Apastamba Sulba-sutra [sanskrit]
29,967 words
The Sanskrit edition of the Apastamba Sulba-sutra with the commentaries of Kapardin, Karavinda and Sundararaja. The Sulbasutras are considered Vedic appendices and deals with the ancient Indian science of Mathematics and Geometry, by instructing the construction of fire-altars, among others. Original titles: Āpastambaśulbasūtra (आपस्तम्बशुल्बसूत्र), Kapardin (कपर्दिन्), Karavinda (करविन्द), Sundararāja (सुन्दरराज)
Sutra 6.5b
aṣṭāśītiśatamīṣā tiryag akṣaścatuḥśatam | ṣaḍaśītiyugaṃ cāsya rathaścāraṇa ucyate iti rathaparimāṇam || Sūtra _6.5b ||
evaṃ rathaparimāṇaṃ sarvato mānamudāharanti--bruvate / sāmarthyasiddheśvāṅgulirgṛhyate / ratheṣāpramāṇaṃ aṣṭāśītyuttaramaṅgulaśatam / tiryakchabdaḥ pūraṇārthaḥ / akṣapramāṇaṃ caturadhikaṃ śatam / yugasya pramāṇaṃ ṣaḍasītiḥ / evaṃlakṣaṇo yo rathaḥsa cāraṇaḥ, caratyaneneti cāraṇaḥ / caraṇa eva cāraṇaḥ / cāraṇagrahaṇaṃ krīḍādirathanivṛcyartham / athavā asyaśabdasya sthāne yasyaśabdamadhyāhṛtya yojanīyam / varṇavyatyāsena vā /