by Hermann Oldenberg | 1886 | 27,388 words
Most of the questions referring to the Grihya-sutra of Ashvalayana will be treated of more conveniently in connection with the different subjects which we shall have to discuss in our General Introduction to the Grihya-sutras. Alternative titles: Āśvalāyana-gṛhya-sūtra (आश्वलायन-गृह्य-सूत्र), Ashvalayana, grhya, Āśvalāyanagṛhyasūtra (आश्वलायनगृह्य...
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Adhyāya I, Kaṇḍikā 15
1[1]. When a son has been born, (the father) should, before other people touch him, give him to eat from gold (i.e. from a golden vessel or with a golden spoon) butter and honey with which he has ground gold(-dust), with (the verse), 'I administer to thee the wisdom ('veda') of honey, of ghee, raised by Savitṛ the bountiful. Long-living, protected by the gods, live a hundred autumns in this world!'
2. Approaching (his mouth) to (the child's) two ears he murmurs the 'production of intelligence:' 'Intelligence may give to thee god Savitṛ, intelligence may goddess Sarasvatī, intelligence may give to thee the two divine Aśvins, wreathed with lotus.'
3[2]. He touches (the child's) two shoulders with (the verse), 'Be a stone, be an axe, be insuperable gold. Thou indeed art the Veda, called son; so live a hundred autumns'and with (the verses), 'Indra, give the best treasures' (Rig-veda II, 21, 6), Bestow on us, O bountiful one, O speedy one' (Rig-veda III, 36, 10).
4. And let them give him a name beginning with a sonant, with a semivowel in it, with the Visarga at its end, consisting of two syllables,
5. Or of four syllables;
6. Of two syllables, if he is desirous of firm position; of four syllables, if he is desirous of holy lustre;
7. But in every case with an even number (of syllables) for men, an uneven for women.
8. And let him also find out (for the child) a name to be used at respectful salutations (such as that due to the Ācārya at the ceremony of the initiation); that his mother and his father (alone) should know till his initiation.
9. When he returns from a journey, he embraces his son's head and murmurs, 'From limb by limb thou art produced; out of the heart thou art born. Thou indeed art the self called son; so live a hundred autumns!'(thus) he kisses him three times on his head.
10. The rite only (without the Mantra is performed) for a girl.
Footnotes and references:
15, 1. Comp. Āśv.-Gṛhya-Pariśiṣṭa I, 26. I follow Professor Stenzler, who corrects maghonām into maghonā; comp. Śāṅkh.-Gṛhya I, 24, 4.
Vedo may as well be the nominative of veda as that of vedas ('property').