by C. G. Kashikar | 1964 | 166,530 words
The English translation of the Bharadvaja-Srauta-Sutra, representing some of the oldest texts on Hindu rituals and rites of passages, dating to at least the 1st millennium BCE. The term Srautasutra refers to a class of Sanskrit Sutra literature dealing with ceremonies based on the Brahmana divisions of the Veda (Sruti). They include Vedic rituals r...
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Praśna 7, Kaṇḍikā 22
1. After having offered eleven Anūyājas,[1] the Adhvaryu should recross the altar (towards the north), anoint the svaru with the (clarified butter in the) Juhū, and offer the svaru through the Juhū with the formula, “Let thy smoke go to the sky; the flame to the midregion; do thou fill in the earth with ashes, svāhā.”[2]
2. The procedure up to the Patnīsaṃyājas should be similar.[3]
3. He should separate all the Juhū-ladles and the Upabhṛt-ladles with the two vājavant verses.[4]
4. He should besmear the prastara with the clarified butter in all the ladles.
5. He should give out a call (to the Maitrāvaruṇa), “...Do you direct the Hotṛ to recite the Sūktavāka.”[5]
6. He should cause all the ladles to drop the remnants of the clarified butter.
7. He should place all the ladles on the prop of the pole of the cart.[6]
8. He should make the Patnīsaṃyāja offerings of the tail of the animal.
9. He should offer clarified butter to Soma; (also) clarified butter to Tvaṣṭṛ.
10. He should take out the cuttings of the supine part of the tail for the wives of the gods; of the hairy part for gṛhapati Agni.
11. For the sacrificer normally offering an oblation of four portions, he should take four portions; for the sacrificer normally offering an oblation of five portions, he should take five portions.
12. Here there is no spreading out of the clarified butter as base, and no pouring out on the oblation.
13. The Adhvaryu should give (to the Hotṛ) portions of the supine part of the tail as the Iḍā; he should give hairy part to the Āgnīdhra.[7]
14. The sacrificer’s wife should give away the remaining portion of the tail[8] to the Adhvaryu.
15. The Adhvaryu should give a fore-arm to the Śamitṛ. If the Śamitṛ is a non-Brāhmaṇa, he (= the Śamitṛ) should give it away to a Brāhmaṇa.
16. The procedure up to the Samiṣṭayajus offering should be similar.[9]
17. The Adhvaryu should offer three Samiṣṭayajus offerings with the three formulas, “O sacrifice, do thou go to the sacrifice; do thou go to the lord of the sacrifice; do thou go to thy own womb, svāhā. O lord of the sacrifice, this is thy sacrifice, accompanied by the Sūktavāka, furnished with good heroes, svāhā. O gods that find the way, finding the way, do you go along the way. O lord of mind, place this sacrifice, O god, for us among the gods, svāhā, in speech, svāhā, in the wind svāhā.”[10]
18. In between the cātvāla and the rubbish-heap.[11]
Footnotes and references:
The sacrificer should follow the first four Anūyājas and the tenth with the formula prescribed in the norm for the first Anuyāja; those from the fifth to the eighth with that prescribed for the second, and the ninth and the eleventh with that for the third. cf. Āpastamba-śrauta-sūtra VII.27.1.
Taittirīya-saṃhitā I.4.44.3. cf. III. 12.1-4.
See the next sūtra.