Abhijnana Sakuntalam (with translation and notes)

by Bidhubhusan Goswami | 1916 | 117,274 words

The Abhijnana Shakuntalam by Kalidasa, a court poet of Vikramaditya who likely thrived in the fifth century A.D. This edition includes the Sanskrit text, notes and English translation....

Chapter 4: Translation and notes

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caturtho'nkah | viskambhakah | [ kusumasya avacayam uccayanam abhinayantyau sakhyau pravisatah sravapurvvat cinoteh bhave erajiti ac | nanu " hastadane cerasteye " iti katham ghan na bhavati iti cet tavedam vaktavya ' "hastadane ityanena pratyasattiradevasya laksyate ; puspapracayah | hastadane iti kim vrksagrasthanam phalanam yatha pracayam karoti | " iti bhattojidicitah kasika ca | srava kusumanam vrksa sikharasthitatvat pratyasattyabhavat na ghan | etena bhavataravacayasabdayoh, ikhadirghavyanyaso valanamiti vamanota pratyuktam | anasuya | vidhina vidhanena ; ganam dharmah yesam te gandharvvah prsodaraditvat 9

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sadhu padamidam tesam ayam iti an | nirvrttam sampannam kalyanam vivahamangalam yasyah sa| anurupah yogyah bhartta tam gacchati iti gameh cinih | ahladitamiti yavat | nirvrtam sukhitam anasuya | istih yajeh ktih, yagah | antahpurasthitabhih panibhih samagatah militah | itogatam tapovane vrttam, sakuntalasambandhinamityarthah | priyamvada | srakrtinam visesah iti srakrtivisesah visistah srakrtayah ityarthah tadabhihitabhavi dravyavat prakasate iti | gunasya saulasya virodhinah iti gunavirodhinah gunahaunah durvrttah ityarthah | - anurupoktih - "yavakkrtistava guna vasanti " "yaducyate parvvati papavrttaye na rupamityavyabhicari tadacah || " pratipatsyate karisyati ityarthah | na prayasah iti srapravasah anasuya | pratipadaniya deya | prathamah mukhyah sankalpah kanyayah pituh iccha | devam distam bhagadheyamityamarah | krtarthah saphala kamah | tena prayasam vinaiva | prapuvat yasya te ghan prayasah | priyamvada | [ puspasya bhajanam patram vilokya ] valikarmanah pujayah payyaptani prabhutani nivahayogyanautyarthah | anasuya | subhagayah bhavah iti saubhagyam " hrdbhagandhinte purvapadasya ca " ityubhayapadavrddhih saubhagyasya devata adhisthatri devi | yani khalu kusumanyavacitani tani na payyaptani ; ito'pyadhikani cetavya- nauti bhasayah | nepathye -srayamaham bhoh ko'va varttate sratithirahamupasthitah ityarthah | anasuya | nyantatvideh bhave ktah napumsake bhave upasamkhyanam iti sasthi pane trtiya | priyamvada | sakuntala parnasalayam varttate sa eva atitheh satkaram vidhasyati | punah kintu hrdayena asannihita, ananyacitta dusyantameva cintayati ityarthah | anasuya | etavahnih avacetumisteh ityarthah puspaih alam prayojanam nasti | khalu anistadikam avasyambhavi tasya sucakamaunmanasyam prageva kimapyanubhuyate atah anasuya udavelacitta utajamevagantumohate | [ prasthite ]. yat nepathya - ah iti krodhe avyayam atithim paribhavati avajanati ya sa atithiparibhavini tat sambodhane, sakarmakat paribhavateh karttari ninih | ananyamanasa yam vicintayanti upasthitam tapodhanam mam na vetsi ; sa vodhitah san api pramattah prathamam krtam katham iva tvam na smarisyati || qui

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tyah vatam ाtah yah iti na STI TH: ca" ya- rak pane al yat vattah BT tah NOTES-ACT IV. 131 nasti anyasmin visaye manasam yasyah tathokta sa ananyacitta yam dusyantam vici- ntayanto bhavayanto upasthitam samagatam tapah eva dhanam yasya tam tapodhanam tapasvinamh sat- karahamiti bhavah mam na vetasi janami, ganayami iti yavat, na satkarosi ityarthah sa te bhartti vodhitah maritah sannapi, pramattah unmattah prathamam purva krtam uccaritam kathamiva tvam na marisyati | 1 upamalankarah | Change of voice. - ananyamanasaya vicintayantya upasthitah tapodhanah aham na vidye | tena vodhitenapi pramattena ... krta katha iva tvam na smarisyase | ( narisyase va ) || 1 || priyamvada | apriya manitah | sunyam vahyavyaparat nivrttam hrdayam yasyah ma | sapta asyai abhisapam dattva | vegasya rayasya vallena atirekena utphulla udata tatha duvara varayitumasakaya ( vasyateh khalstriyam tap ) gatya pratigatah | krudohi uddhatagatirbhavati utpuyat phullavikasane iti dhatoh ac tatah striyam tap | hutavahah vahnih vaherac ; hutasya vahah iti hutavahah tasmat sranyaradivarte iti pancami | drstantalankarah | 'anasuya | parvya pujartham dravyam, udakam padyanca tayoh samaharah iti sravyadakam | "cayem indah " samaharah khalu srasyarthantaram | | anasuya | ammi iti khedasucakamavyayam sravegena khalita taya [ puspanam bhumipatitanam uccayam uttolanam rupayati srava hastadane'pi tatha steyabhave'pi na san tathaca varttikam "uccayasya pratisedho vaktavyah " ] | priyamvada | prakrtya svabhavena vakrah kutilah anunayam na sahati | puranakrt duvasomukhena taccarivam varnayati | "jvalajjatakalapasya bhrukutikutilam mukham | niriksya ka stribhuvane mama yo na gatobhayam || naham krpaluhrdayom na ca mam bhajatecama | cacantisarasarvasvam duva sasamavehi mam || naham dharmisye vahana kimuktena satakrato | vidambanamimam bhuyah karosyanunayatmikam || " anukrosah daya tena saha varttamanah sanukrosah sadayah | anasuya | kopane tasmin isadapi krodhopasamah bhuyanityarthah | priyamvada | ayamaparadhah na jnanapurvvah napi srasakkadacaritah atah sodha़vyah | na vijnatah tapasah prabhavo yena tasya | icchati iti varttamanasamipye ( bhute ) lat varttamanasamipye varttamanavadda | "

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132 anasuya | ABHIJNANA SAKUNTALAM. tatah tatah | prasadanasya kim phalam chatamiti jnatum manasah parosam dyotayitu ' dviruktih | priyamvada | srabhijnayate anena iti srabhijnanam smarakam srabharanam alankaranam tasya darsanena sapah abhisampatah nivrtto bhavisyati | sapanirmuktirbhavisyati | antarhitah adarsanam gatah | srakarmakatvat srantar purvada dadhate karttari ktah | anasuya | prasthitena prasthatumudyuktena arambhe ktah | pinaddham apipurvvat nahyateh ktah aperakarasya paksikah lopah "vastibhagurirallopamavapyorupasargayoh | " svadhinah svatantrah upayah rajnah smrtyupasthapanasya yasyah sa khadhinipaya | svasyamadhi iti saundadigane adhisabdasya pathat saptamosigandadibhiriti satamau samasah | vrttimave sarvanamah iti pumbadrbhavah adhyuttarapadaceti kha: svarthikah tatah svadhinah nispannah | priyamvada | vame savyam haste upahitam nyastam vadanam yaya sa ; alikhita citra- likhita | atmanamapi na vibhavayati sratmadehavyaparamapi na janati ; kim punah agantukam atithim sran purvvat gameh tun pratyayah svarthe kan | anasuya | prakrtya svabhavena pelava komala priyasakhi sakuntala evam vrttantam na sravayitavya | priyamvada | usnena udakena komalayah navamallikayah secanamiva asya vrttantasya sravanam nirgamrdoh sakuntalaya pratyahitakara mityarthah | vaidhamrmyena drstantalamkarah | [ tahara para puspoccayana kariteche erupa sathidbayera prabesa ] anasuya| priyambade yadi'o gandharbbabidhananusare bibahamangala sampadita ha'oyaya sakugula yogyasbami prapti ha'iyachena, e'i nimitta amara hrdaya sukhi ha'iyache, tathapi iha cintara bisaya | priyambada|| ki? anasuya | rsigana yajna samapta kariya adya se'i rajarsike bidaya diyachena; tini antahpurastribargera sahita milita ha'iya e sthanera brttanta smarana karibena ki na| priyambada|| bisbasta ha'o| serupa bisistakrti gunabirodhini haya na | pita e'i brttanta suniya jani na ki karibena| anasuya| ami yerupa dekhitechi, tahate tamhara anumata ha'ibe | priyambada|| kirupe ? anasuya | gunaban patre kan'ya dana karite ha'ibe iha pradhana sankalpa | yadi daiba taha sampadana kare taha ha'ile binaklese gurujana saphala manoratha ha'ilena | priyambada|| [pupapatrera ( sajira ) dike drstipata kariya|] sathi, pujara upayukta paryyapta kusumacayana ha'iyache | anasuya| sakuntalara saubhagyadebatake arccana karite ha'ibe|

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sam nasya iti nave va- kim nantam tasya yaya tini e'i yadi payukta NOTES ACT IV. priyambada | upayukta bate [ ne'i karyya-puspacayana - arambha karila ] | nepathye ke acha ami upasthita ha'iyachi| anasuya| [ suniya ] sakhi, atithira bakyera n'yaya sunitechi | 133 priyambada | sakuntala ta parnasalaya ache| [ atmagata ] adya kintu tahara hrdaya -e sthane na'i | anasuya| yaha ha'uka, ara adhika puspe prayojana na'i | [ du'ijane prasthana karila ] nepanye-a: duste, atithira abamananakarini, tumi anan'yacitte yahara cintaya nimagna ha'iya esthane upasthita tapasbi amake abajna karile se'i byakti smarana kara'iya dile'o, unmatta byakti prathame uccarita katha yemana mane karite pare na se'irupa tomake smarana karibe na| priyambada | ha dhik ki anista ghatila, kona pujar'ha byaktira nikata sun'yahrdaya| sakuntala aparadha karila [ punarbbara bilokana kariya ] ye se kona byakti naya | ini sulabhakopa maharsi durbbana : airupa sapa diya atibege ud'dhatagatite pratinibrtta ha'itechena ; agni bhinna an'ya ke dagdha karite pare ? anasuya | ya'o tamhara carane patita ha'iya phira'iya ana, ami'o artha, udaka ityadira aharana kari priyambada | taha'i kari | [ niskranta ha'ila | anasuya | [ eka pa gamana kariya pare aghata lagaya ( uchat‌ pa'iya ) ] oma| bege gamanahetu carane aghata lagaya amara hasta ha'ite puspapatra patita ha'iyache| [ patita phulaguli tulite arambha karila ]| priyambada | [ prabesa kariya ] sakhi, tini sbabhabatah kutila, kahara anunaya grahana karena ? kintu kichu sadaya kariyachi| tanasuya | [ isat hasyera sahita ] tamhara nikata e'i yathesta, bala| priyambada | yakhana nibrtta ha'ite iccha karilena na takhana ami nibedana karilama : bhagabana, e'i prathama aparadha bibecana kariya, tapahprabhabera bisaya abagata naya erupa kan'yajanera eka aparadha apanake ksama karite ha'ibe | anasuya| tara para, tara para priyambada| tarapara "amara bakya an'yatha ha'ibe na, kintu abhijnanasbarupa kona alankara dekha'ile sapanibrtti ha'ibe" e'irupa baliya sbayam antar'hita ha'ilena | anahaya|| eksane asbasta ha'ite para yaya| se'i rajarsi ya'ibara samaya e'i amara smaranacihna baliya sbanamankita anguriya sbayam para'iya diyachena ; ne'i anguriya dbara smrti utpadanera upaya sakuntalara sbayatta ha'ibe | priyambada | sathi, esa debakarya sampadana karige [ gamana karite lagila ] | "priyambada | [ abalokana kariya ] anasuye, dekha bama haste kapola : bidyat

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kariya citrarpitera n'yaya priyasangi sbamicintaya eta nimagna ye apanara dike tahara drsti na'i ; atithira katha ta dure | anasuya| priyambada, e'i brttanta amadera du'i janera mukhe thaka, sbabhabatah komala| priyasakhi sakuntalake raksa karite ha'ibe | priyambada | kon byakti usna upakera dbara nabamalikake sikta kare ? ubhaye [ niskranta ] | PRELUDE TO ACT IV. Enter the two Companions of Sakuntala in the act of plucking (gathering) flowers]. Anasuya. Priyambada, though my heart is satisfied that Sakuntala has got a worthy husband, her marriage being performed according to the form known as Gandharva that (which obtains among the Gandharvas), yet this much is to be thought about. Priyambada.-What? Anasuya. The hermits having finished their sacrifice have dismissed today that saint of a king, who returning to the city and being in the company of the ladies of the harem may or may not remember all that has taken place here, Priyambada. Don't be anxious on that score; (literally, have confidence.) Such noble forms are not without good qualities. But I do not know what father Kanwa will do when he hears this matter. Anasuya As it appears to me, (I am of opinion) that it will. be approved by him. Priyambada.- How so? Anasuya - That a daughter is to be given away in marriage to a person having noble qualities is the first thought (of parents). If it is accomplished by chance, parents got their heart's wishastisfied without any trouble to themselves. Priyambada.-[Looking at the flower-basket]. Dear friend, we have gathered flowers enough for worshipping the gods. Anasuya. But we have to worship the deity presiding over, the good fortune of Sakuntala. Priyambada. Quite proper. [Both do the same act].

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NOTES ACT IV. 135 Behind the Scenes. Ho! there! I am here. Anasuya. [Listening]. This (sounds) like the announcing of a guest. Priyambada.-Sakuntala is present in the cottage. [As de]. But in mind she is not present to-day. Anasuya-Well! no need of more flowers. [They go away]. Behind the Scenes. You slight a guest? He, of whom you think deeply with undivided attention and do not know me standing here whose riches is penance, shall not, though reminded, remember you just as a mad man does not the word he uttered before. Priyambada.-Alas! Alas! A calamity has taken place. Sakuntala, absent-minded as she is, has offended some one deserving of respect. [Looking again]. No ordinary man, he is the great sage Durbasa who is easily provoked. Having cursed her in the aforesaid manner, he goes back with hasty and haughty strides which none can turn back. What else than fire can have the potency of consuming? Anasuya, Go and, falling at his feet, bring him back, while I will make ready water and other articles for his worship. Pr yambada. I will (do what you say). [Exit] Anasuya. [Walking a few steps and stumbling]. Alas! My flower-basket has fallen from my hand owing to my foot slipping on account of hurry. [Gathers the fallen flowers]. Priyambada.-[Entering]. Friend, to whose entreaties will he, crooked by nature, listen? But he has been moved a little to compassion. Anasuya. [Smiling]. This little is much for him. Go on. Priyambada.-When he refused to come back, I entreated him that seeing that this was first, he would be pleased to pardon this offence of Sakuntala who was but a daughter to him and was ignorant of the power of penance. Anasuya-What next? Priyambada.-"My words will not be otherwise, but this curse

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shall cease at the sight of some ornament of recognition," uttering these words he vanished. Anasuya.-Now we can breathe freely, (console, ourselves). That saint of a king, while he was about to depart, did himself fasten (on Sakuntala's finger) a ring with his name engraved on it, as a souvenir. In it she will have the means (of raking the king's memory up) in her power. Priyambada. - Come, friend, let us do our duties to the gods, [Both walk.on]. Priyambada. - [Looking ]. See Anasuya, our dear friend Sakuntala resting her face on her left hand, and motionless as a picture, absorbed in the thought of her husband, pays no attention to herself, what to speak of a guest ? Anasuya.-Let this matter, Priyambada, do not pass our lips. Our dear friend, delicate by nature, must be spared (this affair). Priyambada.- Who ever thinks of pouring hot water on the jasmine? Both.-[Exeunt]. Prelude. [ tatah pravisati sradau suptah pancadutthitah purvakaletyadina samasah sisyah antevasi - sasteh kyap ] | sisyah | velayah samayasya upalaksanartha jnanayem ( srarthena saha nityasamasah visesyalingata yadda velayah upalaksanameva arthah prayojanam yasmin karmani tat yatha tatha iti vigrahah ) kiyadavasistam rajanyah iti parijnatumityarthah, pravasat somatirthadityarthah upavrttena pratyagatena kakhena ajnapto'smi | prakasam kutirat vahirityarthah nirgatah san samayam nirupayami [ parikramyavalokya ca ] 'hanta iti harse, avyayamidam, prabhatamiti napumsake bhave ktah | tathahi ekatah srosadhinam patih astasikharam yati ; arunapurahsarah arkah ekatah aviskrtah | teniddayasya yugapat vyasanodayabhyam loka batmadasantaresu niyamyate iva || 2|| ekatah ekasyam disi pascime digvibhage srosadhinam patih candrah srastasya astacalasya iti laksanikah arthah, sikharam srngam astacalacuda़ाm yati avalambate ; candro'stamayate iti saralarthah | ekatah aparasyam disi pracibhage, purah agre sarati iti- purahsarah sarateh ta: ; arunah anuruh purahsarah agragami yasya sah arunapurahsarah

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NOTES-ACT IV. arkah suryah aviskrtah sravirbhutah uditah ityarthah | 337 aviskaroteh karttari kah vyasananca udayaya tabhyam akarmakatvat ; akarmakatvanca, dhatorarthantare vrttivasadityanusandheyam | tathaca- "dhatorarthantare vrtterdhatvarthanopasamgrahata prasiddheravivattatah karmmano'karmika kriya | " yaha sraviskrtah sraviskartti prakasayitum sratmanamitisesah srarakhah ; iti aviska roteh "sradikamani ktah karttari ca " iti karttari krah | evam tejasoh iyam iti tenoiyam tasya tejobhuyasoh padarthayoh yugapat samam ekaveva vyasanodayabhyam tirobhavarupena vyasanena avibharvinaca lokah anyah dasah iti dasantarani, mayuravyamsakadayayeti nipatanat samasah, vibhinnah avasthah ityarthah 'atmanah dasantaresu avasthantaresu "dasa vartavavasthayamityamarah " apatitesu satasu iti sesah niyamyate iva | vipatsampadrpah avasthabhedah nityam na tisthanti ityupadesa- danena svasvavasthasu niyantra iva | utpreksalankarah | Change of voice - patya astasikharam yayate | ... purahsarena arkena sravi skrtena bhuyate aviskrtam va | vyamanodayau niyacchatah lokam | srapica - sa evam kumudini sasino antarhite samsmaraniyasobha me drstim na - nandayati ; avalajanasya istapravasa janitani duhkhani nunamatimavasa duhsahani || 3|| sasiti samupodha़ ya nevanivrvanam vitarati sa eva kumudini sasini candre antarhite srastamite sati samsmaraniya smaranasya visayobhuta natu pratyaksa vilupta irti tatparyam, sobha kantih yasyah sa samsmaraniyasobha vicchaya sato me mama drstim nayanam na nandayati na prinayati ; kuta etaditi sankayam hetumutaprecate - avaleti - avalajanasya istah abhimatah vallabhah iti yavat tasya pravasena videsagamanena virahena ityarthah nanitani utpaditani duhkhani nunam niscitameva patimatram suduhsahani atiduhkhenaiva sodha़ sakyani | dusyantavirahena dona sakuntala socyatam gata - itivastudhvanih | na khalarthanamiti avalajanasya iti sasthi sambandhe duhkhani ityanena sambandhah | nisedhat na krdvayogalaksana karttari sasthi | vrttam vasantatilakam tallaksanam - jneyam vasantatilakam tabhana jagaugah | aba loke karyena karanasamarthanarupah arthantara -nyasa ; sacotpreksaya sanghiyate | 3:... Change of voice. - tatha kumudinya ... sobhaya drstih na nandadyate duhkhe ... saduhsahaih bhuyate | [ tahara para nidrothita sisya prabesa karilena ] | sisya| prabasa ha'ite pratinibrtta bhagabana eka, e samayanirupana karibara janta amake adesa kariyachena| bahire nirgata ha'iya dekhi rajanira kata abasista

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ache| [ du'i eka pada gamana kariya ebam niriksana kariya ] ah prabhata ha'iyace ekadike osadhipati candra astasikhare gamana karitechena, an'yadike suryya arunake agre kariya abirbhuta ha'itechena| e'irupe eka samaye tejomaya padarthadbayera udayastamayera dbara loka sba sba abasthabhede niyantrita ha'iteche | - ebam, - sasi astamita ha'oyate ne'i kumudini bilupta sobha ha'iya amara netra- priti utpadana kariteche na| ballatajanera prabasa nimitta abalaganera duhkha niscaya'i atyanta duhsaha [Enter a disciple arisen from sleep]. Disc ciple.-The venerable Kanwa, descendant of Kasyapa, re, turning from his sojourn, has ordered me to ascertain the timeGoing out into the open air, I shall see how much of night does still remain. [ Walking and looking about ]. Oh ! it is already) day-break. In one quarter (of the sky), the lord of the herbs, (the Moon). goes to the summit of the setting mountain while in another (viz. the eastern) the sun, with Aruna ( literally, the red coloured) as his usher, rises. In this way by the rise and setting of the two luminasetting of the two lur ries at the same time, man is teconciled, as it were, to the vicissi tudes of his own fortune. And also-the moon having vanished, the same waterlily with its beauty (no more to be seen but) to be recalled before the mind, pleases my eyes no more. Surely do women's sorrows brought on by the absence of their lovers become endurable with great difficulty. [ payyah yavanikayah ksepah iti paticepah sa na bhavati iti apaticepah tena ; patiksepam vinaiva ityarthah patiksepi na karttavyah artarajapravesane ". ityuktah | anyetu vyacaksate srapathyah tiraskarinyah yavanikayah iti yavat ksepena uttolanena pravisya ] anasuya | visayebhyah indriyagrahyebhyah vastubhyah paranmukhah nivrttah tasya ;- kaman vihaya aranye nivasatah avijnatalokacarasya ityarthah | viditamiti "matibuddhipujarthebhyaya " iti varttamane ktah " tasya ca varttamane " iti "janasya " ityava karttari sasthi | sakuntalam prati rajnah vyavaharah samyak neti sravidita- lokarityapi maya jnayate ityarthah | sisya | homasya prataranusthetasya velam kalam kakhaya nivedayami ; guru jnapa- yitumiti kriyarthopapadetyadina caturthi, kathanarthadhatuyoge va | [ niskantah ] |

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NOTES-ACT IV. 139 anasuya | pratibuddha budha dhatoh kartari ktah jagarita ; luni sravodhi, avuddha ; nityakaraniyesu pratyahikesu vyaparesu | hastau ca padau ca iti hastapadam prakhangatvat bande ekavadbhavah | asalya mithya sandha abhiprayah yasya tasmin asatya sadhe pravancake | suddha hrdayam yasyah sa guddhahrdaya, rjuvata sarala hrdaya| athaveti phalametat duvasah sapasya | tadrsani mantrayitva - sighrameva tvamantah- puram neta janastava sasope upasthasyate iti kathayitva | kalamiti atyantasamyoge dvitiya maim iti kriyaya yamabhipreti iti caturthi | tapasvijane iti niddhari saptami | sakhaumgami iti sakhogami iti dvitiyatatapurusah | atra visaye sakuntalayah - eva dosa iti tatakasyapaya nivedavitum na saknomi | vyavapuvvat syateh akamakat karttari ktah striyam rupam | vyavasita krtaniyaya ; [ yabanika uttolana na kariya athaba yabanika uttolanapurbaka prabesa kariya ] anasuya| yadi'o bisayapara grupa byaktira iha bidita nahe; tathapi ne'i raja sakuntalara prati an'yaya byabahara kariyachena| sisya| homasamaya upasthita iha gurura nikata nibedana karige| [ niskranta ] anasuya| jagiya'i ba ki kariba| abhyanta nityakartabya bisaye amara hasta pada agrasara ha'iteche na; asatyanandha narapatite sakuntalake asakta kara'iya| kandarpera manorathasid'dhi ha'uka| athaba durbbasara sapa e'irupa bikara upasthita kariyache| natuba se'i rajarsi se'irupa baliya giya| etadina ' ha'ila ekakhani patrika paryanta dilena na| tabe e'i sthana ha'ite abhijnana anguriya patha'iya di'i| bratanusthane duhkhasila tapasbiganera madhye kahake'i ba prarthana kari | sakhira dosa iha krtaniscaya ha'iya'o prabana ha'ite pratinibrtta pita kanake balite paritechi na ye sakuntala duyyantakartrka parinita o garbhabarti| idrsa abasthaya amara ki kariba ? [Entering by a toss of the screen or without raising the screen) Anasuya.-Though it is known to persons averse to worldly pursuits, yet (it can be said that) the king has behaved improperly towards Sakuntala. Disciple. I will inform my preceptor that it is now the time of offering burnt oblation.. Anasuya.-Though I am awake, yet what shall I do? My hands and feet do not move to do my daily usual occupations. Let love which has brought my dear friend of a guileless heart in contact with a perfidious man have its object accomplished. Or

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.140 ABHIJNANA SAKUNTALAM. it may be, that the curse of Durbasa brings about this perverse change. Otherwise how can it be that the king having promised in that way does not send even a letter after so long a tine? Let, me therefore send the ring of recognition. But whom among these hermits, devoted to the practice of austerities, shall I request? Though it has been concluded that Sakuntala had been in fault, yet I could not inform father Kanwa, returned from his sojourn, of Sakuntala being married to Dushyanta, and Ebig with child. Under such circumstances what is to be done? pravisya - priyamvada | tvarakha iti harseh dviruktih prasthana kautukam svamigtahaprasthanamangalam | kautukam narmanicchayam utsave kutuke mudi parampayyagatakhyatamangaliddaha sutrayoh iti haimah | priyamvada | sukhena sayitam, yaha sukham sukhakaram sayitam ( sodhatoh napumsake bhave tah ) iti sukhascitam tat prcchati ya "sa sukhayitapracchika ( pracchadhatoh khul va kah striyam tap ) saukhasayaniki | sukhasayitaprcchika iti pathe sukhasayitasya prccha yasyah sa sukhasaktiprcchikah ; samjnayam kan, kat purvasyekarah | priyamvada | lajjaya avanatam mukham yasya to lajjavinamananam parisvajya alingya ; khanaj dhatoh bhauvadikat bhatmanepadinah lyap | dhumena srakulita kalusa visayagrahanasamartha ityarthah drstih nayanam yasya tasya yajamanasya bahutih devoddesena praksiptam ghrtadikam pavake vahi eva natu bhumau patita | antarayatimire satyapi bhagyenaiva idrsah atmanurupasya bhartuh samasrayah | anasuyakaya sisyaya paridatta vidya iva na sokakaranamasi | drstantalankarah | medhavine prayambada | [ prabesa kariya ahladera sahita ] nathi sakuntalara sbamigrhe gamana samaye mangala sampadana karibara jan'ya sighra ena sighra ena | anaya|| sakhi, iha| kirupe ha'ila ? priyambada | suna, ami e'imatra sukhe nidra ha'iyachila ki na jijnasa karibara jan'ya sakuntalara nikata gamana kariyachilama | anasuya| tarapara, tarapara | priyambada | ( dekhilama) tata kasyapa lajjabanatamukhi sakuntalake alingana kariya e'irupe abhinandana karilena- saubhagyakrame dhumakulitanayana yajamanera ahuti ba'hate'i patita ha'iyache; base susisye pradatta bidyara n'yaya tomara aya duhkhera kona karana na'i| adya'i rsigana samabhibyahare tomake sbamisakase prerana kariba|

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NOTES-ACT Iv. 141 Priyambada. - [ Entering - With joy ]. Quick, quick, friend, to do the ceremonies against Sakuntala's departure. Anasuya. How is it so, my dear ? Priyambada-Listen, I went just now to Sakuntala to inquire if she had a peaceful sleep Anasuya.-What next ? What next ? Priyambada-Father Kanwa embracing her, while her face was bowed down by reason of bashfulness, congratulated her (on her choice) in these words :-"Luckily the offering of the sacrificing priest, though his eyes were troubled by smoke, has fallen into the fire. My child, like knowledge imparted to a good student, you are not to be pitied. This very day I will send you to your husband guarded (escorted) by certain hermits." anasuya | sucitah niveditah kasyapasyeti vivaksaya sasthi| atheti praye, mangalanantararambhaprasnakat srasvatho sratha ityamarah | priyamvada | sragrinam saranam grham iti agnisaranam agnyagaram saranam grharaksivoh | sariram vina asaririnya chandomayya chandonivaddhaya vakha sucitah iti sesah | priyamvada | [ samskrtamasritya samskrtabhasaya natu prakrtena ] haih brahman dusyantena srahitam tanah bhuvah bhutaye dadhanam tanayam agnigarbha samimita avehi || 4 || he brahman, dusyantena rajna srahitam mangalaya, bhutirbhasmani sampadi ityamarah ani garbhe yasyah tam samomiva vyajyate | alankarena vastudhvanih | sanpurvvat dadhateh karmmani tah kauve pahitam | bhutaye iti tadarthe caturthi | sravapurvvadino loti hau avehi | nisiktam tejah voyryam bhuvah prthivyah bhrtaye dadhanam dharayantom tanayam kanyam sakuntalam avehi | upamaya garbhasthasisoh tejakhitva ' Change of voice.- dadhana tanaya agnigarbha samava aveyatam | anasuya | [ priyamvada sranisya parirabhya ] sakuntala sradyaiva patigrham prapyate iti ut kanya duhkhena sadharanam miyam utkanthasadharanam duhkhasahitam paritosam - ahladam anubhavami | priyamvada| tapasvinau varako nirvrta bhartrsamagamena mudita hrsta iti yavat | anasthaya| e'i brttanta tita kasyapake ke balila ? priyabada| tini agnigrhe prabista ha'ile chandograthita asarira bakye baliyache| anaya|| .[ ascaryera sahita ] bala|

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priyambada|| [ sankrte balite arambha karila ] brahman, apanara kya dusa- nisikta tejah prthibira mangalera jan'ya dharana kariteche, tahake agnigarbha samira n'yaya janibena| anasuya| [ priyambadake alingana kariya ] sakhi, e sambada amara atisaya priya ; kintu adya'i sakuntalake la'iya ya'iteche e'i jan'ya bibadera sahita ahala| da anubhaba karitechi| priyambada | sakhi, amara konarupa utkantha dura kariba| dina sakuntala sukhi ha'uka | Anasuya. By whom was father Kanwa informed of the matter? Priyambada . - By an incorporeal (heavenly ) voice in verse, when he entered the sanctuary of fire. Anasuya.-[Wondering] Tell (it). Priyambada. - [In Sanskrit] Brahman, know that your daughter, like the Sami-plant containing fire within, holds for the good of the world the seed deposited by Dushyanta. Anasuya. [Embracing Priyambada]. This is very delightful to But I feel joy with sorrow, because she will be taken away this very day. Priyambada. - Friend, we shall console ourselves ; let her poor self be happy. anasuya | cutasyah samasya sakhayam vitape avalamvite sthapite raksite narikelasya samungake, samputa ke patre iti yavat ; cutasakhaya abalagvite, ama- sakhasanathe narikelasamputake iti kaiscit vyakhyayate, kalantaram camate iti kalantaratama, icicamibhyanceti napratyayah kalapagame'pi vinasamanupeyusau kesarasya vakulasya malika, vakulapuspaih grathita mala maya etannimittameva, prasthana- mangalam sampadayitumeva maya niksipta racita, tat tam malam hastena dharaya | ahamapi asyai, asyah sakuntalayah krte mrgarocanam gorocanam ( mrgah pasau kura ca iti visvah ), tirthasya punyaksetrasya mrttika tam duvrvayah kisalayani aciro- natani patrani ityebhih mangalartham samalambhanani vilepanani viracayami - "samalambhanamalepe tilake'lankrtavapi " iti yadavaprakasah | labhernyantat lugt lambhanam labhesceti num | nepathya - misrasabdo natakadau sammanartham panardarnamna samasya prayujyate |

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NOTES-ACT Iv. 143 priyamvada | [ karne datva ] hastinapuram gajasahvayam dusyantanagara gaminah iti dvitiyatatpurusah | sabdayyante srayante | sabdam karoti iti sabdavairakala hai- tyadina kayan tatah sabdayanamadhatoh karmmani lat | ahvanarthakatvat sukarmmakatvam | ava karmmabhutanam rsinam dhatvarthenanupasamgrahat na srakarmakatvam | pravisya samalambhana hasta samalalamvana sahitah hastah yasyah sa iti vigrahe madhya- padalopana vahuvrihina siddham | yaha - gaddadaih srakrtiganatvan samalambhanam hastena yasyah iti vigrahe "gaddadeh para saptami " iti varttikana saptamyantasya paranipatah | priyamvada | suryodaye pratareva sikhaya saha majjita siraso'pi majjanamanu- bhavita esa, pratistah grhitah nivarah hastena yabhih tabhih asivadartham hastena grhitadhanyabhih svasti ityasya vacanam iti svastivacanam, kammarambha vighnopasantaye brahmanadvara karttavyakarmanam subhatavacanam tamme sthitah iti svastivacanikah tan pratyayah striyam tap | tabhih tapasaubhih sambamana | eyantat masjeh tah manjita ; masj lat-majjati, lit mamajja, lrt manksyati, luna sramanksit ; ktah manah | anaya| | ata'eba cutabrksera sakhaya abalambita e'i narikelapute ( malaya ) bahudine'o nasta na haya erupa bakulaphulera mala yaha ami e'i jan'ya ragiyachilama taha haste la'o | gorocana, tirthamrttika o durbbanilaya prabhrti dbara ihara jan'ya mangalabilepana prastuta kari | piyambada|| taha'i kara| anasr ya|| [ niskranta ha'ilena ] | priyambada| | [ puspagrahana abhinaya karilena ] | nepathye-gautami, sanga raba prabhrti rsiganake sakuntalake la'iya ya'ibara jan'ya adesa kara| priyambada| | [ ebana kariya| ] anahaye sighra esa, sisa ena, istinapuragami kabi- ganake ahbana karitechena| anaya|| [ bilepanahaste prabesa ] sakhi, ema ba'i| gamana karite lagilena| ] priyambada | [abalokana kariya] pratyuse'i snana kariya sakuntala, dhan'yahaste sbasti bacanika tapasiganera dbara abhinandita ha'iteche ; ena amara uhara nikate ya'i [ gamana karilena ] | Anasuya. For this purpose, I kept a garland of Vakul flowers which endures the lapse of time without being decayed, in a cocoacasket, suspended on a bough of that mango tree; take it in your

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hands, while I will prepare an unguent for this auspicious occasion with the earth of holy places, the blades of the Durba-grass and the yellow pigment from the urine of cows. Priyambada. - Let it be done. Anasuya.~~[ Exit ] Priyambada. -[ Tukes the flowers ]. Behind the scenes.-Gautami, bid Sarngaraba and others to escort Sakuntala. Priyambada. - [Listening.] Quick, quick, Anasuya, the hermitsthat will go to Hastinapur are being called. [Entering with unguent in hand.] Anasuya.Come, friends let us go [They walk away]. Priyambada. - [ Looking.] There sits Sakuntala, bathed to the crown of her head, being congratulated by the holy women of the hermitage with wild rice in their hands and invoking blessings upon her. Let us approach her. [They approach]. [ nirdistamanatikramya iti yathanirdistam yathoktam vyaparah yasya sa, asane tisthati iti asanastha, bhasane upavista sakuntala pravisati ; sakuntala prati tapasinam | ] anyatama | jate satse ; vahumanah sradarah tasya sucakah napakah tam | mahadevi, mahisi iti sabdah bhakhya tam mahadevisabdam - sakaparthivadivat samasah | dvitauya| viram prasute iti viraprasavini ( striyam ), "nidrtivisrikha- mavyathabhyamaparibhuprasubhyasva " iti inih (krdantah ) yaha prasavah punah asyah asti iti pasavini janayitri viramya prasavini, virapras ; natu virah prasavah sa asyah pasti iti matvarthiyah inih "na karmadharayanmatvarthiyah bahuvrihiscedarthapratipattikarah " iti nisedhat | trtiya | vahumata, satkrta, sradarabhajanamityarthah | bharturityava tasya ca vartamane iti karttari sasthi [ bhasisah datva gautamovajjam niskanta ] bhasisah asirvvacanani, anpurvvat sasdhatoh adadiganauyat atmanepadinah kvip | gautama varjayitva iti gautamovajjam ; dvitiyantopapadat varjayateh namul ya gautamya varjyah varddhanam yasmin karmmani tat yatha tatha iti vahuvrihih | ]

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NOTES-ACT Iv. 145 V. B. The namul or canam seems to be an improvement on the in many respects. What deserves special notice is the fact that this affix has increased the power of the language, rending it more pliable. The several cases of nouns can not be expressed in a compound form with the a whereas almost all the cases can be so done with the though with restrictions. Writers posterior to Panini, in spite of their deference to his aphorisms, have a tendency to widen the scope of this suffix-to which the above example bears a strong testimony. sakhyau | sukham sukhakaram majjanam iti karmadharayah | ubhe | [ mangalapatrani sradaya upavisya ] sannadhatoh karttari srac striyam tapi sajja | sajjadhaturbhivadikah parammaipadi ; srayamatmanepaditi kecit | sakuntala | sakhibhyam mandanam prasadhanam sralangaranamiti yavat | | [vappam neva- nalam vaspamupasru ityamarah viharati muncati roditi ityarthah ] | ubhe | arthopapade rudaih tumun | [ asruni sakuntalayah nayanajalani pramrjya visodhya natyena prasadhayatah alankurutah ] | priyamvada | asrame tapovane mulabhani anayasalabhyani yani prasadhanani 'puspapravaladini alankaranani taih idam ratnaim rupam vikrtim niyate [ upayanam upadhaukanam haste yayoh tau vyadhikarano vahuvrihih yaha upayana- 'sahita ti vayoh iti vigrahah madhyapadalopasca ] | prathamah | vatsya kasyapasya prabhavat ; prabhavah yogavalamityarthah | gautami | manasah prasuta iti manasi, sankalpana manasah an | 'dvitiyah | sakuntalaya hetoh, sasthi hetuprayoge iti sasthi taya saha samasah | vanaspatibhyah vrksebhya apadane pancami | "apuspa phalavanto ye te vanaspatayah smrtah " iti vanaspatisamjna nava ata, tathatve tu mahan vipratisedhah "mave'pi vana- spatih " iti yaduktam tadevava srahatam | vanasya patayah iti vanaspatayah paraskaradi- tvat sut | aharata avacinuta | [ tahara para yathoktabyapara, asane upabista sakuntalara prabesa ; sakuntalara prati tapasidigera ] | ekajana| batse, sbamira adarasucaka mahadebisabda prapta ha'o | IO

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dbitira| batse, biraprastha ha'o | trtiya|| batse, sbamira adara prapta ha'o | sangidbaya | sakuntala | [ asirbbada kariya| gautami bhinna nakalera prasthana ] | [ samipe gamana kariya ] sakhi, tomara snana sukhakara ha'uka, amara sangidbayera subhagamana ha'uka ; e'i sthane upabesana kara| ubhaye | [ mangalagaja la'iya upabesana purbbaka ] sakhi, prastuta ha'o mangalabilepana kari sakusula| | iha! amara pakse adarera bisaya : ekhana ha'ite sakhikartrka alankarana amara pakse durlabha ha'ibe| [ tapa sarjjana karite lagilena ]| ubhaye| nagi, mangalasamaye rodana kara ucita nahe| [ asru mucha'iya diya alankrta karite lagilena ] | priyambada | / alankarera upayukta e'i rupa asramasthalabha puspadidbara bikrti prapta ha'iteche | [ upadhaukana haste prabesa kariya ] rsikumaradbaya| e'i alankara la'iya ihake alankrta kariya di'una | sakale| [ niriksana kariya ascaryyanbita ha'ilena ] | gautami| batsa narada, iha kothaya pa'ile ? prathama| tata kasyapera prabhabe| gautami | iha ki ( tahara ) iccha prastuta | dbitiya | na, sununa ; tini amadigake adesa karilena sakuntalara nimitta banaspati ha'ite kusumacayana kara ! [Then Enter Sakuntala seated on a scat in the manner described above]. Of the holy womenOne-[To Sakuntala]. My child, may you receive the title of "Chief queen" indicative of the love and respect of ( your) husband t Second.-My child, may you give birth to a hero ! Th rd.-My child, may you be loved and honoured by your husband! [Exeunt all the women except Gautami after giv ng blessings]The two compan ons.-[Approaching]. Let this bathing be ( source of) delight to you. 1 Sakuntala. - Welcome to my friends; sit down here. Both -[Taking the vase contain ng the auspic ous thing and sitting down.] Dear friend, be ready, we will besmear your body with this auspicious unguent.

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NOTES-ACT Iv. 147 Sakuntala. This even is to be highly valued. To be dressed and decorated by my friends will henceforth be a rarity to me. [Sheds tears] Both. - On an auspicious occasion, dear friend, it is not proper 10 weep. [Wiping away the tears, they decorate her.] Priyambada. This body of yours, deserving of ornament, is rather disfigured by the decorations that are easily obtained in the hermitage. [Enter with presents in their hands ] Two young hermits. Here are ornaments. lady be decorated (with these). All. [Looking at these are astonished. Let this respected Gautami. - Narada, my child, whence are these ? First. Due to the miraculous power of father Kanwa. Gautam .-Creation of his mind ? Second.-No indeed ! listen, please. We were ordered by the venerable saint to this effect).-"Collect flowers for Sakuntala from the forest-trees.". tata idanim - kenacit taruna indupanda, mangala ' tomam sraviskrtam kenacit kharanoparagasubhagah laksarasah nisyata, anyebhyah prapabhagotyitaih tatkisalayo vedapratidvandibhih vanadevatakaratalaih babharanani dattani || 5|| kenacit taruna vrksena indupandu iti induriva panda upamanani samanyavasvanaih iti samasah, candradhavalam mangalyama, mangalakamani hi ( mangalasabdat syav- na ) cummayah srutastha vikarah iti ksaumam sratasaunatam pattatkulam vitam prakatitam, kambhaccit taroridam dukulam labdham | kenacit taruna gharanayoh upa- ragah rancanamityarthah | tava subhagah sundara yogyah irthah laksarasah yavakarasah nisthata udgirnah prakhatah iti yavata ; vacyarthasya gunibhutatvannayamyadisapattih | yathahadandi - nisthapratodrgirnantadi gaunavrttivyapasrayam | sratisundaramanyava gramya- kaksam vigahane iti | anyabhyah vrksebha apadana pancami | aा parsvabhagebhah iti thaparvabhagam sranmayyaidabhividhyoh iti avyayibhavah apa bhagam utthitani iti apa bhagotthitani, "maha " iti samasah taih manibandham yavat nirgataih tesa bacanam kisalayanam pallanam udabhedah ugini kisalayani ityarthah { kadabhihitabhavi dravyavat prakasate ) tesam pratihandibhih tulyaih sratamratvat

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saukumayyacca kisalayasadrsaih vanadevatanam karatalaih kartrbhih srabharanani dattani | sardulavikrida़िtam vrttam | prathamacarane caturtham ca upamalankarah | Change of voice.-kascit taruh ... sraviskrtavan | kascit ... subhagam laca- ra niyatavan ... bhagotthitani ... pratiindauni ... karatalani ...dettavanti | sthivu nirasane iti dhatoh karmani tah nisyatah ; lat sthivati, chovyati ; lit tistheva ; lun asthevit ; santusthayasati | priyamvada | [sakuntalam vilika ] bhupapattyah gauravena vanaspatisevaya ityarthah | sakuntala | vrauda़ाm lajjam rupayati anubhavati ityarthah | ] prathamah | srabhisekat nanat uttirnah udgatah tasmai abhisekottiya, krta- snanaya ityarthah | vanaspatinam seva abharanadidanena paricaranam | tahara para, kona taru, candradhabala, mangalya, e'i ksaunabastra pradana karila| kona taru ha'ite carana ranjanayogya e'i alaktakarana nihsrta ha'ila : ebam an'ya katipaya taru- ha'ite manibandhabhaga paryanta nirgata, kinalayopana, banadebatakaratana kartrka e'i abharana padatta ha'ula| priyambada | [ sakuntalaradike drstipata kariya ] sakhi, e'i gaurabadbara nibedita ha'iteche, ye tumi sbamigrhe rajalaksmi upabhoga karibe| sa¬la1| [ lajjita ha'ilena ] | prathama| gautama, esa, snanottirna kasyapake e'i brksa gulira nebara bisaya nibedana karige| dbitiya| accha[ nikranta ] | Then :-By a certain tree this moon-white, auspicious, silken cloth was put forth; by another this fluid of lac fit for dyeing the feet with was exuded: while these ornaments were given by the hands of Dryads, coming out to the wrist from some other trees, and rivalling (in beauty) their sprouting shoots. Priyambada .-[Looks at Sakuntala]. Dear friend, by this honour it is signified that royal fortune is to be enjoyed by you your husband's house. in Sakuntala.-[Looks ashamed ; literally, feels bashfulness.] First.-Come, Gautama, come; we will inform Kasyapa, who has finished his ablutions, of the service done by the forest-trees Second. Yes. [Both exeunt]. - sakhyau | anupabhuktam na parihitam bhusanam yena sah ; katamat bhusanam katamasminna mriyate tanna vedmi iti tatparyam | kintu citrakarmanah bhalekhyasya paricayah

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NOTES - ACT Iv. 149 samstavah darsanamityarthah tena, citre yamminanke yadrsamabharanam drsyate tadrk tavapi srange viniyujyate ityarthah | sakuntala | nipunayoh bhavah iti srag | naipunam pravinyam | ubhe | [ natyena sralam kurutah prasadhanamabhinayatah ityarthah ] [ tatah iti spastam ] kasyapah | sradya sakuntala vasyati iti utkanthaya hrdayam samsprstam ; kanthah stambhitavaspavrttikalupah, darsanam cintajada़ ' srahi sraranyaukasah mama tavat snehat vaiklavyam yadi idrsama ; grhinah naveh tanayavislesaduhkhaih katham na piyante || 6 || .. ghya adya sakuntala yasyati patikulam gamiyati iti hetoh utkanthaya vaimanasyena duhkheneti yavat hrdayam samsprstam bhinna abhibhutamiti vatparyyam ; sakuntala gamisyati iti cintaya me hrdayam vyathitamityarthah | kanthah stambhitaya khantat tann dhatoh karmani ktah striyam stambhita avarudya bappanam srabhrunam vrttya prasarena kalusah sravisadah jada़ iti yavat, ruddhasvara ityarthah ; niruddhavaspodaya sannakanthah sanjato'ham | darsanam - cintaya jada़ visayagrahanapatu | cintavamsata nayanayoh nanyayam samvrttam | aho ityasrayem avyayam | aranyam srikah vasasthanam yasya sah aranyaukah tasya ( srikah sadmani srasraye corresponding to the Greek root oikos, a house. ) arakhaukasah vanavasinah mamatvabhimanasunyasya ityarthah mama snedvat sakuntalavatsalyat vaiklavya ', viyogabamdhu yadi idrsam evamvidham ati- sayitam bhavati ; tarhi na jane grhinah samsarinah mamavaklastacetanah ityarthah naveh pratyagraih tanayayah vislesena dugvaih kanyaviyogaduhkhaih katham kidrk paudayante | tesam viyogavyatha nitaram na sprgotibhavah | sardulavikrida़िtam vrttam | [ parikramati ] Change of voice.- sakuntalaya yasyate ... hrdayena samsprstena bhuyane ... navani duhkhani ... pidayanti | N. B. This is the first time that Kanwa appears on the stage. The very first words which he utters reveal his nature. He is not a stern anchorite devoid of all sympathies; but the recesses of his heart are full of affection and soft feelings. sakhidbaya| amara bhusanera byabahara jani na, citre yerupa dekhitechi tomara ange se'irupa alankara para'iya ditechi| sakugula| ami tomadera naipunya jani | ubhaye| [ alankara para'iya de'oyara abhinaya karite lagilena ] |

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150 ABHIJNANA SAKUNTALA [ taara para snanottirna kakhapera prabesa | kasyapa| sakuntala! ada ya'ibe e'i nimitta amara hrdaya utkantha phula ha'igache ; bapabega nirud'dha ha'oyaya kanthera sbara garataprapta : nayana cintakula ha'iya| mata -prapta ha'iyache | a'ma aranyabasi, snahahatba yadi amara e'irupa katarata haya : taha ha'ile gr hagana abhinaba tanayabiyogaduhkhe kirupa pirita hana ! [ gamana karite lagilena ]| The two companions -This person (ourselves) is unused to ornaments. We will put We will put the ornaments on your limbs accordingly as we have seen them in pictures Sakuntala. -1 know your skill. Both. - [Act the part of dressing.] [Then enter Kasyapa, having finished his ablutions.] Kasyapa. - My heart has been touched with anxiety (grief) because Sakunta a will go away today; the throat is choked because of the repressing of the flow of tears and the eye is dull and dim with anxious thoughts. If such is the grief, through affection, of me who am but a recluse living in a forest, how (greatly) indeed must householders be afflicted by the anguish of first parting from their daughters ! [ Walks aivay.] saglau | avasitam samaptim gatam mandanam prasadhanam yasyah sa | caumayoh yugalam uttariya ka . antariyakala gautami | anandena parivahati sravati iti pranandaparivahi tena srananda vimuncata caksusa namranena parisyatamanah alingavi | anandaparnena nayanena snigdha m vauksamanah ityarthah | acaram pristah parigrhitam srabhivadanadikam pratipadyakha grhana . anutistha iti yavat | sakuntala | [ vrauड़ya lajjaya maha varttamanam iti savrida़na ] tata vande | kasyapah | vatase sa mstha yayateh duva bhartuh vahumata bhava | sa purumiva tvamapi samrajam sutam sravapnuhi || boll sarmistha yayateh candravamsiyanagpatibhedasya nahusasya iva tvam bharttah vahumata ata bhava ; sa sarmistha prrumiva tvamapi samrajam sarvvabhaumam putram trahi labhasva | yenestam rajasugena mandalasyesvarasva yah | sasti yathajnaya rajnah sa samrat parikirttitah | samyak rajane sobhate iti samrat sampurlat rajate kvip | bhartturityava kartari sasthi tasya ca varttamane iti |

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NOTES ACT. IV. 151 Change of voice. - sarmistha duva vahumatatha bhryatam tatha praruriva tvaya samrat sutah sravapyatama ||7|| candravamsiyasya narapatati || vabhuvatuh | sayognatara daityagarugukraccayya- kanya devayani nama bahumanagarvita prathamam parinita | sarmisthetyudasthata para daityadhipatrsaparvvakanya devayanyah sahacaribhavanagata yayatina gudhamuda bharturadara- bhajanamasot | sratha kalakramena gudha़ीhaparijnanena rosakasayatalocna devayani yayatim vihaya pituh samipamupagamya manemacyutanamavati ruste- nasuraguruna| saptasya yayatesta eva jarasa bhango'bhavat| pasradanunarina mrdutam gatasya sukrasyanumatanam yayatiryaduprabhrtona svaputrana narayanartham yasamanah puru- mantaramga sarvvereva pratyakhyatah | gamisthagarbhasambhutah puruvarsasahasram vyapya piturja svammim samkramayya dhrtavana | tatah purna varsasahasretu uranirmuktah karnayanapi rajyabhagavabhuveti puranavartta | gautami | bhagavan varah gvala esa na basi | devat vratam varah sravasyambhavi phalah ; istabhiprayaviskaranam srasiva niyataphala | sra + sama + kvip = | sas | kasyapah | sadyah sarpata tatksanama ; samane nidasa vakye sada i ~ vyayam nipatanata siddham | daksinam pragata iti pradaksinah " vugatipradayah " iti samasah apradaksinana pradaksina kurusva iti prada cikurusva iti daksinam gatah iti vigraha "tisthadrguprabhrtini ce " iti sosa vyayibhavam punapralayena mamama- ntaram na bhavati yathaca kasika cakaro'vadharanarthah | carah samasi na bhavati paramatastha dugviti ' | daksinagrigarhapatyahavaniyakhya deyah sraya ataeva va: vacanam | sapidbara| tomara prasadhana sesa ha'iyacha, sasrata"u-guyugala paridhana kara "kula|| [ sakusula! uthiya paridhana karilena ] | gautama| base, tomara pita ananda srupurna caksu dbara tomake yena alangana kariya eta upasthita ha'ine, tumi acara pare grahana kara| sakusta 1| [ salajjabhabe ] pita:, dana| kari| kakhala| bane, sache| yaya| tara berupa adabhajana ha'iya|chine: tumi'o se rupa patara sahamata ha'o| ebam sanbistha yemana puru namaka samrataputra prapta ha'iyacilena tu ma'o se'irupa sabbabhauma putra labha kara | sau•mi| bhagaban, e bara, asirbba.da nahe| kasyapa| banse, esthana ha'ite ( gamana kariya) e'imatra pujita bahnira pradaksina kara| sakale| [ gamana karite lagilena ] |

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The tvo companions. - Friend, the decoration (of you) is over. Now put on these two pieces of silken cloths. Sakuntala.- [Rises up and puts them on ] . Gautami.-Here comes, my child, your father embracing you, as it were, with his eyes overflowing with tears of joy. Do the usual formality (obeisance &c.) Sakuntala.-[Abashed]. Father I bow to you. Kasyapa.-My child, may you be loved and honoured by your husband, as Sarmistha was by Yayati. And as Sarmistha got Puru, so may you too get a son who will lord it over the whole world. Gautami. - Holy sage, this is a boon and no blessing. Kasyapa. My child, come this way and walk round the just worshipped fires, having them to your right side. All.-[Walk on]. - kasyapah | rkchandasa asaste - vaidikachandograthitena vacanena srasisam datte sasirayam adadiganiyah sratmanepadi prayenanpurvah prayujyate | vedim paritakkrtavisnah samiddantah pranta samstirnadarbhah havyagandhaih duritam apaghnantah srami vaitanah vadbhyah tvam pavayantu || 8 || vedih parisakrta bhumih tam paritah srabhitah paritah samayanikasa haprati- yoge'pi " iti hitoya | yajanavedyah samantata ityarthah klrptam racitam visnum sthanam yesam te ( dhrsdhatoh prapratyayena nipatitam dhisnamiti padam ) klatavinah vira citasthanah samidhah kasthani vidyante yesam tathoktah prantesu simasu samstirnah akornah darbhah kusah yesam te prantasamstirnadarbha, hayate yat tat havyam ghrtadikam tasya gandhaih duritam papam kilvisamiti yavat apaghnantah vidurayantah punanah pavani- dutaih dhume rahutigandhibhih ityarthah kumi vitanasya yasya kretuvistarayorastrivitana- mityamarah imeiti vaitanah ( vitanasabdat sray ) yajnasambandhinah vahnayah daksinagni- prabhrtayah tvam pavayantu apagatakalmasam kurvantu | punateh kharthe nica | | Change of voice-dhih samiddangih ... darbheh srapannahnih sramibhih vaitaneh vahnibhi tvam pavyakha | pu lat - punati, punite ; lita pupava, pupuve ; lun, apavit, apavista ; tah prtah, pavitah, nase tu punah | pratisthakha -samavapravibhyah sthah iti sratmanepadam |

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NOTES ACT IV. 153 kasyapah | sannihitah samipavarttinah tapovanasya srasramasya taravah vrksah sambodhane | vahuvacanama ) | yunasa apanesu ya prathamam jalam patu na vyavasyati, priyamandanapi ya mehena bhavatam pallavam nadate sradye vah kusumaprasutisamaye yasyah utsavah bhavati meyam sakuntala patigrham yati sarveh anujnayatam || yugmasu apaneिsu srapitajalesa, amitesu ityarthah ya prathamam prageva jalam pata na vyavasyati notasahate, yugmasa bhratrvatsalyat praga yamana jalasekena santa pathat khayam jalam pivati ityarthah priyam mandanam yasyah sa priyamanda़na, pate mandanapriya, bhusana priyapi kohena hetuna bhavatas sodinehavasata bhavatam pallavam kisalayam nadatte na grhnati na chinatti ityarthah karnapurarthamiti bhavah sradau bhave iti sradye vo yusmakam kusumanam puspanam prabhuteh udgamasya banane kale vastha utsava mahana pramodah bhavati, ya nitaram mudita bhavati ityarthah samyam sakuntala patyuh svaminah grham yati sarve bhavadbhih anujnayatam, anumanyatam | Change of voice. - yaya vyavasiyate ... mandanaya ... nadhivate, utasavena bhuyate tatha anaya ...yayate sarvve sranujanantu | apatesu ityava vivaksaya akamakata pivateh karttari ktah yaha pivate napumsake bhave ktah pitam panam tata esamanti iti pitah "asam sradibho'jiti " ac | yaha vibhaktah bhratarah, bhuktah brahmanah itivata uttarapadalopo'va drastavyah ; pitah pitajala ityarthah yathaha kaiyatah gamyamanasya sraprayogah eva lopah | "pranodo'nasyavihara " iti adate ityava kanepadam | adatte ityava sramanepadam | " va priyasya " iti bahuvrihau priyamandanetyava paksikah paranipatabhavah | kasyapa| [ baidikacchande asirbbada karilena ] yajnanabedira caturddike yamhadera sthana kalpita ha'iyache, yamhadera pratibhage kusa bikirna rahiyache, hutaghrtadira gandhe yamhara papa nasa karitechena, samidayukta se'i e'i yajniya bahnigana tomake pabitra karuna | eksane gamana kara [ drstipata kariya ] sanga raba prabhrti kothaya ? sisa| [ ebesa kariya ] bhagabana, e'i amara upahita| kasyapa| tomadera bhaginike patha dekha'iya cala | sanga rara| edike asuna| sakale| [ gamana karite lagilena ] | kasyapa| he samipabartti tapobanatarugana ! tomadigake sikta na kariya ye agre jalapana karibara udyama karita na, bhusanapriya ha'iya'o ye snehabasatah tomadera pallabaccheda karita na; tomadera prathama

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puspodana samaye yahara utsaba hata, se'i e'i sakuntala pati grahe bagateche; sakale anuma ta kara | Kasyapa - Blesses in a Vedic metre ]. May yonder sacrificial flames, seats for which have been prepared all around the altar, on the skirts of which lie strewn the Kusagrass; and which purge away sin by the odour of oblations, may those flames nourished by fuel purify you. Now set out. [Looking about ]. Where are they - Sarangarava and others ? Pup 1. - [Entering ]. Holy sage, here we are. Kasyapa Show the way to your sister 1 Sarangarava. Come you, this way. All -[Wall_zway' ]. Kasvapa - O ye trees that stand by ! Skuntala, who never seeks to drink water first when you have not been waitered, who, though fond of ornaments, does never, by reason of her affection for you, pluck your new shoots, and whose highest pleasure is at the time of the first opening of your buds, -the same Sakuntala is going to her husband's. Let her be permitted by you all. [ kokilanam ravam sucayitva parabhrtavirutasrutim natayan ] vanavasavambubhih tarubhih iyam sakuntala anamatagamana, yatha ebhi idrsam kalam parabhrtavigatam prati- vacanaukrtama || 10 || vanatramasya yaha vana se vanavasa kale ityarthah bandhavah taih vanavasa sahacaraih samabhih iyam kantala anumatam anuma datam gamanam yathah tayokta ; yatha yatah ebhih taru bhah . | idrsam kalam sravyaktamadharam, pareh kakadibhih bhrtah saigave palitah sa parabhrtam kokilanya vikatam sabdah sraprativacanam prativacanam krtam dvata prativacamikrtam madaktasva pratyuttarakrtam vane vamah iti vanavasah "sayavasavasisa akalat " iti matrasyah lugabhasah vahulakat pa ksakah | idam iva drsyate yat tat idrsam ; idampavata hih kan idamah i: kinpratyaye i ka saka pratyaye itanama | - akage -asyah panthah kamaliniharitaih marobhih ramyantarah chayadubhaih niyamita kammayukhatapah, krsesayarajomrdrrenah santanakula pavanah sivasca bhuyat || 11 || asyah sakuntalayah panyah margah kamalinibhih padminibhih haritani palasani

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NOTES-ACT IV. 155 taih tadrsaih sarobhih kamareh ramyam manoratham antaram avakasah madhyamiti yavata grasya tadrsah pathi antara antara padminisamaritani saramsi mayasah ityarthah | kaya- pradhanah drumah iti chayadumah sakaparthivadivat samasah taih niyamitah durikrtah prasamitah iti yavat arkasya suryasya mayukhana kirananam tapah uttapa yammina sah tadrsah ; kuse annam sete iti yani padmani adhikarana sate iti srac ) "sayavasavasisa bakalata " iti saptamyah alaka, nesa rajamsi paragah tani drava mrdava . komanna renava pasavah yava sah kusesayara jamrduramnah santah mrdurityarthah anukulah anulomaya pavanah yamman sah tadrsah sivah mangalah nirvadha iti yavat bhuyana srasisi lina | sarambhiriti karane trtiya ; gyantata nipuvata yameh karmani tah niyamitah | kusesayanam rajobhih mrdavah renavah yava sah iti vyakhyanam kacit drsyate sata- matiprakrtatvat | Change of voice. - ramyantarena tapena ... reguna ... pavanena patha bhavisota ( bhavasista va ) | gautami | jnatijanah vandhuvargah sa iva khigdhah snehapurna tabhih upamanani samanya vacanairiti mamamah anujnatam anumoditam gamanam yasyah sa | sakuntala | [ mapranamam parikramya janantikama ] aryaputrasya svaminah darsane darsanena va utasuka tasyah | duhkhena ityava prakrtyadimayetyupasamkhyanata taya | priyamvada | tvaya (saharthe trtiya ) upasthitah srasanah viyogah yasya tana tasya ; udgalitah mukhata bhrastah darbhakavalah krsagrasah sesam te tadrsah magyaya mrgaya iti mrgah "1man striya " iti pumlingekasesah | parityaktam narttanam nrtyam ye te tathoktah suskani- ityarthah pacani gramah tah lata tvadviyogavidhura pasu nayanajalam munti iva ||12 || sakuntala | [ smrca ] sramantrayisye sanbhasipye bhaginaurupayah vanajyota snayah sambhasanamucitamityarthah | [ kokila4dasabana abhinaya karata: ] capracye ; gamanavasare banabasabandhu tarugana kartrka sakuntalara patagrhe gamana anumodita ha'iyache, yehetu ihara eta abyaktamadhura : ka kala - pratyuttarupe pradana karila | akase sakuntalara patha nirupadraba ha'uka, madhye madhye padmininanatha, haridbarna sarobara dbara pathera ramaniyata sampadita ha'uka; pathaparthentata caya hu-" brksadbara suryyatapa nibarita, ebam pathera dhulimuha padmarenura hyaya kona sparsa ha'uka ebam gamanasamaye pabana mrdumandabhabe anukulabahi ha'uka |

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sakale| [ ascaryyera sahita srabana karite lagilena ]| gautami| batse jnatijanera n'yaya snehapurna tapobanadebatara tomara gamana anumodana karilena : bhagabatidigake pranama kara | sakuntala | [ pranamapurbbaka gamana kariya janantike ] nathi priyambade, ami aryya- putradarsanotsuka ha'ile'o asramaparityaga kariya ya'ite amara carana atikaste agrasara ha'iteche | priyambada | sakhi, tumi'i kebala tapobanabirahakatara emana nahe, tomara sahita anannabiyoga tapobanera'o durabastha drsta ha'iteche | mrgadigera mukha ha'ite kusagrasa patita ha'iteche, mayuragana nrtya parityaga kariyache ebam jirna patrasamuha patita ha'oyate lataguli yena tomara jan'ya asrubisarjjana kariteche| sakuntala| [ smarana kariya ] pitah latabhagini banajyotsnara nikata bidaya grahana kariba | [ Acting as if he heard the note of a cuckoo. 1 By these trees, her friends (relatives) during her residence in the forest, the departure of Sakuntala for her husband's place has been approved; for they have made this sweet note of the cuckoo a reply, as it were, ( to our request). [ In the air ] May her path be free, from danger, and have at intervals charming tanks green with lotus-creepers; may the heat of the sun on the way be allayed by shady trees; and the dust thereof be as soft as the grey pollens of lotuses; and may the wind be favourable and gentle on her way! All. [Isten with astonishment ] Gautami. My child, your departure has been approved by the nymphs of the hermitage who are as affectionate as your relatives. Bow to them. Sakuntala -[Bowing and walking,-aside] Dear Priyambada though I am eager to see my husband, yet my feet, who am qnit- * ting the hermitage, move onward with difficulty. Priyambada.-My dear friend is not the only one uneasy at being separated from the hermitage The sad plight even of the - grove, about to be parted from you, is observed.

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NOTES-ACT Iv. 157 The mouthful of Kusagrass is falling (from the mouth of) the deer; the peacocks have left off dancing; and the creepers with their pale leaves falling are shedding tears, as it were Sakuntala. - [Recollecting ]. Father, I will take leave of the jasmine creeper, the moonlight of the grove, (which is) a sister to me. kasyapah | sodayah sahodarah tasmin snehah tam | daksineva - tava daksine bhage bhavati | samane udare sayitah iti sodayah "vibhasodare " iti pace samanasya sadesah ; pace samanodaryyah | sidaram yah iti saudaryyah | daksine bhage iti daksinasabdat enap | sakuntala | [ latamupetya ] itogateh itah prastaih sakha ' eva bahavah taih sakharupaih bhujaih | / kasyapah | prathamameva tavarthe maya sankalpitam sratmasadrsam bharttaram tvam sukrteh gata asi | iyam navamalika cutena samsritavati ; samprati aham asyam tvayi ca vitacintah || 13 || prathamam prageva tava arthe krte maya sankalpitam manasa abhipsitam sratmanah svastha sadrsam vayorupaprabhrtibhih anurupam bharttaram svaminam tva ' sukrtaih punyaphalena gata lavavati asi | iya navamalika cutena atmayogyena rasalena saha samsritavati milita ; samprati idanim yaha asyam navamalikayam visaye tvayi ca vita vigata cinta yasya yasmat va sah vitacintah niscintah jatah | tva ' natra malikaca nama hai kanye ; ubhayorevanurupavidha़ samagamenaham niscintah samvrttah | arthe iti ekarantamavyayam | vipurvvat in gataviti dhatoh tah vitah | in lun agat ; lit iyaya, lat eti, karmmani lun agadhi | | itah asmat sthanat panthanam hastinapuragaminam adhvanam pratipadyakha sravalamvasva | sakuntala | [ sakhyau prati ] niksipyate yah sah niksepah nyasah | ubhe | [ ruditah ] sraya janah madrupi janah | kasyapa| tahara prati tomara sedirasneha ache taha jani; e'i se tomara daksinadike | sakuntala| | [ latara samipe gamana kariya| ] banaje|| sna, catasahita milita ha'iya.o" edike sbatahsakharupa bahu dbara amake pratyalingana kara| adyabadhi toma · ha'ite durati ha'iba| kasyapa| ami prathame tomara nimitta yadrsa sbamira iccha kariyachilama, tumi

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punyabale tadrsa atmayogya sbami prapta ha'iyacha, e'i nabamalika'o cutapadapera sahita milita ha'iyache| ami eksane ihara o tomara bisaye niscitta ha'iyachi | e'i sthana ha'ite patha abalambana kara| sakuntala| [ sathidbayera prati ] e'i banajyotsnake tomadera ubhayera haste -tasaruhpa ra!thiya| gelama| ubhaye | eta byaktike ( amadigake ) kahara haste rakhiya ya'itecha [ satru- binajjana karate lagala| ] Kasyapa -I know your sisterly affection for it. It is to your right. Sakuntala -[Approaching the creeper]. Moonlight of the grove, though you are locked in embrace with the mango-tree; embrace me in return with your arm like boughs stretched in this direction. Henceforth I shall be far away from you. Kasyapa. You have earned by your merits a husband worthy of you (in every respect), such a one as I had wished for you long before And this jasmine has become united with the mango-tree. Now I am free from all anxious thoughts about you and it. Tura hence to the path that leads to Hastinapur.) Silentala. - [To her companions]. Friend, I leave it to the hands of both of you as a trust. Both the companions -But to whose hands do you leave this person meaning themselves ) ? (shed tears. ) sasyapah | athira sthira karttavya iti sthirikarttavya abhutatadbhave vi asya vi iti itvam ruditva ityava nisedharthalamyamgena . ktac, alam khalvoh pratisedhayoh pracam kketi | sakuntala | utajamya parnasalayah prantesu carati ya sa ; garbhena garbhabharena manthara alamagamana iyam anaghah nirvighnah prasavo yasya sa tadrsi yada bhavisyati tada priyamya nirvighnaprasarupasya priya sandesasya nivedayita jnapayita tam kamapi janam visraksyatha prerayapyatha, yuya mati sesah | gaurave bahuvacanam | agham vyasanam tannasti yava sah anaghah| duhkhainovyasanesyagham iti yadavah ahoduhkhavyasanesyaghamityamarah | syantata vidah trjiti trc | kasyapah | neti srasamsayam prerayisyama ityarthah |

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NOTES-ACT Iv. 159 sakuntala | [ gateh bhangah skhalanam tam rupayitva ] [ paravarttate ] nisasane majati - vasanamakarsati | kasyapah | yatme yasya kusamucividdhe mukhe vranavisesanam tailam vaya nyasicyata, syamakamustiparivarditakah prvakrtah sa'yam mrgah te padavom na jahati || 94 || kusanam darbhanam mucibhih toyah vidve krtavrane cate iti yavat yasya mukhe vrananam catanam visesanam visosakam ingalona ingudophalanam tailam tvaya nyasicyata adiyasa ( nivrvat sincate kammani lana, syamakanam dhanyavisesanam mutibhih -grasaih parivartitah anukampaya savatram pisita krtakah puratvena parigrhitah so'yam mrgah te padavi panyana na jahati tyajati | puvasya kasam karanam yasya sa puvaक़takah "sesat vibhasa, " iti samasantah kah | yadda putrah krta iti putrakrtah "saha supa " iti sanasa svayem anukampayam va kan | nyantat rohate karane "lut (nat ) virohanam viropanam | upasargat sunitisutasyatitobhati - stha se nayasedhasi ca sacasvanam iti niputrat minjateh masya yah | Change of roice. - tvam tailam nyasisthah parivarditakena pubakrtakena tena anena padavi na hote | sakuntala | [ rudati prasthita ]| saha vasah iti sahavasah "tapa " iti samasah tam parityajati ya tam je pinuna | pramavat anantara jananya viracitah tva ' maya yavena vrddhi nota | idanim mayi gatayam tata tvam raksisyati | kasyapah | utpaksmanoh nayanayih uparuddhavrttim vaspam sthiratya viratanubandham kuru | alaksitanatonnatabhumibhage asmin marge te padani visamibhavanti khala ||15 || udgatani padmani nevalimani yayah tayoh upamanoh nagnayo uparuda vyahata vrttih prasar dasanasaktarityarthah yena tam sapecatvo'pi gamakatvat samamah uparudrat pacanayanavrttimityarthah vaspam asru, vappa urmana nate iti medini sthirata catmanah sthasripadanena virata anuvandhah satatyam ajasrapatanamityarthah yasya tam tadrsa karu ; - ajavappa sampatena drksaktilipat mahana anartha sampadyate ityaha alanati - alavita na drstah nata unnata vandura ityarthah bhumibhagi yasmina namina amina marga pathi te padani visamani samani bhavanti iti visamobhavanti khantu niscitameva savalaki ilaye | padakhalane vrtta pratyastra- garbhabhagayate suirdanistam sampatte iti bhavah | kincidanurupyam mahanatake triraya siyanta murddhi dhammam . kathora marapatam gamyatam bhr . sadabha

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taditi janakapuvi locanairasrupurneh pathi pathikavadhubhih siksita vocita ca || Change of voice. -ta: ** : : tah visama| kasyapa | tana haye rodana kari'o na; sakuntalake sthira kara tomadera kartabya | sakale| [ gamana karite lagilena ] | sakuntala| pitah, garbhabhare alasagamana parnasala prantacarini e'i mrgi yakhana nirbbighne prasaba karibe, takhana e'i priyanambada nibedana karibara jan'ya kona ekajana- loka amara nikata patha'iya dibena | kasyapa| iha bhuliba na | sakuntala| [ gatiskhalana anubhaba kariya ] ke amara basana akarsana kariteche ? • phiriya dekhilena | kasyapa| batse, tumi yahara kusagraksatamukhe, ksatasosaka ingulitaila nisikta karite, ebam yahake syamakadhan'yera mustidbara bard'dhita kariyacha ; se'i tomara krtaputra mrga tomara patha parityaga kariteche na | sakuntala| bansa, ami tomara nahabanaparityaga karite udyata amara anusarana kariteche; pranabera talpakala pare tomara janani pranatyaga karile ami tomake bardhita kariyachi; eksane ami tomake chariya calilama ; pita tomake dekhibena| tumi nibrtta ha'o | [ krandana karite karite prasthana karilena ]| kasyapa| ekatu sthira ha'iya unnatapaksmanala nayanadbayera drsaktira areka e'i asrunicayera nirantara prabaha nirud'dha kara| karana pathe unnatanata bhumibhaga darsana na karate tomara padaskhalana ha'iteche| Kasyapa-Anasuya, do not cry. Sakuntala should be consoled and soothed by you two. All - [Walk on ] . -Sakuntala, Father, when that deer grazing close to the cottage and moving slowly by reason of being big with a young one will have safely brought it forth, you will send some one to inform me of the good news. Kasyapa. We will not forget itSakuntala. - [Feeling obstruction in her movement. ] What can it be hanging about (or pulling) my cloth ? [Looks back]. Kasyapa. My child, the same deer, - to whose mouth pricked with the sharp points of the Kusagrass you applied the oil of the Inguli (of the efficacy of) healing up sores,-reared up by handfuls

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NOTES-ACT IV. 161 of Syamaka grains, and made a child of (by you),-does not leave your path. Sakuntala. My child, do you follow me who am going to leave your company? Without mother, who died soon after giving birth to you, you were brought up by me. care of you left by me. Go back. Now too, my father will take [Goes away weeping]. Kasyapa. My child, with a little firmness repress the constant flow of tears which obstruct the vision of your eyes with raised eyelashes. For on this path where the "up and down" have not been marked, your steps are falling uneven. sarngaravah| udakam antah yammin karmani tat yatha tatha iti udakantam kriya visesanam | yaha udakasya jalasayasya antah prantah tam atyantasamyoge dvitiya | kasyapah | caurapradhanah vrksah iti ciravatah udumbarah | | kasyapah | sratisayena yuktam iti yuktarupam utkarse rupapupratyayah | dusyantasyeti samvandha vivaksaya sasthi dusyantaya ityeva yuktam | sakuntala | [ janantikam ] nalinipaveh antaritam channavigraham sahacaram cakravakam sradrstva virahakatara cakravako uccaih krandati ; idrk virahasahisnu asyah prema iti bhavah | ahantu etavato divasan khaminamadrsta sthitavati etat khalu naribhih duskaram | antaram karoti iti antarayati | antarasabdat nic | tatah karmani ktah | antaram antardhanamityarthah | anasuya | sakhi maivam vadi, iyam cakravaki api priyasahacarena cakravakena viyukta sati virahavedanaya dirghayamamiva pratiyamanam viyamam yapayati ; yatah punarapi samagamo bhavisyati ityasa sumahatimapi virahavedanam sahanayogyam karoti | tathaca meghadute - bhasavandhah kusumasadrsam prayasoyangananam | sadyahpati pranayi hrdayam viprayoge runaddhi || nyantat saheh latirupam sahayati | visadena hetuna dirghatara iti visada dirghatara hetutrtiyapi samasa isyate | virahena duhkham iti virahaduhkham | asa samagamasamsa eva bandhah patananivaranam iti asabandhah ||16 || kasyapah | maddacanat ityava lyavalope pancami | sakuntalam puraskrtya agratah krtva samyamadhanan asman, atmanah uccaih kulam kathamapi bhavandhavakrtam tvayi asyah tam khehapravrttinca saghu vicintya tyaya iyam daresu samanyapratipattipurvakam drsya ; atah param bhagyayattam tat vadhumvandhubhih na vacyam khalu | 11

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; samyam eva dhanam yesam tan asman, tapakhinah asman sadhu samyak vicintya ; madduhitari sakuntalayam pratipattiste madbhaktyanurupa bhavitumarhati ityarthah satmanah svasya uccaih unnatam kulam govanca vicintya, visrute puruvamse te janma paba samyak pratipattya akasmalasya tasya vamsasya gauravamaksusmam kartum sarvatha navyamityasayah | kathamapi kenapi prakarena avandhavakrtam vandhavaih mivadibhih na krtam, nisargatah prasutamityarthah yi visaye asyah sakuntalayah tam anubhutapurva ( prakrantaprasiddhanubhutarthavisaya- tacchando yacchandopadanam napeksate ) snehasya pravrttih prasarah tam ca vicintya ; tadrsasya naisargikasya premnah kaudrk pratidanamucitamiti bhavayitva ityarthah tvaya iyam sakuntala daresu patnisu madhye samanya pratipattih gauravam sadharanam panigaurava pubbe yasmin karmmani tat yatha tatha drsya parigananiya | atah asmat param adhikam saubhagya ' bhagyasya thayattam distadhinam tat vaghvah vandhubhih picadibhih na vacyam na prakasyam kathaniyam khalu ||17|| hasa- darasabdah patnauvacakah pumlingi vahuvacanantah | sranpurvvat yat dhatoh tah ayattah | samananam bhavah iti samanyam, samanasabdat syana (sna ) | dhatoh rdupadhaditi karmani kyap striyam tap drsya | prati - pada - pratipattih, gauravam | upa - pada - upapattih, yuktih | sam - patta - sampattih, bhutih, abhyudayah, nirvahah | vipad - vipattih, amangalam, maranam | a - pada - apada - praptih (bhapannah ) | nir-pada- nispattih - nirvahah | pra - pada - prapannam -- praptih durgatatvam | ati-pada - pratipattih - anirvahah, ullanghanam | pada lat padyate, lit perda, luna padi | ktah pannah | sanga raba| bhagaban "jalasaya paryyanta snigdhajanera anusarana karibe" e'irupa sunite pa'oya yaya| e'i sarobaratira, e'i sthane kichu baliya pratigamana kara ucita| kasyapa | tabe e'i udumbara brksera chayaya upabesana kari | sakale| [ gamana kariya| abasthita ha'ila ] | kasyapa | [ atmagata ] narapati dusyastake upayuktarupa ki baliya! patha'iba ? [citta karite lagilena ] | sakuntala| [ janastike ] sakhi, dekha padmapatre lukkayita priya sahacarake na dekhiya cakrabaki uccaihsbare krandana kariteche ; ami kintu duskara karitechi |

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NOTES-ACT IV. 163 anasuya| sakhi! erupa balo na; cakrabaki'o priya sahacara bina duhkhe dirgha rajani yapana kare| asa'i mahat birahaduhthake sahanayogya kare | kasyapa| sanga raba, sakuntalake agre rakhiya amara bakyanusare se'i rajake e'irupe balibe | sangaraba| bhagaban , adesa karuna| kasyapa| ami tapasbi, apanara nija ucca bansa, apanara prati bandhubandhabera sbara anutpadita sakuntalara garha anuraga, e'i sakala bisaya samyakarupe bibecana kariya ihake patnimadhye sadharana gauraba pradarsanapurahsara dekhibena; ihara adhika saubhagya bhagyayatta ; badhura bandhuganera se bisaye bala ucita nahe | Sarangarava.-Holy sage, it is heard that a friend should be followed to the side of a piece of water. Here is the border of a lake. Giving your instructions here, it behoves you to go back. Kasyapa-Let us then betake ourselves to the shade of this fig tree. All.-[Walking stood there]. Kasyapa. [Aside]. What appropriate message shall I send to that respectable Dushyanta? [Reflects.] Sakuntala.- [Aside]. Dear friend, see that ruddy goose, distressed at not seeing her mate who is hidden by the lotus-leaves, cries aloud. But I do what is difficult to do. Anasuya. Dear friend, don't say so. She, too, passes without her mate the night made longer by sorrow. The tie of hope makes (the heart) endure the agony of separation, heavy though it is, (be it never so great). Kasyapa. Sarangarava, with Sakuntala before you, tell the kind Dushyanta from me. Sarangarava.-Let your holy reverence command. Kasyapa.-Thinking of us whose riches consist in the conquest of self, of your own high lineage, and of Sakuntala's love (to you a matter of experience) for you, which was not in any way brought about by her relations; you should look upon her as one of your wives with common (equal) respect. More than this is in the power of fate; it should not be spoken (asked) by the bride's * relations.

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sarngaravah | sandesah suggrhitah, avadharitah ; na vismarisyama ityarthah | kasyapah | anusasaniya upadestavya ; vanam srakah yesam te vanaukasah vanavasinah santah api lokanam samsarinam ayam iti laukikah sracarah tam jananti ye tadrsah vayam | ato'nupasarge iti janateh kah | sarngaravah | dhih prakrsta vuddhih yesam tesam bhavadrsam kascit avisayah agocarah nasti | vuddhiprabhavena sarve vetti bhavan ityarthah | kasyapah | patyuh kulam iti patikulam patigrham | "kulam janapade gole sajatiyagane'pi ca | bhavane ca tanau klivam iti medini | ' gurun susrusasvah sapatnijane priyasakhivrttim kuru viprakrtapi rosanataya bhartuh pratipam mamma gamah parijane bhuyistham daksina bhava, bhagyesu sranutse kini bhava | yuvataya evam grhinipadam yanti, vamah kulasya sradhayah || 18 || gurun svasuprabhrtin mananiyan janan susrusakha senaskha ; samanah ekah patih yasyah sa sapatni sam eva janah sapatnijanah tammin priya casau sakhau ceti priyasakhi tasyah vrttih vyavaharah tam kuru ; sapabibhih saha sauharhena kalam naya, kalaham ma karsi rityarthah, viprakrta krtavipriya vimanita iti yavata, api rosanataya kopanataya rosavasadityarthah pratipam masmagamah krodhat svaminah viruddhacarini ma bhava ; parijane anujivinane bhuyistham daksina abhiprayanuvarttino anukuleti yavat bhava, bhagyesu abhyudayesu anutsekina srapta bhava ! yuvatayah evam ittham idrsacaranena ityarthah grhinyah grhalaksmaprah padam sthanam yanti prapnuvanti, vamah pratipacarinyah kulasya svamiggrhasya adhayah pauda़ाkharupah vyadhayah iva klesadayinyah bhavantiti sesah | "jnasrusmrdrsam sanah " iti sannantat srnoteh atmanepadam (susrusakha ) | samanah patih yasam tah sapatnah patisabdat striyam nip nuk ca nipatanat samanasya sadesah nityam sampavapradisu | rusadhatoh karttari (nah ) yuc krudha mastarthebhyasva iti yuc striyam tap rosana tasyah bhavah bhatre tal | pratigata apo yasmat iti vigrahe "rkpurabdhuh pathamanate iti samasantah a: " hantarupasargebhyo'pi it " iti akarasthane it | bhasma gamah, smottare lan ca iti cakarat lun, tena hi- - masmagamah, masma gacchah, masma gaccha iti lakaravayam | bhagyesuiti bhave saptami | yuvan sabdasya striyam, yuvatih iti rupam yunastih | yuvati, yuni iti rupahvayam vyakaranantarasiddham bhavati | sranpurvvat dadhateh kih adhih "pumsyadhirmanasotryathetyamarah " ; vidheyavisesanatvat lingasya svatantram ||18|| Change of voice.-guravah susrusyantam priyasakhivrttih kriyatam pratipam masma gami grhinipadam yayate | yuvatibhih vamabhih adhina bhuyate |

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NOTES - ACT IV. 165 N. B. Here is another trait in the character of Kanwa. He asks his daughter not to stand against her husband, though he might insult her; and to live amicably with the rival wives of her husband; such an advice can proceed from a being standing on an exalted platform, rising high above the petty jealousies and keen sensibilities distract the minds of the common herd of human beings. gautami | etacchabdat parimane vatup etavan | yattadetebhyah parimane vatup | kasyapah | pradeye pavasat karttavye | yuktamiti srarthopapadetumun | sanga raba| apanara sandesabakya amara bisesarupe abadharana karilama | kasyapa| batse eksane tomake kichu upadesa diba ; amara aranyacari ha'ile o lokacara amadera bidita| sanga raba| dhimadigera kichu'i agocara nahe | kasyapa| tumi e sthana ha'ite patigrhe gamana kariya sbasru prabhrti gurujanake seba karibe, sapatnijanera prati priyanathira n'yaya byabahara karibe ; sbami abamanana karile'o krodhabasatah tamhara pratikulacarana kari'o na| parijanera prati atyanta anukula ha'ibe | abhyudaye ahankrta ha'i'o na| yubatigana e'irupe grhinipada prapta ha'iya thake ; pratikulacarinigana grhera yantranasbarupa| gautami ki bibecana kara? gautami| badhujanera prati e'i upadesa ( paryapta )| bale e'i samasta mane rakhibe| kasyapa| batse, amake o sathidigake alingana kara| sakuntala| pitah, priyambada prabhrti sakhigana ki e sthana ha'ite nibrtta ha'ibe? kasyapa| basa ihadigake'o yogyapatre arpana karite ha'ibe| ihadigera tathaya gamana kara ucita nahe| tomara sahita gautami gamana karibe | Sarangarava. We have got the message. Kasyapa. Now, my child, you should be advised. Though a dweller of the forest, we know the practices (the ways) of the world. Sarangarava. Nothing is beyond the scope of men of a high order of intellect. Kasyapa. - You, then, having from this place gone to your husband's, serve with respect your superiors; towards the rival wives of your husband have recourse to the conduct of a dear friend. Never in anger go against your husband, even when

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Towards the puffed up in treated with slight and harshness (by him). attendants be kind and courteous; and be not times of good fortune. In this way do young women get the position of the mistress of a house. Those who act in a contrary way is the pest of a house. What does Gautami think of it? Gautami.-This advice is enough for a young wife. Bear all this in mind, my child. Kasyapa. - Embrace me and your friends, child. Sakuntala. Father, are Priyambada and other friends to go back from this place? Kasyapa.-They too will be given away in marriage; it is not proper for thein to go there. Gautami will go with you. sakuntala | [ pitaramaslisya ] sraslisya alinga, malayaparvatasya taruh tasmat unmulita utpatita candanalata, candanasya lata, sakha sa iva same sakhalate ityamarah | anyah desah iti desantaram "mayuravyamsakadayasva, iti nipatanat samasah | malayatatonmulita candanalata iti pathe malagrasya adreh tatat rodhasah unmulita candanalata candanamasrita lata iti vyakhyanam vastutastu ayam pathah susangatah pratibhati | kasyapah | vatse katham vidhura bhavasi ? vatse tva ' abhinanavatah bharttuh slaghye grhinipade sthita tasya vibhavagurubhih krtyaih pratiksanamakula acirat praci parkam iva pavanam tanayam prasuya, mama virahajam sucam na ganayisyati | : ) abhijayate asmin iti abhijanah ( ghanarthe kah ) vamsah sa prasastah asya iti abhijanavan ( prasamsayam matup ) tasya mahakulinasya bharttuh svaminah slagham arhati iti dandadibhyo yah tasmin nadhye sprhaniye grhinipade sthita tasya vibhavaih sampadbhih guruni mahanti taih krtyaih kayyaih pratiksanam satatameva akula akrstacitta acirat sighra praci purva dik akam mukhyamiva pavanam eyantat punateh karttari lyuh, anah ) pavitam tanayam prasuya janayitva tasminnapatye mamatvapahrtacitta sati ityarthah, agri vatse mama virahatjayate ya tam virahajam viyoganimittam sucam vyartha (socateh bhave kvip ) na ganayisyasi, na mamsyase, nanubhavisyasi ityarthah | uktesu bhavesu satata- meva cittabhinivesat mancintaya avasara eva nabhavisyatiti bhavah | trtiye caranaih upamalankarah || 18 ||

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NOTES ACT IV. 167 Change of voice. - thataya, alaya vaya virahana na ganaya | sakutala | [ si uya ] sa gapava, ekakalava| laि | parisvajetham sakhyau | [ tatha krtva ] nameti sambhavanayam pratyabhijnane smarane mantharah mandah apaturityarthah ; smrtisaithilyavan | ya| pana sa ita ta: ni | spadasya amangalamutprecate iti snehasya dharmah | sankhavah | snehavan janah sneha- anyat yugamiti iti yugantaram yamantaram srarudha़h gatah | sakuntala | [ pitake alingana kariya ] pitara krora ha'ite cyuta ha'iya candana- tarubicyuta candanasakhara n'yaya kirupe desantare jibanadharana kariba ? kasyapa| batse, kena erupa katara ha'itecha ? sadbansasambhuta sbamira sprhaniya grhinipada prapta ha'iya, tamhara aisbaryyahetu bahubidha gurutara karyye anuksana byasta thakibe ebam sighra'i purbbadika suryyake yerupa prakasa kare. se'irupa gotrapabana putra prasaba kariya tumi amara biyogajan'ya soka anubhaba karibe na ! sakuntala| [ pitara carane patita ha'ilena ] | kasyapa| tomara sambandhe yaha iccha karitechi taha'i ha'uka | sakuntala'| [ sakhidbayera nikata gamana kariya ] nathi, tomara ubhaye amake eka samaye alingana kara | saginbaya| [ taha kariya ] sakhi, yadi se'i rajarsi cinite na parena taha ha'ile tamhara sbanamankita e'i anguriya tamhake dekha'ibe | sakuntala| tomadera e'i kathaya ami kampita ha'itechi| sangidbaya| bhaya kari'o na, snehe anista asanka kare | sanga raba | suryya praharantare gamana karilena | Sakuntala.-[Embracing her father]. How shall I, removed from your lap, like a twig of the Sandal severed from the tree on the Malaya mountains, be able to support life in another country? Kasyapa-Why are you, my child, so much afraid? Being in the respectable position of the mistress of the house of a husband of noble descent, and occupied every minute with the several duties weighty by reason of his greatness; and even as the East sends forth the sun, so having ere long brought forth a pure son, you will not take to heart the grief brought on by separation from me.

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Sakuntala. - [Falls at the feet of her father.] Kasyapa. - May you have what I wish (for you ). Sakuntala. - [ Approaching her friends.] Friends, embrace me both of you, at one and the same time. The two companions. - [Doing the same. ] Friend, if the king be slow in recognising (you), show him this ring with his own name engraved on it. Sakuntala, I shudder at this instruction of yours. The two companions.-Do not fear. It is affection which suspects evil (even where there is none). Sarangarava. Let your ladyship make haste. The sun has already entered the second period of the day. kasyapah | ciraya caturantamahisapatni bhutva apratiratham dausyantim tanayam nivesya, tadarpitakutumbabharena bharca sarddham sante srasmin bhasramapade punah padam karisyasi ||20|| ciraya vahukalam vyapya catvarah arnavah antah soma yasyah sa caturanta tadrsi mahau tasyah sapatni bhutva ciram rajnah mahisi bhutva ityartha, nasti pratiratham pratiindau yasya sah apratirathah nagati ekavirah ityarthah tam dusyantasya apatyam pumamsam dausyantim ( atah in ) tanayam putram nivesya rajya abhisicya tasmin putre arpitah nyastah kutumbanam atmiyanam bharah palanabharah yena tena bharca patya saim saha sante, samarasapradhane asmin srasrame punarapi padam sthanam padam vyavasitavanasthanalaksmanghi- vastusu ityamarah karisyasi ; atraiva agatya vanaprasthadharmma ' carisyasi ityarthah || 20|| ● Change of voice. - sapana ... padam karisyate karisyate va | gautamau| parihiyate, jahateh karmakarttari lat | athaveti kenacit vyajena esa vilambipyate ityarthah | kasyapah | vatse tapasah anusthanam sracaranam uparudhyate vyahanyate | homavela varttate ; atra vilambitu nahamalamiti tatpayyam | sakuntala | [ bhuyah pitaramaslisya ] maddiyoga duhkham majiganah krcchraparakadibhih nitaram klista sarira madadukhena bhuyo ma tapaya | utkantheti annam yogat kti lyap upasargapurvat | kasyapah | [ nisvasam parityajya ] | vatse tvaya racitapurvvam utajaddari virudha़ nauvaravalim vilokayatah mama sokah katham nu samam esyati || 21 ||

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NOTES--ACT IV. 169 ayi vatse tvaya purva racitam iti racitapurva mayuravyamsakadayasceti nipatanat -samasah carata bhutapurvam iti nirdesat purvvasabdasya paranipatah pradattamityarthah utajasya parnasalayah hari dvaradese viruddha jatam angaritam nivarasya trnadhanya visesa sya valim pujarthi upaharam vilokayatah pasyatah prasangakramena tvam marataya me sokah katham samam santim esyati prapsyati ; na kathamapi me soko layam gamisyati ityarthah | Change of voice . - ... sokena samah katham esyate srayisyavate | harasabdah halantah strilingah | rohateh tah rudhah | mukhyau | [ sakuntalam vilokya ] ha dhik ha dhik antarhita sakuntala vana- rajya | rajih sreni | kasyapah | saha dhamam srasramadhamam carati ya sa sahadharmacarino sakuntala | nigrhya nirudhya | ubhe | virahitam tyaktam rahayateh karmani ktah | sunyam janasanyam nornaranyamiva | kasyapah | snehasya pravrttih prasarah evam pasyati ya sa evamdarsini sigvajanasya- bhave nagat sunyamiva pratiyate iti snehasya dhammam | [ vimarsena cintaya maha varttamanam iti savimarsa cintamanyaram ] hanta iti harse svasthasya bhavah svastham svacchandata | kanya parakiya eva arthah adya tam parigrahituh sampresya mama ayam antaratma pratyarpitanyasa iva prakamam visadah jatah || 22|| kanya udha duhita parasya srayam iti parakiyah sranyadiyah eva vrddhat karati kapratyayah kuk ca, arthah ; anyasya nyastam dhanamiva | tam kanyam adya parigrahituh svaminah sakasamityadhyaharena vyakhyeyam, yadda sambandhamavavivacaya sasthi, sampresya preyya mama srayam antaratma pratyarpitah pratidattah nyasah nicepah nyastam dhanamityarthah yena sa tadrsah iva prakamam sratyartham visadah nirmalah nicintah jatah | preranakarmmanah antarasmani aropat ekakarttrkatvanirvahah || 22|| [ niskrantah sarve | ] N. B.-This stanza furnishes a clue to ascertaining the high moral character of the holy sage Kanwa. kasyapa| sakugula1| [ asramera abhimukhi ha'iya| ] pita:, kabe punaraya tagobana dekhiba ? suna,-bahukala byapiya caturarnasabestita prthibira sapatni ha'iya! adbitiya bira dusyantatanayake rajye nibesita karatah ebam putre kutusbapalanabhara arpanapurbaka sthanira sahita e'i santa asrame punaraya basa karibe| gautami| batse, gamanera samaya atikranta haya ; pitake nibrtta kara| athaba bilamba ha'ile'o e barambara e'irupa balibe ; ata'eba apani nibrtta ha'una

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kaga| batse, tapasyara anusthanera byaghata ha'iteche | sakuntala | [ punaraya pitake alingana kariya ] apanara sarira tapascarana hetu pirita ; amara jan'ya atisaya utkanthita ha'ibena na | kasyapa| [ nisbasatyagapurbbaka ] base, tumi purbbe parnasalara dbare nibara dhan'ya dbara ye pujopahara diyachile ebam yaha eksane ankurita ha'iyache taha dekhiya kirupe amara sokasasti ha'ibe ? gamana kara, tomara patha mangalamaya ha'uka | [ sakuntala ebam sahagamigana niskranta ] sathinbaya| [ sakuntalara prati drstipata kariya ] haya! haya! sakuntala banasrenidbara antar'hita ha'ilena | kasyapa| [ nisbasatyagapurbbaka ] anasuye, tomadera sahita yini dharm'ma acarana karitena tini gamana kariyachena; sokanirodhapurbbaka amara anusarana kara | [gamana karilena ] ubhaye | pitah, sakuntalabihina, sun'ya tapobane yena prabesa karitechi | kasyapa| sneha e'irupa'i dekhiya thake | [-cintakulabhabe gamana kariya ] ah taji sakuntalake patigrhe patha'iya sbasthyalabha karilama | karana-kan'ya parera samagri, adya ne'i kan'yake bhartrsamipe prerana kariya amara e'i citta yena n'yasta padartha pratyarpanapurbbaka atyanta nirm'mala o niscinta ha'iyache | [ sakale niskranta ] Sakuntala. - [Standing with her face towards the hermitage ] . Father, when shall I see the hermitage again ? Kasyapa.-Listen ; Having lived for a long time as the rival (as wife) of this earth of which the boundary are the four oceans, and placing the matchless, Dushyanta-begotten son (on the throne), you will again set foot in this hermitage with your husband, by whom the burden of the family shall have been placed on his son. Gautami.-The time of our journey wears away. Allow your father to return or let your reverence go back, for she will be again and again speaking these things, whatever delay it may cause. Kasyapa. My child, the observance of penance is about to be obstructed. Sakuntala.-[Embracing her father again ]-This body of my

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t f e y e YT NOTES~~ACT V. 17* father has (already) suffered much from the practice of penance. Do not, therefore, sorrow; much on my account. Kasyapa.~~[With a sigh]. Ah! my child! How will my sorrow come to its end, when I shall see the sacred offering of the Nibara grains, made previously by you at the door of the cottage, and now sprouting up? Go now, may your path be free from dangers. [Exeunt Sakuntala and her attendants.] The two companions.-[Looking at Sakuntala]. Alas! Alas! Sakuntala has been hidden by the row of trees. Kasyapa.- [With a sigh] Anasuya, your companion in the practice of religious rites has gone. Check your sorrow and follow me. [Walks arvay]. Both the friends.-Father, we enter the sacred grove, a desert, as it were, being left by Sakuntala. Kasyapa. - The course of affection views (every thing) in this light. [Walking thoughtfully ]. Having sent Sakuntala to her husband's, I have now got ease. For,-a daughter is but the property of another. Having sent her today to her husband, my soul has become free from anxiety as on returning (to the owner) the property held in trust. [Exeunt all.] End of the 4 th Act.

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