Śrī Kṛṣṇa-vijaya
by Śrī Gunaraja Khan | 5,981 words
Sri Krishna Vijaya is the description of Lord Krishna's pastimes when He appeared on earth more than five thousand years ago. Compiled by the famous Vaishnava Poet Gunaraja Khan (also known as Maladhar Vasu)....
Chapter 2 - Description of Lord Kṛṣṇa's Handsome Form (vibhāṣā-rāga)
Śri Kṛṣṇer Rūpa-varṇan
Text 1
kṛṣṇera prasade gopa baise bṛndabane roga śoka bhaya kichui na jane
kṛṣṇera-of Lord Kṛṣṇa; prasade-by the mercy; gopa-the gopas; baise-residing; bṛndabane-in Vṛndāvana; roga-disease; śoka-lamentation; bhaya-fear; kichui-something; na-not; jane-know.
By Lord Kṛṣṇa's mercy, the gopa people in Vṛndāvana did not know anything of disease, lamentation, or fear.
Text 2
sarba-kṣaṇa sarba-jana govinda paila janma-janma-kṛta-papa saba dura haila
sarba-kṣaṇa-at every moment; sarba-jana-everyone; govinda-Kṛṣṇa; paila-proitected; janma-janma-kṛta-done in many births; papa-sins; saba-all; dura-far away; haila-were.
At every moment Govinda protected everyone. All the sins of every past birth were thrown far away.
Text 3
hena-kale haila kṛṣṇa dwadaśa batsar bhuvana-mohana rupa ati-manohar
hena-kale-at the time; haila-was; kṛṣṇa-Kṛṣṇa; dwadaśa-twelve; batsaḥ-years; bhuvana-mohana-charming the worlds; rupa-form; ati-manohaḥ-very handsome.
When He attained the age of twelve years, Kṛṣṇa became very handsome. He enchanted all the worlds.
Text 4
purnimara candra jini badana-kamal khañjana jiniya śobhe nayana-jugal
purṇimara-full; candra-moon; jini-defeats; badana-kamal-lotus face; khañjana-khanjana birds; jiniya-defeats; śobhe-beautiful; nayana-jugal-pair of eyes.
His lotus face defeated the full moon. His charming eyes defeated the khañjana birds.
Text 5
mayurera puccha śire kuṭila kuntal hīra-mani-manikya śobhe karnera kunḍal
mayurera-peacock; puccha-feather; śire-on the head; kuṭila-curly; kuntal-hair; hīra-maṇi-maṇikya-with diamonds and rubies; śobhe-beautifu;l; karṇera-on the ears; kuṇḍal-earrings.
He wore a peacock feather atop His curly hair. He wore earrings of rubies and diamonds.
Text 6
nana barnera puṣpa-mala hṛdaya-upare subarṇa-aṅgurī saje balaya dui kare
nana-many; barṇera-colors; puṣpa-mala-flower garland; hṛdaya-upare-on His chest; subarṇa-gold; aṅgurī-ring; saje-ornament; balaya-bracelet; dui-two; kare-hands.
On His chest was a flower garland of many colors. On His hands were golden rings and bracelets.
Text 7
payete nupura saje mukuṭa śobhe mathe balakera saṅge batsa rakhe jagannathe
payete-on His feet; nupura-anklebells; saje-ornament; mukuṭa-crown; śobhe-beautiful; mathe-on His head; balakera-of boys; saṅge-in the company; batsa-calves; rakhe-protected; jagannathe-the master of the universe.
On His feet were anklets and on His graceful head a crown. Accompanied by many boys, He who is the master of the universes passed His time protecting the calves.
Text 8
pīta-dhaḍa-paridhana deba bana-malī nutana meghete jena paḍiche bijalī
pīta-dhaḍa-paridhana-wearing a yellow dhoti; deba-body; bana-malī-a forest garland; nutana-new; meghete-raincloud; jena-by which; paḍiche-was; bijalī-lightning.
His body adorned with a yellow dhotī and a forest-flower garland, He was like a monsoon cloud accompanied by lightning
Text 9
līlamani darpana jena mukha niraman tara-majjhe śobhe jena bindu-bindu-gham
līlamaṇi-pastime jewels; darpaṇa-mirror; jena-by which; mukha-face; niramaṇ-measured; tara-majjhe-stars; śobhe-graceful; jena-by whcih; bindu-bindu-gham-drops of perspiration.
His face was splendid like a mirror of pastime jewels. His drops of perspiration were like a row of stars.
Text 10
dekhiya jubatī saba sthira nahe man kamete pīḍita gopī cinta kṛṣṇera caran
dekhiya-seeing; jubatī-the girls; saba-all; sthira-steady; nahe-not; man-heart; kamete-with desire; pīḍita-tormented; gopī-gopi; cinta-thinking; kṛṣṇera-of Kṛṣṇa; caran-the feet.
When they saw Kṛṣṇa, the young girls could not stay peaceful at heart. When they thought of Kṛṣṇa's feet, the gopis were tormented by desire.
Text 11
madane dagadha citta jubatī-samaj swamīre chaḍiya bhaya khanḍileka laj
madane-by desire; dagadha-burned; citta-heart; jubatī- samaj-the girls; swamīre-husband; chaḍiya-leaving; bhaya-fear; khaṇḍileka-broke; laj-shyness.
Their hearts burning with passion, and they fear and shyness broken to pieces, the young girls abandoned their husbands.
Text 12
ratri dine jubatī gobinde haila mati gṛha-karma chaḍileka sakala jubatī
ratri-at night; dine-at day; jubatī-the girls; gobinde-in Kṛṣṇa; haila-was; mati-thought; gṛha-karma-household duties; chaḍileka-abandoned; sakala-all; jubatī-the girls.
Day and night, the young girls thought of Kṛṣṇa. They could not think of their household duties.
Text 13
kotha ache govindai jaba taṅra ṭhañi kon prakare taṅra daraśana pai
kotha-where; ache-is; govindai-Kṛṣṇa; jaba-as much as; taṅra-of Him; ṭhañi-by Him; kon-what; prakare-method; taṅra-of Him; daraśana-seeing; pai-I will be able.
They thought, Where is Kṛṣṇa? What shall I do to be able to see Him?"
Text 14
neha mate govindera cinte gopī-gan antarjamī gosañī janila takhan
neha-with love; mate-in the heart; govindera-of Kṛṣṇa; cinte-thinking; gopī-gan-the gopis; antarjamī-the Supersoul; gosañī-the master; janila-knew; takhan-then.
As they thought of Kṛṣṇa in this way, they could see Him residing in their hearts.
Text 15
janiya ta' govindai pati jogamaya kariba ta' rasa-krīḍa bṛndabane giya
janiya ta'-knowing; govindai-Kṛṣṇa; pati jogamaya-Yogamaya; kariba ta'-will be; rasa- krīḍa-rasa dance pastime; bṛndabane giya-in Vṛndāvana.
Aware of their hearts, Kṛṣṇa will manifest His yogamāyā potency and enjoy a rāsa-dance pastime with them in Vṛndāvana forest.
Text 16
naḍila jamuna-tīre sundara-kanañi nana brkṣa puṣpa-lata achaya tathai
naḍila-walking; jamuna-tīre-by the Yamuna's shore; sundara-handsome; kanañi-Kṛṣṇa; nana-various; brkṣa-trees; puṣpa-lata-flowering vines; achaya-were; tathai-there.
Handsome Kṛṣṇa walked by the Yamunā's shore, where the trees and vines bore many flowers.
Text 17
eka-citte śuna nara saṃsara-taran gunaraja khanna bole govinda-caran
eka-citte-with one heart; śuna-please hear; nara-O people; saṃsara-taran-rescuing from the material world; guṇaraja-Gunaraja; khanna-Khan; bole-describes; govinda-caraṇ-Lord Kṛṣṇa's feet.
With one heart please hear, O people, Guṇarāja Khān's description of Lord Kṛṣṇa's feet, a description that lifts us out of the world of birth and death.