Ashtanga-hridaya-samhita [sanskrit]

273,418 words | ISBN-10: 8121800226 | ISBN-13: 9788121800226

The Sanskrit edition of the Ashtanga-hridaya-samhita, including the commentaries Sarvangasundara and Ayurvedarasayana. The Astangahrdaya-samhita deals with the eight-fold divisions of Ayurveda: (l) Medicine, (2) The science of the special diseases of the supra-clavicular parts of the body (viz. eye, ear, nose, mouth, throat etc.), (3) Surgery, (4) Toxicology, (5) Psycho-therapy, (6) Pediatrics, (7) Rejuvenation and (8) Virilification. Original titles: Vāgbhaṭa Aṣṭāṅgahṛdayasaṃhitā (वाग्भट अष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहिता), Aruṇadatta Sarvāṅgasundarā (अरुणदत्त सर्वाङ्गसुन्दरा), Hemādri Āyurvedarasāyana (हेमाद्रि आयुर्वेदरसायन).

nirdiṣṭaṃ sādhanaṃ tatra bhūyiṣṭhaṃ ye tu tān prati||22||

tataścānekadhā prāyaḥ pavano yatprakupyati||23||
annapānauṣadhaṃ tasya yuñjītāto'nulomanam||23||

Commentary: Aruṇadatta’s Sarvāṅgasundarā

tatra-teṣu vegodīraṇadhāraṇottheṣu sarveṣu madhye, ye tu bhūyiṣṭhaṃ-bāhulyena bhavanti gulmodāvartādayaḥ, tān prati "vartyabhyaṅga" ityādinā, sādhanaṃ nirdiṣṭaṃcikitsoktā| tataśca-vegodīraṇadhāraṇāt, anekadhāvāyuryasmātkupyati| ataḥ-asmāddhetoḥ, tasyānulomanaṃmārgayojakaṃ, annapānauṣadhaṃ yuñjīta| yadyapi vegodīraṇadhāraṇāt "sarve rogā jāyante" ityuktam| tathāpi, yathā vegadhāraṇāccirakālabhāvinaḥ sapratyapāyā rogā bhavanti, na tathodīraṇāt| ata eva tantrakāro'dhovātasya rodhenāmīromgā bhavanti, śakṛto rodhādamī bhavantītyuvāca| na tu tadudīraṇādamī rogā bhavantīti| prāyograhaṇaṃ kvacit kaphāderapi prakopa iti samāpādayati| tathā ca vaminigrahe uktam "visarpakoṭhakuṣṭhākṣi" ityādi| tatra "gaṇḍūṣadhūmānāhārāḥ" ityādicikitsā| na caivaṃrūpo vidhirvāyāvupadiśyate| tasmātprāyograhaṇam|

Commentary: Hemādri’s Āyurvedarasāyana

sarveṣāṃ sādhanānuktau hetumāha-nirdiṣṭamiti| sarveṣāṃ sādhane vaktavye, yatkeṣāṃcidgulmodāvartādīnāṃ sādhanamuktam, tatrāyaṃ hetuḥ-yadgulmādayo bahulamutpadyante| itare tu viralam| anuktasādhanānāṃ sāmānyena sādhanamāha-tataścānekadheti| yat-yasmāt, tataḥ-tābhyāṃ vegodīraṇadhāraṇābhyāṃ, pavanaḥ prakupyati| anekadhā-anekavyādhirūpeṇa| prāyograhaṇāt pittakaphāvapi| ataḥ-asmātkāraṇāt, tasya-vāyoḥ, anulomanamannapānauṣadhaṃ prayuñjīta|

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