Galle National Museum: photo 103
Photo 103 of 172 in Gallery: Galle National Museum

Image title: Kastana Sword and Ceremonial Dress
Description of the photo
This Kastana Sword and Ceremonial Dress worn by Mr. Kariyawasam Don Salman Weerasinghe Kikalaru Arachchi And his beloved wife Hikkaduwa Bentara Ubhaya Thanayam Arachchi. It was gifted to Department of National Museums by their relatives.
Sinhala transcription (not proofread):—කඩු කස්තාන ඇතුළු නිල ඇඳුම — කාරියවසම් දොන් සලමන් වීරසිංහ කිකලාරු ආරච්චි සහ එම මැතිණිය හික්කඩුව බෙන්තර උභය තානායම් ආරච්චි විසින් පරිහරණය කරන ලද කඩු කස්තාන ඇතුළු නිළ ඇඳුමයි. මෙය ඔහුගේ ඥාතීන් විසින් ජාතික කෞතුකාගාර දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව වෙත පරිත්යාග කරන ලද්දකි.
Transcription:—kaḍu kastāna ætuḷu nila ænduma — kāriyavasam don salaman vīrasiṅha kikalāru ārachchi saha ema mætiṇiya hikkaḍuva bentara ubhaya tānāyam ārachchi visin pariharaṇaya karana lada kaḍu kastāna ætuḷu niḷa ændumayi. meya ohugē gnātīn visin jātika kautukāgāra depārtamēntuva veta parityāga karana laddaki.
Transcription:—kaḍu kastāna ætuḷu nila ænduma — kadu kastana atulu nila anduma — kariyavasam don salaman virasinha kikalaru arachchi saha ema matiniya hikkaduva bentara ubhaya tanayam arachchi visin pariharanaya karana lada kadu kastana atulu nila andumayi. meya ohuge gnatin visin jatika kautukagara departamentuva veta parityaga karana laddaki.
Automated translation (not verified):—The uniform with sword chestnuts used by Kariyawasam Don Salaman Weerasinghe Kikalaru Arachchi and that lady Hikkaduwa Bentara Ubhaya Thanayam Arachchi. This was donated to the National Museum Department by his relatives.
Gallery information:
These photos were taken at the Galle National Museum—one of the most significant heritage sites in Sri Lanka's southern half constructed in Dutch architectural design. The main objectives of the museum are to the acquisition, conservation, study and research of historical and cultural heritage of the Southern half of Sri Lanka and to exhibit those objects to encourage public knowledge and education.
Photo details:
Date: 2023-09-17
Camera: SONY ILCE-6400
Exposure: 1/40
Aperture: f/3.5
ISO: 100
Focal length: 18mm
High resolution:
Download file
Size: 3.21 MB
Resolution: 2169 x 3067
© Copyright: see gallery source