauta-Sutra, representing some of the oldest texts on Hindu rituals and rites of passages, dating to at least the 1st millennium BCE. The term Srautasutra refers to a class of Sanskrit Sutra literature dealing with ceremonies based on the Brahmana divisions of the Veda (Sruti). They include Vedic rituals r...

Praśna 13, Kaṇḍikā 23

1. In the same manner the Adhvaryu and the Pratiprasthātṛ should proceed with the offering of the next two cups according to the divinity.[1]

2. This much should be different: the Pratiprasthātṛ should draw the counter-cup with the subsequent formula.[2] There should be no āghāra-libation here.[3] The Adhvaryu and the Pratiprasthātṛ should make the offering only once.[4] With each subsequent formula[5] the Adhvaryu should catch hold (of the finger). With each subsequent formula[6] the the Pratiprasthātṛ should drop the remnants into the Āditya vessel.

3. The Pratiprasthātṛ should then cover the Āditya vessel with that very cup with the formula, “O Viṣṇu, wide striding, this is thy Soma, guard it; let the evil-eyed not look down this Soma of thine.”[7]

4. The Adhvaryu should hand over the cup to the Hotṛ with each subsequent formula;[8] the Hotṛ should receive it with the same formula.

5. The Unnetṛ should pour down the Ādhavanīya into the Pūtabhṛt, and keep it upside down.

6. The Adhvaryu should give out a call (to the Maitrāvaruṇa), “Do you recite the hymn for the goblets being filled in.”

7. The Unnetṛ should fill in nine goblets beginning with the Hotṛ’s goblet except that of the Acchāvāka.

8. After having spread (into each goblet) Soma from the Droṇakalaśa as base, he should fill it in with Soma from the Pūtabhṛt, and pour out Soma on it from the Droṇakalaśa itself.

9. In this connection this is the general rule: whenever the Unnetṛ has to fill in the goblets, he should fill in with this very procedure. Henceforward he should fill in all[9] the goblets.

10. The hymn to be recited by the Maitrāvaruṇa while the goblets are being filled in (unnīyamānasūkta) is to be recited only in connection with the goblets being filled in with Soma for the first time in each pressing.

11. As soon as the reciting of the unnīyamānasūkta is over, the Adhvaryu should take up the Śukra cup with the formula, “Thou art praised, feeder of people; may gods, drinkers of bright (Soma), carry thee;”[10] and the Pratiprasthātṛ should take up the Manthin cup with the formula, “Thou art praised, feeder of people; may the gods, drinkers of the Manthin cup, carry thee.”[10]

12. Both the Adhvaryu and the Pratiprasthātṛ should then cover with the Sāvitra formula their cups on the upper side with two pieces of wood sprinkled with water.

13. They should remove the dust at the bottom with two pieces of wood not sprinkled with water.

14. The Adhvaryu (should do so) with the formula, “Śaṇḍa is vanished together with N.N.” He should utter the name of one whom he hates.

15. The Pratiprasthātr (should do so) with the formula,“Marka is vanished together with N.N.” He should utter the name of one whom he hates.

16. While covering the cups with their hands,they should proceed towards the east with the formula, “Go over wide midregion.”[11]

Footnotes and references:


The second cup to Mitra-Varuṇa and the third to Aśvins.


From the cup for Mitra-Varuṇa with the formula, “Thou art taken with a support; thou art seated in the divine order;for the two guardians of the eye, for the two guardians of thought, for the two lords of this established sacrifice do I take thee.” From the cup for Aśvins with the formula, “Thou art taken with a support; thou art seated in the ear; for the two guardians of the ear. for the two guardians of thought, for the two lords of this established sacrifice do I take thee.” (Taittirīya-saṃhitā III.2.10.1.)




That is to say, they should make the offering at the vaṣaṭ-utterance; there should be no secondary vaṣaṭ-utterance.


With the verse, “The enemy who, O Mitra-Varuṇa, is hostile tous...” in connection with the offering of the cup to Mitra-Varuṇa; and with the verse, “The enemy who, O Aśvins, is hostile to us...” (Taittirīya-saṃhitā III.2.10.2,3) in connection with the offering of the cup to Aśvins. cf. XIII.22.12.


Wite [With?] the formula, “For all gods thee,” in connection with the offering to Mitra-Varuṇa, and with the formula, “For Viśve Devas thee,” in connection with the offering to Aśvins. cf. XIII. 22.13.


Taittirīya-saṃhitā III.2.10.1,2.


With the formula, “In me is the wealth; in me is one who grants wealth; O guardian of eye, guard my eye,” in connection with the offering to Mitra-Varuṇa; with the formula, “In me is the wealth; in me is one having continuous wealth; O guardian of ear, guard my ear.” (Taittirīya-saṃhitā III.2.10.2.)


Including that of the Acchāvāka.


Taittirīya-brāhmaṇa I.1.1.1,2.



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