by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura Mahasaya | 2010 | 123,965 words
The Bhajana-rahasya Text 17, English translation, including commentary (vritti). The Bhajana-rahasya is a compilation of verses describing the mercy of the eight pairs of names (Yugala-nama) of the Maha-mantra. This is text 17 belonging to the chapter “Tritiya-yama-sadhana (Purvahna-kaliya-bhajana–nishtha-bhajana)” representing the six dandas until two praharas: approximately 8.30 a.m.–11.00 a.m.
Text 17
An ideal example of sincere humility is given in Kṛṣṇa-karṇāmṛta (30):
निबद्ध-मूर्धाञ्जलिर् एष याचे नीरन्ध्र-दैन्योन्नति-मुक्त-कण्ठम्
दयानिधे देव भवत् कटाक्षं दाक्षिण्य-लेशेन सकृन् निषिञ्चnibaddha-mūrdhāñjalir eṣa yāce nīrandhra-dainyonnati-mukta-kaṇṭham
dayānidhe deva bhavat kaṭākṣaṃ dākṣiṇya-leśena sakṛn niṣiñcaO Deva! O Ocean of Mercy! With folded hands raised to my head, I humbly offer this prayer to You: please, just once, shower me with Your merciful sidelong glance.
मस्तके अञ्जलि बान्धि’, एइ दुष्ट-जन कान्दि,
निष्कपट दैन्य मुक्त-स्वरे
फूकारि’, फूकारि’ कय, ओहे देव दयामय,
दाक्षिण्य प्रकाशि’ अन्तःपरेmastake añjali bāndhi’, ei duṣṭa-jana kāndi,
niṣkapaṭa dainya mukta-svare
phūkāri’, phūkāri’ kaya, ohe deva dayāmaya,
dākṣiṇya prakāśi’ antaḥpareकृपा-दृष्टि एक-बार करह सिञ्चन
तवे ए-जनेर प्राण हैबे रक्षणkṛpā-dṛṣṭi eka-bāra karaha siñcana
tave e-janera prāṇa haibe rakṣaṇa
Commentary: Bhajana-rahasya-vṛtti:
In this verse, Līlāśuka Bilvamaṅgala Ṭhākura prays in a distressed voice, induced by the humility caused by the feelings of separation (viraha) felt by Śrī Rādhā. When Śrī Kṛṣṇa left for Mathurā, He was separated from Rādhā and lived far away (sudūrapravāsa). Śrīmatī Rādhikā, agitated by extreme separation, spoke with great humility to a bumblebee (Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, 10.47.21): “smarati sa pitṛ-gehān–O bumblebee, does ārya-putra (the son of a noble person) remember us?” She also asked, “Upon happily returning from Ujjain, will He come to Vṛndāvana?” When Kṛṣṇa disappeared from the rāsa dance, She cried out (Śrīmad-Bhāgvatam, 10.30.39): “dāsyās te kṛpaṇāyā me sakhe darśaya sannidhim–O Lord! I am Your maidservant. Please show Yourself to Me.”
Desirous of this kind of humility, Śrī Līlāśuka is praying, “O Kṛṣṇa, make me a traveller on the pathway of Your eyes. Please give me service to You. Only by Your mercy can I serve in Your intimate, secret nikuñja-līlās, by which the living entity becomes forever successful. If I am unqualified for this service, then let me worship You, immersed in these sentiments. I am an offender; nonetheless, You are an ocean of mercy. I therefore beg You to not pay attention to my faults, and please make the creeper of my desire bear fruit. This is my prayer unto You.”