Abhijnana Shakuntalam (Sanskrit and English)
by Saradaranjan Ray | 1946 | 183,257 words
The Abhijnana Shakuntalam is a renowned Sanskrit play by Kalidasa, depicting the story of Sakuntala from the Mahabharata. Set in 4th century India, the Abhijnanashakuntalam chronicles the love between King Dushyanta and Shakuntala, who faces trials due to a curse that makes the king forget her. After losing a ring that signifies their union, fate u...
Chapter 7 - Saptama-anka (saptamo'nkah)
saptamo'nkah ( tatah pravisatyakasayanena rathadhirudha़ो raja matalisva ) | raja - matale, anusthita nideso'pi maghavatah sat kriyavisesada- nupayuktamivatmanam samarthaye | (Then enter by aerial flight the king seated on a cor with matali). KING-Matali, although I have executed the orders, I deem myself unworthy as it were owing to the profusion of honours ( done to me ) by Indra.
+ saptamo'nkah matalih ( sasmitam ) ayusman samarthaye | 655 ubhayamapyaparitosa prathamopakrtam marutvanah pratipatta laghu manyate bhavan | ganayatyavadanavismito bhavatah so'pi na san kriyamimam || 1 || besten MATALI - ( With a smile )-0 long live one, I see both of you dis-satisfied. You from the honour, deem light the prior benefit conferred upon Indra. He too surprised at your feat, does not reckon this honour done unto you. bata iti | 'akasena vihayasa yat 'yanam ' svargat bhutale pratyavarttanam tena | rajeti | 'anustitah ' krtah 'nidesah ' srajna, danavavadharupa yena sah, krtakarma iti yavat ! 'maghavatah indrasya " matkriya ' puja, tasya 'visesah ' atisaya utkarsa iti yavat tasmat [ maghavata iti nidesena satakriyaya ca sapecam | gamakatvata samasah | ubhaya sapeksatvat svayama samastama ] | cayogyama, apavama 'deva samarthaye ' manye | 'atmanama ' tam 'anupayaktam ' mataliriti | 'smitena ' isaddhasena 'saha ' | 'ubhayam vayam bhavantam idracca | 'aparitosa ' svasvakrtya asantosama | indrasta va prapujya asantustah bhavamsca mahadapi karma krtva asantustah | kautukakarametat iti hasah | anvayah bhavan marutvatah pratipatta prathamopakrtam laghu manyate | mo'pi bhavatah avadanavismitah imam satkriyam na ganayati | vyakhya ...'bhavana marutvatah devarajasya 'pratipatta ' gaurabena, imdrakrtaya pujaya iti yavata [ " pratipatistu gaurave " iti haimah ] 'prathama ' prakayata upakrtam danavabadhena tvaya upakarah krtah 'tat laghu ' tuccha ' 'manyate ' sambhavayati | 'so'pi ' indrasca "avadanena ' karmana bhavatakatena danavavadhakarmana ["avadatam khandane syaditivrtta ca karmani " iti medini ] 'vismitah ' sascayya man 'imama ' atmakrtam 'satakriyam pujam na ganayati ' kathanayogyam na sanyate | aho avadanam, tuccha me satakriya iti maghavatah, aho satakarah, tuccha maim karma iti bhavato bhavana | [ 'prathamopa ... bhavan ' (ravam, ma ) "upakrtya harestatha bhavan laghu satakaramaveksya manyate ( ta, nya- ) || 'vismitah "
656 (ra-, bi- ) " tositah ' - "gunan " ( ra ., vi, abhijnanasakuntalam ( - ) - || "sammitam " ( tandha ) "imam " ( ta, nya- ) ma. ) ] || NOTES Summary - atha vijitya daityan pratyavarttamani raja hemakutasikharam prapa | tava tapasyanta ' marica drastumavatarata | avasara pratiksasca sthitah tapakhinaubhya- manugatam valamekam cakravatti laksana maicista | tanca capalat varayitum tapasibhyamanuruddhah sprsan sparsasukhaddisismithe | tatah kathaprasangena porabo'yam valah pita casya daratyagau sakuntaleti ca maturnama, iti jnatva yavanniscayam nadhigacchati tavadapasyat bhupatitam valasya raksakarandakam | tadadaya rajna valaya samarpitam | sa tu ausadhih pitarau atmananca varjayitva bhupatita yadi grhyate tato grahitara ' sarvobhutva darsava iti sthite'pi rajanamacatam drstra dusyanta evayamiti niscitya tapasibhyam rajanam vodhayitva gatva sakuntala vijnapita | valastu gantumicchan putra iti sabhasya niruddhah "dusyanto me pita na tvam " iti vipratipede | ittham prativadat niscayasca jatah sakuntala ca tava prapta pratyabhijnata ca rajna | evam samagatau dampati marocamabhyupetau | tena ca maharsina tada durbasama dattah anga royakadarsanavasanah sapa akhyatah manasca dampatyoh prasasada | aat darapatyasamyogata siddharthom raja suda paramaya khanagara pratyagatah | NOTES 1. (a). akasa &c. See Ante. (b). maghavatah - Connected with both nidesa and satakriya | (c) anupayuktam - upa + yuja + kta karttari upayuktah worthy, serviceable krtakarma | anupayuktamiva as if I have done nothing adequate to the reward. = 2. (a). marutvatah - marutah santi asya iti maruta + matupa marutvana | Here marut is not a pada owing to the rule "tasau matvarthe " | Hence we do not get maruddan | pratipattya hetau trtiya | (c) ambadana &c. - ava + daipa sodhane + lut karane = avadanam an achievement. Bhanuji has bhave lat | tena vismitah | 3. Reading (a) The first half as given in the Beng-
H saptamo'nkah 657 Rec. is more compact if not more idiomatic. The only thing against it is upakrtya lagha manyate which does not state cleary what is considered But does it really sin against perspicuity to lagha | say upakrtya laghu manyate = upakrtya tat upakrtam laghu manyate ( The service itself is deemed insignificant) ? (b) fafa better deseribes the character of the service rendered than tositah | (c) gunana in the plural serves no special purpose; draws special attention to recent honours and seems more appropriate. raja - matale, ma maibam | sa khalu manorathanamapyabhumi- bisarjanavasara satkarah mama hi divaukasam samaksamarddhasanopa- vaisitasya- antargataprathenamantikastham jayantamudviksya krtasmitena | amrstabakso haricandananka mandaramala harina pinaddha || 2 || KINGNo, Matali, say not so. The honour at the time of dismissal is indeed not within the range of thought even. For by Hari, as he smiled looking up to Jayanta who stood near with an inward longing, was put on me, seated on half his seat in presence of the gods, the Mandara garland marked by the yellow sandal, rubbed off from his chest. rajeti | 'sa' iti anubhutarthatvat yacchandopadane napeksate | 'visarjanasya ' rajadhani prati preranasya 'avasare ' samaye yah 'satkarah sa khalu ' nunam manorathanamapi | bhumih sravisayah | idrso me puja bhavisyati ityaham manasapi nakarabam | abhumitva ' dayati--anvayah - hi antikastham antargataprarthanam jayantamuddoksya krtamitena hariya amrstavaciharicandramanga mandaramala divaukasam samacam srarddhasanopavesitasya mama "pinaddha | vyakhya ... 'him yatah antikasya samipavarttinam ataeva prautimantam 'antargata ' hrdayasthita 'prarthana ' malabhilaso yasya tathavidham ataeva dusparihara jayanta ' nijatanayam ataeva apratyakheyam 'uddaksya ' ui preritene veddasta [ etena preriteneddastra jayantasya atyasanca devanamanupavesanam sucyate ] 'kuta ' smitam ' isah iाso yena tathavidhena
658 abhijnanasakuntalam antaryamitaya putrasya manogatam pasyan 'aho idrsau te durasa " iti isaisitavata 'harinam indrana 'asrsta ' calita ' 'vacah sthita yat haricandranam pautacandanam tadeva 'angah ' yasyah tadrsau 'mandaramala ' mandarakhasurapadapapuspa malika 'divaukasam ' devanam 'samaksam ' samipe [ avyayibhavah | tac samasantah ] 'arddhasane atmanadhi- krtasya tulye bhage [ "addha napumsakam " ityekadesisamasah ] upavesitasya ' svayameva dattasanasya ityarthah mam (sambandhe ) pinaddha ' asancita | yadda- 'harinahi ' svayamindrana 'pinaddha ' | yanca va mama hi na tu jayantasya 'pinaddha ' ityanvayah | deva sthita ahamupavistah ityekah satakarah upavesananca hariprayukta harinaiva ekasane iti dvitiyah, pritiman putrah prarthayamanah samipe eva asta tamupeksya ne maladanam iti trtiyah, sa ca mala svayasupabhukta iti aturthah | esam ekaikamapi manasapyacintitam ityabhiprayah | * NOTES 1. (a) mama - Construe with pinaddha in the verse following. (b). divaukasam - diva is here akaranta meaning svarga | "mandarah saribhah sakrabhavanam khadivam namah " iti vikandasesah "quoted by Bhanuji, divama cauko yesam | (C) samacama- aksnoh samipe iti sam + adhi + tac samasanta by ganasutra - " pratipara ( ? ) samanubhyah atah " | the 2. (a) antargata etc The force of gata is prarthanam antareva gatam na tu vagata veditam| Also see Tika (b) antikasthama - for force see Tika (c). uhauksya-uda implies upward motion. Hence jayanta was standing and Indra was seated with Dushvanta. (d) sramastam &c, a implies that Indra took the garland off his own neck. Hence the magnitude of the honour. matalih - kimiva nama ayusmanamaresvarannarhati | pasya sukhaparasya harerubhayaih krtam tridivamuddhatadanavakanthakam | saba sarairadhananataparvabhih purusakesarinasca pura nakhaih || 3 || **** 21: far:...aga-adodted by Prot, Gajendraga ikar.
saptamo'nkah 656 MATALI-What possibly is that which Your Long-lived Self does not deserve of the Lord of the immortals. Behold the heaven rendered thoroughly weeded of the thorns of demons unto Hari, addicted to pleasure, by both these--now by the smooth-jointed arrows of thine, and previously by the claws of the Man-lion. raja - atra khalu satakratoreva mahima stutyah | sidhyanti karmasu mahata svapi yanniyojyah sambhavanagunamabehi tamisvaranama | kim vabhavisyadarunastamasam vibhetta tat sahasrakirano dhuri nakarisyat || 4 || KING-In this matter verily the majesty of Indra alone is to be lauded. That agents succeed even in great enterprises consider that as the effect of their estimation by the mighty. Could Aruna have become the piercer of darkness. had not the thousand-rayed Sun placed him in front of his car? mataliriti || 'kim ' prasna | 'kim ' prasna | 'iva ' avadhe | 'nama sambhavya | amaresvarata devarajat 'na arhati ' labdha m na yogyo bhavati | 'pasya ' etat cintaya | kim tadityaha - anvayah - adhuna sranataparvabhih tava saraih pura ca purusakesarino nakhaih - ubhayaih vidivam sukhaparasya hareh uddha tadanabakanthakam krtam | vyakhya- 'adhuna samprati 'ana- tani ' anunnatani, mastanani ityarthah ' parvanigranthayah yesam tathavidhaih 'tava saraih ' vareh | 'pura ca krtayuge ca 'purusakesarini ' narasimharupasya bhagavati narayanasya 'naskheh ' iti 'ubhayaih haya ganamyam [ sarayam nakhananca pratyekam vahuvacanam ] vividha dauvyati iti 'vidiva ' khargah [ igupadhalacanah kah | divasabdena samaso va ] 'mukhaparasya bhoga niratasya samarthasyapi 'hareh ' indrasya sambandhe 'uddha tani ' samutsaditani 'danavarupani kantakani sukhavidhatakani yasmat tathavidha krtam ; purve hiranyakasipodhat ya santih khargasya srasot padya durjayajayata seva bhavata bhuyo'pi vihita | tat ityamupa- krtavatau bhavatah kimadeyamasti devendrasya iti bhavah |
600 ma abhijnanasakuntalam rajeti | 'ava ' asmin maccharaih kantakidare khalu nuna ' "satakratoreva ' na mama 'mahima ' prabhavah stutyah ' [ kyap pratyayah ] prasasyah | mama vijayo'pi indrasyaiva prasadat tat ka me stutih iti bhavah | tadeva darsayati | anvayah - mahatvapi karmasu niyojyah sidhyanti (iti ) yat tam isvaranam sambhavanagunam avehi | arunah tamasam vibhetta kim va abhavisyata cet mahasrakiranah tam dhuri na akarisyat | vyakhya 'mahatavapi ' gurusa api 'karmasu niyojyah niyokta va niyojayitum sakyah mrtya ityarthah [sakyarthe nyati kutvapratisedhah ] 'sidhyanti siddhimanto bhavanti phalam ghatayanti iti 'yat ' bhrtyanam ya krta- yeta 'tama ' [vidheyapradhanyat pulingata ] 'isvaranam ' saktimatam svaminam sambhavanayah ' srayamava camah itya bamrupayah samarthanayah iti vidyasagarapadah 'gunam mahimanam abehi janihi | 'arunah anuruh garuda़ाgajah 'tamasam dhvantanam 'vimetta ' nirasakah 'kim ' va abhavisyat naiva abhavisyat deta yadi sahasra kirana yasya ataeva saktiman 'sumali 'tam dhuriyanasukhe na karisyata na asthapayisyat | ghuri ceta akaranam tamasama- vibhedah tat tamivibhede dhari karanarupa sambhavana eva karanam | ataeva danava- jaye indra na madoyi niyogah karanam naham | karana vibhedarupayoh kriyayoh hetuhet- madbhave sati ekasya vaigunyat anyasya anisyattih | tato lrn ] || [ sunam (ra-, vi . na ) -- " kim prabhavisyadaruyastamasam vadhaya " ( ta-, nya- ) ] || NOTES 1. (a) mukhaparasya Indra was pleasure-loving. This does not * imply that he was weak or timid, but only shows his aversion to make an effort. (b), umayaih ubha + srayac = ubhayam a group of two ubhaya is nsually singular. The plural may be defended as in, "ubhaye devamanusyah "Bhashya. Also see Tika (c) vidivam - vi + dib + ke kari =vidivam | Or vabayavam divam vidivam sakaparthivadi etc. 2. (a). sidhyanti sidha of the divadi class means nispatti as in siddhamannam | Hence secondarily it means to succeed which is the sense here. Comp. svayamasiddhah kadhasandhana sadhayet | (b) sambhavana Adopt Adopted by Prof Gajendragadkar.
H saptamo'nkah = 661 &c. - sama + bhu + nic + yuca bhave = sambhavana estimation. 'sambhavanam kriyasu yogyatadhyavasanam '... Vriti. yogyatadhyavasanam 'a surmise of one's ability thinking that so and so is able to do such and such work. This thought ( sambhavana ) on the part of the Mighty (isvara ) actually gives his agent the power to do the work ( sambhavanaguna ) | Dushyanta wants to say I have succeeded simply because Iudra thought I should succeed, such is Indra's greatness that his mere thought has endowed me with the power necessary to succeed. Hence. 'ava khalu satakratoreva mahima stutyah ' | This is somewhat like" "rsinam punaradyanam vacamatho'nudhavati " For an exactly similar idea compare... " nanu vajrina eva vauyyameta- hijayante dvisato yadasya paksyah " Vikram, (c) tamasam vibheksa ... vi + bhida + taca karttari - vibhetta | We cannot have tana so to say, for that would bar the sasthau in tamasam | Besides, no habit in it is implied here but simply success through specially favourable circumstances. Hence tan should be out of the question. 3. Rhetoric = From aba khalu to nakarisyata we have a complete syllogism. The object is to estsblish the particular case "aka satakratormahima stutyah | " Towards this is cited the general proposition arthantaranyasa siddhanti ... tamisvaranam " | This much cansitutes an The portion "kim va ... nakarisyat " is only an illustration of the general proposition, hence it fuinishes a drstanta | matalih - sadrsam tavaitat | ( stokamantaramatitya | ) ayu- smana, itah pasya nakaprsthapratisthitasya saubhagyamatmayasasah | vicchittisesah surasundarinam varnairami kalpalatamsukesu | vicintya gitaksamamartha jatam divakasastvaccaritam likhanti ||5|| MATALI-This is worthy of you. (Passing a short distance) O Long-lived One, in this way behold the good luck of your fame that has established itself on the surface of the heaven. Yonder denizens of the heaven, with paints left over after the decoration of the heavenly beauties, and on their garments , obtained from the kalpa-creeper, are depicting your ( recent )
662 abhijnanasakuntalam exploits, having thought out materials capable of being set to music ( Or... worthy of divine me !ody ). mataliriti | 'etat vinayavacana "taba saha " yogagram | sura avikatthana bhavanti iti bhavah | [ "tava " (ta-, nya ) eva " (ra . vi . ma. ) ] ! stokam kincit 'antaram ' duram 'atotya ' gatva ! 'itah ' asyam disi ityangalya nirdosah 'nakasya ' svargasya 'prsthe ' upari 'pratisthitasya ' krtadhipatyasya 'atmano yasasah 'danava- jayajatayah kirteh 'saubhagya ' subhadrsta 'pasya ' | tadeva darsayati - anvayah - ami divokasah gautamam arthajata vicinna surasundarinam kalpalatamsukesu vicchattisesavah tvaccarita ' likhanti | vyakhya- 'ami ' dure drsyamana "diva " svargah 'oko ' nivasi yesam te deva ityarthah 'gautasya ' ganasya "cama ' yogamा surasundaribhirganam 'artha ' basta nam 'jata ' samuham padavalomityarthah [ "arthah prakara visaye vittakaranavastuhu " iti "natam jatyoghajanmasu " iti ca visvah ] "vicinta dhyayam dhyayam nirumya 'surasundariyam ' devastram pratyaka padavali ' racayitva kharva nitanam kalpalatayah ' yani sukani vastrani tesu kalpapadapalabdha su nijavanitabasanesu ityarthah 'vicchitteh ' angaragat ' [ • vicchittirangarage'pi ' iti visvah ] 'sesah avasisteh ' 'vanaih ' tata uddatya iti bhavah tava carita ' durjayajayavadanam likhanti ' ] priyajanena geya priyasadhanavarnena priyaparihitavasanesa svahastena likhitam te yasah | aho saubhagam iti bhavah | * NOTES. 1. tava - The Devangari reading eva entirely misses the meaning. 2. (a) vicchitti &c. vi + chida + ktin bhabe = vicchitih painting. sisa + ghankarmani sesah residue. vicchite ( pancami ) sesah | supsupa | (b) vicinta ... vi ind cates effort on the part of the thinkers. They wanted the composition to be worthy of the subjectmatter. Hence the effort. (c) gautacamam ... gauvam camate iti gauta + cama +na karttari | Or gautasya samam yogyama | The female voice is sweet, priyajanena &c. adopted by Prof, Gajendaragdker.
saptamo'nkah 663 hence sarasundaraunam not suranam | Comp, 'vrksacchayanisadinyastasya gopta guno- dayam | akumarakathoddhatam saligopyo jagurthasah || '... Raghu 1 raja - matale, asura sampraharot sukena purvadyudivamadhiro- katamasmina marutam pathi hata na laksito'yam pradeso maya | varttamahe | KING-Matali yesterday this region was not noticed by while ascending the heaven eager as I was for the fight - with the demons. In which course of the winda Ame matalih- trisrotasam vahati yo gaganapratistham jyotimsi varttayatica pravibhakta . rasmi tasya vyapetarajasah pravahasya vayora- margo dvitiyaharivikramaputa esah || are we ? MATALI-This is the region, sanctified by the second foot-step of Hari, free from the operation of the quality of Rajas, the region of the wind Pravaha which bears the tripple-streamed river that is in heaven and causes the luminaries to revolve with their rays duly apportioned. rajati | 'purvedyah purvasmin dine [" sadyapast ... " iti nipatah ] divamadhi- rohata asuraih saha ya: 'sampraharah ' yuddha ' tava 'utsukena maya ayam pradeso na lacitah | sapta marutam panyanah santi | taba 'katamasmin partha ' adhuna 'varttamahe ' tisthamah | srava | hi raja binayat kathantarabatagya atmastutiprastavam pariharati | mataliriti | anvayah ... yah gaganapratistham visrautase bahata jayotimsi pravibhakta- rasmi vayati ca tasyavyapetarajasah pravahasya vayoh esa ditoyaharivikramaputo margah | vyakhya ...yah gagane 'pratistha ' sthitiryasyah tathavidhi 'tisrotasam ' nimargagam akasagangamityarthah 'bahati ' dharayati vitanauti va 'jyotimsi ' tarakadini 'pravibhaktah yathabhagam vyavasthapita 'rasmayo ' bhasah yasmin karbhena yat yatha tatha battam yati 'ca' mandalaso bhramayati ca 'tasya, ataeva kharvahinausamparkat 'vyapetam ' duribhutam 'rani ' raji- guno yasmat tasya - pravahasya tannasrobhu vayoranantarasya 'bayoh esah ' ditoyena hareh
M abhijnanasakuntalam vamanavatare vivikramarupasya srivisnoh vikramena padanyasena 'putah ' pavitrah suddhasattvamaya ityarthah margah ' panyah | sravahapravahadisu dvitauyasya prabahasya vayorayamadhikarah | svayam jotirvibhagakanturasya tamasah katham va nasti | parantu ayam putam mandakinim vahan rajasi 'pi suktah | tatasca haripadapatena punah parame satva ' sthita esa panthah | ['pravibhakta- vasmi " ( ra ) " pravibhaktarasmih " (vi ., ma ta, vya0 ) | sulam ( ta tya . ) ... 'tasya feat harivikramanistamatka ' vayorimam parivahastha vadanti margam ' (ra ., vi, ma . ) ] | NOTES 1. (a) asura sura + aca matvartha = surah oe having a share of the nectar. na surah suravirodhi an opponent to the gods. virodhatha nan | "tatsaddasyamabhavasca tadanyatva ' tadalpata | aprasatamtra birodhasca nanarthah sata prakirttitah | sama implies reciprocity vyatihara | sampraharante asmin iti sam +pra + hr +ghan adhikarane = sampraharah battle. Or ghan bhave meaning fight. asuraih sampraharah | supsupa | tasmin tena va utsukah | supsupa | (b) katamasmin • &c... Seven courses of the wind are enumerated. These are avaha, pravaha, uddaha subaha, parivahu, paravaha, in order of distance from the earth. But the names are differently given by different authorities, (c) Remark-Raghava thinks that the king introduces a now subject purposely to stop Matalis laudatory remarks 2. (a) visrotasam ... voni khatamsi yasyah sa visrotah the threestreamed i. e., the Ganges which is supposed to have one stream in the heaven (the Millky way ), one on earth, and a third in the nether regins (b) pravibhakta &c... rasmi conveysa pun. It also means the reins of a horse. Just as a trainer turns the horse round and round catching hold of the reins, so does pravaha with regard to the heavenly bodies. 3. (a) * vyapeta &c. .. rajas has a pun. It means dhuli also. The marga is devoid of dust, because it is above bhusayu which alone con• $Adopaed by Prof. Gajendragadkr.
saptamo'nkah 665 tains dust. (b) dvitiya &c. The allusion is to the vamanavatara of Hari. This was to relieve Indra of the oppression of the demon Bali, Vishnu appeared before him in the form of a Brahmana dwarf and asked for the grant of such space 2 as he could cover in three steps. He said he wanted this for then he would be able to practise penance on his own land; asceticism observed on another's soil brings no merit. Bali agreed. But lo! No sooner he pronounced the formula of gift than the manikin assumed gigantic proportions and covered the entire earth with one step, and the heavens with another. The demon, who was a devout Vaishnava, saw that it was his own Lord that had come to treat with him, and in ecstasy he put forth his head to the Lord to place his third foot on. 4. (2) pravibhaktarasmi - This is a kriyavisesana refers prominently to the manner of spinning, and is threfore preferable to the attributive pravibhaktarasmih qualifying yah | * (b) tasya dvitiya ... margam-- This refers to af the sixth course. But Mahamahopadhyaya Nyayapanchanana has the following qnotations-'bhacakra dhruvayo- namacipta ' pravacanilah | paryyatyanasa tannaddha grahakaca yadhakramam | - Suryasiddhant, "bhapancarah khecaracakrayuktah bhramanyajana pravaddanilena " - Siddhantasiromoni. "fa"-Vishnu-purana. This leaves no doubt that "notasi vartayati ca pravibhaktarasmi " applies to pravaha and not to parivaha| The Bengali reading is therefore peferable. This is confirmed by the king's remark-at- mavatirno svah (see below). raja - atah khala savahyantahkarano mamantaratma prasi- iti | ( rathangamavalokya ) meghapadavimavatirnau svah | KING-Hence, surely, my innerself with the internal and exterual senses, enjoys tranquility. (Looking at the wheels) We have descended to the reign of clouds. * Adopted by Prof. Gajendragadkar. 43
6 6 6 abhijnanasakuntalam matalih--- kathamavagamyate | MATALI-How is that known! raja- ayamara vivarebhyascata kairnispatadbhira- haribhiracirabhasam tejasa canuliptaih | gatamupari ghananam varigarbhodaranam pisunaryata rathaste sikaraklinnanemih || 7 || KING-This chariot of yours with the rims of its wheels wet with sprays, with Chatakas rushing out of the interstices of the spokes, and with the horses, tinged with the glow of lightning, indicates passage over clouds having water inside their cavities. rajeti | 'atah khalu ' ataeva karanat satvamaye mage sthitatvat ityarthah | 'vah srinanevadibhih karanaih indriyaih 'antah ' antah sthitena 'karanena ' abhyantarena manasa [ antah sabdo'yam lacanasca antahsthavaci ] 'saha mama antaratma hrt 'prasidati ' sattasamparkajamatmaprasadam labhate | 'rathana ' rathacakram | 'meghanam padavim sthanam samana- | ntarasya bhuvayoravahasya margam 'avatina ' mvah ' | | rajeti | anvayah -- ayam te saukara klinnanemih rathah aravivarebhyo nispatadbhiscatakaih, acirabhasam tejasa anuliptah haribhisva, varigarmodaranam ghananamupari gatam pisunayati | vyakhya - 'ayam te ' tava, tvatparicalita ityarthah 'sokah ' jalakanaih klinna ' ardra 'nemayah cakradhara yasya tadrsi 'rathah ' | idam tavat prathamam sucakam ] 'karanam ' cakranga- visesanam vivarebhyah ' antaralebhyah 'nisyatadbhih uddiya vahiragacchahnih 'catakah ' megha- priyeh pacibhih (dvitiyametat sucakam ] 'athira ' ksanika 'bhah ' diptih yasam tasi, vidda pravamityarthah 'tejasa ' doptya 'anuliptah ranjitaih 'haribhisva ' tvadiyairava [C trtiyam lingam ] 'variyarbha jalapurnam 'udaram ' 'abhyantara ' yesam tathavidhanam 'dhananam ' meghanam 'upari prstegatam gamanam 'pivanayati sucayati | drstipatapratyasaya sannihita-
saptamo'nkah- | scatakah cakranganamavakasainihsaranti | asvasca te vidya taprabharanjitah | bhadra ca cakrangam | tanmanya samatitya suravarga meghamargamavatirna vayamiti | 1. NOTES savaya &c. -- vahyani catrantasca vahyantah external and internal indra | The whole is an avyaya | bahyantah karanani vahyantahkaranani karnadha - 1 taih saha vartamanah | bahu- | 2. * bhegha &c. This shows transition to the course immediately below. Now meghapadavi is in the course of bhuvayu | "mumervahirda- dasayojanani bhuvayuravambudavidadadyam - Siddhanta siromoni quoted by Nayapanchanana. Hence the subject matter, of the previous remark must be the course immediately above bhuvayu, 2 . 8. pravaha and not parivaha ; Of bhuvayuravahah pravahastadurdhah | We say immediately, because "antaratma prasodati and "meghapadavimabataurno kha: " are spoken of in the same breath. 3. cacira &c. - cira is cirasthayini by lacana | na ciracira transient, nakhtat| tadrsi bhah yasam tasam | Cf. "acira- 1 subilasacancala " in Kirata II. bahu- 1 4. vari &c. - bari garne yasya tat varigarmam, vyadhikarana bahu - of the gadamdi class like kamandalupani | Now see Tika. 1. matalih - ksanadayusmana svadhikarabhumau varttisyate | MATALI In a moment the Long-lied One will be in the regions owned by himself. raja - ( adho'valokya ) - matale, begavataranadasvayryadarsanah samlaksyate manusyalikah | tathahi- sailanamavarohativa sikharadunmajnjatam medini parnabhyantaralinatam vijahati skandhodayat padapah | santanattanubhavanastasalila vyaktim bhajantyapagah kenapyutaksipateva pasya bhuvana ' matparsvamaniyate || 8 || KING - ( Looking below ) Matali the region of men Adopted by Prof. Gajendragadkar.
abhijnanasakuntalam appears of (or present) a strange spectacle through descent. with speed. Thus-Behold the land descends as it were from the summit of up-rising mountains; trees leave their concealment. within leaves through the exhibition of their trunks ; rivers whose waters had disappeared through thinness, undergo manifestation from expansion; the world is being brought to my side as it were by some one throwing it up. mataliriti | 'canat ' ksanamativadya [ lyaklope pancami, karakamadhye va ] 'svasya adhikarasya ' niyogasya 'bhumau ' syane bhuprstha 'vartisyate ' sthasyati | 1 | gajeti | 'vesena avataranat ' hetoh 'manusyanam lokah bhuvanam prthivi ityarthah 'asraya ' vicitvam 'darsana ' yasya tathavidhah laksyate bhati | tadeva varnayati | anvayah -- pasya medini unmajjatam lanam sikharada varohativa | padapah svanvodayat | parnabhyantaralaunatam vijahati | tanubhavanastha salila apagah santanat vyakti bhajanti ; bhavanam utaksipata kenapi matparsva m anauyate iva | lokaya [ vaksyamanavakyarthah karma ]| 'medino ' bhumih iva prakato bhavatam 'sailana ' parvatanam 'sikharat ' srngat 'avarohatova ' adhahpatativa | na hi saila unmajjanti, napi medini avarohati | kintu vegat sailana summajjanam | sailanabhummajjanam vyakhya- 'pathya ' asramava 'danmajjatam ' sahasa utpna vya medinyasca avarohanam dayametadasrayyai ' drsyate | 'padapah ' vrcah 'skandhasya ' prakandasya 'udayat ' avirbhavat 'parnanam patranama 'abhyantare ' madhya ye 'lonah ' guptah, tadbhava 'vijahati ' tyajanti | purvam pavapunjamavani iva drstah padapah sahasa kandadimanto drsyante | etancasca vegajjatam | 'tanubhavena ' caunataya 'nastani ' alacitani 'salilani ' jalani yasam tathavidha 'apagah ' srotavatyah 'santanat ' vistarat tanu- bha referert ityarthah 'vyakti ' prakatatam 'bhajanti ' gacchanti | yatra yatra durat suksmataya jalanadrsta ' sahasa sajala nayastava drsyante | ityayyasvayya ' vegadeva | 'bhuvanam manusya- atisurasurasatvena satvena 'matpava mama lokah 'ut cipata ' ui ' prarayata 'kenapi ' sasopam 'aniyate iba ' upasthapyate iva | vastutastu ahamevadhah patami | vegat punarbhuvanasutapasatoya bhati | yaddhi durat ekaprsthamekavarnanca prabhat, tadeva bhuvanam sahasa giritarusaridadirupena vibhaktaprsthabhagasutapatativa ityahi ascarya m | [ "santanata "
saptamo'nkah 636 ( ma. ) - sanvaneh (ra . vi ) - "sandhana ( ta, n ) || mulam (ra ., bi ., ma.) | "tanubhaga nasta salilavyaktata vrajantagrapagah " ( tanya ) ] || NOTES 1. ksanatalyavalipe pancami ( See Tika ) or pancamo by the rule "saptamipancamyau karakamadhye " | The latter allows alternative daye| asmin muhurtte meghapadatryam varttamano bhavan canat ksane va svadhikarabhumau vattisyate is the contruction. 2. tanu &c tanunah bhavah tanubhavah | samanya napumsakam | We avoid the feminine tanva bhavah because that gives tanvobhavah | A similar description occurs in Bhasa's avimaraka | Mutharg 3. Reading santanah has the plural needlessly, sandhanam tanubhaga- nastasalilavyakta brajantaprapagah of the Beng. Rec, may be explained thus 'apagah nadyah 'tanubhagesu '' suksmamsesu 'nasta ' duratvat ahrstam yat 'salila ' tasya 'vyaktaya ' avirbhavena darsanena ityarthah 'sandhanam vrajanti krtasandhana iva bhanti | Comp "yada vicchinnam bhavati krtasandhanamiva tat " Act. I matalih - ayusyan sadhu drstam (sabahumanam vilokya ) - aho udararamaniya prthibi | MATAL!-Well observed. O Long-lived One. ( Watehing with great appreciation) Oh ! How grand and charming is the earth ! raja - matale, katamo'yam purvapara samudravagadhah kanakarasa- - nisyandi sandhya iva meghaparighah sanumanalokyate | KING-Matali, what mountain is this that has descended into the eastern and the western seas and pouring liquid gold, eppears like lar of evening clouds ? matalih - ayusman, esa khala hemakutho nama kimpurusa- parvatah param tapasvinam ksetram ! pasya- svayambhuvanmariceryah prababhuva prajapatih | surasuraguruh so'tra sapatni kastapasyati || 2 ||
670 abhijnanasakuntalam MATALI-O Long-lived One, this is the mountain of the Kimpurushas, Hemakuta by name, the great resort (for the success) of ascetics. Behold, that progenitor of gods and dem ons, the Lord of Creation, that was born of Marichi, the son of the Self-progenitor, here practises penance with his wife. mataliriti | 'udara ' mahati ca 'ramaniya ' darsaniya ca iti vismayoktih | rajeti | 'artha ' katamah sanuman ' parvatah 'purva ' ca aparam pascimaca 'samudram avagadha़h ' pravistah 'kanakarasasya suvarnedravasya 'nisyandah sravah ' | taddan, drabasuvarnodagari ityarthah ataeva 'sandhagrakalinah 'meghaparighah ' meghamala 'drava alokyate ' | mataliriti | "kimpurusanam 'parvatah ' tairabhyasitatvat | ' tapakhinam ' para srestha 'cevam ' siddhasthanam ["siddhasyane'pi ca cevam " iti vikandasesah ]| tadeva sthana- mahatma ' darsayati-- ' pasya ' vacapramanametadalokaya | - anvayah -- khayambha bat maraucah yah prajapatih pravabhuva surasuraguruh sa sapatnikah atra tapasyati | vyakhya - khayam bhavatiti svayambhahbrahma | tasyapatyam 'svayambhuvah ' [ ani sati " sragu nah " iti gune prapta "caroditi vaktavya gunagrahanam samjnapurvako vidhiranityo yatha syat ' - tena khayambha va iti siddha bhavati " iti vrttikarah ] - brahmano manasah putrah | tasmat 'mariceh maroci sajnakata brahmani manasapuvat 'ya: prajapatih 'lokasrasta kasyapa iti nama 'pravabhuva jana suranam devanam 'asuranam danavanaca 'guru ' pita sa maricah 'pa ' aditya 'saha bhava ' asmin hemakutaparvate 'tapasyati ' tapascarati [ kyani "tapasah parame " padaca " iti paramam padam ] pita brahmanah puruh | khayacca sa lokaguruh | so'pi sratah tapasyati | aho hemakutasya mahatmam ityasayah | 1. (a). purvapara &c. - srava + gaha + na karttari - avagadha़| purvasva aparasca purvaparau | tau ca to samudrau ca purvaparasamudro | tau avagadha़h | (b) kanaka &c. - ni + syanda + ghan bhaveh- nisyandah or nisyandah the sa being optional by the rale "anuvipayyaminibhyah syandaterapranisu " (P. 8 372). We have matvartha ini (See Tika) and not bini because syanda is rather akarmaka | (b). sandhah- sandhyayam bhava iti sandhya + san = sandhah | sanva though kalavaco takes ana
saptamo'nkah 671 instead of tan by the rule "samviाbelartunaca vebhyah an " (P. 4 3 16) It is of the sandhiveladi class. (c) parighah - parihanyate anena iti pari + hana + apa karane = parighah or palivah the la being optional by the rule 'paresva arsat : " ( P. 8.2. 22 ). 2. kimpa rusa &c. - kutsitah purusah kimpa ुrusah a kind of demi-god. tatpurusa by the rule " kim cepe ' (P 2. 1. 64 ) "kutsa ca kasyacinnara mukha svakayatvat kasyacit asvamukhanarasariratvat " - Bhanuji. 3. (a). svayambha vat khayam atmana bhavati iti svayam + bhu + kvip karttari -svayamgbhah a name of Brahman svayambha ुvah apatyam iti svayambha ू + an = svayambhuvah | We do not get svayambhavah because the guna enjoined by the rule orgunah ( P. 6.4, 145 ) has exceptions, and this is one of them. Thus ":" being barred, the rule "afa a angyat yvoriyanavanau ' applies and bhu becomes bhuva | (b) surasura &c. - surasca asurasca surasurah surasuramm | indah | sura and asura are antagonists. If the antagonism is emphasised and somehow deemed eternal we get surasuram by the rule "yesanca virodhah sasvatikah ( P. 2.49 ), otherwise these being pranijati, we have srurasurah as in 'pujito yah surasureh " | raja - tena hi anatikramaniyani sreyamsi | pradaksinikrtya bhagavantam gantumicchami | KING Then surely here are blessings not to be passed. by. I wish to go after having circumambulated the reverend sage. matalih- prathamah kalpah | ( nanavatina ) | MATALI-An excellent resolve. ( They act alighting) • raja - ( savismayam )- upodasabda na rathanganemayah pravarttamanam na ca drsyate rajah | abhutalasparsataya nirudvatistavavatirno'pi ratho na laksyate ||10|| KING (With surprise)-Not being in contact with the
672 abhijnanasakuntalam ground, the rims of the wheels have made no noise no dust too is seen rising, upward shock is absent. Your car though descended. is not noticed as such. rajeti | tena hi nimittana, yato'va prajapatiraste tatah ityarthah 'anatikramani- yani ' atikramya gantumanahani 'yamsi ' subhani atra santi | tadeva spastayati | bhaga- vantam kasyapam pradacinikrtya pradacinakriyaya prapujya [ avyayibhavastisthadugvadih | tato gatisamasah | "nanena samasah srayantu sasasyata eva " idi bhojabacamata sadhuh | pradisamasadgatisamaso va ] 'gantumicchami ' tatasca sreyo bhavita | bhagavatpradaksiyam mahate hi subhaya, tancasubham na upeksyam iti bhavah | mataliriti | 'prathamo ' mukhyah uttama ityarthah 'kalpah ' sa' kalpah | 'navyana abhi- nayakarmanam 'avatirnau avataranamabhiniya sthitau ityarthah | | rajasva rajeti | anvayah - abhutalasparsataya rathankanemayah upodasabda na | pravartamanam na drsyate | niruddhatistava rathah bhavatosom 'pi na laksyate | vyakhya - avidya- manah bhutalasparsah ' bhumisampako yasya tasya bhavena, bhumisamparka virahat ityarthah rathanganam cakranam 'nemayah ' prantah 'upodhah ' prarabdhah 'sabda ' yaistathavidha 'na' yenaha sabda- viramat krantah pantha iti vaktum saktah syam | 'rajasca ' dhulayasca [ jata veka baccanam ] 'pravarttamana cakairavakhuresca utksipta sat prasarpat 'na drsyate ' yena rajasamapravrtti drstra gamananivrtti janiyam | etayorupari punah nirgata uddhatih pratighatajah caubhah yasmat tathavidhah 'taba rathah avataurno'pi haimakutasikhare patitopi 'na laksyate, pati- tatvena na jnayate | yaha - girisikhare patito'pi rathah samsparsasunyataya sthitatvat cakrasampatasavdo na jatah, na ca dhulirutthitah napyanubhuto rathacobhah | tatpatita iti na jnato maya ratha iti bhavah | NOTES 1. pradaksinaukrtya - prakrstatvam daksinasya pradaksinam preference of the right side. avyayibhava of the tisthatvadi class tat astasya iti pradaksina + ac matvarthe = pradaksinah one placed preferably to the right. Or pragati daksinam pradaksina placed to the right, praditat | apradaksiyam pradaci krtva iti pradaksina + ci .va + k + lyap, gatitat - 1 prathamah kalpah - An excellent idea or resolve, or primary duty Of "prathamah kalpah " in Swapna IVetc.
1. saptamo'nkah 673 3, upodha़ &c. - upa + baha + kta karmani = upodha़ाh commenced. 4. Reading - Raghava reads abhutalasta satayaniruddhatah and dissolves amrtalasparsataya niruddhatah srarodhat | So he first obtains ani- ruddham with bhave ta meaning anirodhah and then attaches tasi | Vidyasagara reads nirunvatah with the construction nirundhatah tava &e. Neither of these seems to give a clear idea. fafa is the Bengali reading, and is evidently, much better than either of the above. matalih - etavaneva satakratorayusmatasca visesah | MATALI Just this much is the difference between Indra and Your Long-lived Self. rama-masale, katamasmina pradese maricasramah | KING-Matali, in which quarter is the hermitage of Maricha ? matalih- (hastena darsayana ) - valmika nimamabhuttirurasa sandasthasarpatvaca kanthe jirnalatapratanavalayenatyatham sampida़िtah | 1 savyapi sakuntaninicitam vibhrajjatamandalam yatra stharivacalo munirasavabhyavam vimvam sthitah || 11 || MATALI ( Pointing with his hand) Where stands, motionless like a tree-trunk yonder ascetic facing the solar orb, with his body half-buried in an ant-hill, with his chest having a snake-skin adhering on to it, the neck excessively pressed by a coil of withered tendrils of creepers, bearing a mass of clotted hair spreading over his shoulders and filled with bird's nests, mataliriti | etavan ' etatparimanah eva 'visesah ' bhedah nadhika . ! bhuvi vicarane satakratoh rathah aspasto gacchati taba tu spastah | etanmavam yuvayorbhedah | athava -sa iva bhavanapyanakarathavartma iti bhavah |
674 !-- abhijnanasakuntalam mataliriti ! - anvayah - yava asau valmika inimagnamurttih, sandastasa tvaca urasa jirnalatapratanavalayena kantha atyarthasampida़िtah asavyapi sakuntanoda़nicitam jata- mandalam vibhrata sthanuriva acalah munih abhyakam vimba sthitah | vyastha - 'yava asa ture drsyamanah 'valmike ' pipilikavisesakrtasta pe 'ai ' yatha tatha 'nimagna ' nihita 'sutih ' yasya tayavidhah 'sandasta ' samyak lagna 'sapatvaka ' nirmoki yasmin tathavidhena 'urasa ' vacasa [ acalatvopalaksanam | upalaksane trtiya upalaksane trtiya ] 'jornana ' suskanam latapratananam ballitantunam 'valayena vestanena, balayitalatatantubhirityarthah [bhavanayane dravyanayanam ] 'kantha atyartha ' yatha tatha sampauda़िtah, asau skandhau 'vyapnoti ' yat tadrsam 'sakuntanam pacinam 'nauड़h kulayaih [ vahuvacanena jatamandalasya mahattvam ] 'nicitam ' parivyapta 'jatamandala ' vibhrat ' dharayan, ataesa 'sthanariva kandaseso vrksa iva 'acalah ' sthirah sunih, arkasya ' suryyasya vimvam ' mandalam tat 'abhi ' [ avyayaubhavah ] suryamandalama bhilaksya ityarthah ' sthitah ' tistati | tava maricasrama iti vakyasesah | NOTES 1. (a) valmoka etc. - This indicates motionlessness for a great length of time. aham nimagna animagna | valmike arddhanimagna valmomkarddhanimagna | supsupa | tadrsau murttiryasya | vahu- 1 Or addhanimana murtim yasya sah arddhanimagnamurttih bahu- | valmike arddhanimagnamuntih supsupa | (b) urasa sandastha &c.-This implies acalatva | Hence ityambha talacane trtiya | (c) abhyarka etc - arkasya vimbam arkavimbam | tata abhi iti abhyakam visvam | avyayaubhava by the rule "lacanenabhipratau abhimukhe " ( P. 2. 1. 14). Or we may have abhi and arkavimvam uncompounded the letter taking dvitiya owing to abhi which is a karmapravacaniya here in the sense of laksana (indicator). raja - namaste kastatapase | KING-Salutation to thee of severe Penance.
saptamo'nkah 675 matalih -- ( samyata pragraham ratham krtva ) - etavaditiparivarddhita- mandaravrksa prajapaterasramam pratisthau svah | MATALI - ( Restraining the reins of the chariot )-Here we have entered the hermitage of the Lord of creation where Mandara trees have been reared by Aditi. raja - svargadadhikataram nivrtisthanam | vagadhi'smi | amrtahrdamitra KING An abode of bliss greater than Heaven. I am as if immersed in a lake of nectar. matalih (ratha sthapayitva ) - avataratvayusman | MATALI-( Having fixed the chariot ) - Let Your Longlixed Self alight. - raja - ( avatiyyam ) - matale, bhavan kathamidanim | KING-(Having alighted)-Matali, how art thou disposed now ? matalih -samyantrito maya rathah | vayamapyavataramah | ( tatha krtva ) | ita ayusman || ( parikramya ) drsyantamantrabhavatamrsinam tapovanabhumayah | MATALI-The chariot is secured by me. I am alighting too. (Doing so) This way, O Long-lived One. (Going roumd Let the sites of hermitages of the noble sages be the stage observed. rajeti | 'kastam kathora ' 'tapo ' yasya tamo namah | mataliriti | 'samyatah pragrahah ' rasmayah yasya tama | 'eti ' imau avam 'aditya ' indrajananya 'parivarddhita ' lalita 'mandarabaca ' yasmin tadrsam 'prajapateh ' kasyapasya 'srasramam pravistau khah ' |
abhijnanasakuntalam rajeti | 'nila ' te mukhasya 'sthanam ' aspadam esa maricasramah | 'amrtasya hrda ' kundam 'avagadha़h ' pravista 'iva asmi | nedrsam svarge'pi ladhva sukha me iti bhavah | mataliriti | 'sthapayitva ' susamyatam krtva | rajeti | 'idanom ' samprati 'bhavan katham kena prakarana atmanam vyaparayisyati | mataliriti | "samyantritah samyak yantritah sthapita ityarthah | 'tapovananam bhumayah " sthanani drsyantam bhavata | darsanayogya hi tah | NOTES 1. aditi &c. Shows the sanctity of the place. Indra's mother here rears the Mandara saplings. 2. bhavan katham &c. He inquires if Matali will stay in the chariot or get down.* raja - nanu vismayadavalokayami | prananamanilena vrttirucita satkalpavrkse vane toye kaca tapadyarenakapise punyabhisekakriya | dhyanam ratnasilagrhesu vibudhastrisannidhau samyamo yadvacchanti tapobhiranyamunayastasmimstapatyantyami ||12|| KING-I am indeed observing with wonder. In a forest where Kalpa trees abound, the necessary sustenances of life is secured with air; in water that is brown with the pollens of golden lotuses, is done the holy act of ablution for merit; in house of rocks of gems, is performed meditation; in the presence of heavenly maidens, is practised self-restraint. These are practising penance scorning all that to which other sages aspire by their austerities. Adopted by prof. Gajendragadkar.
! | saptamo'nkah F 677 gajeti | anvayah - satkalpavrkse vane ucita prananam vrttih anilena (bhavati ) | kancanapadmarenakapise toye punya abhiseka kriya | ravasilaggrhesu dhyanam | vivudhastri- sannidhau samyamah | anyasunayastapobhih yaddanchanti tasmin ami tapasyanti | vyakhya- 'santo ' vidyamanah 'kalpavrca yasmin tadrse 'bane ' kalpatarukanane ityarthah ' ucita ' tapascarana- yogya 'prananam vrttih ' 'jivanadharanam 'abhilena ' vayuna bhavati [ eko'pi kalpapadapo bahubhogaya prabhavati | atra kalpapadapakananameva bate, tathapi ete bayubhaca jivanti ' tadapi tapase yat paryyapta tanmatrameva bhavati | iti srasramasya tapasanacca utkarsah ] | 'kacanapadmanam suvarna kamalanam 'renubhih ' paragah 'kapise ' pingalavarne 'toyem ' jale punya pavanau 'abhiseka kriya ' niyamajnanakarma kriyate | [ sucarupankajam jalamalam viharapravrि janayitum | tacca pankajamatra sauvarnam | tathapyamau nitaram viharavisukha niya- mananamatnaparayana ityahi utkarsa stapasanamasramasya ca ] | 'ratnavikara ' yah 'silah ' tannirmitesu 'grhesu dhyanam ' atmasaksatkaro bhavati [ silagtahamekameva bhogaya sampradyate | ava ca vajnani | tani punarahi ravamayani | amau tu tesu dhyanama- bhyasyanti iti bhutiprakarsa stapasanamasramasya ca ]| 'vibudhastriyah ' suranayaih | tasam 'sannidhau samaupe 'samyamah ' panca ndriyanigrahah abhyasyate [ strisannidhanameva tapaso vinnah | ava tu surastrinam sannidhih | tathapya te jitendriya varttante | aho aisvaryam tapasanama- sramasya ca ]| kim bahuna 'anya ' sunayah ' visvamivadayah 'tapobhih tapascaranaih 'yat ' vastu 'banchanti ' labdha ' kannksanti 'tasmina ' sthitamapi tadanadrtya [ anadara bhavalaksane saptami ] ami drsyamana maricasramagata 'munayah tapasyanti [ kyan parasmaipadaca ] | [punya ... grhesu vanchati ( bho ta, nya . ) "dharma talesu ... kanksanti ' (ra ., vi0, ma- )] || NOTES 1. (a) ucitayam gya, ie enough to keep body and soul together. Some explain ucita = abhyasta and construe anilena prananam vrttih ucita have practised to live upon air, (b) sat etc. Adopted by Prof Gajendragadkar.
678 abhijnanasakuntalam There is here quite a forest of Kalpavrikshas, any amount of luxuries can be got from them for the mere asking. But they eat air. This indieates contempt of luxuries. (c) kacana ctc, indicates abundance of golden lotuses also their constant presence (d) tasmin - Raghava renders tasmin sthane | In that case yat means sthanam | But do ascetics practise penance to go to Hemakuta ? poato matalih - utsarpini khala mahatam prarthana | akase ) vrddhasakalya, kimanutistati bhagavan ( akaraye ) kim travisi daksayanya prstastasyai maharsipatnisahitayai kathayatiti | ( parikramya maricah | pativratadharmamadhikrtya MATALI-High-soaring indeed is the aspiration of the great. (Going round in the air) Vriddha Sakalya, what is His Holiness Maricha doing? (Aeting hearing) Do you say that questioned by Dakshayani with reference to the duties of those, that are devoted to their husband, he is telling her along with the wives of other great sages! raja ( karna datva ) - aye pratipalyavasarah prastavah | KING~(Listening) Ha ! the subject deserves waiting for an apportunity. mataliriti | 'mahatam prarthana ' srasamsa 'utsarpini ' urddhagamini 'khalu ' | 'akarnya ' sratva, sravanamabhiniya ityarthah | 'dacayanya ' daksakanyakaya divya 'prati- 'bratanam ' bharttaniratanam 'dharma ' satitvamityarthah 'adhikrtya prsthah ' san satautvamahatma- visaya ke prasna krte sati 'maharsinam patibhih sahitayai tasyai uttaram kathayati iti 'vravisi kim ' | rajeti | 'pratipalyah praticayogah 'avasarah birami yasya tadrsah ayam prastavah pativratadharmakathana prastabah | birate prastave upasarpavah ayuktah antara pratibandhah | | NOTES 1. (a) vrddhasakala - This is some attendant of maroca | (b)
saptamo'nkah tasyai -- sampradane caturthi | The complete sentence is tasyai pativratadharma kathayati Hence the kama of kathayati is pativratadharmam, and is intended for sa| Hence the rule "kamana yamabhipraiti sa sampradanam " applies. The followers of the Vritti restrict this rule to the karma of da | They have therefore to cite kriyayage 4rthi, or "kriyarthopapadasya ca karmani sthaninah ' which gives karmani caturthi, with the construction af bodhayitum kathayati | But sampradane catuthom being the view of the Bhashya kara must be allowed to overrule the Vritti and taken as the morecorrect explanation. (c) fa-This refers to the whole sentence " dacayanya---kathayati | It is the karma of vrabosi | 2. aye etc. He means to wait till the discourse is finished. matalih - ( rajanamavalokya ) - asminnasokavrksabhule tava- dastamayusman yavatvamindragurave nivedayitumantaranvesi bhavami | MATALI (Looking at the king )-Let your Long-lived Self stay at the toot of this Asoka tree whilst I continue on the look out for an opportunty to report you to Indra's father. raja-yatha bhavana manyate 1 [ sthitah niskrantah ] | KING-As you deemn proper . ( Stays Evit Matali) raja [ nimittam sucayitva |- manorathaya nasamse kim vaho spandase mudha | purvavadhiritam sraya duhkham hi parivartate || 13 || matali KING (Acting an omen)-I hope not for (the object of) my desire; why, O Arm, dost thou throb needlessly. My bliss has been slighted before ; misery alone surrounds me (now) [Or For bliss, previonsly slighted, turns into misery]. mataliriti | 'indrasya guruh pita kasyapah | tama 'nivedayitu ' vijnapayitum [caturthi sampradane ] 'antaram ' avakasam sadhu 'anvisyati ' ya: tadrso 'bhavami |
'om80 abhijnanasakuntalam rajeti | 'nimitta ' dacinavahaspha ranam 'sucayitva ' abhinaya | * anvayah -mano- rathaya na asamse | hai vahi sudha kim spandase | sreyah purvavadhiritam | duhkha hi parivartate | vyakhya-- 'manorathaya ' svabhilasitaya, sakuntalarupaya, manoradham labdha mityarthah [["kriyarthopapadasya " - iti caturtho ] 'na asamse na pradhye| he 'vahi ' 'sreyah ' mangalam 'purva madabhuja 'sudha ' vrtha [ avyayametat ] 'kim spandase ' spha rasi | prak "avadhoritam ' avajnatam tvaya [ "jnapakasiddha na sarvatra ' iti purvasabdasya para- nipatau na ] | 'duhkha ' hi duhkhameva adhuna 'parivartate mam parivrtya tisthati | yaha 'sreyo hi purbam avadhiritam sat 'duhkha ' paripate duhkharupena parinamati | prageva sakuntalam tyaktva duhkhah parivrto'smi | tasya labhe niraso'ham | tat kimartham bratha me vahah spha rati iti bitarkah | NOTES 1. indragurave - sampradane catuthim| For reasons see tasya above. Remember "kriyagrahanamapi kartavyam ' also gives sampradane caturthi ; but accto some it applies only to akarmaka roots. 2. purnava &c. - avadhaura is a curadi dhatu | avadhira + kta karmani avadhiritam | purvam avadhiritam | supsupa | In such cases purva usually a appears last in the compound. This is by implicction ( jnapaka ) in the rule "bhutapurve carata " in which panini writes bhutapurva instead of purvambhuta | But what is inferred by implication ( jnapaka siddham ) is not. (fag universal ( na sabaiva ) | Hence we get purvavadhirita also. 7 - nepathye - ma kkhu cavala karehi | kadham gado ebva ttano pakidi [ ma khala capalam kuru | katham gata eva atmanah prakrtim ] | IN THE DRESSING-ROOM-You must not indeed practise haughtiness. How! have you already gone back to your nature ! * Adopted by Prof. Gajendragadkar.
7 saptamo'nkah raja ( karnam dattva ) - abhumiridamabinayasya | - | 681 ko nu khalvesa nisidhyate | (sabdanusaramnavalokya savismayam ) ye ko nu khalvayam anuvadhyamana [ avarudhyamana- ] stapasvinibhyam avalasattvo valah- arddhapitastanam maturamaklistakesaram | prakiड़िta simhasisu balatkarena karsati || 14 || KING~~~ (Lending his eary This is no place for turbulence. Who could he possibly be that is being checked? (Looking in the direction of the voice-With amazement) Ha! Who indeed could be this boy, attended by two female ascetics, this boy of un-boy-like-strength that for sport is forcibly dragging away from its mother a lion cub that has halfsucked its mother's teat, its manes disordered by the rough encounter.. nepathya iti | 'capala ' 'capalatam khalu ma kuru ' | iti nisedhah | aganite nisedhe 'katham ityascayya ', 'atmanah prakrtim svabhava capalabhavamityarthah gata eva | valamiva 'sattva " yasya tadrsah 'khala ' parena samvandhah | anvayah -- prakiड़िtum valatkarena matuh karsati | vyakhya- rajeti | 'avinayasya ' auddhatyasya 'iyam abhumih ' asthanam | ava maricasrame avinayasya avakaso nasti iti bhavah | 'nisidhyate avinayat vayyate | sabdasya anusarah anusaranam | tena | yatah sabda ayatah tam desam prati neva ' preya caha | 'aye ' iti vismaye | 'nu ' vitakeh 'khalu ' avadharane | 'tapakhinobhyam anuvadhyamanah ' anuganyamanah 'avalasya kisorasya 'sattva ' ko nu ayam valah 'simhasisu ' karsati iti amai klitakesaram arddha potastanam simhasisu 'prakroda़िtu " krauda़ाm prakam 'ama 'na svakrtaviksobhena 'klista ' vikorpah kaisarah skandhavala sasya tat 'arddham ' asamagra ' yatha tatha 'pautah ' stano yena tadrsam ataeva . svacchaya anayanta ' 'simhasya ' kasyacit asrama kesarinah 'sisu " savaka 'balata ' prasahya [ sravyayametat ] ya: 'karah ' karanam tena 'matuh ' jananyah simhakopamapi aganayitva 44
682 abhijnanasakuntalam ityarthah [ apayayogat pancamo ] 'karsati apanayati | yadda- 'matuh svanam ' iti sambandhah | NOTES 1. avalasattvo valah - Compare " balo'pyabalapratibhau babhuva " - Buddhacharita, 11. 23. | Or 2. (a) baddha &c. - arddha pautah ai pitah supsupa | Next bahu - pitastanah, vaha ai pautastanah supsupa | (d) matuh - The construction + is matuh karsati draws away from the mother. Hence there is apaya and we get apadane pancami | Raghava takes it with stana and makes a. sesasasthi | But in that case matuh is well-nigh superfluous ko hi nama pituh stanam pibet ? (c) valas &c. - + ghan bhabe = karah | valat is an avyaya in the sense of hatha | "valaditi hatharthe " - Ganakara. balatkarah forcible performance. karmadha | tena ; trtauya karane | See Swapna IV. also. kr ( tatah pravisati yathaniddistakarma tapasvinibhyam balah ) valah- jima siha dantai ' de ganaismam [ jrmbhasva simha, dantamste ganayisyami ] | (Then enter the child engaged as described with two female asceties). BOY - Yawn, Lion, I will count thy teeth. tthane kkhu isijanena prathama - pravinida, kim no apancanibbisesani sattani vipparesi | inta vaddhai de samrambho | sabvadamanoti kidanamahosi [avinita, sesani sattvani viprakarosi | hanta, kim nah apatyanivi- varddhate te samrambhah | sthane khalu rsijanena sarvadamana iti krtanamadheyo'si ] | FIRST HERMI I-Undisciplined child, why do you tease the animals, that are not different from our own children. * Adopted by prof. Gajendragadkar.
saptamo'nkah 683 Ha! your turbulence increases. Rightly are you named Sarvadamana by the sages. raja - kim nu khalu vale'smina aurasa iva putre snihmati me manah | nunamanapatyata mam vatsalayati | KING-Why indeed does my mind soften towards this boy as towards a heart-begotten son. Surely, childlessness makes me affectionate. tata iti | 'yathaniddistha ' nirdesanurupa ' 'karma ' yasya sah yathoktavyapari 'balah ' mamhasisu karsannityarthah | bala iti | 'jrmbhakha jrmbhanam kuru | 'dantan ganayisyami | | yada jrmbha te mukha vyadasyate tada te yasya tathavidho'si | | prathameti | he 'avanita dauh sila 'nah apatyam bhyah santateh 'nirvisesani ' abhinani 'sattvani ' praninah 'kim viprakarosi ' pradharsa yasi | ma evam karu | etena anivarite vale - 'hanta ' bisade (sravyayam ) | 'te samrambhah ' kopah 'varddha te ' | 'sthane khalu yuktameva 'sarvadamana ' iti krtam namadheyam ' nama [ khadye vaiyapratyayah ] rajeti | 'kim nu ' bitarkagarbhah prasnah | khalu ' avadharane | saha pratyaya- dharanam | 'urasi ' hrdayat jate 'iva putre [ "angadiniskanto hrdayadabhi- jayase | atma vai puvanamasi nauvakha saradam satam || " ityuktah ] viyati sammra hambhavati | svayamevottaramaha - 'anapanyata | ' santatisunyata mam 'vatsastam sakha hai karoti [ tatkarotyathe nic ] | NOTES. 1. (a) apatya &c. - vi + sisa + ghana bhave = visesah difference, nirgatah visesa ebhyah nirvisesani without difference. vaha supsupa | (b) sthane - An atryaya meaning yuktam | dvitiya - esa tumam kesarini mubhyasi [ esa tvam kesarini subhvasi ] || apatebhyonirvisesani | yadi jai se puttana na langhayati yadyasyah putrakam na
684 abhijnanasakuntalam SECOND HERMIT This lioness will surely hurt you if you do not release her whelp. valah ( sasmitam ) - amhe, balia kkhu bhidomahi BOY - ( Smiling ) HO! HO ! Iam terribly frightened [ amhahe, baliyah khalu bhito'ssi ]| [ adharam darsayati indeed. ( Shows his lower lip. raja (savismayam ) - mahatastejaso bijam balo'yam pratibhati me | sphulingavasthaya vahniredhapeksa hava sthitah || 15 || KING-( With astonishment) - This boy, the germ of mighty energy, appears to me like fire remaning in the state of a spark and awaiting fuel. dvitiyeti | 'esa kesarini simho 'tvam ' langayati ' abhimavati [ samaupe bhavi vyati vartta manam | "bata manamamipya vartta manavada " iti suvena ] ! | vala iti | 'asmahe ' iti vismaye| upahasartham vismayabhinayah | "valiyah " sratyartham yatha tatha 'bhito'smi, naiva bhautah ityarthah | adharam darsayati ' ityavajnaprakasah rajeti | + anvayah - mahatastejaso vaunam ayam valah sphulingavasthaya edhapecah sthito vahniriva me pratibhati | vyakhya- 'nahatah ' pravalasya 'tejasa ' pratapasya 'vija ' nidanam 'ayam balah sphulingastha agnikanasya ya 'avastha ' rupam taya [hetau trtiya ] ataeva 'evan ' kasthani 'apecate ' svarupalabhartha yastadrsah [karmanyupapade nah karttari ] 'vahiriva ' jvalana iva 'me mama 'pratibhati prakasate | aciradeva 'tejasa jajvalya- mano jagadayamabhibhavisyati ityaham manya iti bhavah [ aidhapecah " ( ra, vi, ma- )- "edhopecah " ( ta, nya ) ] | NOTES 1. asmahe -An avyaya implying vismaya ? "vismaye ama he asma nitya ' stribhih prayujyate " iti kosah |
saptamo'nkah 685 2. mahatah This is differently construed thus srayam balah mahataste jaso vijam | sphulingavasthaya sthitah edhapecah vahniriva me pratibhati Raghava. aidhapecah sphulingavasthaya sthitah vahniriva ayam balah mahatasta jasovija me pratibhati - Vidyasagara, Nyaya-Panchanana. Raghava wants a nominative to pratibhati | He has disconnected : from it. In the second construction fufa is superfluous; because, that this valah is mahatasta jaso vaujam is undoubted every one will undoubted-every admit this after witnessing his treatment of the lion-cub. pratibhati better suits cases where difference of opinion is very likely. In our construction me pratibhati goes with esapecah sthitah admitting the bala to be mahatasta jaso vijam one may doubt the edhapecita | But the king does not doubt it, hence he ought to say me pratibhati | The king's surmise is true as will be seen from Maricha's remark "rathenanuddhati " &c. - Infra. prathama - vaccha, evam balamisranda mubhca, avaram de kilagaya daismam [ vatsa, etam valamrgendrakam mubhva, aparam te krida़nakam dasyami ] FIRST. H. My child, let this poor lion-whelp go, I will give you something else to play with. balah- kahim dehi nam [ kutra | deा nat ] BOY - Where ? Give it. | raja - katham cakvarttilaksanamapyanena dharyyate | tathahyasya- pralobhyavastupranayaprasarito vibhati jalaprathitangalih karah | alaksyapatrantaramiddharagaya navosasa bhinnamivaikapankajam || 16 || KING-How so! The sign of mastery over the whole circle of kings is also borne by him! Thus, his hand, opened from his longing for a desired object, having the fingers arrayed in contact seems like a beautiful lotus tinged [Or_
abhijnanasakuntalam prayameti | 'balo mrgendrah ' simhah 'balamrgendrah | tvaya paudyamanatvadanukalpitam [ anukampayam kan ] tam 'muca ' 'krauda़naka ' krauda़ाrtham dravyam | rajeti | 'katham ' ityasraye | tasya 'laksanam ' cihnam 'api dhayyate ' | 'tadeva darsayati ' | anvayah --- pralobhyabastu pranaya- prasaritah jalagrathitangalih asya karah iddharagaya navosasa bhinnam alaksyamatantaram ekapangajamiva vibhati | vyakhya- 'pralobhya ' lobhayogye 'vastuni ' ya: 'pranayah prarthana abhilaso va tena prasaritah ' unmilitah 'jalamiva grathitah samslisthah anga layoyasmin tadrsah asya karah ' panih 'ida ' daupitah varddhita ityarthah 'ragah ' padmasya lohitya yatha tathavidhaya 'navaya ' sracirapravrttaya 'usasa ' prabhatena 'bhinna ' misra vikasitam va 'alaksyani asyani 'pavanam dalanam 'antarani ' avakasah yasmin tathavidham 'eka ' mukhya ' pankajam padmam 'drava vibhati ' prakasate | raktatalah panirityarthah | ["navo- basa ' (ra-, vima . ) 'navosaya ' ( ta, nya- ) ] || 'anena cakra rajamandale 'vatta 'te ' prabhubhavena yah NOTES 1. cakravarkim &c. Raghava quotes - "atiraktah karo yasya grathita - nga ुliko mrduh | capasankitah so'ya cakravartti bhaved dhruvam || " 2. (a) jala &c. -Comp. "jalavanaddhanga lipanipadam - "Buddha charita. I 65. "sujatajalavatatanga lau mrdu " - Ibid VIII, 55. (b ) iddharagaya -Commentators all take raga here as belonging to usas | This represents as beautifully red, excessively red. This serves no purpose. We want excessive redness in the lotus to compare with the excessively red ( atirakta ) kara of the cakravartti- laksananvita boy (see note preceding) The reason why they adopt this undesirable construction is that root is taken by them as akarmaka and therefore the exposition iddho rago yaya is considered by them as grammatically indefensible. They all Adopted by Prof Gajendragadkar.
saptamo'nkah 687 derive ida with karttari ta Thus -- "iddha sasrddhah rago lohitya yasya taya " &c. - Vidyasagara. - Raghava, Nyapanchanana. iddhah dauptah To the contrary we say that may be had also, supThe root however is often posing the root to be antarbhavitanyarthah | seen as sakarmaka | Westergard quotes- 'invate havyavaham ' - Rig veda. 'yavagrirnityamidhyate "- Mahabharata. 1 "saminvano'strakosalama Bhatti, 6. 37. &c. Hence idah dopitah ragah pankajalauhitya ' yatha as in the T/kza is perfectly legitimate. (c) navisasa - nava usa navosah karmadha -| taya | usas is neuter according to Amara but the lingamnu- sasana of panini has it in the feminine. The rule is pratipadapadipata sampaccarat parisadusah samvita ksudyambha tsasidhah " (Ling 27 ). ta gaccha dvitiya - subbade, na sakko eso vacamettena viramavidu [ sunate na sakya esa vacamatrena viramayitum ] mamakerae uड़e makkande assa isikumarassa vannacittido mitti- amorao cittadi tam se uvahara [ tat gaccha madiye utaje markandeyasya rsikumarasya varnacitrito mrttikamaya stisthati | tamasyopahara ] | SECOND H.-Suvrata, he cannot be stopped by mere words. So you go. In my cottage there is a colour-painted clay peacock belonging to belonging to the hermit-boy Markandeya. Present him with that. prathama - taha [ tatha ] | (niskranta ) | | FIRSTH, -So be it ( Hit). balah - dava imina evya ki lissam [ tavadanenaiva kridisyami ] | ( tapasim vilokya hasati ) | BOY Till then it is with this that I shall play. (Laughs looking at the female ascetic).
8 abhijnanasakuntalam dvitiyeti | 'sutrata ' iti prathamaya nama | 'vaca ' vakyameva iti 'vacamava " tena, kevalena vacasa ityarthah [ nityasamasah | mayuravya sakadih | vaca iti bhavantah "apancapi halantanam yatha baca nisa disa ' iti nidda 'sat ] 'viramayitu ', nivai- yitum | 'varnaih vividhairvanaih 'civittah ' alepitah | mrtikanirmitah mayurah ' [ saka- prathi vadih ] | 'ta' mayuram 'asya ' [ sambanvasamanya sasti ] 'upahara ' prapaya | vala iti | 'tavat ' yavat mrmmayuro nanitah avadhi tavat ] | 'hasati ' iti valasvabhavah iha tapakhinya krte nisedhavakya avajnayah sucakah | NOTES 1. vacamatrena ... vaca produces the stem baca by the maxim "vasti magurillopamavapyorupasargayoh | apancapi halantanam yatha vaca nisa disa || So vaca + apa or ta = vaca word, speech. See Tika also. raja - sprhayami durlalitayasmai | alaksyadantamukulananimittahasaira avyaktavarnaramaniyavacahpravrttina angasrayapranayinastanayana vahanto dhanyastadanga rajasa malinibhavanti || 17 || KING-I really long for this naughtily disposed boy. The blessed alone carrying their sons-whose buds of teeth are slightly visible by causeless laughs-whose flow of speech is charming by indistinct syllables-who long to cling to their lap, become soiled with the dust of their body. tapasi - bho, na mam ganesi [bho, na mam ganayasi ] | (parsva- mavalokya ) ko ettha isikumaranam [ kah atra rsikumaranam ]| ( rajanamavalokya ) bhahamuha, ehi dava mobehi imina dusmo- hatthaggana dimbhalilae bahi maganam balamisrandaa [ bhadramukha,
saptama'nkah 688 ehi tavat mocaya anena durmocahastagrahena dimbhalilaya badhyamanam balamrgendrakam ] | HERMIT. What ho! You do not heed me 1 (Looking to one side). Who is here of the hermit-boys? (Seeing the king) Gentle Sir, do come and release this poor young lion which is being teased in boyish play by this boy the grasp of whose hand is hard to unloose. rajeti | [lada़ vilase bhadisu | bhave ktah | ulayorabhedah ] 'lalitam vilasah | 'dusta m lalitam yasya tasmai ' 'asmai durbilasatha balaya ["sprheripsitah " iti sampradane caturthi 'spahayani khalu ' | satyapi durvinitatva etadarthe me abhilaso varttate eva | anvayah -dhanya animittahanah alaksyadantasukulan avyaktavaram ramaniyavacah pravrttin aाsrayapranayinah tanayan vahantah tadangarajasa malinobhavanti | byakhya-- 'dhanyah " sukrtino jana 'animitta ' akarana ye hasah taih karanaih 'balacya ' isadahasya 'dantanam mukulah ' korakah, navodgata danta ityarthah, yesam tan 'avyakta ':' aparispha teh 'varnai `: aksareh 'ramaniyah ' manoharinyah 'vacasam pravrttayom vakyoccaranani yesam tan . 'anka ' asrayah ' nivasah, tasmin yah 'pranayah ' prarthana taddatah 'tanayan vahantah ' kroda़ kurvantah 'tesam ' tanayanama 'anga ' yata rajah dhulih [jatavekavacanam ] tena amalina 'malina bhavanti ' | * puvagavadhulina ya malinata dhanyata nama sa, mamam tu adhanyasya nasti, ataeva para yvaya spa hayami iti bhavah | tapasiti | 'na ganayasi ' trnaya manyase | 'rsikumaranam kah ava aste iti tanam [ mulam (ta, gya ) - ' bhavatu na mamayam ganayati " ( rava, ma ) || "avaloka " ( ta- nya- ) - "avalokayati " (ra-, vi ., ma )]| 'bhadra ' mangalam mukham ' yasya tatsambuddhih | he 'bhadramukha saumya 'ehi tavat ' agatya 'durbhom cah duspariharah 'hastena grahah ' grahanam sustirityarthah yasya tathavidhena 'anena dimbhanam ' balanam 'lolaya ' vilasena valasulabhaya krauda़ya ' vadhyamanam pidyamanam 'balamrgendrakam mocaya ' | yaha- 'anena ' kartta 'dumo cena hastagrahena karanena 'badhyamanam ' ityanvayah | [mulam (vi .)- duma ka ' ( ra ) - "duma ca " (la-nya ) - "grahana " (ma ) ] || Aadopted by Prof, Gajendaragdker.
660 abhijnanasakuntalam NOTES. 1. (a) animitta &c. -- avidyamanam nimitta yesam te animittah | bahu- tadrsa hasah | hetau trtiya | The boy has laughed for no cause (C./. - "tapasim vilokya hasati " above). (b) avalokya ti 2. Reading-- (a) bhavatu &c. This evidently is the style of an atmagata remark. But the speech is not svagata -The lata is used at the termination of a speech, in the middle. Hence is better. lapa is usual 3. durmoca &c. - duhkhena muncati pariharati etam iti dura + muca + khalkarma ि = durmocah | yaha + ap bhave = grahah | Now see Tika. Raghava reads durbhika | There is no reason to change ca into ka | Monier. William has grahena for grahena | But does not take ghan cannot give graha in the bhavavacya | The rule is 'graha vaha niscigamasca " (P 3. 3. 58 ). The defence graha eva grahah is unnecessary here. and. raja - (upagamya - sasmitam ) - ayi bho maharsiputraka- evamasramaviruddhavrttina samyamah kimiti janmanastu vaya sattvasamsrayaguno'pi drsyate krsnasarpasisuneva candanah || 18 || KING~~(Approaching-With a smile ) - O thou child of a great sage, why is thy progenitor's self-restraint-even that: from which comes the virtue of being the resort of all creatures-being thus defiled by thee with a disposition opposed to a hermitage, as a Sandal-tree is by the young black-serpant (cobra). tapaso - bhahamuha, na hua isikumara [bhadramukha, na hi ayam rsikumarah ] | HERMIT-Gentle Sir, he is in fact not the son of a sage. rajeti | ayi iti komala santrane | anvayah - evam asramaviruddhavattina tvaya janmanah satsamsrayaguno'pi samyamah krsnasarpasisana candana evam kimiti dusyate | vyakhya- 'evam anena prakarana 'asramasya viruddha ' visamvadini 'vrttih vyapari yasya tadrsena 'tvaya janmanahh ' maharseh pituh [ apadane manin ] 'sadhanam praninam samyayah
| saptamo'nkah 661 samyagasrayanam tadeva 'guna ' dhamom yasya tathavidho'pi 'samyamah ' atmadamana yenatmadamanena sa hi sarvapranisaranam, tadapi 'krsnasarpasya sisuna 'candanah ' tadakhyo vrksa 'drava kimiti katha dusyate ' kalusokriyate | yatha mubhago'pi candanah sapai tatvat lokaistanyate, tatha sarvasrayo'pi te pita tvatsamsargat satvam vanyate iti bhavah [ "samyamah " (ra ., vi, ma- ) - " samyami ' ( ta, nya- ) || janmanah " (ma ) janmadah " ( ta, nya ) || 'gunah ( ta, natra "janmatah " (ra ., bi .)- "sukhah ' (ra . vi . ma.) || "candana " ( ta nya ramdhi ) = "candanam " ( ra . vi . ma. ) ] || NOTES 1. (a). janmanah - jayate asmat iti jana + manin apadane - janma the source, i.e the father. tasya | posa sasti | Construe-janmanah samyamah | (b ). krsna sarpa etc. - krsnasarpa is a kind of cobra. A nityasamasa with (b). akhapadavigraha (or - avigraha ) | Thus savisah sah krsnasarpah | karmadha - (nityatat ) | maharsi yan is compared to krsnasarpasisu for contrast. Think what you are, and what you are acting like. (c). Meter - The metre is raghodata defined as rannaraviha ravoddhata lagau " with the scheme, -(b). The following are compared boy, snake ; Boy's father's samyama -sandal tree. Both samyama and tree are sattvasasrayaguna and both are dusyate and shunned. Here in the previous editions I had inadvertently stated "boy's fatherSandal tree"; father's samyama fragrance &c, of the Sandal tree. It was an obvious slip contradicting the Tika. 1. Readings (a) samyami for samyamah and janmadah for janmanah refer to the father. The construction being janmadah dusyate | (b) Raghava's readings are adopted by Vidyasagara and thus explained, "srasramaviruddha tapovana visamvadini vrttirvyaparo yasya tathoktena tvaya sattvanam samsrayena abhiraksanena sukha prautih yasmat tadrso'pi samyamah tapovanavasinam sahajah sarvahimsa nivrttirupa sracarah krsnamapesisuna candanamiva kimiti kimartha janmatah janmatah arabhya asaisavadityarthah evama uktaprakarena dusyate sadosah kriyate "| Raghava explains satva samprayasukhah as "sukhayatiti sukhah | sukhasvasrayayasaumatva mam
662 abhijnanasakuntalam Prof. Gajendragadkar rightly objects that the sense of father is not expected from Kalidasa. This is undoubtedly a blemish in our explanation. But Raghava's which the prof. adopts seems still more fautly. For (a) janmatah from the very birth' --is superfluous kimiti samyamodusyate answers equally well. (6) It implies that it would not be so serious if the boy did it later in more advanced years. This is absurd, because such pranks are possible with thoughtlessness of childhood alone. It will thus be seen that I have adopted the less objectionable of the two faulty interpretations. Indeed I have grave doubts about the authenticity of the verse. The verse preaches a sermon and that to a mere infant. Kalidas'as sense of proprietey perhaps would not have allowed the verse here. After having addressed the boy as fg the comparison with a heigtens the contrast no doubt; but is utterly lost to the child who wants a lion-cub to yawn so that he might count its teeth! raja - akarasadrsam cestitamevasya kathayati | sthanapratya- yattu vayam evamtarvinah | (yathabhyarthitamanutisthana valakasya sparsamupalabhya atmagatam ) - anena kasyapi kulankarena sprstasya gatresu sukham mamevam | kam nivrtim cetasi tasya kuryyad yasyayamangat krtinah prarudhah || 16 || KING-His action, which befits his body, indeed declares it. But from our reliance in the place we guess thus. (Aside -on feeling the touch of the boy while doing as requested). Such is my joy on being touched in the limbs by this shoot of the race of some one, what rapture then must be produce in the heart of the lucky person from whose body he has sprung! tapasi (ubhau nirvarnya ) -accharia accha ria [ascayyam- mascaryam ] |
saptamo'nkah 663 HERMITS (Marking) - Strange ! Strange ! raja - ayya, kimiva | KING-What is it, noble lady. | rajeti | 'akarena akarasya va 'sadrsam ' anurupam 'cestitam ' karma 'evam katha- yati, yat ayam rsikumarako na | prakarena karmana a kathyate nayasrsikumara ka iti | 'sthane ' avasrame ya: 'pratyayah ' visvasah, rsijustamidam sthanamiti ya me matih tata eva 'evam ' idrsa 'tarkayati ' yastadrso'ham jatah rsikumarakamenam manya ityarthah ["evam tarkinah " iti tu vidhiyate | tena "asmado dayova " iti bahuvacanam ] | 'yatha yaddat 'abhyarthitam prarthitam tatha, prarthi tanurupa nityarthah 'anutisthan ' kurvan simhasisumasya mustemo cayan iti bhavah | 'sparsa ' gavasamparkam 'upalabhya ' prapya | anvayah - kasyapi kulada़ kurana anena gatresu sprstasya mama evam sukham, ayam krtinah yasya angat prarudha़h tasya cetasi kam nitim kuryyat | vyakhya- 'kasyapi maya nihsamparkasya janasya 'kulasya vamsasya 'ankarena ' va' sasantana vijena 'anena ' valena 'gava su ' kesvapi pratyaksa su 'sprstasya na tu palimgitasya 'mama evam ' anirvacani 'sukha " yadi jatam tada srayam krtinah ' krtakrtyasya, dhanyasya yasya ca gat dehat 'prarudha़h 'tasya cetasi 'kam ' avada- manasagocaram 'nitim sukham ' 'kuryyat ' vidadhyat | na ko'pyahamasya tathasyasya sparsa- matrenapi evamabhavaniya me sukham | yo'sya pita sa enam nirbharamalika kim sukham labheta vada, mama tu manasapyasakya ' cintayitum ityasayah | NOTES 1. evam tarkinah - evam tarkayati iti evam + tarka + niva + nini karttari | 2. (a). kulamkurana - addha ra speaks of the continuity of the race, Hence it hints at the exitnction of the puruvamsa | (b). krtinah - Indirectly deplores his own akrtitva | tapasi - imasma balaasma rubasamvadini de akiditti | vihidamahi aparisma vi te apapaड़िlomo sambutto tti [ asya
684 abhijnanasakuntalam balakasya rupasamvadini te akrtiriti | vismitasmi apari- citasyapi apratilomah samvrtta iti ] the HERMIT -It is that your appearance resembles features of this boy. I am surprised that he has proved not untractable to you, though a stranger. raja - ( valakamupalalayan ) - na cenmunikumaro'yam atha ko'sya vyapadesah KING (Fondling the boy)-If he is not a hermit-boy, then what is his race. tapasi - puruvamso [ puruvamsah ] | HERMIT-Purn's race. tapasiti | 'asya valakasya ' yat rupa tena sadhu 'samvadati ' samgacchate ya tadrsi 'tu akrti rupam 'iti ' etadasrayryam | "kimiva " iti rajnah prasnasya prativacana- metat | 'aparicitasya ' adrstapurvasya 'te apratilomah aviruddhah [praditat | ca samasantah | tato nana, tat || avyayibhavapace tu taca samasantah tato matyathayo- 'c | nana samasah ] 'samvrtti ' jatah iti anena hetuna (ta-, nya- ) - "vismapita " ( ra, vi, ma ) ] || 'vismitasmi | [ "vismita rajeti | 'balam dapalalayan ' upalalayamanam ' icchanurupam prarvatama balakam pra rayan [ ipsartha ` vartta manat cauradikat laladhatoh hetumasic ] | atha ' prasnah | 'asya vyapadesah ' kulam 'ka: ' | NOTES 1. (a). rupasamvadini - rupena sadhu samvadati iti rupa + sam + vaha + yini karttari sadhukarini | (b). apratilomah - * pratigato lomani iti pratiloman + aca samasanta = pratilomah against the hair, ie, refractory, pradi The aca ्ma is attached by the rule aca pratyanvavapurvat sama- tat- * Adopted by Prof. Gajendragadkar.
saptamo'nkah 665 lonah | An avyayaubhava is not easily available here. If allowed. the form will he pratiloma + aca matvartha = pratilomah opposed. na tatha | (c). fafwai-fawifqai supposes fa to be the agent (g) that causes vismaya | This is unecessarily round about. 2. upalalayan - The root lal is curadi atmanepadi giving upalalaya- manah| The parasmaipada however is seen in cases like "lalayet panca- varsani "-Chanakyalok "upalalayantamapi te sakhi na lacayisyati Malavikagnimitra. The defence is that in these examples a preranarthakanic is attached to the curadi root. Hence akartamipraye kriya- phale parasmaipadam | Thus balakah upalalayate with svarthika bica only; upa- lalayamanam balakam prerayan = upalalayan with additional giv in the sense of grm raja (atmagatam ) - kathamekanvayo mama | madanukarinamanamatrabhavati manyate kulabatam - atah khala astyetat pauravanamantyam bhavanesu rasadhikesu purva ksitiraksarthamusanti ye nivasam | niyataikaya tivratani pascat tarumulani grhibhavanti tesam || 20 || (prakasam ) na punaratmagatya manusanamesa visayah || KING-(Aside)-How so! My collineal! Hence surely does this noble lady consider him as resembling me. There exists this final family vow to the descendants of Puru, that of those who for the protection of the world, wish residence in houses, abounding in pleasures in early life, in later days the roots of trees, with solely the vow of hermits attached to them become eir homes. (Aloud) But this is not a place for mortals ( to come to) through their own motion. tapasi - jaha mahamuho bhanadi | acchara samvandhena una imassa janani ettha devaguruna tabovanepsasuda [ yatha bhadramukho
666 srabhijnanasakuntalam bhanati | apsarah samvandhena punarasya janani atra devagurostavapovane prasuta ] | HERMITAs gentle sir says. But this boy's mother owing to her relationship with the Apsaras, was delivered here in the hermitage of the Progenitor of the gods. rajeti | 'katham ' ityaccayya ' | 'mama ' [ sambandha samanya sasthi ] ekah anvayo " vamso 'yasya sah | 'atah khalu avabhavato ena ' valakam 'mam anukaroti ' maya saha samvadati ' rupena yastadrsam 'manyate ' | 'ante ' vayasi karttavya ' 'kulatrama, kulacarah | tadeva sphutayati | anvayah - purva ye citiraksartha rasadhikesu bhavanesu nivasam usanti pascat tesam niyataikayativratani tarumulani gtahobhavanti | vyakhya - purvam adya vayasi 'ye citeh ' dharaya 'racartha " raksanaya, na tu indriyasevartha ' 'raseh ' bhogadravyah 'adhikesu ' vahulesu bhogavyasu ityarthah 'bhavanesu ' 'nivasa ' sthitim 'usanti ' vanchanti [ 'vasakantau ' iti dhatuh ] 'pascat ' antevayasi 'tesam niyatam ' vyavasthitam 'eka ' kevala 'yativratam vanaprastho yesu tathavidhani 'tarumulani ' agtahani 'gtahani bhavanti ' sampradyate | sada dharmottarah paurava dharmarthameva yauvane grhinah barddhake munitratastarutala bhajante | yaca tapasi puruvamsa ityaha tava prcchati 'esa punah ', bhayantu maricasramah 'atmano gatya svacchaya 'manusanam na visayah sabhumih || ava manusa devayonibhide vairvaperitah cagaccha yuh na hi kha cchaya | tat kathamiha paurava prapta iti prcchami iti bhavah | tapasiti | 'bhadrasukho yatha bhavati ' tathaiva etat | satyameva manusah svayamaka agantu masaktah | apsarobhi ' yah 'sambandhah samparkah tena 'punah [punariti bhede ] 'a janani bhava devanam guroh pituh kasyapasya 'tapovane prabhuta ' | NOTES | 1. rasadhikesu -rasyante iti rasa ( adanta curadi ) + nic + ac or ghana karmani = rasah enjoyments. Now supsupa (see Tika ). raja (apavarya ) - hanta dvitiyamidamasajananam (praka- sam ) atha sa tatrabhavati kimakhyasya rajarseh patni |
saptamo'yah 987 KING ( Aside ) - Ha! Here is a second creator of hope. ( Aloud) Well, of what royal sage (by name) is she, the noble lady, the wife. tapase ko tasma cintismadi [ kastasya cintayisyati ] | dhammadara paricaino nama sankittidu dharmadvaraparityagino nama samkirttayitu HERMIT Who will think of pronouncing the name of that deserter of his lawful wife ? raja ( svagatam ) - iyam khalu katha mameva laksyikaroti yadi tavadasya sisormataram namatah prcchami | paradaravyavaharah | athava anaryah KING ( Aside ) - Surely this story points to me alone. Suppose I do ask to know the mother of this boy by name; or reference to another's wife is ignoble. ( pravisya munmayarahasta ) tapasi - sarabadamana sarantalabam pekkha [ sarvadamana, sakuntalavanyam preksasva ] | FIRST HERMIT (Entering with a clay peacock in hand)Sarvadamana, see the Sakunta-lavanya (bird's beauty). rajeti | ' hanta ' harse ' | 'da' tapasivacanam dvitiyam asaya jananam ' hetuh | bhajaspandanam ekanvayatadi ca prathamam, idantu dvitiyam | 'atha ' iti prasna | 'sa ' taba raat asya janani 'ka srakhya ' nama yasya tasya 'patni ' | yasya sa patnau tasya ka akhya ityarthah | yaha - tapasiti | 'dharmartha dharmaprayojana dharmasahaya va 'darah ' [sakaparthivadih | ] -'dharmasya darah ' [ tada sasthisamasah ] | tan yah sadhu 'parityaktavan ' [ iti cinan ] tasya 'nama kah samkirdhayitum uccarayitu ' 'cintayisyati ' | papakara papinamoccaranam iti bhavah | rajeti | 'iyam katha ' daratyagakatha | 'mam ' alaksya lasyam visayaubhutam karoti | asya sisormataram yadi tavat namatah [ trtiyarthe tasih ] 'prcchami | athava parasya 45
668 abhijnanasakutalam daranam vyavaharah alocana tatsambandhi katha 'anayyah ' ayyajanavigarhitah | 'mrnmayahmayuro haste yasyah | ["mrnmayurah " (ma- )-mrnmaya ra: " (ra . vi ., tah, nya- ]|| tapasiti | 'sakuntasya ' maya ूrasyasya 'lavanya ' madhurim 'pracakha ' | darsaniyamasya rupamityarthah | 1. sangirttayitum cintayisyati - Even the thought ( cintayisyati ) to utter is sinful, let alone actual utterance, Cp. "kathapi khattu papanamalamassrayase yatah | 2. (a) yadi tavat Highly idiomatic. Indicates forming a resolve, making a suggession &c. Compare "yadi tavadeva kriyatam " - Act. V. (b), anayyam - ayya tegamyate srasvauyate iti r + nyat karmani = aryyah anything good or noble na aryyah | Or taking ayya to mean the mahat great men, we have by laksana here srayrya pertaining to the great, (c) paradara &c. vi +aba +hra +ghana bhave = vyavaharah | 'vi nanartho'va sanda he hara ucyate | nanasanda haharanad vyavahara iti smrtah || - Katyayana. 3. mrnmayura &c, mrdo mayurah or munmayo mayurah mrnmaya rah| The reading ma maya ूra is very common. But it is faulty, mutu + maya ra changes da into na by the rule "yaro'nunasike'nunasiko va (P. 8.4.45) giving mrnmayura or mrdamayura | Now the rule rasabhyam no yah samanapade ( P. 8.41) does nof apply to manmayura owing to the injunction 'purvavasiddham ( P. 8.4.1). Even if it did apply, the na here would not become na because of the prohibition padantasya (p. 8, 4, 57 ) as mrn has na at the end of the pada | valah (sadrstiksepam ) - kahim va me amva [ kutra va me anva ] | BOY ( Casting his locks about ) -- Where could my mother be ? ubhe- namasarissena vacido mauvacchalo [namasadrsyena vasvito matrvatsalah ] |
saptamo'nkah 666 BOTH-Devoted to his mother, he is deceived by the imitation of the name. dvitiya-vaccha, imasma mittisramorassa rammattanam devaketti bhanido si | vatsa, asya bhanito'si ] mrttikamayurasya ramyatvam pasya iti SECOND HERMIT-my child "See the beauty of this clay-peacock-'' this is what you have been lold. raja (atmagatam ) - kim va sakuntaletyasya maturakhya | santi punarnamadheyasadrsyani | 1 api nama mrgatrsnikeva nama- matraprastavo me visadaya kalpate KING (Within himself)--Really, is Sakuntala his mother's name ? Or, there are resemblances in names. It is possible that the mention of the mere name, like a mirege, is developing for my distress? bala iti | matudam sanartha ' 'drsti ' patayitva taca adrsta aha 'kuva va me amba ' mata syata ya maya na drsyate | ubhe iti | 'namnah sadrsya ' tulyata tena matari batsalah pramavan aya ' valo 'vacitah ' prataritah | "maundalava ityava 'sakuntalavane ' sakuntalaya varna pava iti vancitah | rajeti | kim va srasya matuh sakuntala iti cakhya | ivi trtiyamasajanana ' 'vidhuya caha 'namadheyesu ' namasu 'sadrsyani ' tukhyata 'punah santi ' tena sakuntaleti matrnama maiva sutaram asajananam ; mrgatasnika ' yatha jalasadrsya pradasyam visadaya kalpate ' tatha api nama ' kimetat sambhavitam yat 'namamavasya ' kevalasya sakuntala nabah 'prastavah ' avatarana adhuna asam janayitva visada ghatayitum pratattah * | NOTES 1. kuva va va implies pariprasna inquiry. ku a in bhasa was sparingly used by early writers. They used instead. Nowadays both a aud ku a are used in bhasa | Cp. "saptamyantat kimah atva syat pache bal " | See also Swapna II. * Adopted by Prof. Gajendragadkar.
700 abhijnanasakuntalam 2. bhanitah bhaya + kta karmani | The root has the sense of a Hence it is dikarmaka | Here apradhane karmani ka by the maxim "apradhane duhadinam ' | 3. mrgatrsnika See mrgatrsnikayam, Act VI. balah- srantie rosradi me eso bhandamora [ antike, rocate me esa bhadramayurah ] ( kriड़na kramadatte ) | BOYSister, this nice peacock pleases me. (Takes the toy ). prathama ( vilokya sodubegam ) sramhahe, raksakarandama se manibandhe na disadi [ ammahe, raksakarandakam asya manibandhe na drsyate ] ! FIRST (Having noticed With alarm )-Oh ! the amulet of protection is not seen on his wrist. raja - alamavegena | nanu paribhrastam ( adatumicchati ) | idamasya simhasavavimardat KING-Away with anxiety. Here, indeed it is, slipped through his tussle with the lion cub. ( Wants to pick it up ). ubhe-ma kkhu ma khu | evam avalamvidha | gahidam nena [ ma khalu, ma khalu | 1 etadbalamva | katham grhitamanena ]| ( vismayaduronihitahaste parasparamava- lokayatah ) | BOTH O don't O don't, Having touched it :-How so ! Taken by him! (Through amazement they stare at each other with hands placed on their chest. ) bala iti | he 'antike ' bhagino 'esa bhadrah ' sobhanau mayurah me ' madhyam [ proya- manatvat sampradane caturthi ] 'rocate ' | prauto'hamanena ivyarthah ["antike (ta-, nya- ) - "matah " (ra .vi .)- "ayryaka " ( ma. ) ]| 'adatte ' grhnati [kartabhipraye kriyaphale bhava atmanepadam ] |
saptamo'nkah 701 prathameti | 'udde gema ' sambhumena saha | 'karanda ' puspapavadikrto granthivandhah | 'tudrah karandah karandakam ) [ alpa kan ] 'racartha ' datta ' 'karandakam manibandha na hrsyate | tadadarsanadudda gah | rajeti | 'nanu idabhasya ' iti ana gulya niddasah | 'simhasavena ' yo vimaddah ' sangharsah | tasmat 'paribhrastam cyutam sat bhumau patitam | ubhe iti | 'ma khalu sradatkha iti adananisedhah | [ avege hiruktam ] | 'nisedhakaranamaha - 'etat ' racakarandakam 'abalamva sradaya mriyate iti vakyasesah | asamapta eva vakye raja tadadatte na tu mrtah itiviyayat te pahatuh 'katham ' ascayya | 'urasi ' vacasi 'nihitah ' sthapitah 'hasti ' yayoh raja evayamiti pratyaye jate vismayadhikyata vacasi niruddha parasparavalokanamava ' krtam na ca kinciduktam | NOTES 1. antike antika is used in Dramas for the elder sister. cullam jastabhaginyaca navyokti kaurttate'ntika " iti visvamedinyau | 2. (a) asma hai Indicates vismaya surprise. "vismaye ama he aca nitya ' stribhih prayujyate " iti kosah | (b) na drsyate -She noticed this when the boy put his hand to take the toy, raja - kimartham pratisiddhah smah | KING For what purpose have I been prohibited ? prathama - munadu maharao| esa avarajidanama sahi imassa jadakammasamae bhavada mariena dinna | edam kila madapitaro appanam vajji avaro bhumipada़िdham na gehadi [ srnotu maharajah | esa aparajita nama osadhih asya jatakarma samaye bhagavata maricena datta | etam kila matapitarau atmanam ca varjayitva aparo bhumipatitam na grhnati ] | FIRST HERMIT-Listen, mighty king. This is the herb
702 abhijnanasakuntalam named Aparajita given by his Sublime Highness Maricha at the time of his natal ceremony. No one indeed, excepting the father, the mother, and self takes it up if dropped on the ground. raja - atha grhnati | KING-If he does take up ? prathama - tado tam sappo bhavisya vamsai [ tatastam sarpo bhutva dasati ] | FIRST HERMIT-Then, becoming a snake, it bites him. payameti | 'matapitarau atmananca varjayitva aparah kila bhumau patitam etam na grhati ' akarttavya buddha grahanat nivarttate | rajeti | 'atha ' vikalpa | aparo bhupatitam 'grhnati ' iti vikalpa kim ityarthah ["adhatho samsaye sthatamadhikare ca mahale | vikalpanantara prasnakat khaprarambhasamuccaye || " iti medini ] | NOTES I. maharajah- They know it now for certain that he is the king. raja - bhavatibhyam kadacidasyah pratyaksikrtavikriya | KING-Has its transformation ever been seen by your Honoured Selves : ubhe-aneaso [ anekasah || BOTH Several times. raja ('saharsamatmagatam ) - kathamiva sampurnamapi me manoratham nabhinandami ( balam parisvajate ) | KING-(Within himself with joy)-How is it I do not greet my desire though fulfilled. sly
saptamo'nkah 703 dvitiya-suvvade, ehi imam buttantam niamavavabutae sau- ndalae nivedemha [ sutrate . ehi imam vrttantam niyamavyaprtayai sakuntalayai nibedayami | (niskrante ) | | SECOND HERMIT - Subrata, come; we shall report this fact to Sakuntala engaged in austerities. balah- munca mam java amvae sacasam gamissam [mubhva mam yavadamvayah sakasam gamisyami ] | Boy - Release me I will go to my mother. bhavatibhyamiti 'asya ' ausadha bikriya vikarah sarpobhavanam 'kadacit pratyaksikrta sacadadrsta kim ? ubhe iti | 'anekasah ' bahasah bahusu kalesu vikriya pratyaksikrta [ kaladhi- karane sas ] | rajeti | 'samparnamapi me manoratham ' anurupapubala bharupam 'kathamitra ' kimiba karana 'na abhinandami sambhavayami | anucitametat, tadesah abhinandami | 'pari- svajate ' alingati | dvitiyeti | 'ehi ita bhagaccha 'niyame ' tapascarane 'vyaprtayai ' niyuktayai sakuntala ["karmana yamabhiprati- " iti sampradanatvat caturthi ] nivedayami | vala iti | 'yavat ' ityavadharane | [ " mvaya " (ta. nya, ma . ) - "matuh " ( ra . vi .) ] | NOTES 1. anekasah na ekah aneka which is a sarvanama | anekasmin kale iti aneka + sam adhikarane = anekasah by the rule 'bahulparthat sas karaka- dunyatarasyam " (P. 5. 4. 42 ), See also anekasah in our Bh, II. 2. sampa ुrnamapi - He has no doubt that this is his boy. 3. niyama etc. - niyama + apa bhave = niyamah vow vratam | "niyamo yanvavayaca pratijnaniscaye vrate " iti medini | yama is expected to take ghana, but it has apa optionaliy by the rule "yamah samupanivisu ca " | niyama
704 abhijnanasakuntalam is also correct and has the same sense, vi + a + + karttari vyapata engaged. Now see Tika. 4. sakasam - samanam kasate iti samana + kasa + ac karttari = sakasam "mana becomes sa by yogavibhaga in the rule "samanasya chandasya mui - tya dakesu ( P. 6. 3. 84 ). raja - putraka, maya sahaiva mataramabhinandisyasi 1 KING-My son, even with me you will congratulate your mother. balah - mama kakhatadi dussando na tumam [ mama khala tato dusyantah na tvam ] | BOY - Dushynanta indeed in my father, nt you. raja ( sasmitam ) - esa vivada eva pratyayayati | KING ( Smiling ) - The contradiction itself convinces. ( tatah pravisatyekavenidhara sakuntala )| sakuntala - vicarakale vi pakidittham savavadamanassa srasahi suni name asa asi attano bhaam | ahava jaha saranamadie acakhidam taha sambhaviadi evam [ vikarakale'pi prakrtistham sarvadamanasya ghosadhi ' srutva na me asa asit atmano bhaga- 7 sdheyesu | etat ] | athava yatha sanumatya akhyatam tatha sambhabyate (Then enters Sakuntala with her hair twisted into a singte braid) SAKUNTALA-Even having heard Sarvadaman's herb to be in its natural state when there was an occasion for transformation, I placed no hope in my luck. Or from what is related by Sanumati, this seems possible. rajeti | 'vivadah ' putraka iti sambhasanasya prativadah | 'pratyayayati ' pratyaya
saptamo'nkah 705 janayati [ bodhanarthatvat na gamyadesah ] | 'mama tato dusyantah " iti spa tote pratyayah | tata iti | 'ekasya benya ghara ' ekameva venom dharayantau ityarthah | prositapatikaya ekavenidharanamacarah | sakuntaleti | 'sarvadamanasya ausadhi ' racakara edaka varttinimaparajitam vikarasya ' abhavasya 'kale prakrti ' ausadhibhave ya tisthati tadrsau yatva api srayryaputra eva prapta ityasamsayite'pi 'atmana ' svasya 'bhagadheyesu ' bhagya su visaye 'me asa na casit ' prasanna me bhagyamiti pratyayo me na jatah | ' athava ' pacantare me asasthanamasti | 'sanumatya yatha ' yahat 'akhyata ' kathitam me tatha ' taddat 'etat sambhavyate ' | sanu- matyakta m satyam cet naitadasambhavam [ yatha tatha ityanumane avyayam ] NOTES 1. bivada eva The conviction comes after all from the contradiction. 2. ekaveni - &c. ekaveni | tasya ghara | If we attach karmanyan with the vaka ekaveyom dharati ya sa, we get aikabenodhari | - 3. vikara - &c. api is misplaced. It should be taken with sutva | raja ( sakuntalam vilokya ) - ye seyamatrabhavati sakuntala yaisa- vasane paridhusare vasana niyamaksamamukhi dhrtaikavenih | pratiniskarunasya suddhasila mama dogha virahabratam vibhartti || 21 | KING (Seeing Sakuntala ) - Ha! Here is her Ladyship Sakuntala-She who, with a pure conduct, wearing two pieces of b very good garments, with her face wasted by penances bearing a single braid of hair, undergoes the long observance of separation from me who was excessively unkind (cruel) to her. sakuntala (pascattapavivarane rajanam drsta ) -na kkha prajja utto vi | tado ko eso danim kidurakakhamangalam dara me
706 abhijnanasakuntalam gattasamsaggena dusedi [ na khalu aryaputra iva | tatah ka esa idanim krtaraksamangalam darakam me gatra samsagana dusayati ] | SAKUNTALA-(Seeing the king pale with remorse)Certainly not like my husband! Who then is this with the contact of his body defiling my boy unto whom auspicious guard was provided? rajeti | anvayah - aye ya atrabhavati esa paridhusare basane basana niyamacama- sukho ghrtaikavenih sa iyam suddhasila sakuntala atiniskarunasya mama dirgha viratam vibhartti | vyakhya 'aye ' smarane | 'ya Maraat' manya 'esa ' 'drsyamana paridhusare ' atimaline 'vasane bastra ' 'vasana ' paridadhana 'niyamena ' vratopavasadina ''camam suska ' 'mukha ' yasyah tadrsi, dhrta eka venih ' yaya tadrsi ito sukhamagacchati 'sa iyam suddha ' nislana ' 'saula ' svabhavo yasyah tadrsi sakuntala pratiniskarunasya sutaram kra rasya 'mamadirgha ' virahasya virahocita va 'vratam acara ' 'vibhatti dharayati | *gurusokena rupe bikrte prathamam malinavasana ramanaumavamiti jnatam | tato natidure camena kapolena kathora tapasvaranti kacit tapasiti | tatasca samipe ekamavaya venya neya tapasau kintu virahinoti | anantara pratyabhijna aye seya suddhasaula saku - ntala iti api ca kra . rasya mamaiva viraivratam iti - tena avegatisayah | anya tu parighusare vasane basana niyamatasamukhi ghrtaikavenih ( ataeva ) suddhasila ya esa atiniskarunasya mama dogham virahavratam vibhartti sa iyamavabhavato sakuntala itya vyaca- cate | ava sa itha m sakuntala ityabhijnanat prak mama virahavrata vibhatti ityanupa- pattih spastava | sakuntaleti | pascattapena visa virupam| na khalu nunama bhayryaputra eva aya laksyate | yadi nayamayryaputra tatah ka esa idanim [ vakyalankara ] krta vihitam racarupa mangala subha yasya tadrsa ' mem darakam putra ' gavasya svasarirasya samsargepa samparkena 'dusayati ' kalusokaroti | aparajitamapyabhibhuya 'vala ' me langhayatyaya ka iti sankagarbho vitarkah | duratvadasrutametadrajna | * gurusokena ... avegatisayah Adopted by prof Gajendragadkar.
saptamo'nkah NOTES 707 (b) 1. (a) vasane- The upper and the lower garments. Indicates the ab- paridhusare- dhusara is pandu grey. pari is intensive. sence of all care after toilet. (c) niyama &c. - + kta karttari camam wane. niyamena (See niyamavyaprta, above) camam | supasupa | tadrsa sukha ' yasyah | vahu | niyamacamamukha is an optional form by the rule "sangacopasarjanadasamyogopadhat " ( P. 4. 1. 54 ) (d) ghrtaika &c. - eka vainih ekavenih | Both veni and veni are correct (See ekavenidhara above), the nisa, being optional by the Ganasutra "kadikaradaktinah | (e) virahavratam - See Tika. The vrata consists of several observations of which kesanga samskaravarjana is prominent. 2. krtaraca &c. -- raksyate anaya iti raca + ghada karane striyam = raca guard. Now see Tika. valah ( mataramupetya ) - amva, eso ko vi puriso mam putretti alingadi [ amba, esa ko'pi puruso mam putra itya- lingati ] | BOY (Approaching his mother)-Mother, here is a man who embaces me as his son. raja - priye, krauryamapi tvayi prayuktamanukulaparinamam samvrttam yadahamidanim tvaya pratyabhijnatamatmanam pasyami | KING-My darling, even the crueltly inflicted by me on you has turned out to be of a favourable termination, since I see myself recognised by you. sakuntala (atmagatam ) - hi a ; samassasa samassasa | parisvatta- maccharana anuampidahi devvena | samasvasihi samasvasihi | daivena | aryaputrah khalvesah ] srajjautto kkhu eso [ hrdaya, parityakta matsarena anukampitasmi SAKUNTALA (Within herselj)-Take courage, take courage
708 abhijnanasakuntalam my heart. I am pitied by destiny that has renouneed its spite. This is indeed my husband. C rajeti | ' tvayi tvam prati 'prayuktam ' cacaritam 'krausyamapi ' kra ratapi 'anukula ' sarasah 'parinamo ' vipako yasya tathavidha ' 'samvrtta ' jatam | kuta evamityaha-yata yasmat 'aham atmanam ' matsvarupam tvaya pratyabhijnatam samkhma tam pasyasi ' | sadhu te saula yat vimanitapi virasasi na me | pathantare - 'anukula parinamam samhatam ' suta- sparsasukhalabhat | 'tat ' tasmat 'idanimahamatmanam tvaya pratyabhijnatamicchami ' tena purnata syadanandasya | [" yat ... pasyami ' ( ra vi-, ma ) - " tat ... icchami " (ta, nya . ) ] | sakuntaleti | 'parityaktah ' parihrtah 'matsari ' maccha bhaddeso yena tathavidhena daivena ' vidhina 'anukampitami ' | pura bamo yo hi vidhiravyaputrena me sangatim na sehe, sa evadya sadaya iha tam samaniya maya yojitavaniti bhavah | NOTES 1. putra iti - This is elliptical for putra iti abhayya | 9. Tika. parityakta &c. - matsara is anyasubhaddasa spite ; parasraukatarata | See raja - priye . smrtibhinnamohatamaso disthaya pramukhe sthitasi me sumukhi | uparagante sasinah samupagata rohinim yogam || 22 || KING-My darling, O thou wiih fine face ( Or - with a gracious expression of face)-Through luck thou standest before me whose gloom of delusion is dispelled by recollection. Rohini has approached union affer the eclipse of the moon. sakuntala - jedu jedu ajjautto [ jayatu jayatvayryaputrah ] | [ arkokte vaspakantho viramati ]| -- SAKUNTALA Prosper, let my husband prosper. (Stops with tears in her throat when half uttered). raja-sundari,
saptamo'nkah vaspena pratisiddhe'pi jayasabde jitam maya | yatte drstamasamskara patalostaputam mukham || 23 || 006 KING-O fair one, I have prospered though the pronouncement of prosperity was checked by tears. Because I I have seen your face with lips pale-red through absence of decoration (Orred though without decoration ). rajeti | anvayah - he sumukhi, disya smrtibhinnamohatamaso me pramukha sthitasi | sasina uparagante rohini yoga samupagata | vyakhya- 'he 'susukhi ' prasannavadane, sobhananane va 'diya ' bhagyena [ avyayametat ] 'smatya ' pratipraptena smaranena 'bhinna ' nirasta ' 'moharupam tamah ' andhakarah upacarat avaranam yasya tasya me pramukhe ' agra sthitasi tisthasi | bhagyameva me prasanna sat tvamaniya puro nidadhe | kauhasametat tadaha- 'sasinah ' candrasya yah 'uparagah ' rahugrasah tasya 'anta ' avasane 'rohiyo ' priyasasinah patnau 'yogam ' bhannusannidhi ' 'samupagata ' samprapta | etadapi kalatyaye bhagya naiva ghatate [ "sasinah " (ra, ta, nya, ma- ) "sasina ' (vi- ) ] | sakuntaleti | 'baspah ' duhkhajam uma 'kantha ' yasyah tadrsau sati [vyadhirakaranapado bahubrihih - gadvadih ] | rajeti | anvayah - jayasabda vaspana pratisiddhe'pi maya jitam | yat amamskara- patalostaputam te sukha drstam | vyakhya- 'jayasya sabda ' rajasannidhau uccaraniye 'jayatu jayatu ' ityadi sabda baspena duhkhajena usmana 'pratisiddhe'piniruddhepispasta manuncarite spi 'maya jita maya rddhih prapta [akarmako'yam nayatih prakarsalabhe varttate ] | kuta evamityaha - 'yat yasmat 'asamskarat samskarabhavat 'patalam ' isadraktam yada- samskare'pi 'patala ' rakta ' svabhavaratam 'sresthayoh putam yasmin tat 'te ' tava 'mukha ' drstam | bhuyo'pi tvam draksyami ityasa nasit, tathapi yat tvamadya drsta, para hisa me rdeh kastha iti bhavah | NOTES 1. (a) pramukhe - pragatam sukham | praditatu - | tasmin | (b) susukha- susukhi and sumukha are optional forms (See niyamacamamukhi above ).
710 abhijnanasakuntalam (c) uparaga &c. - uparanjanam or uparajyate anena iti upa + ra + ghan bhave karane va = uparagah | This is restricted to mean rahugrasa ( eclipse perhaps because the sun and moon become copper-coloured ( uparanjana ) at the time of eclipse, tasya antah | tasmin | (d) sasinah - this agrees better than fwith # 1 2. Remark - Raghava eonstrues pramukha sthitasi iti yat tat rohini yogam samupagata | Hence he takes this as an instance of nidarsana or nidarsanam ( See under ''suddhantadurlabha ", Act 1 ) " arthabhyam yattagram eka- vakyatvat sambhavaddhastusambandha nidarsana " - Raghava. The printed text of Raghava is here very unreliable. I have made obvious corrections. If we take the first half as one complete sentence and the second half another, then it becomes an instance of prati- vasta ूpama ( See under " suddhantadurlabha - ", Act 1). drstanta is not recognised by Dandin as a separate alankara | Note, however the drstanta of later writers is " drstantah punaretesam sarvesam pratibimvanama " 1 But in the present case the tulyadharma is not reflected ( prativimvam ) | Hence we should not call it a hrstanta | | 3. (a) vaspakanthau -- nos is optionally attached in the feminiue by the Varttika " angagavakantha bhyasca " | (b) viramati - "vyanaparibhyo ramah ' iti parasmaipadam | 4. asamskara &c. This gives a vibhavana (See: idam kila = Act 1) if is bright red. Others make their lips red by, yours patala age ruddy without samskara | It seems better to take patala as pale red. samskara makes it bright red. balah - amva ko eso [ amva ka esah ] | BOY - Mother, who is this ? sakuntala - vaccha de bhai pucchehi [ vatsa, te bhaga- dheyani prccha ] | ( roditi ) | SAKUNTALA- My child, ask thy destiny (Weeps).
saptamo'nkah raja - sutanu hrdayat pratyadesavyalikamapaitu te kimapi manasah sammoho me tada balavanabhut | prabalatama samevamprayah subhesu hi vrttayah 711 svajamapi sirasyandhah ksiptam dhunotyahisankaya || 24 || ( padayoh patati ) | KING-O fair one, let the grief of repudiation disappear from thy heart. Somehow a powerful delusion of my mind occurred at the time. Of those in whom Tamas is supreme, such indeed is generally the disposition towards blessings. Even a garland placed on his head the blind man tossess off taking it for a snake (Falls at her feet). * sakuntaleti | 'te tamtra 'bhagadheyani ' bhagyani 'prccha ' | " ka esa " ityasya uttaram te bhagyameva datu prabhavati | pratyadistaha katham bruyam ka esah | yadi samrat- mutacakravati bhaveh iti te bhaga ' tada "ayam te pita ' iti vaktum nyayyam | atha idrsam te bhaga yadihaiva vane vasan tapascarisyasi tada "varavipo'yam dusyantah " ityo basya payyaptah paricayah | iti manasa pragvrttamalocayanto duhkhadagdha 'roditi ' | rajeti | itya navamiva pratyadesaduhkha bhuyopyanubhavantau menam vauksyaha | sranvayah -- he sutanu, te hrdayat pratyadesavyalikam apaitu | tada kimapi me valavan manasah sambhohah abhut | subhesu pravalatamasam vrttayah evampraya hi | andhah sirasi ciptam khajamapi ahiya dhunoti | vyakhya- he 'sutanu caruvapuh sakuntale 'te ' tava ''hrdayat ' manasah 'pratyadesat ' matkrtat pratyakhyanat jatam yat 'vyalokam * duhkha tat 'apetu ' durayatu dukha tyaja ityanunayah | 'tada pratyakhyanakale 'kimapi ' kuto'pi anirvacaniyat karanat 'me balavan ' guruh 'manasah sammohah ' cetovikrtih 'prabhuta ' jatah | pratyakhyananca ajnanakrtam ityanunayanukula yuktih | 'subhesu mangalesu visaye 'pravala ' ghora 'tamah ' mohah andhakaraca yesam tesam 'vrttayah ' vyaparah 'prayena ' vahulyena *Adopted by Prof. Gajendaragdker.
712 abhijnanasakuntalam [" prayascanasane suddhau tulyavahulyayorapi " iti visvah ] 'evam hi ' iduso eva [ tatpurusapakse maravya sakadih | anyatha supsupa iti samasah | prayasabdasya purva- nipataphalakopasarjanatvabhavat paranipatah ] itupraktayah yuktah samarthanam | 'andhah " sada tamasa abhibhutah san 'sirasi ' nijamastake 'ciptam ' anena sthapitam khajamapi ' malamapi grahyatamam 'aheh sarpasya suddhaya ' bhrantaya 'dhunauti kampayati, siraso vyasyati | iti samarthanam prati drstantah | [ 'raja ' ( ta, nya- ) 'raja sakuntalayahh padayoh pranipatya ' (ra . vi ., ma. ) ] padayoh patati ' iti prasadanam [ raghava donametannasti ] | NOTES 1. roditi - the pathos is very deep here ( See Tika). 2. (a) * sutanu &c. - Sakuntala avoids replying to the boy's question and she weeps. The king sees what is passing in her mind (See Tika on bhagadheyani prccha ) and is anxious to appease her. (b) sutanu--sobhana tanuh iti sutanuh, karmadha - with un attached in the feminine ; here tanusabda is kantavaci | See our 'vyakrstasta sutanu '- | and not The renunc Uttar. III. sl. 15. Hence the vocative singular is satano | (c), pratyadesa etc. - "vyalikam tvapriye'nrte " ityamara | iation stil rankles in your heart, or you would not have wept and avoided the answer to the boy. 3. evam prayah - prayena evam evamprayah usually such mayuravya sakadi or suprasupa | To account for the paranipata of praya in such cases, take the example prayena jita satravah | This gives jitapraya- satravah | The compound will take different case-endings according to the compound. Thus jitaprayah savavah pranipetuh ; jitaprayan satrun agrahot nitaprayah satrubhih uce etc If we had not compounded we should have said prayena jita satravah pranipetuh prayena jittan sava n agrahauta, prayena jitaih satrabhih uce etc, In these prayena does not changes its vibhakti, it is ekavibhakti | Its purvanipat is prohibited by the rule "ekavibhakti capurvanipate | 4. padayoh patati -- Raghava etc. make the king fall at her feet * Partially adopted by Prof Gajendragadkar.
saptamo'nkah 115 before the speech. But the repetition utte du uththadu shows ow shocked Sakuntala was at this movement of the king. It is theretore impossible for her to wait for him to finish his speech lying prostrate at her feet, The king fell at her feet after uttering the verse and was immediately raised by Sakuntala. sakuntala - utte du utte du ajjauto | nu me ariappa - divanya pura kidam tesu diahetu parinamamuha asi | jera sakukoso vi ajjautto mai biraso sambutto [ uttisthatu uttisthatu ayyaputrah | nanamma sucaritapratibandhaka pura krtam tesu divasesu parinamamukham asit | yena sanukrasa'pi srayryaputro mayi virasah samvrttah ] | ( rajattisthati ) | SAKUNTALA-Rise, let my husband rise ; surely something formerly done by me obstructing my good work ( merit ), was by these days about to bear its fruit (mature) through which my husband though kindly disposed towards me, became pitiless. (The King rises ) - sakuntaleti | 'mem maya 'pura krtam ' anusthita 'sucaritasya ' punyakarmanah 'prati- bandhaka pratirodhaka punyaphalarodhaka mityarthah tesu divasesu ' pratyakhyana velasu 'parinama ' parinati 'mukha ' yasya tadrsa, pakabhimukhamiti yavat asit | 'yena ' hetuna sanu- kroso'pi sadayo spi sanurago'pi bhayryayutah mayi 'vimato rakho ' ramah anuragah ityarthah " srngaradau vise viryya gune drave rasah " iti kosah ] yasya tathavidhah, niranuramah itiyavat samvrttah | pura punyamacaritam maya tena tvaya sangata | papascapi krtam yakha phalam pratyakhyanavelayam vipakkamasita | tena punyaphalam niruddham srahanca pratya- sthata itya mamaba papasyayam vipakah na te dosah | sakuntala - aha kaha ajjauttena sumarido dukkhabhai a jano [ sratha kathamaryyaputrana smrta duhkhabhagi ayam janah | | SAKUNTALA-How was this miserable personremembered by my husband? 46
712 abhijnanasakuntalam yara raja - ughrtavisadasalyah kathayisyami | mohanmaya sutanu purvamupeksitaste yo vaspavinduradharam parivadhamanah | tam tavadakutilapaksmavilagnamadya kante pramrjya vigatanusayo bhavami || 25 || ( yathoktamanutisthati ) KING-With the dart of grief extracted, I will tell you. O fine-framed One, having wiped off the tear-drop sticking in your slight-curved eye-leshes to-day-that tear-drop which through delusion, was formerly disregarded by me (though) darling, I shall indeed [ Or-I paining your lower lip-O my shall first ] be free from remorse. ( Does as said ), 'atha ' iti praye| 'duhkha ' bhajate prapnoti yastadrsah [ iti bhajateh ghinun ] 'artha ' janah [ ityatmaniddasah ] ahamityarthah 'katha ' sma ta: ' | rajeti | 'dad tam utkhatam 'visadarupam salya ' sankah yena tadrso bhutva 'kathayi- | yo syami katha ' smrta iti | salyoddharanaprakaram varnayati | anvayah - he sunatu kante, vaspavindah purva te adhara parivadhamanah maya bhohat upecitah tamadya srakutilapata- 'vilagna ' pramrjya vigatanusayo bhavami tavat | vyakhya he 'sutanu ' varagavi 'kanta ' priye sakuntale 'yo vaspasya ' parito 'badhananah ' poda़yan nevajalasya bindah purvam pratyakhyanakale 'te ' tava 'a' nevayornirgatya, kapolau atikramya, adhare na kevalam sthita ' kinna ekaikasa ibadda ramagatya upacayena ciravasthanena ca adharam paudyannapi maya mohat cittavaikalyat upecitah audasinyena drstah ataeva yo visadasalabhuto me hrdayamanu- dina ' darayati 'tam ' tathavidham vaspam madhradayasalyam ' padya cakutilesa, ipadaka sa ' paccasu navaloma 'vilagra ' sthita na tu tatah prasrtam pramrnya sodhayitva 'vigatah anusayah pascattapo yasya tathavidho 'bhavami tavat ' bhavamya va [tabadavadharane ] tancaddidha neyama | vaspa pramrjya eva nanyatha | athava bhavamyava tatah kathayami | purva ciropeksaya salavedhah padyadrste evam mrsta saloddharah iti tatparyam | [ 'baspavinduh ( ra ta-
saptamo'nkah 715 ya -, ma ) - ' baddhavinda ' (vi ) || 'kante ' ( ta-, nya- ) - ' vaspam ' (rama )] yathokta ' baspavindupramarjanam ityarthah | NOTES. 1. uddhata &c. - The visada there is the same as the anusaya in the verse tollowing. and has no 2. Reading-(a) vaspavinda vaddhavinda is rare special recommendation, We have retained the more common reading. (b). kante - Here vaspam becomes a repetition and should be avoided. sakuntala ( namamudram drstta ) - ajjautta, edam tam angulima [ayryaputra etattadangaliyakam ] SAKUNTALA-( Seeing the signet-ring)-My husband, this is that ring. raja - asmadangaliyopalambhat khalu smrtirupalabdha | KING From the recovery of this ring, was indeed memory recovered. sakuntala-visamam kidam nona jam tada ajjauttasma paca- anakale dulaha asi [visamam krtamanena yata tada aryyaputrasya pratyayanakale durlabhamasit ] | SAKUNTALA-It did what was not proper for it-became scarce at the time of convincing my huspand. raja-tena hi rtusamabayacihna kusumam | pratipadyatam lata KING-Then let the creeper do bear flewer as a token ( witness ) of its union with the season. rajeti | 'anguliyasya upalambhah ' praptih tasmat 'khalutata eva smrtih " smaranam 'upalabdha ' prapta |
716 abhijnanasakuntalam sakuntaleti | 'anena anga royakena 'visama visadrsa ' 'krtam ' | 'yat yasmat 'tada pratyayanasya ' pratyayotpadanasya kale durlabha masot ' | rajeti | tena tasmat yadi aitenaiva pratyayanam tata ityarthah 'lata lateva tanvi tvam 'rtuna ' basantana, maya iti gudama, yah samavaya 'samagamah punah samagama iti bhavah tasya 'cihna ' sucakram ida ' 'kusumama anga rauya kamityasayah pratipadyatam grhnatu | ityangaloyaka ' bhuyo'pi datumicchati | NOTES 1. namamudram drstra She notices it while the king wipes off the tear from her eyes. 2. tena hi - The flower in the creeper bears testimony to the advent of the season, so let the ring be witness of our reunion. The flower is in the creeper, let the ring be with you. ajjauta ebba dharedu sakuntala-na se vismasimi | [ nasya visvasimi | aryyaputra eva etat dharayatu ] | SAKUNTALA-I do not trust it, Let my husband do wear it. ( tatah pravisati matalih ) | matalih - distya dharmapatni- samagamena putramukhadarsanena ca ayusmana baddhate 1 ( Then enters Matali ) MATALI-O joy; The Long lived One thrives by union with his lawful wife and by seeing his son's face, raja - abhut sampaditasvaduphalo me manorathah | matale, na khalu vidito'yamakhandalena vrttantah syat | KING-My desire appears with a sweet fruit developed. Mata , I guess this event is not kuown by Indra. matalih ( sasmitam ) - kimisvaranam paroksam | padma- yusmana, bhagavan maricaste darsanam vitarati 7
saptamo'nkah 717 MATALI ( Smiling ) - What is out of sight of the omnipotent ? Come, O Long lived One. Maricha the Perfect, grants you a visit. sakuntaleti | 'asya ' anga lauyakasya [samvandhamatavivacaya sasthi anyatha saptami svata ] na visvasimi purva pratyayanakale atmanah prasannidhya na visamacaranaditi bhavah | mataliriti | 'disthaya ' iti hamem avyayam [ "distaya hamem mangale ca ' iti medini ] aho ananda ' 'ayusman dharmapatya ' yah 'samagamah ' tena 'puvamukhasya yat 'darsana ' tena 'ca 'varddhate ' | bhavada ya hasom me iti bhavah | rajeti | 'me manorathah saspadita ' vidhina vipacitam 'khadu madhura ' 'phalam ' yasya tadrsah srabhuta ' | ayam vrttantah ' putrapati samagamo me ityarthah 'akhandalena ' indra 'na khalu ' [ khalu bakyalankare ] 'viditah syat ' [ sambhavanayam lina | vidita iti yathaprapta bhute tah | tena akhandalena iti na sasthau ] | mataliriti | devendra 'pi raja ajnanaropata 'smita ' krtva aha- 'isvarani ' prabhunam 'paroksam ' agocaram 'kim vastu asti, na kimapi | vijnatamevaitadindrasya | NOTES 1. dharmapati &c. - dharmartha pani dharmapattro | sakaparthivadi etc. taya samagamah | patni in connection with dharma is more appropriate than bharyya, kanta &c, because patni implice yajnasamyoga by the rnle "partyano yajna samyoge "- ( P. 4. I ). 2. abhut bhutasamanya lun | 3. sasmitam - Smiles at the king's simplicity. 4. vitarati - vartamanasamipya bhavisyati lata | raja -- sakuntale, avalambyatam putrah | drastumicchami | tvam puraskrtya bhagavantam KING-Sakuntala, ler the boy be supported by you. wish to see the perfect One having placed thee in front. sakuntala - hiriyami srajjauttena saha gurusamivam gantu [ jiha mi ayryaputrena saha gurusamipam gantum ] | 1
718 abhijnanasakuntalam SAKUNTALA - I feel shame ( bashful) to go with my husband near my superiors. raja - apyaca ritavyamabhyudayakalesu | ehyehi | 1 KING-This may be done on auspicious occasions. Come, do Come. ( sarve parikramanti | tatah pravisati aditya sarddhamasa- nastho maricah ) | maricah ) | maricah ( rajanamavalokya ) - daksayani, putrasya te ranasirasyayamaprayayi dusyanta ityabhihito bhuvanasya bhartta | capena yasya vinivarttitakarma jatam tat kotimat kulisamabharanam maghonah || 26 || (All go round the stage. Then enters Maricha with Aditi seated. ) MARICHA ( seeing the king ) - Dakshayani, this is the one that marches in front at the head of thy son's battles called as Dushyanta, the sustainer of the world-the one by whose bow with the work fully performed that keen-edged thunder-bolt has become a piece of jewellery (only) to Indra. | sakuntaleti | 'gurusamipam gantum ' jikra mi ' lanja | ayayutasahacaryata lajja [ gantam iti "karttari krt " iti patha 'gantau aham 'jisa mi ' ityarthah | "avyayakrto bhave " iti pacetu 'gantu ' gamanam tasmat 'jiha mi ' iti ] | rajeti | 'abhyudayasya samrddhah kalah pacah tesu 'acaritavyamapi ' kattavya- mapi | cabhya ु dayikesu gurusacatkare yathesta bharva saha va yayat, tava na dosah [ api kamacarakarane ] | yaha - 'abhya ुdayakalesu sracaritavyamapi sracaro'pi anusarttavyah | bharta saha gurusacatkara acarah | tamacara ' pratipadyakha [ api samuccaye ] | marica iti | anvayah - ayam dusyanta ityabhihitah bhuvanasya bhartta te putrasya rana- sirasi agrayayo | yasya capena vinivarttitakarma (sat ) kotimat tat kulisam maghonah
saptamo'nkah 718 abharanam jatam | vyakhya- 'ayam ' esa drsyamano janah 'dusyanta igi abhihitah ' khyatah, dusyanta iti nammra loke prasiddhah 'bhavanasya ' bhuvah 'bhartta ' palakah, 'te ' tasa 'putrasya indrasya ye 'ranah ' bhramarah tesam 'sirasi samaramurddhani 'agrayayi ' purogami | sacata bhuvo bhartta, paricato divo'pi iti bhavah | nahyasya agragamanamatram samaresu , kinta sa • evayam 'ghasya capena ' dhanusa 'vinivatti 'tam ' susampaditam 'karma ' savahananarupam yasya tatha- vigham sat 'kotimat ' prasasya kotiyukta ' 'tat ' prasiddha ' 'kulisam ' vajra ' mantronah indrasyah "abharanam " bhusanamatra ' 'jatam ' | satya ' kotimata vajena indrasya bhujo bhusyate, satru- patastu asya capena kriyate iti bhavah | NOTES 1. ganta ' jiha mi-- The tuman mar be here explained in two ways. In the astadhyayi it is not specifically stated in what bacya it is attached. It is natural to say then that the general rule "karttari krt " applies, not being barred by special injunction. This requires tumun to be in the karttavacya | gantuma then means ganto | The Bhashyakara simplifies the matter by leying down that a krt producing an avyaya word is to be in the bhavavacya| gantam then means gamanam | gantu jihami gamanat jimi | api acaritavyam -- &c. (a) api implies option kamacara, (b) acaritavyam has etata (i.c., bhartta saha gurusaksatkara ) for its kama understood. In the alternative exposition ( See Tika ) acari- "tavyam = acarena vardhitavyam | yathasracarah tatha karttavyam | ( C ) ehi ehi The repetition implies impatience. See also Pratima I. 29 note 8. 3. (a) dacayani ... devasya apatyam stri iti dacca + phak striyam = daksayani tatsambuddhau | aditi was Daksha's daughter. (b) - Yours, hence you should feel interested in him. (c) tat That thunderbolt i.e., that one which in days of yore had done such service. prasiddharthatvata yacchabdopadana ' napecate | (d) maghonah - See maccavatah, Ante. - [ aditih sambhavani sranabhava se akidi sambhavani- - yanubhava asya akrtih |
720 abhijnanasakuntalam ADITI His form (frame) is one from which prowess is capable of being inferred. matalih - ayusmana, etau putrapritipisunena caksusa divaukasam pitaraca yusmantamavalokayatah | tadupasarpa | baja -matale, prahurdvadasadha sthitasya munayo yattejasah karanam bharttaram bhuvanatrayasya susuve yadyajnabhagesvaram | yasminnatmabhu (bha) vah paro'pi purusascakre bhavayaspadam dvandva daksamaricisambhavamidam tat srasturekantaram || 28|| MATALI-O Long-lived One, these parents of the denizens of heaven are beholding you with eyes that speak of affection as towards a son. So approach. KING--M 1 tali, with Daksha and Marichi for its origin, screened from the Creator by a single generation, is this the pair which sages call the Source (Parents) of the energy that exists in twelve forms,-(the pair) which brought forth the Sustainer of the three words, the disposer of the share at sacrifices, the pair in which the Soul higher than even the selfexistent [Or-even the self-born Soul Supreme] took up abode for birth ? aditiriti | 'asya akrtih ' saraura ' 'sambhavaniyah ' anumeyah 'anubhavah ' prabhavah samarthya danavajayayogyata ityarthah yasyah tadrsau | deham drstra evam samarthya masya anu- mauyate iti bhavah | mataliriti | etau divaukasam devanam pitarau aditikasyapau 'purva ' ya 'prautih ' tasya yata 'pisuna sucakam [ pivanau khalasucakaum ityamarah ] tena 'cacasa ' [ jata vekavacanam ] 'ayusmanta ' tvam 'avalokayatah | indratula pro'si ityarthah | pritau bhaga- yantau tvayi ; 'tat ' tasmat upasarpa ' samipe gaccha | rajeti | anvayah - he matale, idam tat daksamarocisambhavam srasturekantara ' indra yat
saptamo'nkah 721 munayo dvadasadha sthitasya tejasah karanam prahuh, yat bhuvanatrayasya bhartta yajnabhagesvara susuve yasmin atmabhavah parah puruso'pi bhavadha aspadam cakra | vyakhya- 'he matale ' nanu prcchami ida ' drsyamanam tat 'daksasca marovisva sambhavah utpattisthanam [apadane ap ] yasya ataeva 'srastah ' brahmanah 'ekam ekamavam antarama 'antarddhih vyavadhayaka- mityarthah yasya tata . eka purusavyavahitamityarthah 'inda ' mithuna kim | ida kim tat indam iti kakumukhena prasnah | katamat indramityaha- 'yata indra munayah ' bedanadhata maharsayo dadasava ' dadasasu bhagesu dvadasatmana sthitasya tejasah ' adityasya ityarthah karana ' janaka 'prahuh vadanti | punah katamata indam - yat inda bhuvananam trayasya vibhuvanasya bharttara palaka yajna su ye 'bhaga ' tesama 'isvara pradhanyena grahanat svaminam | yaha -- yajnabhagah santi yesam tesam devanamityarthah [ natvarthiyo'c ] 'isvara svaminam indramiti yavat 'susuve ' janayamasa | punasca katamat brandama- 'yasmin handi 'atmano bhavo janma yasyatadrsah svayam jatah aja ityarthah 'parah ' paramah sarvatisayom 'puruso'pi ' purusottamo visnurapi 'bhavaya ' janmane aspada sthana cakra ' yat gavaya samupasthitamityarthah | sratamabhuvah ' itipatha 'atmabhuvo brahmano'pi 'parah ' adhikah favor: | [ vamanavatare valembalanartha kasyapadaditau jati harih ] | [ ' atmabhavah " (ra . vi ., ma.) - "sratamabhuvah " ( ta, nya- ) ] | NOTES 1. (a) dadasadha - dadasasu bhagesu iti dadasa + dhac | Refers to the Sun. The sun changes its character apparently in different months. The summer-sun is supposed not to be the same as the mid-winter-sun. This leads to the assumption of the existtence of twelve suns. (b) yajna &c. - yajnasya bhagah yajnabhagah | sah asti esam iti yajnabhaga + aca matvartha = yajnabhagah those who enjoy a share in sacrifices ie, the gods tesam isvarah | tam Also see Tika. Refers to Vishnu. See Tika. 2. (a) atmabhavah Quai purusah | atmabhuvah is pancamyanta | atmabhuh is Brahman. "brahmatmabhuh surajyam 4h " ityamarah | pa - Even the atmamavah (Self-born went to him for the sake (b) of bhava ( birth) = iti para hi vinyantavirodha sthanam | (c) | bhavaya = bhu + aca
722 abhijnanasakuntalam katara or va karane = bhavah birth. tama | tadartho caturthi | (d) caspadam = tra samantat padyate asmin iti a + pada +gha adhikarane = caspadam residence, abode, pratistha | The sut comes in by nipatana in the rule 'aspada ' pratisthayama ' | (9) indam - iyam abhivyajyate iti hi hi = dandam by nipatana in the rule "indra rahasyamaya davacana vyatkramana yajnapavaprayoga- abhivyaktisu " (P. 8.1 18) 'visabdasya dvirvacana purvapadasya ambhavah, atvancottarapadasya nipatyate " Vriti (f) srutah -From the Creator. bauddhamapadanamasritya pancamo (g) ekantaram - Each separated by one step. Thus (1) Brahman Marichi, Kasyapa. (2) Braiman Daksha, Aditi. 3. Remark+atmabhavah seems to be the better reading. It brings out the virodhabhasa more prominently. Thus-It is absurd to speak of bhava of one who is atmabhava ( sratamabhavo bhuta iti virodhah ) | But the majesty of the Lord Supreme ( parah purusah ) Everything is possible possible with him is incomprehensible. ( paro'sau purusah acintamahima mahine va aspada cakra iti virodhapariharah ) | Hence the alankara is virodhabhasah | matalih - atha kim | MATALI-What else (ves } ? raja ( pranipatya ) - ubhabhyamapi vasavaniyojya dusyantah pranamati | 7 KING (Prostrating himself) -- Dushyanta, Indra's servant salutes both of you. maricah - vatsa, ciram jiva | prthivom palaya | MARICHA Mv son live long. Protect the earth. aditih vaccha appadiraho hohi [ vatsa, apratiratho bhava ] | ADITI-My son be you without a rival car. ( sakuntala putra sahita padayoh patati ) | Adopted by prof. Gajendragadkar.
saptamo'nkah 723 (Sakuntala with her child prostrates herself at their feet) maricah - vatse, akhandalasamo bhartta jayantapratimah sutah | 1 asiranya na yogya paulomisadrsi bhava || 28 || - MARICHA - My child, thy husband is Indra's equal, thy son resembles Jayanta. No other benedication is suitable to you-Be you like Paulomi (i. e. Sachi). aditih- jade, bhattuno ' bahumada hohi | | asva dohau bacchayo uhakulanandano hodu | ubavisaha jate, bhattu vaha- yasva dirghayurvatsaka ubhayakulanandano bhavatu | bhata bhava | 7 upavisatam ]| ADITI-My child, mavest thou be much esteemed by the husband ; and may this little darling be long-lived and be the delighter of both (paternal and maternal) families. Sit down. 'basavasya ' indrasya rajeti | 'niyojyah ' mrtyah [ sakyarthe nyati kutvabhavah ] | niyokyah ' | 'ubhabhyam ubhe api anukulayitu 'pranamati ' ityarthah [ "kriyarthopa- padasya - " iti karmani caturtho ] aditiriti | pratikuli rathah 'pratirathah ' upacarat pratiindau | 'avidyamanah pratiratho ' yasya tadrso 'bhava ' | maroca iti | anvayah - bhartta akhandalasamah sutah jayantapratisah ; vatse paulomo- sadrsau bhava | anya srasih te yogya na | vyakhya- 'bharti ' patih dusyantah 'akhandalena ' indrena 'samah ' tulah | tatah 'sutah ' putrah sarvadamanah 'jayantena ' indrapuve tulah 'jayanta- pratimah ' [nityasamasah | yaha - pratimati iti pratimah sadrsah | jayantasya pratimah ] | ataeva hai 'vatse paulamya ' indrapanaya sacya 'sadrsau ' tulana avidhava ityarthah 'bhava ' bharttah sutasya ca tathavidhatvat 'anya asih te yoga ' anurupa 'na' | [ paulami- sadrsau " (ra-, vi ., ma ) - " paulamomangala ' ( ta, nya . ) ] ||
724 abhijnanasakuntalam aditiriti | 'bha: vahumata pujita 'bhava ' | srayanca vatsakah ' [alparthe kan ] 'dirghamayuh yasya tathavidhah sana 'ubhayoh ' iyorapi paitakasya matrkasya ca kulayoh ' vamsayoh 'nandanah ' protipradah 'bhavatu ' | NOTES I. ubhabhyam - karmani caturthi (See Tika, Or treating pranamati as avivacitakarma we get sampradane caturthi by the Varttika "kriyagrahanamapi karttavyama " | 2. (a) jayantapratimah- Amara has 'ruttarapadevami ! nibhasankasani- kasapratikasopamadayah || " By adi several other words are included. If fa is one of these, then it can mean equal only when final in a compound (uttarapada )| So the vakya jayantasya pratimah does not mean Jayanta's equal. The a thus should not contain f i. e., the samasa is obligatory ( nityasamasa ) | If however pratima is not included, or if some derivation may be given to make it mean mama then of course an ordinary samasa becomes possible (See Tika). (b) paulomi &c. -- paulami is pulomaja, i e saci, Indra's wife "pulomaja sacindrani " ityamarah | paulomya sahasi Sachi's equal. This also implies and luck which the sage thought was the best benediction he could pronounce. See Swapna. VI 3. Reading The Beng. reading, paulomomangala means the same. madralama is an auspicious thing. paulasya mangalam iti auspicious luck of Paulomi, ie, avaidhavyama | mangala + ca matyatha striyama | 4. tata asti asyah iti paulami- bahumata - As a woman, she prizes the husband's favour more than avaidhavya | Besides, her benediction seems to have reference to Sakuntala's repudiation by Dushyanta. Be thou the husband's favourite so that repudiation may not again. ( sarveprajapatimabhitah upavisanti ) | Adopted by Prof. Gajendragadkar.
saptamo'nkah (All sit down round the Progenitor), maricah ( ekaikam niddisan ) - distya sakuntala sadhvi sadapatyamidam bhavan | 725 sraddha vitta vidhisceti tritayam tat samagatam || 26 || MARICHA-(Pointing to each one at a time ) - How auspicious ! Virtuous Sakuntala, this noble child, and thyselfIndeed the celebrated triad, viz., Faith, Wealth. Actionhave come together! raja - bhagavan pragabhipretasiddhih pascaddarsanamityapurvah khalu vo'nugrahah | kutah- udeti purva kusumam tatah phalam ghanadayah prak tadanantaram payah | nimittanaimittikayorayam kramastava prasadasya purastu sampadah ||30|| KING-O Perfect One, first the fulfilment of wish afterwards your sight! Thus the favour is strange indeed! For, flower appears first, then the fruit. The rise of clouds happens.. first, after that the shower. This is the order of the cause and the caused. But or your favour the prosperity is in advance. matalih - evam vidhatarah prasidanti | MATALI Thus do ordainers show favour. 'prajapati ' kasyapam 'abhitah ta parivayya ityarthah narica iti | 'ekam ekam iti vausa [ dirvacanam bahuvrihivadbhavah ] 'nirhi san ' anga laga darsayam | anvayah - disya sadhvo sakuntala, idam sadapatya m bhavan -sraddha vittam vidhih iti tat ca vitayam samagatam | vyakhya- 'distaya ' mangale avyayam | aho mangalam | yaha- 'distaya ' harse | aho anandah | sadhvi pativrata 'sakuntala ' ida 'sat sadhu 'apatyam ' santatih ityarthah, 'bhavan ' tvam rajottami dusyantah-- 'sraddha ' sastrokta bhaktih, 'vittam ' sastriyakriyaya dravyasamgrahocitam dhanam, 'vidhih '
726 abhijnanasakuntalam sastriyakarmanusthanam 'iti tat ca tadeva prasiddham vitayam vavayavam vastu samagatam ' ekavamilitam [ bhavinamavayavasamagamamuddisya tayapratyayah ]| mangalametat [anandi me iti va ] yat sraddharupa sakuntala, bittarupah sarvadamanah vidhirupo bhavan iti vayamadya yuktam | punya adya darsanat pascat darsana ityapurvata | rajeti | he 'bhagavan ' esa samagamo bhavadanugrahasya phalam | anugrahasca me ! syat | punyanca bhavai sanameva madabhimataphala prasabe samartham | kintu 'prak abhipretasya ' abhilasitasya phalasya 'siddhih nispatirjata | jatam iti purvah nutano 'hi anugrahah ' prakphalam pascat darsanam 'kutah ' iti cet stanu - anvayah -- purva kusumam udeti tatah phalam | praka ghanodayah tadanantara payah | ayam nimittanaimittikayoh kramah | tava prasadasya tu purah sampadah | vyakhya- 'purva ' prathama ' kusumamudeti puspamavirbhavati 'tatah ' tadanantara ' tatkarma 'phala ' drsyate | 'prak ' adau 'ghanodayah ' meghasanja 'tadanantara " tatah para ' tatkrtam 'payah ' jalam | 'ayam esa nimittasya ' karanasya nimittena samsrsthasya naimittakasya ' karyasya ca 'kramah ' niyamah anupurvi | 'prathamam karanam pascat kayya ityeva karyyakaranayoh kramah | bhavatu, kim tena ityaha- 'taba prasadasya tu bhavato'nugrahasya punah 'pura ' purva tat- kay 'sampadah ' prasadapavasya sriyah | prasanno bhavisyati bhavanasmin iti janatyah sampadah prageva prasadapavamupatisthantam | yadda - mayi sanugraho bhagavan iti jnanat purvameva anugrhitasya sampada sampradyanta iti bhavah | mataliriti | 'vidhatarah karttarah isah ityarthah evam anena vidhina prasau- danti anugtahanti | bhavatayam laukikah karyyakaranakrama uktah | alaukika tu kramo bhinna eva | icchasiddhaya isa yadevecchanti tatksanam tadeva sampadyate | iha bhagavanicchati dusyantasya putrakalavasamagamo bhavatu iti | yadi tatksanamasampanna sa iccha bhavatkrtam bhagavaddarsanamapecate tarhi anosata bhagavata apadyata | NOTES vitayam - vavayavam vastu iti vi + tayap = vitayam a triad. But we cannot speak of a group before the contituents become samagatah ksauni samagatani vitayam bhavati | vitayam samagatam is defended saying that
saptama'nkah 727 the language is used with an See Tika 'bhabinama ' &c. to the future concurrence. 2. nimitta &c - nimitta is cause karanam | nimittama samsrstam iti nimitta + thaka = naimittikam effect kavye ma | raja-bhagavana imamajnakarim vo gardhabera vivaha- vidhina upagamya kasyacit kalasya bandhubhiranitam smrtisaithi- lyat pratyadisannaparaddho'smi tatrabhavato yusmatama gotrasya kanvasya | pascadanga liyakadarsanadadhapurva tadduhitaramavagato'ham | taccitramiva me pratibhati | yatha gajo neti samaksarupe tasminnapakramati samsayah syat | padani drsta tu bhavet pratitistathavidho me manaso vikarah || 31 || KING-O Perfect One, having wedded this handmaid of thine by the Gandharva rites of marriage and rejecting through laxity of memory when brought by friends after some time, I had become an offender to your kinsman, the Revered Kanva. Afterwards through seeing the ring I knew his daughter as previously married by me, This appears strange to me. The preversion of my mind is of that kind by which, with the form before the eyes, the belief can be "It is not an elephant', (then ) doubt can arise when it is passing out of sight, but conviction can come after seeing the foot-prints. rajeti | 'vah ajnam karoti ya tam paricarikam sakuntalam [canga la nirdosah ] 'kasyacit kala parastat | gandhamanatasarthapratyayayogata sasthi | 'aाnautam ' mata- samipamupasthapitam | 'mrteh saithila ' durbalata, tasmat 'pratyadisan nirakurvan | govaban sagauvah | yuccabhih bhavata 'sagovasya ' govavatah bhavadda sauyasya ityarthah ' tatva- bhavatah ' pujyasya 'kanvasya ' [mamvandhasamanya sasthi ] aparahno'smi ' krtaparadho'ham | pascat ' pratyakhyanakavadaparadhat para purvam udha़ाma ' [bhutapurvecarat ' iti nipatanat
728 abhijnanasakuntalam purvasabdasya paranipatah ] 'avagato'ham ' [ karttari krah ] | 'tat ' etat sacadudrstayama- jnanama anga rodhaka darsanat jnanama citramiva ' asvayya " 'pratibhati | anvayah yatha mamatarupe gajo na iti atikramatitammin sasayah syat, padani drsta tu pratitih bhaveta me manamo vikarastathavidhah | vyakhya- 'yatha yena prakarena yahasena vikarena ityarthah samaksam pratyaksa 'rupa yasya tadrse kamisrita satva ayamgaji- na iti mithyajnana ' tatah apakramati dure gacchati 'tasmin jive gajo va syat iti 'samsayah syat pascat 'tu padani ' bhumau padacihnani 'drsta ' satya ' gaja eva iti 'pratautih sampratyayo bhavet ' 'me mama 'manamo vikarah cittabhramah tathavidhah tadrsah | prathamam sacadupagatayam sakuntalayam ne matparigraha iti me jnanamasot | tatah purodhasa dure niyamanayam tasa duyamanena hrdayena sandoho'bhuta | pascat anga lauyakadarsanena parigrahah eva iti pratotirjata | anguliyakadarsana madhya pratautih sacaddarsananna jayeta iti kimetat civa na budhyate maya | NOTES | 1. (a) ajnakaraum - ajna karata iti jna +kr +ta kari tacchila striyam = ajnakarau a maid-servant tam (b) aparai aparadha + ta karttari | (C) yumat &c - sagova is well-known in the sense of samanam gautamasya where samana becomes sa by the rule 'nyatirjanapadaravinabhi- nama govarupasthana varna vayovaca navandha su ' (P, 5. 885) yusmabhih sagotah having the same ta with thyself. But this sounds improper because kasyapa himself is the orginator of the gova [ svayamgotrapravarttakasya punah kim gotama ] | We therefore propose to expound goveca maha samgitah having a gotra. yusmabhih sagotah now means having a gotra because of thee i. e, you have given him his gotra; he derives this gotra from you 2. (a) sumanarupe - samopyamavayoh iti mama + adhi + tac samasanta - samatam vicnity of the eyes, avyayau | The comes in by the Ganasutra "prati (para ) samanubhyo'ca nah | samacam asti asya iti samaca + aca matvartha (arsa adi ) = samacam before the eyes. tadrsam rupam yasya tasmin
saptamo'nkah Me 728 padani-padacihnani | The strangeness lies in this - samacarupe gajo na iti jnanam paroksarupe tasmin padani drstra gaja iti pratitih | [N. B. 'we therefore &c. " in notes (c) above is adopted by Prot. Gajendragadkar.] maricah vatsa, tvayyupapannah srayatam- alamatmaparadhasankaya | sammoho'pi MARICHA-My son, away with suspicion of your own offence. Delusion too in you is accountable. Listen- raja - avahito'smi | KINGI am attentive. maricah - yadaiva apsarastirthavataranat pratyaksavaiklavyam saku- ntalamadaya menaka daksayanimupagata, tadeva dhyanadabagato Ssmi durvasasah sapadiyam tapasvini sahadharmacarini tvaya pratya- disteti | sa cayamanguliyakadasaibhavasanah | MARICHA When Menaka came to Dakshayani carrying Sakuntaia whose distress was personally witnessed by her owing to her descent to Apsarastirtha, at that very moment I learnt from meditation that through the curse of Durvasas. this poor co-worker in the path of virtue (wife) had been disowned by you. And that curse had its termination at the sight of the ring. marica iti | 'atmanah aparadhah ' | tasya 'sanka ' aparajo'ham kanasya iti jnanam | 'tvayi ' yastada 'sammohah ' cetovikrtirabhut so'pi 'upapannah yukta evakarana- cina ityarthah [' upapannah " ( ta, dina, nya ) 'anupapannah " ( ra ma ) ] | yadeveti | 'apsarastortha ' yat 'avatarana ' paryyayaprapta sannidhya kanta gamanam tamat hetoh 'pratyaksa ' sacadadrsta ' 'vaiklavya ' katarata yasyah tathabhutam sakuntala madaya menaka 'daksayani ' dacakanyakamaditim 'upagata ' prapta | svayam kantayah sokam pasyantau anu- kampamana tam grhitva prapta ityarthah | 'tapakhini dona [ etena taya eva praptah sapa iti sucyate ] ["pratyadista " ( ta, nya . ) - pratyadista nanyatha " ( ra, bi, | 47
730 abhijnanasakuntalam ma ) ] || sa ca ayam sapah | avasiyate anena iti 'avasanam ' antakaranam [karane lat ] | 'anga ुliyakadarsanam avasana ' yasya tadrsah | yadda -- sranguliyakadarsanat avasanam yasya tadrsah [bhave lya ta ] | NOTES 1. upapannah - The reading anupapannah contradicts sammohah | But sammohah is a fact and cannot be denied. The sage only explains how the sammoha was caused. raja ( socchasam ) - esa vacaniyanmuktosmi | KING-( With a sigh of relief ) - Here, I am cleared of infamy. sakuntala ( svagatam ) - dittisra akaranapaccadeso ajjautto 1 na una sattam aktanam sumaremi | sa hi savo virahasunnahie na bidido | na hava patto mae jahi sahihim sandittamuhi bhaktano angali damsaidavbam tti | disya akarana- pratyadesi na ayyaputrah | na punah saptamatmanam smarami | athava prapto maya sa hi sapom virahasunyahrdayaya na viditah sakhibhih sandistasmi bhatra anguliyakam darsayitavyamiti | SAKUNTALA ( To herself )O yatah husband disowned me withon, Joy! It is not that my reason. But I do not remember myself as cursed. Or, I must have come by the curse which was not known by me with my heart, a blank through separation. For I was told by the friends that the ring had to be shown to my husband. 'ucchrasena ' utsahajanitasvasatyagena saha | esah ayamaham bacanauyat nindayah 'mukto'smi ' | dharmamdaratyago aham dusyantah asya nama na karttavyama, iti ya me nindasit sa apagata | sakuntaleti | 'disthaya ' harse | aho anandah 'apuvo me avidyamana '
saptamo'nkah 031 karana ' yasmin tat yatha tatha 'pratyadisati ' nirakaroti yastadrsi 'na' | saptaham tatah pratyadista, ko'sya dosah | 'na punah ' kintu naham 'atmanam sata ' marasi ' | ma vya- bhave karanamaha- ' athava ' pacantare 'sapah praptah api tu 'virahena sunya hrdayam yasyah tathavidhaya maya 'na biditah ' jnatah | tavapi pramanam - 'yatah ' yasmat 'bharte ' pratyabhi jnanamanyaraya aryaputraya 'anga lauyakam darsayitavyamiti sakhibhih srasramatyagakale sandistasmi | asati sape tabhirevamukta ' na syat | NOTES I. baccaniyatvaca + aniyar karmani vacaniyam that which has to be said. The say a censure. Hence here is means that for which one is censured, ninda | tasmat | apadane dhumau | 2. akarana &c akarana is a bahubrihi ( See Tika) akarana + prati + a + disa + nini karttari sadhakarini | She was under the ima pression that the king had wantonly repudiated her. Now she sees, what happended was not without reason. This gives her great relief and her mind is now perfectly clear towards her husband. maricah - vatse, viditarthasi | 1 tadidanim sahadharmacarinam prati na tvaya manyuh kayyah | pasya- sapadasi pratihata smrtirodharukse bhattamryyapetatamasi prabhuta tavaiva | chaya na muccheti malopahataprasade suddhe tu dapamnatale sulabhavakasa || 32 || MARICHA-My chila, thou are now informed of the facts. So now no resentment must be cherished by thee towards thy co-worker in the path of virtue. Know that your were baffled in (had a rebuff from) your husband on his becoming rough by obstruction of memory through the curse; the obstruction having departed from him, yours surely is the ascen-
732 abhijnanasakuntalam dancy. The image appears not on the surface of a mirror with its polish marred by dirt, but finds room or access. easily when it is clear. marica iti | 'viditah jnatah 'artha ' bastu, vrttanta iti yavat yaya tadrsi 'asi ' | 'tat ' tasmat 'saha ' tvaya ekatra 'dharma ' carati ' yasta ' prati ' patim prati ityarthah 'mandhah ' kopah 'na karyyah | anvayah - sapat smrtirodharute bharttari pratihata asi | apetatamasi (ri ) tava prabhuta eva | chaya malopahataprasade damtale na mucchati, suddha tu sulabhavakasa | vyakhya- -smrtim runaddhi yat tat 'smatirodha ' smaranavarana ki tama ityarthah | ' sapat durvasasa dattat jatam yat tat 'ma tirodham tamah tena [ yaha khateh 'roghena ' vilopena hetuna ] 'ru ' karkase sramasrne ityarthah ' bharttari ' patyau 'pratihata ' praptapratighata 'asi ' 'apetam dure yatam 'tamo yasmata tasmin patyau 'tava prabhuta prasara 'e' | yatha calitama yogolakamuccavacesu pratihatam sat gamanat viramati, masrnesu prstha su ca calati tatha tvamapi ruksa patyau pratihata, masrne tasminnadhuna praptaprasara eva | drstantamaha-- 'chaya ' pratibimva 'malena ' syamikaya 'upahatah ' nastah prasado ' nirmalata yasya tasmin 'darsanasya ' mukurasya 'tale ' prste 'na mucchati na prasarati 'suddha tu ' nirmale punastasmin 'sulabhah ' sukhaprapyah 'avakasah ' sthanam yaya tadrsi bhavati | NOTES 1. viditah- vidu + kta karmani | The ta is atote not varttamane| The rule "mativaddhipujarthebhyasca '' altos vartamane ta but does not bar atote ta| Hence we get here trtiya karttari in maya | 2. sapat &c -- (a) pratihata suggests collusion against a hard thing. (b) smrtirodha &c. sma seh rodhah smrtirodhah Raghava. Bat see below. Also see Tika ruca is harsh also rugged. (c) bharttari - adhikarana 7mi| (d) apeta &c. - tamas is mauha | The mention of tamas here seems to support the explanation of fat in the sense of tamam as given in the Tika (e) malopa &c. - mala here also supports ka virodha in the sense of tamas | (f) Remark - The sloka ends in upasa | The alankara is prativastu pasa according to dandin | The counter-parts in the two halves are (1) bhartr and darpanatala, (2) smrtirodha and mala (3) ruca and upahataprasada, (4) pratihata asi and
saptamo'nkah 733 na bhurcchati, (5) apetatamas and suddha, (6) prabhuta and sulabhavakasatva, (7) tvam · (understood) and kaya | raja-yathaha bhagavana | KING~~~~As the Perfect One says. maricah vatsa, kaccidabhinanditastavaya vidhivadasmabhiratu- •sthitajatakarma putra esa sakuntaleyah | MARICHA-My son, I hope, this your boy born of Sakuntala, with his natal ceremony duly performed by me, has been greeted by you. raja - bhagavana, atra khalu me vamsapratistha | (valam hastena grhnati ) | I KING-O Worshipful Sage, in him indeed lies the permanence of my race. (Takes the boy by the hand). maricah - tathabhavinam pasya- cakravarttinamenamavagacchatu bhavan | 7 rathenanudghatastimitagatina tirnajaladhih pura saptadvipam jayati vasudhamapratirathah | ihayam satvanam prasabhadamanat sarvadamanah 1 punaryasyatyakhyam bharata iti lokasya bharanat || 33 || MARICHA-Let your noble self know him as destined to become so, and to rule over the circle of kings. Note that, without a rival car, this boy, having crossed the seas in a car with a gliding motion through the absence of obstruction, will very soon conquer the earth with the seven islands. Here known as Sarvadamana through forcible taming of animals, he will again acquire the name Bharata from sustaining the world.
734 abhijnanasakuntalam vatseti | 'kancit ' iti kamapradane avyayam | 'asmabhividhivata ' yathavidhi 'anusthita ' jatakarma yasya tathavidhah esa putrah sakuntaleyah [ putra iti samanyatobhi- nandana hetuh | asmabhiranusthita iti tu visesoktih ] 'tvaya kascidabhinanditah '; abhi- nandito bhavatu iti kamo me | rajeti | ava khalu ' asmin sakuntaleye eba me va 'sasya pratistha ' sthitih | puruvamsasantateraya nidanam | tat abhinandita iti kimu vaktavyama | maroca iti | avasya ' 'tatha bhavisyati ' vamsapratistharupom bhavisyati yastadrsama api ca 'cakravarttinam ' samrajam ' enamabagacchatu bhavan ' | anvayah --- ayama apratirathah anudghatastimitagatina rathena ti jaladhih pura saptahopam vasudham jayati, iha sattvanam prasabhadamanat sarvadamanah punalo kasya bharanata bharata iti akhyam yasyati | vyakhya- 'srayam ' esa sakuntaleyah avidyamanah pratirathah ' pratiyoddha yasya tadrso bhutva 'anu dudhatena udghatabhavat, satrakrtapratirodha birahat ityarthah 'stimita ' sthira, bhaviksubdhaiti yavat 'gatih ' yasya tadrsena 'rathena torna langhita "jaladhayah ' saptaddopaparikhabhutah saptasagarah yena tathabidhah san 'pura ' katitava 'mpataddopa ' jamvanacadisaptasameta 'ari' caarat afraau' 'jayati ' jesyati [pura ivi bhavisvadasattau sravyayam | tadyoge 'ghavatapuranipatayorlat " iti bhavisyati lata ] 'ha' aminasrame 'sattvana ' praninam 'prasabha '' valata [ "klivetu prasabham hetoh sarvadamanah ' sarvadamananama srayam 'punah ' bhuyo'pi 'lokasya bharanata prthivyah posanat 'bharata iti akhyam nama | itina abhihitatvat prathama ] yasyati ' lampate | itham | " ] 'damanat sasana- 1. kancit &c. - Welcome him because he is your son ( putrah ) also congratulate him because he had the good fortune of having his natal ceremonies done by myself. (b) sakuntaleyah - saku- ntala was really not a manusi, hence "avaddhabhyo nadimanusobhyastannamikabhyah " does not apply and we have dhak | Comp. "manusosa katha va syat " etc. etc. Act. I, 2. (a) tathabhavinama - avasya tatha bhavisyati iti vadha + a + cini kartta avasyake = tathabhavi | tam | (b) pasya - there is nothing to see here ; here means 'to note.'
saptamo'nkah 735 raja - bhagavata krtasamskare sarvamasmin vayamasasmahe | KING-We except all this in this boy whose purification. has been performed by Thy Worshipful Self. - aditih bhavam imae duhidimanorahasampattie karavi vi dava sudabittharo kariahu | duhidivacchala menaa iha evva uvacaranti citta s [bhagavana, asya duhitrmanorathasampatteh kanvo'pi tavat srutavistarah kriyatam | duhitrvatsala menaka ihaiva upacaranti tisthati | ADITI Worshipful Sir, let Kanva too be made informed of the details of the fulfilment of his daughter's wish. Menaka attached to her daugater, is indeed staying here, in attendance. rajeti | 'bhagavata krtah mamskarom ' jatakarmadi yasya tasmin 'asamin ' sakuntaleye 'sarva vayama asasmahe kamayamahe | marvah sampado'sya bhagavat samskarasaktimulah sampa- tasyanta ityasayah | aditiriti | 'asyah ' etasyah [sampattivisesanametata ] 'duhituh ' yo 'manorathah ' abhilasah bhartta pratigrahanarupah tasya ya 'sampattih siddhih tasyah [vistarapecaya sasthi ] srutah vistarah ' vyasoktih, abhulavarnanamityarthah yena tadrsah [ vistara ityasya sampatta sapacatve'pi gamakatvat samasah ] 'kriyatam ' sarvametadamulam karanaya nivedyatamiti bhavah | 'duhitari ' sakuntalayam 'batsala se havati 'menaka ihaiva upanarantau mam sevamana 'tisthati ' | srutavistara eva sa ityasayah | NOTES 1. (a) duhitamanorathasampatteh sratavistara ; -- This is equivalent to srutaduhidhamanorathasampattivistarah | (b) duhita &c. - vatsa + laca astayem striyam - vatsala affectionate. Hence, she too ought to be informed. But we are relieved of that duty, as she is here present and knows everything already.
736 abhijnanasakutalam sakuntala ( atmagatam ) - manogada me bhanidam bhavadie [ manogatam me bhanitam bhagavatya ] | SAKUNTALA-( Within herself)-What is in my mind is said by her Worshipful self. maricah- tapahprabhavat pratyaksa sarvameva tatrabhavatah | MARICHA-Through the power of penance everything is indeed present to his noble self. raja - atah khalu mamanatikruddho munih | KING-Then [Or-hence] surely the sage is not very angry with me. bhoh ! maricah tathapyasau triyamasmabhiraprastavyah | kah ko'tra MARICHA-Nevertheless we have to report the good news to him, Who is here Ho ! Who is here ? ( pravisya ) sisyah - bhagavannayamasmi ! (Entering) DISCIPLE - Worshipful Sir, here I am. maricah- galava, idanimeva vihayasa gatva mama vacanat tatra bhavate kanvaya priyamavedaya, yatha putravati sakuntala tacchapanivrttau smrtimata drsyantena pratigrhiteti | MARICHA-Galava, even now having gone by the sky in my words report the good news to nobie Kanva that Sakuntala with her son has been accepted by Dushyanta who has recovered his recollection at the expiry of her curse. sisyah- yadajnaparyata bhagavan (niskrantah ) | DISCIPLE- What the Worshipfui Sage commands. (Exit). sakuntaleti | ["manogatam " (vi-, ta, nya . ) " manoramah " (ra-, ma .) || "bhanitam " | (vi .)- 'bhanitah ' ( ra . ma- ) - vyahrtam ' (ta- nya, ) ] ||
saptamo'nkah -737 rajeti | 'atah ' asmaddhetoh viditasavrttantatvadityarthah 'mama ' sambandha 'anati- kraih khalu laghukopa eva | maroca iti | ' tathapi viditavrttanto'pi 'asau asmabhih priyam caprastavyah ' "priyamevaha tam viditam kim te " ityabhasitavyah | 'ka: kau sa [ iti na kaskadih | tena satvabhavah iti prag vyakhyatam ] || marica iti | 'idanimeva [ avilamvartham ] 'vihayasa ' akasena [ etena saughragamanam ] | 'mama vacanata sama bacanamavalamba [ lyava lope pancami ] | 'tasyah 'sapah ' tatha praptatvat | tasya 'nivrtti ' avasane 'smatimata ' labdhamma tina dusyantena | NOTES T 1. (a) tapahprabhavata - bhu + van bhave - bhavah | prakrsto bhavah prabhavah | praditama | tapasah prabhavah | tasmat | (b) pratyacam - pratimukhatvamacyam iti prati + aci + tac samasanta pratyaksam cognizance of the senses. avyayau - 1 The tac is by Ganasutia"prati ( para ? ) samanubhyo'cnah " | pratyaksam asti asya asmin va iti pratyaksa + ac matvarthe pratyaksam cognizable by the senses. Or take aksa as the word here, meaning indriya | pratigatam aksani pratyaksam | praditat- maricah - batsa, tvamapi sapatyadarah rathamaruhya rajadhanim pratisthasva 1 sakhyura khandalasya MARICHA-My son, you too with child and wife riding the car of your friend Indra proceed to your capital. raja - yadajnapayati bhagavan | KING-What the Worshipful Sage commands. maricah -- api ca, tava bhavatu vida़ौjah prajyavrstih prajasu, tvamapi vitatayajnah svarginah prinayasva | yugasataparivarttanevamanyo'nyakrnyaira- nayatamubhayalokanugrahaslaghaniyaih || 34 ||
738 abhijnanasakuntalam MARICHA-Moreover, Let Indra be pouring heavily on your subjects; you too with protracted sacrfices gratify the denizens of the heaven May you two thus pass cycles of a hundred Yugas with mutual acts laudable because benefiting both the worlds. maroca iti | 'apatya ' na' sakuntaleyena dareh ' sakuntalaya ca [darasabdo vahutva pu 'si ] 'saha rajadhanom pratisthakha, pratigaccha [ 'sapatyadara ' (ta-, nya- ) - mapatya darasahita ( bi ) - 'khapatyadara sahitah ' ( ra ma ) ] || api ceti - anvayah - viड़ौjah taba prajasu prajyadrstirbhavatu, tvamapi vitatayajnah vargah proyakha | evam ubhayalokanugrahaslaghaniyaih anyonyakkrtyah yugasataparivarttan nayatam | vyakhya- 'vit vyapakam 'bhojah ' pratapo yasya sa 'vida़ौjah ' indrah [ prso- daradih ] 'taba prajasu ' visaye 'pranya prabhuta 'drsti ' va 'na' yasya tadrso 'bhavatu ' [etat indrasya krtya manusyalokanugrahah ] | 'tvamapi vitata ' ajaya ' prakanta 'yajna ' yena tathabhutah san 'kharginah svargasthan suranityarthah 'pronyakha ' tarpayakha ' [ etadda syantasya krtya ' devalokanugrahah | atmakrtya ' prak dusyantah karisyate | tatsadindrakrtya drsti- patah | eva na hi mukhyato devanugrahabuddhaya yagah kintu yagenataptesu devesu drstirbhavita tena atmopakara iti | tatah karttagamini kriyaphale pici prinayateratmanepadam ] | evam anena vidhina 'ubhayorlokayoh devamanavalokayoh anugrahenaslaghaniyaih prasasyaih [ vrttivisaye ubhasavdat nityamayacpratyayah ] 'anyo'nyasya ' parasparasya 'krtyah ' karttavyah karmabhih 'yuganam satyavetadinam 'sataparivarttan ' satasamkhakani avarttanani 'nayatam ' ativahayatam | parasparopakarena satayuga ' jovatam ityarthah | [mulam (vi .) - ' vajjiyah praunyalam ' ( ta, nya . ) - 'svarginah prinayalam (ma) parivate ( ta, ndha ) 'rathabastu etam sloka ' na pathati ] | NOTES 1. (a) sapatyadarah - apatyanca darasca apatyadarau | indra Here we do not get apatyadarah in the plural because only two things being mentioned we get dual by the rule "hakyoiि bacanekavacane "
66 saptamo'nkah 736 The Lexicons direct bahutva of dara . no doubt "bhayya jayatha pu ' bhumi darah-ityamarah | But they say no.hing of compounds, ending in dara | Hence in the absence of special provisions the general principle "ha kayorhi vacanekavacane " applies. This is the view of Nagesa who cities the example 'bhartikarayoh apratejasih ' in support. The compound is in the masculine owing to the rule 'paravallingah " eedayrusayoh | apatyadarabhyam saha bahu- 1 sapatyadara sahitah and khapatyadarasahita are necessary are necessary circumlocutions. (b) pratistakha 'samavapravibhyah sthah ' ityatmanepadam | 2. cida़ौnah - vevesthi iti visa ( hradi ) + klipa karttari vida vyapakama all-pervading. Now see Tika. The form expected is faster: but prsodaraditvat vida़ौja iti | Or vida़ti bhinatti ripun iti viड़ + ka karttari = vidam the cleaver of enemies. tadrsam ojo yasya bida़ौjah no irregularity. A name of Indra. (b) prajya &c. - a samantat anjaniyam iti ca + a + kap karmani - sranyam clarified butter ghrtam | prakrstama anyamasmin pranyam very creamy. Primarily this applies to milk which is very rich. Next we have a double transference. First from quality we pass on to quantity; next. from milk we transfer to water. Hence applied to rain, means abundance. praja drstiryasya | Vidyasagara has prajaya drstih yasmata | ( C ) yuga &c. - pari + trt + ghan bhave parivattah revolution. * satasamkhyaka parivarttah sakaparthivadi | yuganam sataparivarttah| tan | (d ) anyo'nya &c. - karttavyani iti + kyap karmani krtyani duties, anyasya anyasya krtyani has anyasya repeated owing to batihara (reciprocity ) by the Varttikas 'karmavyatihare sarvanasau he vacye samasavacca bahulam ' and 'anyaparayorna sama savat ' | Next we get anyasya anyasya krtaprani the sasthi in the first anyasya becoming s by the Varttika 'asamasavadbhave purvapadasthasya supah suvaktavyah | Lastly compounding with krtaprani we have anyonya- krtyani | In this does not drop This is an irregularity suggested by the word bahulam [ bahulagrahanat purvapadasthaya vibhakternaluka ) | (c) ubhaya &c. - ubhau lauko ubhaya lokau the two worlds. * Adopted by Prof. Gajendragadkar. G
740 abhijnanasakuntalam 2. e., heaven and earth. w become when compounded ( See Tika ). Also see our Notes under 'ubhayalokadusana in Kirat. XIII. tayauh anugrahah ubhayalokanugrahah | tena naghaniyani | taih | 3. Readings In vajrinah propayalam the alam is superfluous, and the sasthau in vajinah is rather awkward to explain kharginah propayalam gets rid of the sasti no doubt but the alam is still there These seem to illustrate attempts on the part of scribes to avoid the atmanepada in praunyakha | But that ought to present no difficulty and does not justify interference with As explained in the Tika, the the text. legitimate. raja - bhagavan yathasakti sreyase yatisye | is quite K_ NG-I shall try for the good to the utmost of my power, O Worshipfnl Sage. maricah - vatsa kim te bhuyah priyamupaharami | MARICHA-My son, what further good can I bring unto you ? raja - atah paramapi priyamasti ? tathapyetadastu ( bharata- vakyam )- pravatatam prakrtihitaya parthivah sarasvati sratimahatam mahiyatam | mamapi ca ksapayatu nilalohitah punarbhabam parigatasaktiratmabhuh || 36 || (niskrantah sabai ) KING-Does a favour exist greater than even this ? However let this be. ( The principal actor's benedictory speech )May the Lord of the earth endeavour for the good of the subjects. May the declaration of those that are eminent in the Vedas receive honour. And may the self-born Nila-Lohita Siva ) whose power is manifest all round, cancel my re-birth, (Exeuut all ).
saptamo'nkah 741 rajeti | 'sreyasa ' sreyo labkhamityarthah | matakrtya karanat me sreyah tadartham 'yathasaktih yatisyam yatra karisyami | maroca iti | 'te ' tubhya m, taba va 'bhuyah punarapi kim priyam upaharami ' samau- pastha karomi | rajeti | 'atah ' asmat manoratha sitteh asisasca 'parama ' adhikam 'api priya- masti kim - nastya va iti kakuh | yadyapi nasti 'tathapi idamastu ' | atraivabhinaya- samaptih | 'idamastu ' itihasa sancalalena uktau rajarupo nato viramati | 'bharatasya ' natasya, virate rajarupe nate tadaiva pravistasya natantarasya ityarthah ' vakyam ' samajikebhyah asirvacanam | anvayah - parthivah prakrtihitaya pravartatam, srutimahatam sarakhati mahauyatam, mamapi ca parigatasaktiratmabhrnalalohitah punarbhava ' capayatu | vyakhya 'pava ' prthivipatih 'prakrtaunam prajanam 'hitaya ' na tvatmatustaye pravarttatam yatatam- rajabhih prajah praunyantam | 'srutya ' vedajnanena ye mahantah tesama, anucananam brahmanamnabhityarthah sarakhati vani 'mahoyata pujam lagatam [mahauड़ pujayam kandadiraka samkah 1| prajananca brahmanavakya su sraddha varddhatam | evam rajna prajabhyasca asisamukta sratmanah asasta - 'mamapi ca parigata ' asthabhirmurttibhih parito drsya- mana 'saktih ' yasya tadrsah sarvatha astikyabuddhividhayakah iti yavat 'atmano bhavati yah tadrsah | ataeva tato'syadhiko'sti iti buddhernirasakah kantha a atmabhage 'naula itarange devabhage 'lohita ' raktah arddhanarisvarah sivah punarbhava ' punarjanma 'capayatu ucchinatta [ 'srutimahata ' ( sa ) srutimahata (ra, vi . ) 'suti- mahato ( ta-, nya ) || mahiyatam ' (ya) - mahiyyatam ' (vi ., ) - 'mahiyasam ( ra ) na hiyatam ' (ta nya ) ] || I. NOTES - bharatavakyam - The acting is over. The stage. Manager now pronounces benediction upon the audience - varapradanasapraptih kavya samhara iti natavakyam bharatavakyam | natakabhinayasamaptih, samajikebhyah natena asodi yate ityarthah- Raghava. The word nata is avoided and bharata substituted for it, because the is not supposed to speak after the is over. The speech gives out the poet's own wishes ( See Introduction ).
[ 742 * abhijnanasakuntalam 37270060 2. (a) pravatta tam Let him busy himself. (b) prakrti - &c. -- prakkrtinam hitam prakvatihitam | tasme | tadatha caturthi or prakrtihitam kattam iti 'kriyarthopapadasya ca karmani sthaninah ' iti karmani caturthi | (c) Remark This line refers to the adoption of measures by prior kings detrimental to the welfare of the people (See Introductian ). It is an to the ruling king. (d ) sruti &c. sra tya or sratau mahantah srutimahantah | tesam | (e) sarakhato &c. - Hints at the scepticism and current unbelief in the Vedas. This is intended as a benediction to the people. Do you follow the Vedas, and you all prosper. (f) capayatu - capa ( curadi + lota titu )| The root r Joes not appear in the dhatupatha | It is however seen in authoritative writings ( sistaprayoga ) | Comp. "capitacamaribalabhari davagnih | Vamana says mi eiafvivapiprabhrtauna dhatutva ' dhatuganasyasamapteh | The dhatupatha is only illustrative and not exhaustive. New roots are constantly being introduced along with the development of the language. 'varddhatehi dhatugana iti sabdavida acacate | tata esam ganapatho'numatah sistaprayogat ' - Kavyalamakra SutraVritti. Or se caye ( bhradi ) + ni +lota tu ksapayatu | ghataditvat hakhah | Bhattoji says hai caye iti vaksyamanasya krtatvasya puka nirdesah capayati | ' (g) punarbhavam - bhavatiti bhavah ( bhu + a ca karttari ) birth (See atmabhavah ' Ante ) punah bhuyo bhavah punarbhavah | supsupa | tam | (b) parigata &c. - parito gata parigata encompassing all round manditat | tadrsau saktiryasa, i. e., His majesty is manifest all round, i. e., His existence is provided by direct perception. Or by His all-embracing ( pari a) power, let him frustrate the operation of my cancel my rebirth [i] atmabhuh - Amara gives this as a proper name of Kalidass here applies it to Siva. This is evident brahman | from the word nilalohitah | At the time of Kalidasa therefore. supsupa and the word was still an ordinary attributive. The poet flourished long before the loxicographer [ See Introduction]. * Remarks on this verse adopted by Prof. Gajendragadkar. See our Introduction].
saptamo'nkah 743 3. Readings[a] 'srutamahatam ' means sratena sastrena mahatam [ Raghava ], and is almost the same as atimahatam | 'sratimahati ' mighty because of the support of the Vedas. [b] 'mahoyyatam ' requires a fca after mahauna | Sense is not much altered. 'na hoyatam ' is about the same. With 'mahiyasam ' construe - pratimahatam mahiyasam utkkastanam kavinam sarakhati prata tam - Raghaoa. The construction is evidently faulty. First because a is wanting. Secondly because with ca supplied prakrtihitaya will have to be taken with both parthiva and sarakhati| It is doubtful if the poet means it. If he does the meaning becomes parthivah sratimahatam sarasvati ca prakrtihitaya pravarttata - A good deal of mischief is being done by the pernicious preaching of the learned who induce kings to adopt measures calculated to work great evil with the people. Let these cease and let the learned hence-forth counsel salutary measures and the king adopt them. Remark -the metre is rucira [ catugrahairiha rucira nabhasajagah ] with the scheme_ ma sa ja ga saptamanka | The Seventh Act [ samaptamidamabhijnanasakuntalam nama natakam ] Here ends the Drama named the Abhijnana-Sakuntalam