Sculptural Art of the Pallava Period: photo 353
Photo 353 of 536 in Gallery: Sculptural Art of the Pallava Period

Image title: Figure 353
Description of the photo
A vessel with elongated body carried by a pair of men by suspending it with the help of a pole -Smaller Bhagiratha penance panel, Mamallapuram
Gallery information:
These photographs accompany the study of the Social and Cultural History of the Pallava period (as gleaned through the Sculptural Art). The Pallavas rose to power in the Krishna-Guntur region after the fall of the Ikshvakus of Vijayapuri (circa 3rd century A.D. to mid 4th century A.D.). They ruled over the Tondaimandalam (Tondai Nadu) and ensured a golden age of architecture, arts, and spirituality for the followers of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.
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