Figure 136. Celestial nymph Urvasi

Image title: Figure 136. Celestial nymph Urvasi

Description of the photo

A beautiful sculpture of a dancing lady Hamsasya Hasta. Siras is in Sama, Parsva is in Nata on the left side and Samunnata on the right side. Kati is in Udvahita on the left side and Urah [uras] / Urah [uras] is in Sama. The right hand is in Hamsasya and the left hand is placed on the Uru in Ardhacandra. She is standing in Avahittha Sthana. The left leg is straight and unbent. The left Uru is in Stambhana, the left Janu is in Sama, left Jangha is unbent. Right Janu is slightly bent and the leg is kept at ease. Every line and crease of this dancer’s dress is visible. Her head ornaments, hand and waist ornaments, her anklets are all beautifully sculpted. There is a parrot on her left shoulder.The Bhattacarya described her as the celestial nymph Urvasi. Near her leg is Visvamitra the great sage who was mesmerised by her. In the same pillar on the right side is a sculpture showing the union of Rati and Manmatha.

Gallery information:

Kumbakonam is considered as one of the holiest places in Tamil Nadu and is known for its temples and Mathas (monasteries which were centres of Brahmanical learning). These photographs depict the connection between the sculptures in the temples and Natya Shastra and related texts dealing with iconography.

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