by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura Mahasaya | 2010 | 123,965 words
The Bhajana-rahasya Text 22, English translation, including commentary (vritti). The Bhajana-rahasya is a compilation of verses describing the mercy of the eight pairs of names (Yugala-nama) of the Maha-mantra. This is text 22 belonging to the chapter “Prathama-yama-sadhana (Nishanta-bhajana–shraddha)” representing the last six dandas of the night: approximately 3.30 a.m.–6.00 a.m.
Text 22
The chanting of the holy name expands the ocean of transcendental bliss. It is stated in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (8.3.20):
एकान्तिनो यस्य न कञ्चनार्थं वाञ्छन्ति ये वै भगवत्-प्रपन्नाः
अत्य्-अद्भुतं तच्-चरितं सुमङ्गलं गायन्त आनन्द-समुद्र-मग्नाःekāntino yasya na kañcanārthaṃ vāñchanti ye vai bhagavat-prapannāḥ
aty-adbhutaṃ tac-caritaṃ sumaṅgalaṃ gāyanta ānanda-samudra-magnāḥThe devotees who are exclusively surrendered unto the Supreme Lord and who have no other desire than to attain Him, become immersed in an ocean of bliss by performing saṅkīrtana of His wonderful and supremely auspicious pastimes.
अकिञ्चन हये करे एकान्त कीर्तन
आनन्द समुद्रे मग्न हय सेइ जनakiñcana haye kare ekānta kīrtana
ānanda samudre magna haya sei jana
Commentary: Bhajana-rahasya-vṛtti:
This Text comes from Gajendra’s prayers to the Supreme Lord when Gajendra was being attacked by the crocodile. The sādhaka will also realise Śrī Bhagavān in his heart by constantly chanting the holy name. Śrī kṛṣṇa-saṅkīrtana unlimitedly expands the jīva’s inherent transcendental pleasure by virtue of the essential function of the hlādinī-śakti. When the living entity attains his pure spiritual form, he experiences unlimited bliss. In this condition he is eternally situated in one of the transcendental rasas–dāsya, sakhya, vātsalya or mādhurya–and he relishes complete nectar at every step by virtue of the ever-increasing freshness of his attachment to Śrī Kṛṣṇa (nava-navāyamāna-anurāga ).