by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura Mahasaya | 2010 | 123,965 words
The Bhajana-rahasya Text 19, English translation, including commentary (vritti). The Bhajana-rahasya is a compilation of verses describing the mercy of the eight pairs of names (Yugala-nama) of the Maha-mantra. This is text 19 belonging to the chapter “Ashtama-yama-sadhana (Ratri-lila–prema-bhajana sambhoga)” representing from midnight to three-and-a-half praharas of the night: approximately 00.00 a.m.–3.30 a.m.
Text 19
Śrī Ujjvala-nīlamāṇī (8.97–99) describes the mānasī-sevā, service performed within the mind, of one who, in his spiritual form (siddhadeha), worships and serves in the eternal pastimes of Śrī Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa:
मिथः प्रेम-गुणोत्कीर्तिस् तयोर् आसक्ति-कारिता
अभिसारो द्वयोर् एव सख्याः कृष्णे समर्पणम्
नर्मा श्वासन-नेपथ्यं हृदयोद्घाट-पाटवम्
छिद्र-संवृतिर् एतस्याः पत्य्-आदेः परिवञ्चना
शिक्षा-सङ्गमनं काले सेवनं व्यजनादिभिः
तयोर् द्वयोर् उपालम्भः सन्देश-प्रेषणं तथा
नायिका-प्राण-संरक्षा प्रयत्नाद्याः सखी-क्रियाःmithaḥ prema-guṇotkīrtis tayor āsakti-kāritā
abhisāro dvayor eva sakhyāḥ kṛṣṇe samarpaṇam
narmā śvāsana-nepathyaṃ hṛdayodghāṭa-pāṭavam
chidra-saṃvṛtir etasyāḥ paty-ādeḥ parivañcanā
śikṣā-saṅgamanaṃ kāle sevanaṃ vyajanādibhiḥ
tayor dvayor upālambhaḥ sandeśa-preṣaṇaṃ tathā
nāyikā-prāṇa-saṃrakṣā prayatnādyāḥ sakhī-kriyāḥThe sixteen activities of the sakhīs are as follows: (1) to glorify the prema and qualities of the nāyikā to the nāyaka and vice versa, (2) to create attachment between the nāyikā and her lover; (3) to arrange for their abhisāra, (4) to offer their sakhī to Śrī Kṛṣṇa, (5) to joke, (6) to console, (7) to dress and decorate the nāyikā and nāyaka, (8) to skilfully hide the nāyikā and nāyaka’s innermost feelings, (9) to conceal the nāyikā’s faults, (10) to cheat their husbands and others, (11) to give favourable instructions, (12) to arrange for the nāyikā and nāyaka to meet at the appropriate time, (13) to fan and render other services, (14) to point out faults in the nāyikā and nāyaka and to instruct them, (15) to deliver the nāyikā’s and nāyaka’s messages to each other, and (16) to endeavour to protect the nāyikā’s life.
राधा-कृष्ण गुणोत्कीर्ति, आसक्ति-वर्धन
अभिसार-द्वय, कृष्णे राधा-समर्पणrādhā-kṛṣṇa guṇotkīrti, āsakti-vardhana
abhisāra-dvaya, kṛṣṇe rādhā-samarpaṇaनर्माश्वास, वेष-कार्य, हृदय-सन्धान
छिद्र-गुप्ति, गृह-पति-गणेर वञ्चनnarmāśvāsa, veṣa-kārya, hṛdaya-sandhāna
chidra-gupti, gṛha-pati-gaṇera vañcanaशिक्षादान, जल आर व्यजन-सेवन
उभय-मिलन, सन्देशादि-आनयनśikṣādāna, jala āra vyajana-sevana
ubhaya-milana, sandeśādi-ānayanaनायिकार प्राण-रक्षाय प्रयत्न प्रधान
सखी-सेवा जानि’ यथा करह विधानnāyikāra prāṇa-rakṣāya prayatna pradhāna
sakhī-sevā jāni’ yathā karaha vidhāna