by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura Mahasaya | 2010 | 123,965 words
The Bhajana-rahasya Text 11, English translation, including commentary (vritti). The Bhajana-rahasya is a compilation of verses describing the mercy of the eight pairs of names (Yugala-nama) of the Maha-mantra. This is text 11 belonging to the chapter “Dvitiya-yama-sadhana (Pratah-kaliya-bhajana)” representing the first six dandas of the morning: approximately 6.00 a.m.–8.30 a.m.
Text 11
Hṛdaya-daurbalya is of four kinds, as stated in the Āmnāya-sūtravyākhyā:
तुच्छासक्तिः कुटीनाटी मात्सर्यं स्व-प्रतिष्ठता
हृद्-दौर्बल्यं बुधैः शश्वज् ज्ञेयं किल चतुर्-विधम्tucchāsaktiḥ kuṭīnāṭī mātsaryaṃ sva-pratiṣṭhatā
hṛd-daurbalyaṃ budhaiḥ śaśvaj jñeyaṃ kila catur-vidhamScholars consider hṛdaya-daurbalya to be of four types: (1) attachment to worthless objects, that is, objects unrelated to Kṛṣṇa, (2) hypocrisy and deceit (kuṭināṭī), (3) envy upon seeing the prosperity of others, and (4) desire for prestige and position (pratiṣṭhā ).
कृष्णेतर विषये आसक्ति, कुटीनाटी
पर-द्रोह, प्रतिष्ठाशा एइ त’ चारिटिkṛṣṇetara viṣaye āsakti, kuṭīnāṭī
para-droha, pratiṣṭhāśā ei ta’ cāriṭiहृदय-दौर्बल्य बलि’ शास्त्रे निर्धारिल
छय रिपु, छय ऊर्मि इहाते जन्मिलhṛdaya-daurbalya bali’ śāstre nirdhārila
chaya ripu, chaya ūrmi ihāte janmilaयत दिन ए सब अनर्थ नाहि छाडे
तत दिन भक्ति-लता कभु नाहि बाढेyata dina e saba anartha nāhi chāḍe
tata dina bhakti-latā kabhu nāhi bāḍhe
Commentary: Bhajana-rahasya-vṛtti:
Hṛdaya-daurbalya gives birth to six enemies: lust (kāma ), anger (krodha), greed (lobha), delusion (moha ), pride (mada) and envy (mātsarya); and their waves result in distress (śoka), bewilderment (moha ), hunger (kṣudhā), thirst (pipāsā ), old age (jarā) and death (mṛtyu).
The creeper of devotion cannot grow as long as one does not give up these anarthas.