
by C. G. Kashikar | 1964 | 166,530 words

The English translation of the Bharadvaja-Srauta-Sutra, representing some of the oldest texts on Hindu rituals and rites of passages, dating to at least the 1st millennium BCE. The term Srautasutra refers to a class of Sanskrit Sutra literature dealing with ceremonies based on the Brahmana divisions of the Veda (Sruti). They include Vedic rituals r...

Praśna 7, Kaṇḍikā 20

1. He should move round the oily portion of flesh by means of a rib with the formula, “Thou art fortune; may Agni cook thee; may waters join thee for the moving of the wind, for the passing of Pūṣan, for the growing of waters and plants.”[1]

2. He should cover it with the same rib with the formula, “To the nonstaggering of the steam, svāhā.”

3. Then he should give out a call (to the Maitrāvaruṇa), “Do you recite the puronuvākyā for the offering of the oblation of the goat to Indra-Agni.”

4. After having crossed the altar (towards the north), he should cause the Āgnīdhra to announce and (after the latter has responded) say (to the Maitrāvaruṇa), “Do you direct the Hotṛ to recite the yājyā relating to the oblation of the goat to Indra-Agni.”

5. The Pratiprasthātṛ should offer the oily portion of flesh with the formula, “Do you drink ghee, drinkers of ghee; do you drink marrow of the flesh, drinkers of marrow of the flesh; thou art the oblation of midregion; to the midregion thee, svāhā,”[2] (commencing its recital) after the Hotṛ has recited the first half of the yājyā.

6. After having offered the oily portion of flesh, he should retain some portion of it.

7. At the vaṣaṭ-utterance the Adhvaryu should offer the oblation (of the organs).

8. The Pratiprasthātṛ should offer the remnants of the oily portion of flesh to the directions respectively with the formulas, “To the Diśes, svāhā; to the Pradiśes, svāhā; to the Ādiśes, svāhā; to the Vidiśes, svāhā; to the Uddiśes, svāhā.”[3]

9. With the formula, “To the Diśes, svāhā, obeisance to the Diśes,”[4] he should offer the last offering ending towards the east.

10. The Adhvaryu should offer the nāriṣṭha oblations at this stage and after. having taken a spoonful of the pṛṣadājya into the Juhū, he should say (to the Maitrāvaruṇa), “Do you recite the puronuvākyā for Vanaspati.”

11. After having crossed the altar (towards the south), he should cause the Āgnīdhra to announce and (after the flatter has responded) say (to the Maitrāvaruṇa), “Do you direct the Hotṛ to recite the yājyā for Vanaspati.”

12. At the vaṣaṭ-utterance (by the Hotṛ) he should make the offering.

13. Without recrossing the altar, he should give out a call (to the Maitrāvaruṇa), “Do you recite the puronuvākyā for sviṣṭakṛt Agni.”

14. He should empty the Upabhṛt into the Juhū, cause the Āgnīdhra to announce and (after the latter has responded) say (to the Maitrāvaruṇa), “Do you direct the Hotṛ to recite the yājyā for sviṣṭakṛt Agni.”

15. At the vaṣaṭ-utterance he should make the offering.

16. He should recross the altar (towards the north), place the two ladles in their respective places.

Footnotes and references:


Taittirīya-saṃhitā I.3.10.1,2.


Taittirīya-saṃhitā I.3.10.2.


Taittirīya-saṃhitā I.3.10.2.


Taittirīya-saṃhitā I.3.10.2.

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